
Defines functions .givePlotData plotFlowbased .makeGraph .getChull .getDataPlotClustering clusterPlot

Documented in clusterPlot plotFlowbased

#' @title Plot a flow-based domain of a typical day
#' @description For a given hour, plot the flow-based domain of one typical day along with the other
#' flow-based domains it represents (i.e. other domains of the same cluster).
#' @param data \code{data.table} results from the clustering, output data from \link{clusterTypicalDaysForOneClass}
#' @param country1 \code{character}, name of the country whose net position is in the x axis (BE, FR, DE or NL)
#' @param country2 \code{character}, name of the country whose net position is in the y axis (BE, FR, DE or NL)
#' @param hour \code{numeric}, hour of the plotted domain
#' @param dayType  \code{numeric}, typical flow-based day identifier
#' @param typicalDayOnly \code{logical} if TRUE, plot only the domain of the typical day 
#' and not the other domains of the cluster
#' @param ggplot \code{logical} should ggplot package be used (static graph) instead of rAmCharts (dynamic graph)
#' @param xlim \code{numeric}, limits of x-axis (default = c(-10000, 10000))
#' @param ylim \code{numeric}, limits of x-axis (default = c(-10000, 10000))
#' @param width \code{character}, for rAmCharts only. Default to "420px" (set to "100/100" for dynamic resize)
#' @param height \code{character}, for rAmCharts only. Default to "410px" (set to "100/100" for dynamic resize)
#' @param export \code{logical} If you want to have the possibility to export your
#' graphic (if true in rmarkdown, can return a blank html)
#' @import rAmCharts ggplot2 pipeR
#' @importFrom grDevices chull
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # classification result
#' clusterTD <- readRDS(system.file("testdata/allTypeDaytest.rds",package = "fbClust"))
#' clusterPlot(clusterTD, "FR", "DE", 3, 1, FALSE, FALSE)
#' clusterPlot(clusterTD, "ptdfFR", "DE", 3, 1, FALSE, TRUE)
#' clusterPlot(clusterTD, "FR", "ptdfDE", 3, 1, TRUE, TRUE)
#' clusterPlot(clusterTD, "ptdfFR", "ptdfDE", 3, 1, TRUE, FALSE)
#' }
#' @export

clusterPlot <- function(data, 
                        typicalDayOnly = FALSE, 
                        ggplot = FALSE, 
                        width = "420px", 
                        height = "410px",
                        xlim = c(-10000, 10000),
                        ylim = c(-10000, 10000),
                        export = T){
  # remove NOTE data.table
  idDayType <- NULL
  dataPlot <- .getDataPlotClustering(data[idDayType==dayType],  country1, country2, hour)
  .makeGraph(dataPlot, data[idDayType==dayType]$TypicalDay, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
             typicalDayOnly = typicalDayOnly, ggplot = ggplot, width = width, 
             height = height, export = export)

### Compute list of data.frame with convex hull for two countries on defined hour and day

.getDataPlotClustering <- function(allTypeDay, country1, country2, hour)
  # remove NOTE data.table
  Period <- NULL
  PLANRaw_details <- NULL
  PLAN_details <- NULL
  VERT_details <- NULL
  if (grepl("ptdf", country1)) {
    ctry1 <- gsub("ptdf", "", country1)
  } else {
    ctry1 <- as.character(country1)
  if (grepl("ptdf", country2)) {
    ctry2 <- gsub("ptdf", "", country2)
  } else {
    ctry2 <- as.character(country2)
  if(ctry1 == ctry2) {
    stop("The hubs should be distinct")
  hubnames <- colnames(allTypeDay$dayIn[[1]][Period == hour, PLANRaw_details][[1]])
  hubnames <- gsub("ptdf", "", hubnames[grepl("ptdf", hubnames)])
  if (!(ctry1 %in% hubnames) |
      !(ctry2 %in% hubnames)) {
    stop(paste("country1 or country 2 has wrong format. Format should be",
               "XX (where XX is the abreviation of the hub (ex : FR, DE, BE))"))
  hubnames_vert <- colnames(allTypeDay$dayIn[[1]][Period == hour, PLAN_details][[1]])
  hubnames_vert <- gsub("ptdf", "", hubnames_vert[grepl("ptdf", hubnames_vert)])
  hubnameDiff <- hubnames[!(hubnames %in% hubnames_vert)]
  data_stud <- allTypeDay$dayIn[[1]][Period == hour]
  data_plot <- lapply(1:nrow(data_stud), function(X) {
    # browser()
    dataChull <- .getChull(data_stud[X, VERT_details][[1]], ctry1, ctry2, hubnameDiff)
    dataChull <- data.frame(dataChull)
    names(dataChull) <- c(
      paste(unique(data_stud[X, VERT_details][[1]]$Date), ctry1, sep = "_"), 
      paste(unique(data_stud[X, VERT_details][[1]]$Date), ctry2, sep = "_"))
  maxRow <- max(unlist(lapply(data_plot, nrow)))
  data_plot <- lapply(data_plot, function(X){
    rbind(as.data.table(X), data.table(rep(NA, maxRow-nrow(X)), rep(NA, maxRow-nrow(X))), use.names=FALSE)
  data_plot <- cbind.data.frame(data_plot)

## Compute the convex hull from two countries in a data.frame

.getChull <- function(data, country1, country2, hubnameDiff){
  # remove NOTE data.table
  chull <- NULL
  data <- data.frame(data)
  if(country1 == hubnameDiff){
    ptctry <- -rowSums(data[!grepl("Date|Period|^N$|nbsign|sign", colnames(data))])
    ptctry <- data[[country1]]
  if(country2 == hubnameDiff){
    ptctry2 <- -rowSums(data[!grepl("Date|Period|^N$|nbsign|sign", colnames(data))])
    ptctry2 <- data[[country2]]
  res <- cbind(ptctry, ptctry2)
  res <- res[chull(res),]
  res <- rbind(res, res[1,])

##### Render plots, ggplot2 or rAmcharts

.makeGraph <- function(data, typicalDayDate, typicalDayOnly = FALSE, 
                       ggplot = FALSE, width = "420px", height = "410px",
                       xlim, ylim, export = T){
  # remove NOTE data.table
  size <- NULL
  ctry <- unique(substr(names(data), 12, 13))
    dates <- typicalDayDate
  } else {
    dates <- unique(substr(names(data), 1, 10))
    graphs <- sapply(dates, function(X){
      columns <- names(data)[grep(X, names(data))]
      if(X == typicalDayDate){
        graph <- amGraph(
          title = X, balloonText =
            paste0('<b>', X, '<br>', ctry[1], '</b> :[[x]] <br><b>', ctry[2], '</b> :[[y]]'),
          bullet = 'circle', xField = columns[1], yField = columns[2],
          lineAlpha = 1, bullet = "bubble", bulletSize = 4, lineColor = "#FF0000",
          lineThickness = 3)
        graph <-  amGraph(
          title = X, balloonText =
            paste0('<b>', X, '<br>', ctry[1], '</b> :[[x]] <br><b>', ctry[2], '</b> :[[y]]'),
          bullet = 'circle', xField = columns[1], yField = columns[2],
          lineAlpha = 1, bullet = "bubble", bulletSize = 4, lineColor = "#D3D3D3",
          lineThickness = 1)
    }, USE.NAMES = FALSE, simplify = FALSE)
      amXYChart(dataProvider = data),
      addTitle(text = paste0("Flow-based  clustering ", ctry[1], "/", ctry[2])),
      addValueAxes(title = paste(ctry[1], "(MW)"), position = "bottom", minimum = xlim[1], 
                   maximum = xlim[2], minHorizontalGap = 35, minVerticalGap = 35),
      addValueAxes(title =  paste(ctry[2], "(MW)"), minimum = ylim[1], 
                   maximum = ylim[2], minHorizontalGap = 35, minVerticalGap = 35),
      setExport(enabled = export),
      plot(width = width, height = height)
      # plot()
  } else {
    gg_data <- do.call("rbind.data.frame", lapply(dates, function(X){
      # remove NOTE data.table
      size <- NULL
      col <- NULL
      columns <- names(data)[grep(X, names(data))]
      tmp_data <- data[, columns]
      colnames(tmp_data) <- gsub(paste0(X, "_"), "", colnames(tmp_data))
      tmp_data <- tmp_data[!is.na(tmp_data[, 1]), ]
      tmp_data$date  <- X
      if(X == typicalDayDate){
        tmp_data$col <- "0"
        tmp_data$size <- 1
      }else {
        tmp_data$col <- "1"
        tmp_data$size <- 0.5
    ggplot(data=gg_data, aes(
      x = get(ctry[1]), y = get(ctry[2]), 
      group = date, colour = col, size = size, linetype = as.character(col))) +
      geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = 'black', size = 0.5, linetype = 'dashed') +
      geom_vline(xintercept = 0, colour = 'black', size = 0.5, linetype = 'dashed') +
      geom_path() +
      scale_size(range=c(0.1, 2), guide=FALSE) + 
      theme(legend.position= "none") +
      # xlim(xlim[1], xlim[2]) + ylim(ylim[1], ylim[2]) + 
      ggtitle(paste0("Typical day: ", typicalDayDate, "\n", 
                     "Flow-based  clustering ", ctry[1], "/", ctry[2])) +
      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + 
      ylab(paste(ctry[2], "(MW)")) +
      xlab(paste(ctry[1], "(MW)")) + 
      theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = 'black'),
            panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, linetype = 'dashed',
                                            colour = "grey")) +
      scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(ylim[1], ylim[2], 2000), 
                         limits = ylim, expand = c(0, 0)) +
      scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], 2000), 
                         limits = xlim, expand = c(0, 0)) 

#' Plot flow-based domain(s)
#' @param PLAN \code{data.table}, at least ram, Date, Period and two ptdf columns :
#' \itemize{
#'  \item ptdfAT : autrichian vertices
#'  \item ptdfBE : belgium vertices
#'  \item ptdfDE : german vertices
#'  \item ptdfFR : french vertices
#'  \item ram : line limits
#'  \item Date : date in format YYYY-MM-DD
#'  \item Period : hour in the day, between 1 and 24
#' }
#' PLAN is generated in this format with the function \link{getPreprocPlan}
#' @param PLAN2 \code{data.table}, at least ram, Date, Period and two ptdf columns.
#' This argument is optional, default is NULL. You can use it if you want to make
#' comparison between domains from cwe and domains from cwe-at.
#' @param country1 \code{character}, name of the country whose net position is in the x axis (BE, FR, DE, AT or NL)
#' @param country2 \code{character}, name of the country whose net position is in the y axis (BE, FR, DE, AT or NL)
#' @param hours2 \code{character}, optional (default NULL) hours of interest for 
#' the graphics of the domains from PLAN2.
#' @param dates2 \code{character}, optional (default NULL) dates of interest for the graphics. 
#' of the domains from PLAN2.
#' @param hours \code{character}, hours of interest for the graphics.
#' @param dates \code{character}, dates of interest for the graphics.
#' @param domainsNames \code{character} names of the domain(s), used as legend of the graphics.
#' The length of domainsNames has to be the same of the number of combinations of hours and dates
#' @param main \code{character} title of the graph, if NULL, the title will be "Domains country1 - country2"
#' @param hubDrop \code{list}, list of hubs in the ptdf, with the ones which should
#' sustracted to the others as the names of the arrays which themself contain the ones which
#' be sustracted
#' @param hubDrop2 \code{list}, optional (default NULL) list of hubs in the ptdf from PLAN2, 
#' with the ones which should
#' sustracted to the others as the names of the arrays which themself contain the ones which
#' be sustracted
#' @param xlim \code{numeric}, limits of x-axis (default = c(-10000, 10000))
#' @param ylim \code{numeric}, limits of x-axis (default = c(-10000, 10000))
#' @param width \code{character}, for rAmCharts only. Default to "420px" (set to "100/100" for dynamic resize)
#' @param height \code{character}, for rAmCharts only. Default to "410px" (set to "100/100" for dynamic resize)
#' @param color \code{character}, default NULL, if you want to customize the 
#' colors of the graphics, color has to be the same length as the number of
#' graphics you want. The colors can be written either in the format "red", "blue"...
#' or "#CC0000", "#00CC00"...
#' @param export \code{logical} If you want to have the possibility to export your
#' graphic (if true in rmarkdown, can return a blank html)
#' @param VERT \code{data.table}, Vertices of PLAN. If set to NULL, vertices
#' will be calculated within the function.
#' @param VERT2 \code{data.table}, Vertices of PLAN2. If set to NULL, vertices
#' will be calculated within the function.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(data.table)
#' library(rAmCharts)
#' PLAN <- getPreprocPlan(
#' pathPtdfMatrixFactor = system.file(
#'   "testdata/plan_new_version_factor_AT.rds", package = "fbClust"),
#' pathPtdfMatrixConstraint = system.file(
#'  "testdata/plan_new_version_constraint_AT.rds", package = "fbClust"))
#'  hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT"))
#' #Plot unique polyhedron
#' plotFlowbased(PLAN, country1 = "BE", country2 = "DE", hubDrop = hubDrop, 
#' hours = c(2), dates = c("2018-10-02"), domainsNames = "2018-10-02", main = "")
#' #Plot four polyhedra
#' plotFlowbased(PLAN, country1 = "BE", country2 = "DE", hubDrop = hubDrop, 
#' hours = c(3, 4), dates = c("2018-10-02", "2018-10-04"), domainsNames = NULL,
#' main = NULL)
#' #Plot two domains from cwe_at and one domain from cwe in the same graphic
#'  PLAN2 <- copy(PLAN)
#'  PLAN2 <- PLAN2[Date == "2018-10-04"]
#'  PLAN2[, ptdfAT := NULL]
#'  hubDrop2 <- list("NL" = list("BE", "DE", "FR"))
#'  plotFlowbased(PLAN, PLAN2 = PLAN2, country1 = "BE", country2 = "DE", 
#'                        hubDrop = hubDrop, hubDrop2 = hubDrop2,
#'                        hours = c(3, 4), dates = c("2018-10-02"),
#'                        hours2 = c(4), dates2 = c("2018-10-04"),
#'                        domainsNames = NULL, main = NULL)
#'  # Plot two domains from cwe and cwe-at at the same hours 
#'  PLAN3 <- copy(PLAN)
#'  PLAN3[, ptdfAT := NULL]
#'  hubDrop2 <- list("NL" = list("BE", "DE", "FR"))
#'  plotFlowbased(PLAN, PLAN2 = PLAN3, country1 = "BE", country2 = "DE", 
#'                        hubDrop = hubDrop, hubDrop2 = hubDrop2,
#'                        hours = c(3, 4), dates = c("2018-10-02"),
#'                        hours2 = c(3, 4), dates2 = c("2018-10-02"),
#'                        domainsNames = NULL, main = NULL)
#'  # Examples with colors chosen
#'  plotFlowbased(PLAN, country1 = "AT", country2 = "DE", 
#'                        hubDrop = hubDrop,
#'                        hours = c(3), dates = c("2018-10-02", "2018-10-03"),
#'                        domainsNames = NULL, main = NULL,
#'                        color = c("#CC0000", "purple"))
#'  plotFlowbased(PLAN, PLAN2 = PLAN3, country1 = "BE", country2 = "DE", 
#'                        hubDrop = hubDrop, hubDrop2 = hubDrop2,
#'                        hours = c(3, 4), dates = c("2018-10-02"),
#'                        hours2 = c(3, 4), dates2 = c("2018-10-02"),
#'                        domainsNames = NULL, main = NULL,
#'                        color = c("blue", "grey", "green", "brown"))                      
#' }
#' @export

plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,
                          PLAN2 = NULL,
                          VERT = NULL,
                          VERT2 = NULL,
                          hours2 = NULL,
                          dates2 = NULL,
                          domainsNames = NULL,
                          hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT")),
                          hubDrop2 = NULL,
                          xlim = c(-10000, 10000),
                          ylim = c(-10000, 10000),
                          main = NULL,
                          width = "420px", height = "410px",
                          color = NULL,
                          export = F){
  # remove NOTE data.table
  Period <- NULL
  Date <- NULL
  #Generate data for plot
  if (grepl("ptdf", country1)) {
    ctry1 <- gsub("ptdf", "", country1)
  } else {
    ctry1 <- country1
  if (grepl("ptdf", country2)) {
    ctry2 <- gsub("ptdf", "", country2)
  } else {
    ctry2 <- country2
  if(ctry1 == ctry2) {
    stop("The countries should be distinct")
  hubnames <- gsub("ptdf", "", colnames(PLAN)[grep("ptdf", colnames(PLAN))])
  PLAN <- copy(PLAN)
  PLAN <- PLAN[Period %in% hours & Date %in% dates]
    .ctrlHubDrop(hubDrop = hubDrop, PLAN = PLAN)
    PLAN <- setDiffNotWantedPtdf(PLAN = PLAN, hubDrop = hubDrop)
  comb <- unique(PLAN[, list(Period, Date)])
  comb[,  PLAN := "PLAN"]
  if (!is.null(PLAN2)) {
    hubnames2 <- gsub("ptdf", "", colnames(PLAN2)[grep("ptdf", colnames(PLAN2))])
    PLAN2 <- copy(PLAN2)
    PLAN2 <- PLAN2[Period %in% hours2 & Date %in% dates2]
      .ctrlHubDrop(hubDrop = hubDrop2, PLAN = PLAN2)
      PLAN2 <- setDiffNotWantedPtdf(PLAN = PLAN2, hubDrop = hubDrop2)
    comb2 <- unique(PLAN2[, list(Period, Date)])
    comb2[,  PLAN := "PLAN2"]
    comb <- rbindlist(list(comb, comb2))
  #Control arguments
  multiPDTF <- (nrow(comb) > 1)
      if(length(domainsNames) != 1){
        stop("Only one PLAN specified for 2 or more domainsNames")
      if(length(domainsNames) != nrow(comb)){
        stop(paste0("You must have one domainsNames specified by combination of hours and time, currently you have ",
                    length(domainsNames), " domainsNames specify for ",
                    nrow(comb), " PLAN"))
    domainsNames <- paste("Date :", comb[, Date], "Hour :", comb[, Period])
    if (length(unique(comb$PLAN) > 1)) {
      domainsNames <- paste(domainsNames, "PTDF :", comb[, PLAN])
    VERT <- getVertices(PLAN)
  hubnames_vert <- colnames(VERT)[!grepl("Date|Period", colnames(VERT))]
  hubnameDiff <- hubnames[!(hubnames %in% hubnames_vert)]
  if(!is.null(PLAN2)) {
      VERT2 <- getVertices(PLAN2)
    hubnames_vert2 <- colnames(VERT2)[!grepl("Date|Period", colnames(VERT2))]
    hubnameDiff2 <- hubnames2[!(hubnames2 %in% hubnames_vert2)]
  } else {
    VERT2 <- NULL
    hubnameDiff2 <- NULL
  dataToGraph <- .givePlotData(VERT, VERT2, ctry1, ctry2, comb, 
                               domainsNames, hubnameDiff, hubnameDiff2)
  if(!is.null(color)) {
    if(length(color) != length(domainsNames)) {
      stop(paste("If color is not null, it has to be the same length of the number",
                 "of graphics. There is currently", length(domainsNames), "graphics",
                 "and", length(color), "colors set"))
  rowMax <- max(unlist(lapply(dataToGraph, nrow)))
  dataToGraph <- lapply(dataToGraph, function(dta){
      Na <-  data.frame(rep(NA,rowMax - nrow(dta)),
                        rep(NA,rowMax - nrow(dta)))
      names(Na) <- names(dta)
  dataToGraph <- do.call(cbind, dataToGraph)
  if (is.null(main)) {
    main <- paste("Domains", gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), "-", gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry2))
  #Graph creation for more exmples see rAmCharts::runExamples()
  graphs <- sapply(1:length(domainsNames), function(X){
    graph <- amGraph(title = domainsNames[X], balloonText =
                              paste0(domainsNames[X], gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry1)),
                              '</b> :[[x]] <br><b>',
                              paste0(domainsNames[X], gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry2)), '</b> :[[y]]'),
                     bullet = 'circle', xField = paste0(domainsNames[X], " ", ctry1),
                     yField = paste0(domainsNames[X], " ", ctry2),
                     lineAlpha = 1, bullet = "bubble", bulletSize = 4, lineThickness = 3)
    if (!is.null(color)) {
      graph@otherProperties$lineColor <- color[X]
    # graph@otherProperties$lineColor <- "#0D8ECF"
    amXYChart(dataProvider = dataToGraph),
    addTitle(text = main),
    addValueAxes(title = paste(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), "(MW)"), position = "bottom", minimum = xlim[1],
                 maximum = xlim[2], minHorizontalGap = 35, minVerticalGap = 35),
    addValueAxes(title =  paste(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry2), "(MW)"), minimum = ylim[1],
                 maximum = ylim[2], minHorizontalGap = 35, minVerticalGap = 35),
    setExport(enabled = export),
    setLegend(enabled = TRUE),
    plot(width = width, height = height)

.givePlotData <- function(VERT, VERT2, ctry1, ctry2, comb, 
                          domainsNames, hubnameDiff, hubnameDiff2){
  res <- lapply(1:nrow(comb), function(X) {
    # remove NOTE data.table
    Period <- NULL
    Date <- NULL
    period <- comb[X, Period]
    date <- comb[X, Date]
    pl <- comb[X, PLAN]
    if (pl == "PLAN2") {
      data <- data.table(.getChull(VERT2[Period == period & Date == date], 
                                   ctry1, ctry2, hubnameDiff2))
    } else {
      data <- data.table(.getChull(VERT[Period == period & Date == date], 
                                   ctry1, ctry2, hubnameDiff))
    setnames(data, old = c("ptctry", "ptctry2"),
             new = paste(domainsNames[X], c(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), gsub("ptdf", "", ctry2))))
    # names(dataToGraph)[X:(X+1)]))

# plotFlowbased <- function(PLAN,
#                           country1,
#                           country2,
#                           hours,
#                           dates,
#                           domainsNames = NULL,
#                           hubDrop = list(NL = c("BE", "DE", "FR", "AT")),
#                           xlim = c(-10000, 10000),
#                           ylim = c(-10000, 10000),
#                           main = NULL,
#                           width = "420px", height = "410px"){
#   # remove NOTE data.table
#   Period <- NULL
#   Date <- NULL
#   #Generate data for plot
#   if (grepl("ptdf", country1)) {
#     ctry1 <- gsub("ptdf", "", country1)
#   } else {
#     ctry1 <- country1
#   }
#   if (grepl("ptdf", country2)) {
#     ctry2 <- gsub("ptdf", "", country2)
#   } else {
#     ctry2 <- country2
#   }
#   if(ctry1 == ctry2) {
#     stop("The countries should be distinct")
#   }
#   PLAN
#   hubnames <- gsub("ptdf", "", colnames(PLAN)[grep("ptdf", colnames(PLAN))])
#   PLAN <- copy(PLAN)
#   PLAN <- PLAN[Period %in% hours & Date %in% dates]
#   .ctrlHubDrop(hubDrop = hubDrop, PLAN = PLAN)
#   PLAN <- setDiffNotWantedPtdf(PLAN = PLAN, hubDrop = hubDrop)
#   comb <- unique(PLAN[, list(Period, Date)])
#   #Control arguments
#   multiPDTF <- (nrow(comb) > 1)
#   if(!is.null(domainsNames)){
#     if(!multiPDTF){
#       if(length(domainsNames) != 1){
#         stop("Only one PLAN specified for 2 or more domainsNames")
#       }
#     }else{
#       if(length(domainsNames) != nrow(comb)){
#         stop(paste0("You must have one domainsNames specified by combination of hours and time, currently you have ",
#                     length(domainsNames), " domainsNames specify for ",
#                     nrow(comb), " PLAN"))
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   if(is.null(domainsNames)){
#     domainsNames <- paste("Date :", comb[, Date], "Hour :", comb[, Period])
#   }
#   VERT <- getVertices(PLAN)
#   hubnames_vert <- colnames(VERT)[!grepl("Date|Period", colnames(VERT))]
#   # hubnames_vert <- gsub("ptdf", "", colnames(VERT)[grep("ptdf", colnames(VERT))])
#   hubnameDiff <- hubnames[!(hubnames %in% hubnames_vert)]
#   # lim <- round(max(VERT[, list(get(ctry1), get(ctry2))])+500, -3)
#   # xlim <- c(-lim, lim)
#   # ylim <- c(-lim, lim)
#   dataToGraph <- .givePlotData(VERT, ctry1, ctry2, comb, domainsNames, hubnameDiff)
#   rowMax <- max(unlist(lapply(dataToGraph, nrow)))
#   dataToGraph <- lapply(dataToGraph, function(dta){
#     if(nrow(dta)<rowMax){
#       Na <-  data.frame(rep(NA,rowMax - nrow(dta)),
#                         rep(NA,rowMax - nrow(dta)))
#       names(Na) <- names(dta)
#       rbind(dta,Na)
#     }else{
#       dta
#     }
#   })
#   dataToGraph <- do.call(cbind, dataToGraph)
#   if (is.null(main)) {
#     main <- paste("Domains", gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), "-", gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry2))
#   }
#   #Graph creation for more exmples see rAmCharts::runExamples()
#   graphs <- sapply(1:length(domainsNames), function(X){
#     amGraph(title = domainsNames[X], balloonText =
#               paste0('<b>',domainsNames[X],'<br>',
#                      paste0(domainsNames[X], gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry1)),
#                      '</b> :[[x]] <br><b>',
#                      paste0(domainsNames[X], gsub("ptdf", " ", ctry2)), '</b> :[[y]]'),
#             bullet = 'circle', xField = paste0(domainsNames[X], " ", ctry1),
#             yField = paste0(domainsNames[X], " ", ctry2),
#             lineAlpha = 1, bullet = "bubble", bulletSize = 4, lineThickness = 3)
#   pipeR::pipeline(
#     amXYChart(dataProvider = dataToGraph),
#     addTitle(text = main),
#     setGraphs(graphs),
#     setChartCursor(),
#     addValueAxes(title = paste(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), "(MW)"), position = "bottom", minimum = xlim[1],
#                  maximum = xlim[2], minHorizontalGap = 35, minVerticalGap = 35),
#     addValueAxes(title =  paste(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry2), "(MW)"), minimum = ylim[1],
#                  maximum = ylim[2], minHorizontalGap = 35, minVerticalGap = 35),
#     setExport(enabled = TRUE),
#     setLegend(enabled = TRUE),
#     plot(width = width, height = height)
#   )
# }
# .givePlotData <- function(VERT, ctry1, ctry2, comb, domainsNames, hubnameDiff){
#   res <- lapply(1:nrow(comb), function(X) {
#     # remove NOTE data.table
#     Period <- NULL
#     Date <- NULL
#     period <- comb[X, Period]
#     date <- comb[X, Date]
#     data <- data.table(.getChull(VERT[Period == period & Date == date], 
#                                  ctry1, ctry2, hubnameDiff))
#     setnames(data, old = c("ptctry", "ptctry2"),
#              new = paste(domainsNames[X], c(gsub("ptdf", "", ctry1), gsub("ptdf", "", ctry2))))
#     # names(dataToGraph)[X:(X+1)]))
#     data
#   })
# }
rte-antares-rpackage/fbClust documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:06 a.m.