
Defines functions .ctrlDates .crtOutFile .orderTpDay clusterTypicalDaysForOneClass

Documented in clusterTypicalDaysForOneClass

#' @title Generate a set of flow-based typical days on one time period
#' @description Run a clustering algorithm for a given historical period. It creates clusters by
#' gathering the most similar days and chooses among them the best
#' representative: it will be a so-called typical day. The metric used to determine the similarity of two days is
#' a weighted sum of 24 hourly distances, meaning the distances between the domains of the two
#' days at the same hour.
#' @param dates \code{character}, vector of date (format YYYY-MM-DD).
#' @param vertices \code{data.table}, 5 columns :
#' \itemize{
#'  \item Date : date (%Y-%M-%D)
#'  \item Period : Hour (1:24), period i corresponds to the hourly time-step [i-1 ; i]
#'  \item BE : belgium vertices
#'  \item DE : german vertices
#'  \item FR : french vertices
#' }
#' This parameter can be obtained with the function \link{ptdfToVertices}.
#' @param nbCluster \code{numeric}, number of clusters
#' @param className \code{character}, name of the class characterizing the studied time period
#' @param id_start \code{numeric}, first identifier of the returned typical days. Default value is 1
#' @param reportPath \code{character}, path where the report is written. Defaut to \code{getwd()}
#' @param hourWeight \code{numeric}, vector of 24 weights, one for each hour of the day. The clustering algorithm
#' will be more accurate for the flow-based domains of the hours with a relatively higher weight. 
#' @param report \code{boolean}, if TRUE, reports are generated.
#' @param maxDomainSize \code{numeric} limit of domain size in each axis. The function will return an error if one domain
#' or more exceed these limits.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(data.table)
#' vertices <- fread(system.file("dataset/vertices_example.txt",package = "flowBasedClustering"))
#' dates <- seq(as.Date("2016-08-09"), as.Date("2018-09-01"), by = "day")
#' hourWeight = rep(1, 24)
#' out1 <- clusterTypicalDaysForOneClass(vertices = vertices,
#'                                       dates = dates, nbCluster = 2,
#'                                       className = "myName", id_start = 5, report = FALSE)
#' out2 <- clusterTypicalDaysForOneClass(vertices = vertices,
#'                                       dates = dates, nbCluster = 4,
#'                                       className = "myName2", id_start = 7, report = FALSE)
#' rbindlist(list(out1, out2))
#' }
#' @export
clusterTypicalDaysForOneClass <- function(dates, 
                                          hourWeight = rep(1, 24),
                                          className = NULL,
                                          reportPath = getwd(),
                                          report = TRUE, 
                                          id_start = 1,
                                          maxDomainSize = 10000){
  cat("run clustering of flow-based domains\n")
  isSupLim <- NULL
  pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0)
  vertices <- .ctrlVertices(vertices)
  vertices <- vertices[as.character(vertices$Date)%in%as.character( dates)]
  ##Vertices out of domain
  Max <- vertices[,max(unlist(.SD)), by = c("Date", "Period"), .SDcols = 3:ncol(vertices)]
  Max[, isSupLim := V1 > maxDomainSize]
  Max <- Max[Max$isSupLim]
  if(nrow(Max) > 0){
    Max <- Max[,list(list(Period)), by = "Date"]
    stop( paste("The following flow-based domains exceed the expected maximum size :", 
                paste(Max$Date, "(hour : ",lapply(Max$V1, function(X){paste(X, collapse = ", ")}),")", collapse = ", ")))
  dates <- as.character(dates)
  .ctrlDates(dates, unique(vertices$Date))
  #control if the format of the vertices file is good
  #Compute mesh from vertices
  vertices <- .computeMesh(vertices)
  veticesSel <- vertices[Date %in% dates]
  distMat <- .getDistMatrix(veticesSel, hourWeight)
  vect <- cluster::pam(distMat, nbCluster, diss = TRUE)$clustering
  distMat <- as.matrix(distMat)
    className <- as.character("Class")
  allTypDay <- rbindlist(sapply(1:nbCluster, function(X){
    # Found a representative day for each class
    .getDataAndMakeOutput(X, vect, distMat, className)

  }, simplify = FALSE))
  allTypDay <- .addVerticesToTp(allTypDay, vertices)
  allTypDay <- allTypDay[order(.orderTpDay(allTypDay, hourWeight = hourWeight))]
  nb <- id_start:(id_start+nrow(allTypDay)-1)
  allTypDay[,idDayType :=nb]
  setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)

  # report generation
    cat("Write report(s)\n")
    pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0)
    outL <- .crtOutFile(allTypDay, reportPath)
    sapply(allTypDay$idDayType, function(X){
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, getTxtProgressBar(pb) + 1/(outL$step + 1))
      generateClusteringReport(X, data = allTypDay, outputFile = outL$outputFile)
    saveRDS(allTypDay, paste0(outL$outputFile, "/resultClust.RDS"))
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)


.orderTpDay <- function(allTypDay, hourWeight){
    -sapply(1:nrow(allTypDay), function(TP){
      tp <- allTypDay[TP]
      myTpD <- tp$dayIn[[1]][[1]]$out[which(tp$dayIn[[1]][[1]]$Date==tp$TypicalDay)]
      sum(unlist(lapply(myTpD, function(X){
        sum(apply(X, 2, max) - apply(X, 2, min))

.crtOutFile <- function(allTypDay, reportPath){
  outputFile <- reportPath
    outputFile <- getwd()
  direName <-  as.character(Sys.time())
  direName <- gsub(" ", "", gsub( ":", "",direName))
  reportDir <- paste0(outputFile, "/fb-clustering-", direName)
  outputFile <- reportDir
  step <- length(allTypDay$idDayType)
  list(outputFile = outputFile, step = step)

.ctrlDates <- function(dates, dayInVertices){
    stop("One(some) season(s) are not in vertices data.")
    warning("Somes dates in calendar are not in vertices data.")
  if(length(dates) < 2){
    stop("Clustering cannot be performed when class(season/type of day) contains less than 2 days")
rte-antares-rpackage/flowBasedClustering documentation built on Nov. 21, 2020, 11:21 a.m.