
Defines functions wgcnaAna summarySE filterPer mutivarOutlier checkOutlier multiAdonis kBest2 kBest distJSD

Documented in checkOutlier distJSD filterPer kBest kBest2 multiAdonis mutivarOutlier summarySE

##### overview for data ##########

#' JSD distance
#' to compute the jsd distance
#' @param inMatrix
#' @param pseudocount
#' @param ...
#' @return distance
#' @export
#' @examples
distJSD <- function(inMatrix, pseudocount=0.00000001, ...) {

  # if have negtive number, transform them
  if(any(inMatrix < 0)){
    mixV <- min(inMatrix)
    inMatrix <- inMatrix+abs(mixV)+pseudocount

  inMatrix <- t(inMatrix)
  KLD <- function(x,y) sum(x *log(x/y))
  JSD<- function(x,y) sqrt(0.5 * KLD(x, (x+y)/2) + 0.5 * KLD(y, (x+y)/2))
  matrixColSize <- length(colnames(inMatrix))
  matrixRowSize <- length(rownames(inMatrix))
  colnames <- colnames(inMatrix)
  resultsMatrix <- matrix(0, matrixColSize, matrixColSize)
  min <- min(inMatrix)
  inMatrix <- inMatrix+min
  inMatrix = apply(inMatrix,1:2,function(x) ifelse (x==0,pseudocount,x))

  for(i in 1:matrixColSize) {
    for(j in 1:matrixColSize) {
  colnames -> colnames(resultsMatrix) -> rownames(resultsMatrix)
  attr(resultsMatrix, "method") <- "dist"


#' kBest
#' to get the best k in non-supervision method
#' @param data
#' @param dist
#' @param method
#' @return list , include the best cluster number k & original figure & dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
kBest <- function(data, dist , method = "kmeans"){

  sil = NULL
  out <- list()
  res <- matrix(NA, 19, ncol(data))

  for (k in 2:20) {
    switch (method,
            kmeans = { data.cluster_temp <-kmeans(dist, k)$cluster},
            pam = { data.cluster_temp <-pam(dist, k)$clustering},
            fanny = {  data.cluster_temp <- fanny(dist, k)$clustering}
    res[k-1,] <- data.cluster_temp
    nclusters[k-1] <- index.G1(t(data) , data.cluster_temp,  d = dist,
                               centrotypes = "medoids")
    sil[k-1] <- mean(silhouette(data.cluster_temp, dist = dist)[,3])

  best <- which.max(nclusters)+1
  kCluster <- c(2:20)
  CH_index <- nclusters
  Silhouette <- sil
  cluster <- data.frame(kCluster,  CH_index, Silhouette)
  cluster <- melt(cluster, id = "kCluster")
  colnames(cluster) <- c("kCluster", "Index", "value")

  figure <- ggplot(cluster, aes(x=value, y=kCluster))+
    theme_bw()+finalTheme+xlab("")+ylab("Number of cluster")+facet_grid(.~Index, scales = "free")

  out <- list(res[best-1,], best, figure)



#' kBest2
#' @param data
#' @param dist
#' @param method
#' @param clustNum
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
kBest2 <- function(data, dist , method = "kmeans",  clustNum){

  sil = NULL
  out <- list()
  res <- matrix(NA, clustNum, ncol(data))

  for (k in 1:clustNum) {

    switch (method,
            kmeans = { data.cluster_temp <-kmeans(dist, k)$cluster},
            pam = { data.cluster_temp <- pam(dist, k)$clustering},
            fanny = {  data.cluster_temp <- fanny(dist, k)$clustering}

    res[k,] <- data.cluster_temp
    nclusters[k] <- index.G1(t(data) , data.cluster_temp,  d = dist,
                             centrotypes = "medoids")


  best <- which.max(nclusters)
  print("Best cluster number is ", best)
  CH_index <- nclusters
  df <- data.frame(clusters = as.factor(1:clustNum), y = CH_index)
  df[1,2] <- min(df[,2], na.rm=T)-0.1*min(df[,2], na.rm=T)
  ylab <- "Calinski-Harabasz index"

  p <- ggpubr::ggline(df, x = "clusters", y = "y", group = 1,
                      color = "steelblue", ylab = ylab,
                      xlab = "Number of clusters k",
                      main = "Optimal number of clusters\nCH-index method"

  p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = which.max(CH_index), linetype=2, color = "steelblue")



#' multiAdonis
#' for pair compare for multigroup use the adonis
#' @param dat
#' @param config
#' @param perm
#' @param method
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
multiAdonis <- function(dat, config, perm=999, method="bray"){
  # reorder the sample id of dat and config
  # dat : row is sample
  # perm : permutation number ,default 999
  # method : distance method

  id <- intersect(rownames(dat), rownames(config))
  dat <- dat[id, ]
  config <- config[id,]
  combng <- combn(unique(config), 2)
  res <- matrix(NA, nrow=ncol(combng), ncol = 6)
  for(i in 1:ncol(combng)){
    group <- c(config[which(config==combng[1,i])],
    pro <- dat[c(which(config==combng[1,i]),
                 which(config==combng[2,i])), ]
    # here use the adonise function
    res[i, 1:6] <- as.numeric(adonis(pro~group, permutations = perm, method = method)$aov[1,])
  rownames(res) <- apply(combng, 2, function(x){paste0(x[1], " vs ", x[2])})
  colnames(res) <- c("Df", "SumsOfSqs", "MeanSqs", "F.Model", "R2", "Pr(>F)")


############# outlier ################

#' checkOutlier
#' output the outlier value on a vector by quantile
#' @param x
#' @param coef
#' @param sname
#' @param plot
#' @param vname
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
  checkOutlier <- function(x, coef = 2, sname ,plot = F, vname = "test"){

    # whether is a conituous data
    if(is.numeric(x) & length(levels(as.factor(x)))>=5){
    # get the outlier index
      x[is.na(x)] <- median(x, na.rm = T)
      quantiles <- quantile(x, probs=c(0.25,0.75), na.rm = T)
      IQR <- quantiles[2]-quantiles[1]
      index <- x < (quantiles[1]-coef*IQR)|x > (quantiles[2]+coef*IQR)
      # print the outlier
      name <- paste0(sname[index], "_", round(x[index], 2))
      res <-  paste(name, collapse = " ")

     # print the outlier sample on boxplot
         dat <- data.frame(value = x)
         dat$label <- ifelse(index, sname, "")
         dat$var <- rep(vname, nrow(dat))
         p <- ggplot(dat,aes(var,value))+
      stop("the value is not conituous data\n")


#' mutivarOutlier
#' on a dataframe to select the outlier
#' @param dat
#' @param scale
#' @param k
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
mutivarOutlier <- function(dat, scale=F, naaction = F, k, ...){

    dat <- scale(dat)

  sam_num <- nrow(dat)
  row_name <- rownames(dat)
  # to handle the NA

    dat <- mice::complete(mice::mice(dat))
  # library(DDoutlier)
  outlier.scores <- LOF(dat, k = 10 )
  checkOutlier(outlier.scores, ...)

#' filterPer
#' @param x , data.frame
#' @param row , row or col
#' @param percent , ratio
#' @param include , belong or exclude
#' @return dataframe
#' @export
#' @examples
filterPer <- function(x, row, percent, include=T){

    index <-  apply(x, row, function(x){(sum(x!=0)/length(x))>percent})
    index <-  apply(x, row, function(x){(sum(x!=0)/length(x))<percent})
    out <- x[index, ]
    out <- x[, index]

#' summarySE
#' @param data
#' @param measurevar
#' @param groupvars
#' @param na.rm
#' @param conf.interval
#' @param .drop
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
summarySE <- function(data=NULL, measurevar, groupvars=NULL, na.rm=FALSE,
                      conf.interval=.95, .drop=TRUE) {

  # New version of length which can handle NA's: if na.rm==T, don't count them
  length2 <- function (x, na.rm=FALSE) {
    if (na.rm) sum(!is.na(x))
    else       length(x)

  # This does the summary. For each group's data frame, return a vector with
  # N, mean, and sd
  datac <- ddply(data, groupvars, .drop=.drop,
                 .fun = function(xx, col) {
                   c(N    = length2(xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm),
                     mean = mean   (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm),
                     sd   = sd     (xx[[col]], na.rm=na.rm)

  # Rename the "mean" column
  datac <- rename(datac, c("mean" = measurevar))

  datac$se <- datac$sd / sqrt(datac$N)  # Calculate standard error of the mean

  # Confidence interval multiplier for standard error
  # Calculate t-statistic for confidence interval:
  # e.g., if conf.interval is .95, use .975 (above/below), and use df=N-1
  ciMult <- qt(conf.interval/2 + .5, datac$N-1)
  datac$ci <- datac$se * ciMult


########## WGCNA ################

wgcnaAna <- function(data ){

rusher321/rmeta documentation built on April 1, 2022, 10:48 p.m.