# Package dependency:
# list(
# name = 'ggplot2',
# source = 'CRAN',
# version = '', # or: '>= 3.0', 'github:hadley/ggplot2/fix/axis', ''
# )
# Package record:
# list(
# name = 'ggplot2',
# source = 'github',
# version = '',
# gh_repo = 'ggplot2',
# gh_username = 'hadley',
# gh_ref = 'master',
# gh_sha1 = '66b81e9307793029f6083fc6108592786a564b09'
# # Optional:
# , gh_subdir = 'pkg'
# )
# Checks whether a package was installed from source and is
# within the packrat ecosystem
hasSourcePathInDescription <- function(pkgNames, lib.loc) {
pkgNames[unlist(lapply(pkgNames, function(pkg) {
# Get the package location in the library path
loc <- find.package(pkg, lib.loc, quiet = TRUE)
# If there was no package, FALSE
if (!length(loc)) return(FALSE)
# If there's no DESCRIPTION (not sure how this could happen), warn + FALSE
if (!file.exists(file.path(loc, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
warning("Package '", pkg, "' was found at library location '", loc, "' but has no DESCRIPTION")
# Read the DESCRIPTION and look for Packrat fields
dcf <- readDcf(file.path(loc, "DESCRIPTION"))
"InstallSourcePath" %in% colnames(dcf)
# Returns package records for a package that was installed from source by
# packrat (and is within the packrat ecosystem)
getPackageRecordsInstalledFromSource <- function(pkgs, lib.loc) {
lapply(pkgs, function(pkg) {
loc <- find.package(pkg, lib.loc)
dcf <- as.data.frame(readDcf(file.path(loc, "DESCRIPTION")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
deps <- combineDcfFields(dcf, c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"))
deps <- deps[deps != "R"]
record <- structure(list(
name = pkg,
source = 'source',
version = dcf$Version,
source_path = dcf$InstallSourcePath,
hash = hash(file.path(loc, "DESCRIPTION"))
), class = c('packageRecord', 'source'))
# Get package records for those manually specified with source.packages
getPackageRecordsLocalRepos <- function(pkgNames, repos, fatal = TRUE) {
lapply(pkgNames, function(pkgName) {
getPackageRecordsLocalReposImpl(pkgName, repos, fatal = fatal)
getPackageRecordsLocalReposImpl <- function(pkg, repos, fatal = TRUE) {
repoToUse <- findLocalRepoForPkg(pkg, repos, fatal = fatal)
if (!length(repoToUse))
path <- file.path(repoToUse, pkg)
dcf <- as.data.frame(readDcf(file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
deps <- combineDcfFields(dcf, c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"))
deps <- deps[deps != "R"]
name = pkg,
source = 'source',
version = dcf$Version,
source_path = file.path(repoToUse, pkg),
hash = hash(file.path(repoToUse, pkg, "DESCRIPTION"))
), class = c('packageRecord', 'source'))
getPackageRecordsExternalSource <- function(pkgNames,
fallback.ok = FALSE) {
lapply(pkgNames, function(pkgName) {
# The actual package record that will be populated by below logic.
result <- list()
# First, attempt to discover the actual installation for this package.
pkgDescFile <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = pkgName, lib.loc = lib.loc)
if (file.exists(pkgDescFile)) {
# If the package is currently installed, then we can return a package
# record constructed from the DESCRIPTION file.
df <- as.data.frame(readDcf(pkgDescFile))
result <- suppressWarnings(inferPackageRecord(df, available))
# Normalize NULL source vs. 'unknown' source.
if (is.null(result$source))
result$source <- "unknown"
# If we don't know the package source, but the user has opted in
# to CRAN fallback, then warn the user and update the inferred source.
if (fallback.ok && result$source == "unknown") {
fmt <- paste(
"Package '%s %s' was installed from sources;",
"Packrat will assume this package is available from",
"a CRAN-like repository during future restores"
warning(sprintf(fmt, pkgName, result$version))
result$source <- "CRAN"
} else if (fallback.ok && pkgName %in% available[, "Package"]) {
# The package is not currently installed, but is available on CRAN.
# Snapshot the latest available version for this package from CRAN.
warning("Failed to infer source for package '", pkgName, "'; using ",
"latest available version on CRAN instead")
# Construct the package record by hand -- generate the minimal
# bits of the DESCRIPTION file, and infer the package record
# from that.
pkg <- available[pkgName, ]
df <- data.frame(
Package = pkg[["Package"]],
Version = pkg[["Version"]],
Repository = "CRAN"
result <- suppressWarnings(inferPackageRecord(df, available))
} else {
# We were unable to determine an appropriate package record
# for this package; invoke the 'missing.package' callback.
return(missing.package(pkgName, lib.loc))
# Update the hash when available.
if (nzchar(pkgDescFile))
result$hash <- hash(pkgDescFile)
getPackageRecordsLockfile <- function(pkgNames, project) {
if (file.exists(lockFilePath(project))) {
result <- readLockFile(lockFilePath(project))$packages
result[unlist(lapply(result, function(x) {
x$name %in% pkgNames
} else {
error_not_installed <- function(package, lib.loc) {
'The package "',
'" is not installed in ',
ifelse(is.null(lib.loc), 'the current libpath', lib.loc)
# Returns a package records for the given packages
getPackageRecords <- function(pkgNames,
project = NULL,
available = NULL,
recursive = TRUE,
lib.loc = NULL,
missing.package = error_not_installed,
check.lockfile = FALSE,
fallback.ok = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
.recursion.level = 1,
.visited.packages = new.env(parent = emptyenv()))
logger <- verboseLogger(verbose)
project <- getProjectDir(project)
local.repos <- get_opts("local.repos", project = project)
# screen out empty package names that might have snuck in
pkgNames <- setdiff(pkgNames, "")
# Prior recursive steps may have already computed this package record and
# its recursive dependencies. Avoid constructing this package record.
priorPkgRecords <- dropNull(lapply(pkgNames, function(pkgName) {
if (exists(pkgName, envir = .visited.packages)) {
get(pkgName, envir = .visited.packages)
} else {
if (length(priorPkgRecords)) {
pkgNames <- setdiff(pkgNames, sapply(priorPkgRecords, "[[", "name"))
if (check.lockfile) {
lockfilePkgRecords <- getPackageRecordsLockfile(pkgNames, project = project)
pkgNames <- setdiff(pkgNames, sapply(lockfilePkgRecords, "[[", "name"))
} else {
lockfilePkgRecords <- list()
# First, get the package records for packages installed from source
pkgsInstalledFromSource <- hasSourcePathInDescription(pkgNames, lib.loc = lib.loc)
srcPkgRecords <- getPackageRecordsInstalledFromSource(pkgsInstalledFromSource,
lib.loc = lib.loc)
pkgNames <- setdiff(pkgNames, pkgsInstalledFromSource)
# Next, get the package records for packages that are now presumedly from
# an external source
externalPkgRecords <- suppressWarnings(
available = available,
lib.loc = lib.loc,
missing.package = function(...) NULL)
# Drop unknowns
externalPkgRecords <- externalPkgRecords[unlist(lapply(externalPkgRecords, function(x) {
x$source != "unknown"
pkgNames <- setdiff(pkgNames, sapply(externalPkgRecords, "[[", "name"))
# Finally, get the package records for packages manually specified in source.packages
manualSrcPkgRecords <- getPackageRecordsLocalRepos(pkgNames, local.repos, fatal = !fallback.ok)
pkgNames <- setdiff(pkgNames, sapply(manualSrcPkgRecords, "[[", "name"))
# If there's leftovers (for example, packages installed from source that cannot be located
# in any of the local repositories), but it's a package we can find on CRAN, fallback to it
if (length(pkgNames) && fallback.ok) {
fallbackPkgRecords <- getPackageRecordsExternalSource(pkgNames,
available = available,
lib.loc = lib.loc,
missing.package = function(...) NULL,
fallback.ok = fallback.ok)
## TODO: Message or warning when this happens?
} else {
fallbackPkgRecords <- list()
pkgNames <- setdiff(pkgNames, sapply(fallbackPkgRecords, "[[", "name"))
# If there's anything leftover, fail
if (length(pkgNames))
stop("Unable to retrieve package records for the following packages:\n- ",
paste(shQuote(pkgNames), collapse = ", "),
call. = FALSE)
# Collect the records together
allRecords <- c(
# Remove any null records
allRecords <- dropNull(allRecords)
# Now get recursive package dependencies if necessary
if (recursive) {
.nnn <- length(allRecords)
.iii <- 0
allRecords <- lapply(allRecords, function(record) {
.iii <<- .iii + 1
if (exists(record$name, envir = .visited.packages)) {
# We have already processed this package and computed its recursive
# dependencies. Avoid recursively computing its dependencies.
logger(sprintf("- (%3i / %3i; depth=%i) %s - using cached dependencies", .iii, .nnn, .recursion.level, record$name))
get(record$name, envir = .visited.packages)
} else {
# We have not already processed this package.
logger(sprintf("- (%3i / %3i; depth=%i) %s - calculating dependencies", .iii, .nnn, .recursion.level, record$name))
deps <- getPackageDependencies(pkgs = record$name,
lib.loc = lib.loc,
available.packages = available)
if (!is.null(deps)) {
record$depends <- getPackageRecords(
project = project,
lib.loc = lib.loc,
missing.package = missing.package,
check.lockfile = check.lockfile,
fallback.ok = fallback.ok,
verbose = verbose,
.recursion.level = .recursion.level + 1,
.visited.packages = .visited.packages
.visited.packages[[record$name]] <- record
# Return TRUE when the data frame for this package has the given RemoteType.
hasRemoteType <- function(df, remoteType) {
# Do not compare with 'identical'; RemoteType may be a factor.
return(!is.null(df$RemoteType) && df$RemoteType == remoteType)
# Reads a description file and attempts to infer where the package came from.
# Currently works only for packages installed from CRAN or from GitHub/Bitbucket/Gitlab using
# devtools 1.4 or later.
inferPackageRecord <- function(df, available = availablePackages()) {
name <- as.character(df$Package)
ver <- as.character(df$Version)
if (length(df$GithubRepo) || hasRemoteType(df, "github")) {
# It's GitHub!
name = name,
source = 'github',
version = ver,
gh_repo = as.character(df$GithubRepo),
gh_username = as.character(df$GithubUsername),
gh_ref = as.character(df$GithubRef),
gh_sha1 = as.character(df$GithubSHA1)),
c(gh_subdir = as.character(df$GithubSubdir)),
c(remote_host = as.character(df$RemoteHost)),
c(remote_repo = as.character(df$RemoteRepo)),
c(remote_username = as.character(df$RemoteUsername)),
c(remote_ref = as.character(df$RemoteRef)),
c(remote_sha = as.character(df$RemoteSha)),
c(remote_subdir = as.character(df$RemoteSubdir))
), class = c('packageRecord', 'github')))
} else if (hasRemoteType(df, "bitbucket")) {
# It's Bitbucket!
name = name,
source = 'bitbucket',
version = ver,
remote_repo = as.character(df$RemoteRepo),
remote_username = as.character(df$RemoteUsername),
remote_ref = as.character(df$RemoteRef),
remote_sha = as.character(df$RemoteSha)),
c(remote_host = as.character(df$RemoteHost)),
c(remote_subdir = as.character(df$RemoteSubdir))
), class = c('packageRecord', 'bitbucket')))
} else if (hasRemoteType(df, "gitlab")) {
# It's GitLab!
name = name,
source = 'gitlab',
version = ver,
remote_repo = as.character(df$RemoteRepo),
remote_username = as.character(df$RemoteUsername),
remote_ref = as.character(df$RemoteRef),
remote_sha = as.character(df$RemoteSha)),
c(remote_host = as.character(df$RemoteHost)),
c(remote_subdir = as.character(df$RemoteSubdir))
), class = c('packageRecord', 'gitlab')))
} else if (identical(as.character(df$Priority), 'base')) {
# It's a base package!
} else if (length(df$Repository) && identical(as.character(df$Repository), 'CRAN')) {
# It's CRAN!
name = name,
source = 'CRAN',
version = ver
), class = c('packageRecord', 'CRAN')))
} else if (length(df$Repository)) {
# It's a package from a custom CRAN-like repo!
name = name,
source = as.character(df$Repository),
version = ver
), class = c('packageRecord', 'CustomCRANLikeRepository')))
} else if (length(df$biocViews)) {
# It's Bioconductor!
name = name,
source = 'Bioconductor',
version = ver
), class = c('packageRecord', 'Bioconductor')))
} else if (name %in% available[, "Package"]) {
# It's available on CRAN, so get it from CRAN!
name = name,
source = 'CustomCRANLikeRepository',
version = ver
), class = c('packageRecord', 'CustomCRANLikeRepository')))
} else if (identical(as.character(df$InstallSource), "source")) {
# It's a local source package!
name = name,
source = 'source',
version = ver
), class = c('packageRecord', 'source')))
} else if ((identical(name, "manipulate") || identical(name, "rstudio")) &&
identical(as.character(df$Author), "RStudio")) {
# The 'manipulate' and 'rstudio' packages are auto-installed by RStudio
# into the package library; ignore them so they won't appear orphaned.
} else {
# Don't warn if this is an R package being managed by packrat.
# NOTE: Not all projects with DESCRIPTION files are R packages!
pkgName <- NULL
if (isPackratModeOn()) {
projectPath <- .packrat_mutables$get("project")
if (!is.null(projectPath) && isRPackage(projectPath)) {
pkgName <- tryCatch(
unname(readDcf(file.path(projectPath, "DESCRIPTION"))[, "Package"]),
error = function(e) NULL
if (!identical(pkgName, name)) {
warning("Couldn't figure out the origin of package ", name)
name = name,
source = 'unknown',
version = ver
), class = 'packageRecord'))
# Given a list of source package paths, parses the DESCRIPTION for each and
# returns a data frame containing each (with row names given by package names)
getSourcePackageInfo <- function(source.packages) {
info <- lapply(source.packages, getSourcePackageInfoImpl)
result <- do.call(rbind, info)
row.names(result) <- result$name
getSourcePackageInfoImpl <- function(path) {
## For tarballs, we unzip them to a temporary directory and then read from there
tempdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "packrat", path)
if (endswith(path, "tar.gz")) {
untar(path, exdir = tempdir, tar = tar_binary())
folderName <- list.files(tempdir, full.names = TRUE)[[1]]
} else {
folderName <- path
descPath <- file.path(folderName, "DESCRIPTION")
if (!file.exists(descPath)) {
stop("Cannot treat ", path, " as a source package directory; ", descPath,
" is missing.")
desc <- as.data.frame(readDcf(descPath))
name = as.character(desc$Package),
version = as.character(desc$Version),
path = normalizePath(path, winslash = '/'),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
pick <- function(property, package, defaultValue = NA) {
func <- function(packageRecord) {
if (is.null(packageRecord))
if (!missing(package)) {
} else {
# Returns a character vector of package names. Depends are ignored.
pkgNames <- function(packageRecords) {
if (length(packageRecords) == 0)
sapply(packageRecords, pick("name"))
# Filters out all record properties except name and version. Dependencies are
# dropped.
pkgNamesAndVersions <- function(packageRecords) {
if (length(packageRecords) == 0)
lapply(packageRecords, function(pkg) {
pkg[names(pkg) %in% c('name', 'version')]
# Recursively filters out all record properties except name, version, and
# depends.
pkgNamesVersDeps <- function(packageRecords) {
if (length(packageRecords) == 0)
lapply(packageRecords, function(pkg) {
pkg <- pkg[names(pkg) %in% c('name', 'version', 'depends')]
pkg$depends <- pkgNamesVersDeps(pkg$depends)
# Searches package records recursively looking for packages
searchPackages <- function(packages, packageNames) {
lapply(packageNames, function(pkgName) {
for (pkg in packages) {
if (pkg$name == pkgName)
if (!is.null(pkg$depends)) {
found <- searchPackages(pkg$depends, pkgName)[[1]]
if (!is.null(found))
# Returns a linear list of package records, sorted by name, with all dependency
# information removed (or, optionally, reduced to names)
flattenPackageRecords <- function(packageRecords, depInfo = FALSE, sourcePath = FALSE) {
visited <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
visit <- function(pkgRecs) {
for (rec in pkgRecs) {
if (isTRUE(depInfo)) {
rec$requires <- pkgNames(rec$depends)
if (length(rec$requires) == 0)
rec$requires <- NA_character_
else if (length(rec$requires) > 1)
rec$requires <- paste(rec$requires, collapse = ', ')
rec$depends <- NULL
if (!isTRUE(sourcePath))
rec$source_path <- NULL
visited[[rec$name]] <- rec
lapply(sort_c(ls(visited)), function(name) {
diffableRecord <- function(record) {
ignoredFields <- c('depends', 'source_path', 'hash')
recordNames <- names(record)
recordNames <- setdiff(recordNames, ignoredFields)
# Remote SHA backwards compatible with cache v2: use 'GithubSHA1' if exists, otherwise all 'Remote' fields
if ("gh_sha1" %in% recordNames) {
# Remove all the Remote* fields when using GitHub.
recordNames <- recordNames[grep("^remote_", recordNames, invert = TRUE)]
# debug helper to print a package record. includes field names, type of value, and value.
printPackageRecord <- function(name, record) {
cat(name, "\n")
cat(paste(names(record), lapply(record, typeof), record, sep = ":", collapse = "\n"), "\n")
# states: NA (unchanged), remove, add, upgrade, downgrade, crossgrade
# (crossgrade means name and version was the same but something else was
# different, i.e. different source or GitHub SHA1 hash or something)
diff <- function(packageRecordsA, packageRecordsB) {
removed <- pkgNameDiff(packageRecordsA, packageRecordsB)
removed <- structure(rep.int('remove', length(removed)),
names = removed)
added <- pkgNameDiff(packageRecordsB, packageRecordsA)
added <- structure(rep.int('add', length(added)),
names = added)
both <- pkgNameIntersect(packageRecordsA, packageRecordsB)
both <- structure(
sapply(both, function(pkgName) {
pkgA <- searchPackages(packageRecordsA, pkgName)[[1]]
pkgB <- searchPackages(packageRecordsB, pkgName)[[1]]
strippedA <- diffableRecord(pkgA)
strippedB <- diffableRecord(pkgB)
## Helpful when debugging unexpected differences between two package records.
## printPackageRecord("pkgA", pkgA)
## printPackageRecord("pkgB", pkgB)
## printPackageRecord("strippedA", strippedA)
## printPackageRecord("strippedB", strippedB)
if (identical(strippedA, strippedB)) {
verComp <- compareVersion(pkgA$version, pkgB$version)
if (verComp < 0)
else if (verComp > 0)
names = both
return(c(removed, added, both))
pkgNameIntersect <- function(packageRecordsA, packageRecordsB) {
a <- pkgNames(flattenPackageRecords(packageRecordsA))
b <- pkgNames(flattenPackageRecords(packageRecordsB))
intersect(a, b)
pkgNameDiff <- function(packageRecordsA, packageRecordsB) {
a <- pkgNames(flattenPackageRecords(packageRecordsA))
b <- pkgNames(flattenPackageRecords(packageRecordsB))
setdiff(a, b)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.