#' getCellCORange
#' It finds the crossover intervals for a selected cell
#' @param co_count, `GRanges` or `RangedSummarizedExperiment` object,
#' @param cellBarcode, the selected cell's barcode
#' @return GRange object containing the crossover intervals for the selected
#' cell
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assay<- rowRanges
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges mcols mcols<- reduce
#' @author Ruqian Lyu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' demo_path <-paste0(system.file("extdata",package = "comapr"),"/")
#' s1_rse_state <- readHapState("s1",chroms=c("chr1"),
#' path=demo_path,barcodeFile=NULL,minSNP = 0,
#' minlogllRatio = 50,
#' bpDist = 100,maxRawCO=10,
#' minCellSNP = 0)
#' s1_counts <- countCOs(s1_rse_state)
#' co_ranges <- getCellCORange(cellBarcode = "BC1",
#' co_count = s1_counts)
getCellCORange <- function(co_count, cellBarcode){
stopifnot(inherits(co_count, c("GRanges","RangedSummarizedExperiment")))
cell1_co <- mcols(co_count)[,cellBarcode]
cell1_coRange <- granges(co_count)[cell1_co!=0]
cell1_co <- cell1_co[cell1_co!=0]
} else {
cell1_co <- assay(co_count)[,cellBarcode]
cell1_coRange <- rowRanges(co_count)[cell1_co!=0]
cell1_co <- cell1_co[cell1_co!=0]
mcols(cell1_coRange) <- cell1_co
co_range_cell1 <- reduce(cell1_coRange,min.gapwidth=2)
#' getCellAFTrack
#' Generates the DataTracks for plotting AF and crossover regions
#' It plots the raw alternative allele frequencies and highlight the crossover
#' regions for the selected cell.
#' @param chrom, the chromosome
#' @param path_loc, the path prefix to the output files from sscocaller including
#' "*_totalCount.mtx" and "_altCount.mtx"
#' @param sampleName, the sample name, which is the prefix of sscocaller's output
#' files
#' @param nwindow, the number of windows for binning the chromosome
#' @param barcodeFile, the barcode file containing the list of cell barcodes used
#' as the input file for sscocaller
#' @param cellBarcode, the selected cell barcode
#' @param snp_track, the SNP position track which is used for obtaining the SNP
#' chromosome locations. It could be omitted and the SNP positions will be acquired
#' from the "*_snpAnnot.txt" file.
#' @param co_count, `GRange` or `RangedSummarizedExperiment` object,
#' returned by \code{countCO} that contains the crossover intervals and the number
#' of crossovers in each cell.
#' @param chunk, An integer scalar indicating the chunk size to use,
#' i.e., number of rows to read at any one time.
#' @return The DataTrack object defined in \code{\link[Gviz]{DataTrack}}
#' @importFrom Gviz DataTrack
#' @author Ruqian Lyu
#' @export
#' @examples
#' demo_path <-paste0(system.file("extdata",package = "comapr"),"/")
#' s1_rse_state <- readHapState("s1",chroms=c("chr1"),
#' path=demo_path,barcodeFile=NULL,minSNP = 0,
#' minlogllRatio = 50,
#' bpDist = 100,maxRawCO=10,
#' minCellSNP = 0)
#' s1_counts <- countCOs(s1_rse_state)
#' af_co_tracks <- getCellAFTrack(chrom ="chr1",
#' path_loc = demo_path,
#' sampleName = "s1",
#' barcodeFile = paste0(demo_path,
#' "s1_barcodes.txt"),
#' cellBarcode = "BC1",
#' co_count = s1_counts)
getCellAFTrack <- function(chrom = "chr1",
path_loc = "./output/firstBatch/WC_522/",
sampleName = "WC_522",
nwindow = 80,
snp_track = NULL,
chunk = 1000L){
initial_barcodes <- read.table(file = barcodeFile)
whichCell <- match(cellBarcode, initial_barcodes$V1)
dpMM <- readColMM(file = paste0(path_loc, sampleName,"_",
which.col = whichCell,
chunk = chunk)
dpMM <- dpMM[,whichCell]
altMM <- readColMM(file = paste0(path_loc, sampleName,"_",
chrom, "_altCount.mtx"),
which.col = whichCell,
chunk = chunk)
altMM <- altMM[,whichCell]
af_data <- altMM/dpMM
keep_snp <- !is.na(af_data)
snp_pos <- .get_snp_pos(snp_track = snp_track, path_loc = path_loc,
sampleName = sampleName, chrom = chrom)
af_track <- DataTrack(GRanges(seqnames = chrom,
width = 1,
genome = "mm10")),
name = paste0(cellBarcode, " AF"),
data = af_data[keep_snp],
window = nwindow,
aggregation = "mean",
co_range_cell1 <- getCellCORange(co_count, cellBarcode = cellBarcode)
list(af_track=af_track, co_range =co_range_cell1)
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