
Defines functions .mergeFlowBasedPath .constructDataForGraph .giveIpn plotNetPositionFB runAppPosition runAppError generateReportFb plotFB graphFlowBased2D

Documented in generateReportFb plotFB plotNetPositionFB runAppError runAppPosition

#' Plot 2D for flowbased areas
#' @param flowbased \code{list}, flowbased outout obtain which computeFB function
#' @param ctry1 \code{character}, country in X
#' @param ctry2 \code{character}, country in Y
#' @param hour \code{numeric}, hour
#' @param dayType \code{numeric}, dayType
#' @param min \code{numeric}, minimum of axis
#' @param max \code{numeric}, maximum of axis
#' @import rAmCharts
#' @importFrom grDevices chull
#' @noRd
graphFlowBased2D <- function(flowbased, ctry1, ctry2, hour = NULL, dayType = NULL, xlim = c(-7000, 7000), ylim = c(-7000, 7000))
    hour <- paste0(" Hour ", hour)
    dayType <- paste0(" Typical day ", dayType)
  if(ctry1 == "NL"){
    ptctry <- -rowSums(flowbased$pointsY)
    ptctryX <- -rowSums(flowbased$pointX)
    ptctry <- flowbased$pointsY[[ctry1]]
    ptctryX <- flowbased$pointX[[ctry1]]
  if(ctry2 == "NL"){
    ptctry2 <- -rowSums(flowbased$pointsY)
    ptctry2X <- -rowSums(flowbased$pointX)
    ptctry2 <- flowbased$pointsY[[ctry2]]
    ptctry2X <- flowbased$pointX[[ctry2]]
  res <- data.frame(ctry1 = ptctry,
                    ctry2 = ptctry2)
  res <- res[chull(res),]
  res <- rbind(res, res[1,])
  res2 <- data.frame(ctry1 = ptctryX,
                     ctry2 = ptctry2X)
  res2 <- res2[chull(res2),]
  res2 <- rbind(res2, res2[1,])
  max_r <- max(nrow(res), nrow(res2))
    res <- rbind(res, data.frame(ctry1 = rep(NA, max_r-nrow(res)),
                                 ctry2 = rep(NA, max_r-nrow(res))))
    res2 <- rbind(res2, data.frame(ctry1 = rep(NA,max_r- nrow(res2)),
                                   ctry2 = rep(NA, max_r-nrow(res2))))
  out <- cbind(res, res2)
  names(out) <- c(paste0("Model", ctry1), paste0("Model", ctry2),  paste0("Real", ctry1),  paste0("Real", ctry2))
  out <- round(out, 2)
    amXYChart(dataProvider = out),
    addTitle(text = paste0("Flow-based ", ctry1, "/", ctry2, hour, dayType)),
    addGraph(title = "Model", balloonText =
               paste0('<b>Model<br>', ctry1, '</b> :[[x]] <br><b>',ctry2, '</b> :[[y]]'),
             bullet = 'circle', xField = names(out)[1],yField = names(out)[2],
             lineAlpha = 1, bullet = "bubble", bulletSize = 4, lineColor = "#FF0000",
             lineThickness = 1),
    addGraph(title = "Real",balloonText =
               paste0('<b>Real<br>', ctry1, '</b> :[[x]] <br><b>',ctry2, '</b> :[[y]]'),
             bullet = 'circle', xField = names(out)[3],yField = names(out)[4],
             lineAlpha = 1, bullet = "bubble", bulletSize = 4, lineColor = "#0000FF",
             lineThickness = 1,  dashLength = 7),
    addValueAxes(title = paste(ctry1, "(MW)"), position = "bottom", minimum = xlim[1], maximum = xlim[2]),
    addValueAxes(title =  paste(ctry2, "(MW)"), minimum = ylim[1], maximum = ylim[2]),
    setExport(enabled = TRUE),
    setLegend(enabled = TRUE)

#' @title Plot typical flow-based domains
#' @description 
#' This function enables to plot one or several typical flow-based domains, in 2 dimensions (the axis being 2 countries).
#' @param hour \code{numeric}, hour(s) (can be from 0 to 23 or from 1 to 24 depending on the data of the flow-based model)
#' @param dayType \code{numeric}, numerical id of the typical day(s)
#' @param country1 \code{character}, name of the country (axis X)
#' @param country2 \code{character}, name of the country (axis Y)
#' @param fb_opts \code{list} of flowbased parameters returned by the function \link{setFlowbasedPath} : directory of the flow-based
#' model. By default, the value is indicated by \code{antaresFlowbased::fbOptions()}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  fb_opts = antaresFlowbased::fbOptions()
#'  plotFB(dayType = 1, hour = 1, country1 = "FR", country2 = "NL", fb_opts = fb_opts)
#'  plotFB(dayType = 1:2, hour = 1,country1 = "FR",country2 = "NL", fb_opts = fb_opts)
#'  plotFB(dayType = 1:2, hour = 1:2, country1 = "FR", country2 = "NL", fb_opts = fb_opts)
#'  plotFB(dayType = 1, hour = 1, country1 = c("FR", "DE"), 
#'      country2 = c("NL", "FR"), fb_opts = fb_opts)
#' }
#' @export
plotFB <- function(dayType, hour, country1, country2, fb_opts = antaresFlowbased::fbOptions()){
  hoursel <- hour
  dayTypesel <- dayType
  dta <- readRDS(paste0(fb_opts$path, "/domainesFB.RDS"))
  if(!all(hour%in%(dta$hour - 1)))stop(paste0("Some hour are not in data : ",paste0(hour[!hour%in%(dta$hour - 1)])))
  if(!all(dayType%in%dta$dayType))stop(paste0("Some typical day are not in data : ",paste0(dayType[!dayType%in%dta$dayType])))
  if(!all(country1 %in% c("DE","BE","FR","NL")))stop("All country1 must be in : DE, BE, FR, NL")
  if(!all(country2 %in% c("DE","BE","FR","NL")))stop("All country2 must be in : DE, BE, FR, NL")
  if(length(country1) != length(country2))stop("country1 must be same length to country2")
  allCtry <- data.frame(country1 = country1, country2 = country2)
  graphList <- sapply(hour, function(hoursel){
    sapply(dayType, function(dayTypesel){
      apply(allCtry, 1, function(countsel){
        ctsel <- data.frame(t(countsel))
        tempData <- dta[hour == (hoursel + 1) & dayType == dayTypesel]$outFlowBased[[1]]
        if(length(tempData)==0)stop(paste0("Not available data for typical day ", dayTypesel, " hour ", hoursel))
                         as.character(ctsel$country1), as.character(ctsel$country2)
                         , dayType = dayTypesel, hour = hoursel) %>>% plot()
  combineWidgets(list = graphList)

#' @title Generate html report on a typical flow-based day
#' @description This function generates an html report on one or several typical days, comparing the real and modelled domains. 
#' It hence can follow the use of the function \link{computeFB}. The report (one per day) is composed of several tabs: a 
#' summary of the volumetric errors (called inf and sup, representing real points forgotten in the model and modelled points
#' missing from the real domain) and plots for each hour of the real and modelled domains.
#' @param fb_opts \code{list} of flowbased parameters (directory of the flow-based input) returned by the function 
#' \link{setFlowbasedPath}. By default, the value is indicated by \code{antaresFlowbased::fbOptions()}
#' @param output_file \code{character}, output directory of the html reports. By default, the value is \code{NULL}, the reports 
#' will be written in the current directory.
#' @param dayType \code{numeric}, numerical id of the chosen typical flow-based days
#' @param allFB \code{data.table}, table of flow-based domains (real and modelled) returned by the function \link{computeFB}.
#' By default, the value is \code{NULL}: in this case, the flow-based data is directly read in the model designated by the parameter fb_opts.
#' @import rmarkdown flexdashboard rAmCharts manipulateWidget
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Generate report for the typical day 7 of a model (already designated by setFlowBasedPath)
#' generateReportFb(dayType = 7, fb_opts = antaresFlowbased::fbOptions())
#' #Generate a report for the typical day 7 of a PTDF file
#' allFB <- computeFB(PTDF = "/path/PTDF_file.csv",reports = FALSE, dayType = 7)
#' generateReportFb(dayType = 7, fb_opts = antaresFlowbased::fbOptions(), allFB = allFB)
#' }
#' @export
generateReportFb <- function(dayType, output_file = NULL,
                             fb_opts = antaresFlowbased::fbOptions(),
                             allFB = NULL){
    allFB <- readRDS(paste0(fb_opts$path, "/domainesFB.RDS"))
  dayType2 <- dayType
    output_file <- getwd()
  output_Dir <- output_file
  output_file <- paste0(output_file, "/", "FlowBased_TD",dayType, "_", Sys.Date(), ".html")
  e <- environment()
  e$dayType <- dayType
  e$dta <- allFB[dayType == dayType2]
  rmarkdown::render(system.file("/report/resumeFBflex.Rmd", package = "antaresFlowbased"),
                    output_file = output_file,
                    params = list(set_title = paste0("Typical Day ", dayType, " (generated on ", Sys.Date(), ")")),
                    intermediates_dir = output_Dir, envir = e,
                    quiet = TRUE)

#' @title Run a shiny application to visualize the real and modelled flow-based domains
#' @description 
#' Run a shiny application displaying the results of the conversion of real domains into Antares models. It will display for
#' each typical day and each hour the volumetric errors of conversion (inf_error: forgotten points in the 
#' model, sup_error: modelled points missing in the real domain) and dynamic plots of the real and modelled domains. Html reports
#' for each day can also be exported.
#' @param fb_opts \code{list} of flow-based parameters returned by the function \link{setFlowbasedPath}: directory of the flow-
#' based model to study.
#' By default, the value is indicated by \code{antaresFlowbased::fbOptions()}
#' @import shiny manipulateWidget
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  fb_opts = antaresFlowbased::fbOptions()
#'  runAppError(fb_opts)
#' }
#' @export
runAppError <- function(fb_opts = antaresFlowbased::fbOptions()){
  dta <- readRDS(paste0(fb_opts$path, "/domainesFB.RDS"))
  G <- .GlobalEnv
  stopifnot(all(c("hour", "dayType", "outFlowBased") %in% colnames(dta)))
  assign("dtaUseByShiny", dta, envir = G)
  shiny::runApp(system.file("shinyError", package = "antaresFlowbased"),
                launch.browser = TRUE)

#' @title Run a shiny application to visualise the flow-based typical domains and the Net Positions reached within 
#' in an Antares simulation
#' @description
#' Run a shiny application displaying, after running an Antares simulation, how the domains have been used 
#' by the optimizer to fix the exchanges in the CWE area. The user can in the application select a period of time on a 
#' calendar, choose to only display some typical days and hours, plot before/after adequacy patch positions, change the 
#' colors palette, filter unused domains... (all the parameters of the function \link{plotNetPositionFB}). 
#' It is possible to filter the output data beforehand to only display situations with loss of load (see examples).
#' @param dta \code{antaresDataList} Antares output data, imported with \link{readAntares}. It can be filtered (see examples).
#' @param fb_opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function
#'   \link{setSimulationPath} or flow-based model directory obtained with
#'   \link{setFlowbasedPath}. By default, the value will be indicated by \code{antaresRead::simOptions()}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Select a study and import the data
#' opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath("D:/Users/titorobe/Desktop/antaresStudy", -1)
#' dta <- antaresRead::readAntares(areas = c("fr", "be", "de", "nl"),
#'          links = c("be - de","be - fr","be - nl","de - fr","de - nl"), 
#'          select = c("LOLD", "UNSP. ENRG", "DTG MRG", "UNSP. ENRG", "BALANCE", "FLOW LIN."), 
#'          mcYears = 1:10, opts = opts)
#' ## Run the application
#' runAppPosition(dta)
#' ## Filter the data on situations with unsupplied energy 
#' # If you want to keep only timeId with LOLD!=0 you can't use : 
#' # dta$areas <- dta$areas[LOLD!=0] otherwise some areas
#' # Otherwise some areas are forgotten: the data must be filtered to keep 
#' # all areas at specific timesteps.
#'  ## An exemple of authorized filter :
#'  idC <- c(antaresRead::getIdCols(dta$areas))
#'  idC <- idC[idC!="area"]
#'  LOLD <- dta$areas[,lapply(.SD, sum), by = idC, .SDcols = "LOLD"]
#'  LOLD <- LOLD[LOLD!=0]
#'  # Merge to filter data
#'  dta$areas <- merge(dta$areas, LOLD, by =  idC)
#'  ## End filter
#'  runAppPosition(dta)
#' }
#' @import shiny manipulateWidget
#' @export
runAppPosition <- function(dta, fb_opts = antaresRead::simOptions()){
  foldPath <- .mergeFlowBasedPath(fb_opts)
  countTryList <- toupper(c("fr", "be", "de", "nl"))
  dayTyList <- unique(readRDS(paste0(foldPath,"domainesFB.RDS"))$dayType)
  rangeDate <- range(dta$areas$time)
  rangeDate <- round(rangeDate, "day")
  G <- .GlobalEnv
  assign("dta", dta, envir = G)
  assign("countTryList", countTryList, envir = G)
  assign("dayTyList", dayTyList, envir = G)
  assign("rangeDate", rangeDate, envir = G)
  assign("fb_opts", fb_opts, envir = G)
  shiny::runApp(system.file("shinyPosition", package = "antaresFlowbased"),
                launch.browser = TRUE)

#' @title Plot a flow-based typical domain and the Net Positions reached within in an Antares simulation
#' @description 
#' This function is used after running an Antares simulation to visualize how the domains have been used by the optimizer to
#' fix the exchanges in the CWE area. The user chooses one (or several) domain (typical day + hour) and the function will then
#' filter the given Antares output data to only keep the times when this domain has been used and calculate the Net Position, 
#' inside the CWE area, of the 2 countries chosen as axis. A plot gathers then the domain(s) and the points representing the 
#' Net Positions in the same color. The user can choose whether to plot Net Positions before and/or after applying the adequacy 
#' patch.
#' @details 
#' The Antares output data must respect the \code{antaresDataList} format (imported with \link{readAntares}). But it can be
#' filtered (see examples) to only keep days presenting unsupplied energy or a specific timeline.
#' In that case, choose the value \code{'all'} for the parameters \code{dayType} and/or \code{hour} and set the parameter
#' \code{filteringEmptyDomains} as TRUE. The function will then filter by itself the domains which are not used.
#' @param fb_opts \code{list} of simulation parameters returned by the function
#'   \link{setSimulationPath} or flow-based model directory obtained with
#'   \link{setFlowbasedPath}. By default, the value will be indicated by \code{antaresRead::simOptions()}
#' @param data \code{antaresDataList} Antares output data, imported with \link{readAntares}. It can be a filtered (time or loss
#' of load) antaresDataList.
#' @param dayType \code{numeric}: typical day to plot. The value can also be 'all', for example if the \code{data} has been 
#' filtered.
#' @param hour \code{numeric} : hour to plot(format : 0:23, in accordance with Antares output). The value can also be 'all'.
#' @param country1 \code{character} : first country, axis X
#' @param country2 \code{character} : second country, axis Y
#' @param filteringEmptyDomains \code{boolean}, if TRUE, the function will only plot the domains for which it can find values
#' in \code{data} in accordance with \code{dayType} and \code{hour}. By default, it is FALSE.
#' @param nbMaxPt \code{numeric} : maximum number of points plotted on the graph. It can be increased (which increases computation
#' time). By default, the value is 10000.
#' @param drawPositionsBeforeAdqP \code{boolean}, draw the Net Positions without adequacy patch being applied (or before). If 
#' TRUE, the data without adequacy patch must be included in \code{data}. To visualize both without and with adequacy patch output
#'  the \code{data} must result of \link{adqPatch} with parameter \code{keepOldColumns} set at TRUE.
#' By default the value is TRUE.
#' @param drawPositionsAdqP \code{boolean} draw the Net Positions after the adequacy patch is applied. If TRUE, the data resulting
#'  of the adequacy patch process must be included in \code{data}. It must then be the calculated result of \link{adqPatch}.
#'  By default, the value is TRUE.
#' @param palette \code{character} color range, by default the palette is "rainbow". Are vailable : 
#' "cm.colors", "topo.colors", "terrain.colors", "heat.colors", "rainbow".
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Choose an ANtares study and import its output
#' study <- "D:/Users/titorobe/Desktop/antaresStudy"
#' opts <- antaresRead::setSimulationPath(study, 2)
#' dta <- antaresRead::readAntares(areas = c("fr", "be", "de", "nl"),
#'                                 links = c("be - de","be - fr","be - nl",
#'                                 "de - fr","de - nl"), mcYears = 1:10,
#'                                 select = c("LOLD", "UNSP. ENRG",
#'                                 "DTG MRG", "UNSP. ENRG", "BALANCE", "FLOW LIN."),
#'                                  opts = opts)
#' # plot the typical domain 1 at 00:00 and 19:00 and the matching output 
#' # points of the study on the axis France-Belgium
#' plotNetPositionFB(fb_opts = opts,
#'          data = dta,
#'          dayType = 1, hour = c(0, 19),
#'          country1 = "BE", country2 = "FR")
#' # Change color palette
#' plotNetPositionFB(fb_opts = opts,
#'                  data = dta,
#'                  dayType = 1, hour = c(0, 19),
#'                  country1 = "BE", country2 = "FR", palette = "topo.colors")
#' # plot a single idTime : the data is filtered beforehand
#' # in this case all domains are plotted, also all are empty except one
#' dta$areas <- dta$areas[timeId == 1]
#' plotNetPositionFB(fb_opts = opts,
#'          data = dta,
#'          dayType = "all", hour = 0,
#'          country1 = "BE", country2 = "FR")
#' # Filtering empty domains : only the matching domain of timeid 1 will be drawn
#' plotNetPositionFB(fb_opts = opts,
#'          data = dta,
#'          dayType = "all", hour = 0,
#'          country1 = "BE", country2 = "FR", filteringEmptyDomains = TRUE)
#' # Plot Net Positions with adequacy patch Net Positions
#' # Run adequacy patch on the output
#'  dta_adq <- adqPatch(fb_opts = opts)
#' ###### Filter on situations with unsupplied energy :
#' # If you want to keep only timeId with LOLD!=0 you can't use : 
#' # dta$areas <- dta$areas[LOLD!=0] otherwise some areas
#' # Otherwise some areas are forgotten: the data must be filtered to 
#' # keep all areas at specific timesteps.
#'  ## An exemple of authorized filter :
#'  idC <- c(antaresRead::getIdCols(dta$areas))
#'  idC <- idC[idC!="area"]
#'  LOLD <- dta$areas[,lapply(.SD, sum), by = idC, .SDcols = "LOLD"]
#'  LOLD <- LOLD[LOLD!=0]
#'  # Merge to filter data
#'  dta$areas <- merge(dta$areas, LOLD, by =  idC)
#'  ## End filter
#'  # Plot the positions, filtering empty domains. Only adequacy positions available.
#'  plotNetPositionFB(fb_opts = opts,
#'          data = dta_adq,
#'          dayType = "all", hour = 19,
#'          country1 = "BE", country2 = "FR", filteringEmptyDomains = TRUE)
#'  # Plot the adequacy positions (only adequacy positions available), 
#'  # for domain typical day 6 and hour 17:00
#'  plotNetPositionFB(fb_opts = opts,
#'          data = dta_adq,
#'          dayType = 6, hour = 17,
#'          country1 = "DE", country2 = "FR")
#'  # Plot the adequacy positions for domain typical day 6 and hour 17:00  
#'  plotNetPositionFB(fb_opts = opts,
#'          data = dta_adq,
#'          dayType = 6, hour = 17,
#'          country1 = "BE", country2 = "FR", drawPositionsBeforeAdqP = FALSE)
#'  # Plot the positions before adequacy patch for domain typical day 6 
#'  # and hour 17:00 : impossible because no data
#'  plotNetPositionFB(fb_opts = opts,
#'          data = dta_adq,
#'          dayType = 6, hour = 17,
#'          country1 = "BE", country2 = "FR", drawPositionsAdqP = FALSE)
#'  # Calculate data containing both before and after adequacy patch
#'  dta_complete <- adqPatch(fb_opts = opts, keepOldColumns = FALSE)
#'  plotNetPositionFB(fb_opts = opts,
#'          data = dta_complete,
#'          dayType = 6, hour = 17,
#'          country1 = "BE", country2 = "FR", filteringEmptyDomains = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom grDevices topo.colors
#' @export
plotNetPositionFB <- function( data, dayType,
                               hour, country1, country2,
                               fb_opts = antaresRead::simOptions(),
                               filteringEmptyDomains = FALSE,
                               nbMaxPt = 10000, drawPositionsBeforeAdqP = TRUE, drawPositionsAdqP = TRUE,
                               palette = "rainbow"){
  if(!palette[1]%in%c("cm.colors", "topo.colors", "terrain.colors", "heat.colors", "rainbow")){
    stop('Palette must be in : "cm.colors", "topo.colors", "terrain.colors", "heat.colors", "rainbow"')
  if(!all(c("areas", "links") %in% names(data))){
    stop("your data object must contain areas and links tables")
    warning("data object should be an antaresDataList, the best way to load data it's to use antaresRead. If straitment bug it's probably due to your data object")
  ##Controle on drawPositionsBeforeAdqP & drawPositionsAdqP
  if((!drawPositionsBeforeAdqP) & ! (drawPositionsAdqP)){
    stop("You have to select at least one type of positions to visualise")
  if(!country1%in%c("DE", "BE", "FR", "NL")){
    stop("country1 must be DE, BE, FR or NL")
  if(!country2%in%c("DE", "BE", "FR", "NL")){
    stop("country2 must be DE, BE, FR or NL")
  if( drawPositionsBeforeAdqP & !drawPositionsAdqP ){
    if(!all(c("BALANCE", "UNSP. ENRG", "LOLD", "DTG MRG")%in%names(data$areas))){
      stop("This type of positions does not appear in the simulation data.")
  if( !drawPositionsBeforeAdqP & drawPositionsAdqP ){
    if(!all(c("BALANCE_ADQPatch", "UNSP. ENRG_ADQPatch", "LOLD_ADQPatch", "DTG MRG_ADQPatch")%in%names(data$areas))){
      stop("This type of positions does not appear in the simulation data.")
  idS <- getIdCols(data$areas)
  ##Test if no-adq are present
  idSNoAr <- idS[idS!="area"]
  if(length(unique(data$areas[, length(get("area")), by = idSNoAr]$V1)) != 1){
    stop("All data by timeId-mcYear must have same length. If you have filtering your data, you must keep all areas by goup of timeId-mcYear")
  namesToTest <- names(data$areas)[!names(data$areas)%in%idS]
  AdqData <- noAdqData <- FALSE
  if(all(c("BALANCE_ADQPatch", "UNSP. ENRG_ADQPatch", "LOLD_ADQPatch", "DTG MRG_ADQPatch") %in%namesToTest)){
    AdqData <- TRUE
  if(all(c("BALANCE", "UNSP. ENRG", "LOLD", "DTG MRG") %in%namesToTest)){
    noAdqData <- TRUE
  if(noAdqData & drawPositionsBeforeAdqP){
    drawPositionsBeforeAdqP <- TRUE
    drawPositionsBeforeAdqP <- FALSE
  if(AdqData & drawPositionsAdqP){
    drawPositionsAdqP <- TRUE
    drawPositionsAdqP <- FALSE
  ctry1 = country1
  ctry2 = country2
  foldPath <- .mergeFlowBasedPath(fb_opts)
  secondM <- fread(paste0(foldPath, "second_member.txt"))
  if(!file.exists(paste0(foldPath, "scenario.txt"))){
    stop(paste0("The file scenario.txt is missing. Please either: add it to your flow-based model directory and use setFlowBasedPath(path = 'pathToDirectory') or
                use setFlowBasedPath(path = 'pathToAntaresStudy/user/flowbased')"))
  scenario <- fread(paste0(foldPath, "scenario.txt"))
  ts <- fread(paste0(foldPath, "ts.txt"), header = TRUE)
  domaines <- readRDS(paste0(foldPath, "domainesFB.RDS"))
  if(dayType[1] == "all") dayType <- unique(domaines$dayType)
  if(hour[1] == "all") hour <- 0:23
    stop("All hour elements must be between 0 and 23 (included)")
  if(!all(dayType %in% unique(domaines$dayType))){
    stop("Somes elements specify in dayType are not included in domainesFB.RDS file")
  mcYears <- unique(data$areas$mcYear)
  out <- out2 <- NULL
    ipn <- .giveIpn(data)
    out <- .constructDataForGraph(hour = hour,
                                  dayType = dayType,
                                  mcYears = mcYears,
                                  ipn = ipn,
                                  ctry1 = ctry1,
                                  ctry2 = ctry2,
                                  ts = ts, 
                                  domaines = domaines)
    ipnADQ <- .giveIpn(data, ADQ = TRUE)
    out2 <- .constructDataForGraph(hour = hour,
                                   dayType = dayType,
                                   mcYears = mcYears,
                                   ipn = ipnADQ,
                                   ctry1 = ctry1,
                                   ctry2 = ctry2,
                                   ts = ts, 
                                   domaines = domaines)
    out2 <- lapply(out2, function(WW){
      names(WW) <- gsub("Position", "Position_ADQ", names(WW))
  ##Remove domains on out
  if((!is.null(out)) & (!is.null(out2))){
    out <- sapply(1:length(out), function(inc){
      cbind(out[[inc]], out2[[inc]][,3:4])
    }, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      out <- out2
    out <- lapply(out, function(X){
  if(is.null(unlist(lapply(out, function(X){ncol(X)})))){
    stop('This selection of typical days/hours does not appear in the simulation data. Try using dayType = "all" or/and hour = "all"')
  nCurvByTyD <- max(unlist(lapply(out, function(X){ncol(X)})))
  out <- Reduce(c, out)
  nbpt <- sum(unlist(lapply(out, function(X){length(X[!is.na(X)])})))
  if(nbpt > nbMaxPt){
    stop(paste0("You try to draw ", nbpt, " points but you can't draw more than ", nbMaxPt, " points. You can change this limit with nbMaxPt argument but be carefull, your graph can be impossible to draw if you have soo much points."))
  Mlength <- max(unlist(lapply(out, length)))
  out <- lapply(out, function(X){
      X <- c(X, rep(NA, Mlength-length(X)))
  cleanNam <- gsub("_ADQ","", names(out))
  cleanNam <- cleanNam[!grepl("mcYear", cleanNam)]
  cleanNam <- cleanNam[!grepl("time", cleanNam)]
  stayH <- sapply(cleanNam, function(X){
    strsplit(X, "_")[[1]][3]
  stayH <- unique(gsub("H", "", stayH))
  stayD <- sapply(cleanNam, function(X){
    strsplit(X, "_")[[1]][4]
  stayD <- unique(gsub("D", "", stayD))
  outF <- Reduce(cbind.data.frame, out)
  outF <- data.frame(outF)
  names(outF) <- names(out)
  out <- outF
  oneOnNbC <- which(1:ncol(out)%%nCurvByTyD==1)
  allGraph <- list()
  CC <- 0
  colors <- substr(do.call(palette, args = list(n = length(oneOnNbC))), 1,7)
  for(X in oneOnNbC){
    curvInThisLoop <- X:(X+nCurvByTyD-1)
    curvInThisLoopnoModel <- curvInThisLoop[3:length(curvInThisLoop)]
    CC <- CC + 1
    ##Compute title
    titleS <- substr(names(out)[X], nchar(names(out)[X])-5, nchar(names(out)[X]))
    titleS <- gsub( "_H", "H",titleS)
    titleS <- gsub( "H", "0",titleS)
    titleS <- strsplit(titleS, "_")[[1]]
    titleS[1] <- ifelse(nchar(titleS[1] ) == 2, titleS[1], substr(titleS[1], 2,3))
    titleS <- paste0(titleS[1], "_", titleS[2])
    titleS <- paste0("Hour ", titleS)
    titleS <- gsub( "_D", " Day ",titleS)
    allGraph <- c(allGraph,
                  amGraph(title = titleS, balloonText =paste0('<b>Model<br>', ctry1, '</b> : [[x]] <br><b>',ctry2, '</b> : [[y]]'),
                          bullet = 'circle', xField = names(out)[X],yField = names(out)[X+1],
                          lineAlpha = 1, bulletSize = 0, lineColor = colors[CC],
                          lineThickness = 1, bulletAlpha = 0) )
    nameCurve <- names(out)[curvInThisLoopnoModel]
    adqc <- curvInThisLoopnoModel[grep("Position_ADQ", nameCurve)]
    noadqc <- curvInThisLoopnoModel[!curvInThisLoopnoModel%in%adqc]
    witchTipe <- nameCurve[grep("time_", nameCurve)]
    witchMc <- nameCurve[grep("mcYear_", nameCurve)]
      allGraph <- c(allGraph,
                    amGraph(balloonText =
                              paste0('<b>Position<br>', ctry1, '</b> : [[x]] <br><b>',ctry2, '</b> : [[y]]
                                               <b>time : </b>[[', witchTipe, ']]
                    <b>mcYear : </b>[[',witchMc, ']]
                            xField = names(out)[noadqc[1]],yField = names(out)[noadqc[2]],
                            lineAlpha = 0, bullet = "bubble", bulletSize = 4, lineColor = colors[CC],
                            lineThickness = 1, visibleInLegend  = FALSE))
      allGraph <- c(allGraph,
                    amGraph(balloonText =
                              paste0('<b>Position_ADQ<br>', ctry1, '</b> :[[x]] <br><b>',ctry2, '</b> :[[y]]
                                               <b>time : </b>[[', witchTipe, ']]
                    <b>mcYear : </b>[[',witchMc, ']]
                            bullet = 'triangleDown', xField = names(out)[adqc[1]],yField = names(out)[adqc[2]],
                            lineAlpha = 0, bulletSize = 4, lineColor = colors[CC],
                            lineThickness = 1, visibleInLegend  = FALSE,
                            bulletBorderColor = colors[CC], bulletAlpha = 0, bulletBorderAlpha = 1))
  g <- pipeR::pipeline(
    amXYChart(dataProvider = out),
    addTitle(text = paste0("Flow-based ", ctry1, "/", ctry2, ', hour : ', paste0(stayH, collapse = ";"), ', typical day : ', paste0(stayD, collapse = ";"))),
    addValueAxes(title = paste(ctry1, "(MW)"), position = "bottom", minimum = -7000, maximum = 7000),
    addValueAxes(title =  paste(ctry2, "(MW)"), minimum = -7000, maximum = 7000),
    setExport(enabled = TRUE),
    setLegend(enabled = TRUE, switchable = FALSE),
  combineWidgets(list = list(g))

.giveIpn <- function(dta, ADQ = FALSE){
    fl <- "FLOW LIN."
    fl <- "FLOW LIN._ADQPatch"
  be <- de <- fr <- nl <- `be - de` <- `be - fr` <- `be - nl` <- `de - fr` <- `de - nl` <- lole <- value <-NULL
  `UNSP. ENRG_ADQPatch` <- `DTG MRG_ADQPatch` <- NULL
  links <- dcast(dta$links, time + mcYear~link, value.var = c(fl))
  links[, be :=  `be - de` + `be - fr` + `be - nl`]
  links[, de := - `be - de` + `de - fr` + `de - nl`]
  links[, fr :=  -`be - fr` - `de - fr`]
  links[, nl :=  -`be - nl` - `de - nl`]
  links <- links[, .SD, .SDcols = c("time", "mcYear","be","de" ,"fr","nl")]
  links <- melt(links, id = 1:2)
  setnames(links, "variable", "area")
  dta$areas <- merge(dta$areas, links, by = c("time", "mcYear", "area"))
    dta$areas[, lole :=`UNSP. ENRG` - `DTG MRG` - value]
    dta$areas[, lole :=`UNSP. ENRG_ADQPatch` - `DTG MRG_ADQPatch` - value]
  dta$areas[, ipn := value]
  ipn <- dcast(dta$areas, time + mcYear~area, value.var = c("ipn"))

.constructDataForGraph <- function(hour, dayType, mcYears, ipn, ctry1, ctry2, ts, domaines){
  out <-  sapply(hour, function(HH){
    sapply(dayType, function(DD){
      ipnout <- sapply(mcYears, function(mcy){
        ipntp <- ipn[which(hour(ipn$time)  == HH  & ipn$mcYear == mcy)]
        dateSel <- unlist(ts[,.SD, .SDcols = as.character(mcy)] == DD)
        dateSel <- ts$Date[dateSel]
        daysel <- substr(dateSel, 6, 10)
        ipntp <- ipntp[substr(ipntp$time, 6, 10) %in% daysel]
      }, simplify = FALSE)
      ipnO <- rbindlist(ipnout)
      # if(HH == 0)HH <- 24
      dSel <- domaines[which(dayType==DD & hour ==( HH  + 1))]
      points <- dSel$outFlowBased[[1]]$pointsY
      points$NL <-  - points$BE - points$DE - points$FR
      res <- data.frame("ctry1" = points[,ctry1],
                        "ctry2" = points[,ctry2])
      res2 <- data.frame("ctry11" = unlist(ipnO[, .SD, .SDcols = tolower(ctry1)]),
                         "ctry22" = unlist(ipnO[, .SD, .SDcols = tolower(ctry2)]),
                         "time" = c(ipnO[, .SD, .SDcols = "time"]),
                         "mcYear" = c(ipnO[, .SD, .SDcols = "mcYear"]))
      res2$time <- as.character(res2$time +1)
      ##Supress year :
      res2$time <- substr(res2$time, 6,nchar(res2$time ) -3)
      # primaryKey <-  data.frame("time" = unlist(ipnO[, .SD, .SDcols = "time"]),
      #                           "mcYear" = unlist(ipnO[, .SD, .SDcols = "mcYear"]))
      res <- res[chull(res),]
      res <- rbind(res, res[1,])
      res <- round(res, 2)
      max_r <- max(nrow(res), nrow(res2))
        res <- rbind(res, data.frame(ctry1 = rep(NA, max_r-nrow(res)),
                                     ctry2 = rep(NA, max_r-nrow(res))))
        res2 <- rbind(res2, data.frame(ctry11 = rep(NA,max_r- nrow(res2)),
                                       ctry22 = rep(NA, max_r-nrow(res2)),
                                       time = rep(NA, max_r-nrow(res2)),
                                       mcYear = rep(NA, max_r-nrow(res2))))
      out2 <- cbind(res, res2)
      names(out2) <- c(paste0(c("Model", "Model", "Position", "Position"),"_", c(ctry1, ctry2), "_H", HH, "_D", DD), paste0('time',  "_H", HH, "_D", DD), paste0('mcYear',  "_H", HH, "_D", DD))
    }, simplify = FALSE)
  }, simplify = FALSE)
  out <- unlist(out, recursive = FALSE)

.mergeFlowBasedPath <- function(fb_opts){
  if("simOptions" %in% class(fb_opts)){
    foldPath <- paste0(fb_opts$studyPath, "/user/flowbased/")
  }else if("flowBasedPath" %in% class(fb_opts)){
    foldPath <- paste0(fb_opts$path, "/")
    stop("fb_opts must be obtain with setSimulationPath or setFlowbasedPath function")
  if(!file.exists(paste0(foldPath, "second_member.txt"))){
    stop("Impossible to found second_member.txt file, you can specify fb_opts with setSimulationPath or setFlowbasedPath function")
rte-antares-rpackage/antaresFlowbased documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 11:23 a.m.