
Defines functions importZipStudyWeb copyStudyWeb

Documented in copyStudyWeb importZipStudyWeb

#' @title Import physical study to Antares Web (managed study)
#' @description Copy study from an existing workspace into a managed study.
#' NOTE : The study must be present in a workspace (DRD, PPSE..) not just locally. 
#' @param opts List of simulation parameters returned by the function \code{antaresRead::setSimulationPath}. 
#' If id is not available, \code{antaresRead::searchStudy} will be used to find study.
#' @param host Host of AntaREST server API.
#' @param token API personnal access token.
#' @param outputs Logical. Determine if outputs are copied too.
#' @param groups Character. Add study to groups of Antares Web.
#' @param suffix Character. default is "managedCopy"
#' By default the new study will be : studyname_managedCopy
#' @return New managed study ID
#' @export
copyStudyWeb <- function(opts = antaresRead::simOptions(), host, token, 
                         outputs = T, groups = NULL, suffix = "managedCopy") {
  if (missing(host)) stop("Please specify an url to antares API host.")
  if (missing(token)) stop("Please specify your access token.")
  if (is.null(opts$study_id)){
    #Extract web path from study path
    folder <- strsplit(opts$studyPath, ":/")[[1]]
    if (is.na(folder[2])) folder <- folder[1] else folder <- folder[2]
    if (startsWith(folder, "//") | startsWith(folder, "\\"))
      folder <- do.call(file.path, as.list(strsplit(folder, "/")[[1]][-c(1,2)]))
    studies <- searchStudy(folder = folder, 
                           host = host, 
                           token = token)[, c("workspace", "folder", "name", "id", "version")]
    prompt_answer <- menu(studies$folder, title="Select the study to import :")
    study_id <- studies$id[prompt_answer]
  } else study_id <- opts$study_id

  new_study_id <- api_post(
    opts = list(host = host, token = token),
    endpoint = file.path(study_id, "copy"),
    query = list(
      dest = paste(opts$studyName, suffix, sep = "_"),
      with_outputs = outputs,
      groups = groups


#' @title Import a local study to Antares Web
#' @param host Host of AntaREST server API.
#' @param token API personnal access token.
#' @param zipfile_name Name of the zipfile of the study.
#' @param delete_zipfile Should the zipfile be deleted after upload.
#' @param folder_destination Folder of the study in Antares Web.
#' @template opts
#' @importFrom antaresRead setSimulationPathAPI api_post simOptions
#' @importFrom httr upload_file
#' @export
importZipStudyWeb <- function(host, token, zipfile_name, delete_zipfile = TRUE, folder_destination = NULL, opts = antaresRead::simOptions()) {
  # Dstination folder
  dir_study <- dirname(opts$studyPath)
  # Zip the study
  zipfile <- backupStudy(zipfile_name, what = "study", opts = opts, extension = ".zip") 
  zipfile_path <- file.path(dir_study, zipfile)
  # Import the study
  studyId <- api_post(
    opts = list(host = host, token = token),
    endpoint = "_import",
    default_endpoint = "v1/studies",
    body = list(study = upload_file(zipfile_path)),
    encode = "multipart"
  opts <- setSimulationPathAPI(host = host, token = token, study_id = studyId, simulation = "input")
  # Move the study
  if (!is.null(folder_destination)) {
    api_put(opts = opts,
            endpoint = file.path(paste0(opts$study_id, "/move?folder_dest=", folder_destination)),
            default_endpoint = "v1/studies"
  if (delete_zipfile) {
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresEditObject documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 9:40 p.m.