
Defines functions PKI.load.OpenSSH.pubkey PKI.decode.SSH2 PKI.mkRSApubkey PKI.verify PKI.sign PKI.genRSAkey PKI.save.key PKI.load.key

Documented in PKI.genRSAkey PKI.load.key PKI.load.OpenSSH.pubkey PKI.mkRSApubkey PKI.save.key PKI.sign PKI.verify

## Notes on key formats:
##  public key : ASN.1 SEQ(modulus (n) INT, publicExponent (e) INT)
##  private key: ver, n, e, d, p, q, d mod (p-1), d mod (q-1), (inv q) mod p [,other primes]
## X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo (BEGIN PUBLIC KEY) - RFC 1422
##  SEQ(AlgorithmIdentifier:SEQ(OID, param[NULL]), BIT-STR(key - as defined in PKCS#1))
##  int32 n, char[n] type "ssh-rsa", int32 n, byte[n] exponent, int32 n, byte[n] modulus (all big-endian)
## OpenSSH uses same format but on one line with 'ssh-rsa ' prefix

## pkcs-1 1 OID: iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) rsadsi(113549) pkcs(1) 1
##  (pkcs-1 1) = rsaEncryption (RFC 3447) --- for use in SubjectPublicKeyInfo
oid.pkcs.1.rsaEncryption <- as.raw(c(0x2a,0x86,0x48,0x86,0xf7,0x0d,1,1,1))

PKI.load.key <- function(what, format=c("PEM", "DER"), private, file, password="") {
    if (!missing(file) && !missing(what)) stop("what and file are mutually exclusive")
    format <- match.arg(format)
    if (missing(private)) private <- NA
    either <- (length(private) > 0) && isTRUE(all(is.na(private)))
    private <- isTRUE(private)
    bin <- isTRUE(format == "DER")
    if (!missing(file)) {
        what <- con <- file(file, if (bin) "rb" else "r")
    if (inherits(what, "connection"))
        what <- if (bin) readBin(what, raw(), 65536L) else readLines(what)
    if (is.character(what)) {
        ## remove any lines containing : or ending in \ which are headers
        rm.ln <- which(grepl(":", what, fixed=TRUE) | grepl("\\\\$", what))
        if (length(rm.ln)) what <- what[-rm.ln]
        if (either || private) {
            ## Check if this is a private key.
            i <- grep("-BEGIN (RSA |ENCRYPTED )?PRIVATE KEY-", what)
            j <- grep("-END (RSA |ENCRYPTED )?PRIVATE KEY-", what)
            if (length(i) >= 1L && length(j) >= 1L && i[1] < j[1]) {
                ## PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey method takes the base64 encoding with the header.
                what <- paste(what[i:j], collapse='\n')
                private <- TRUE
            } else {
                if (private)
                    stop("cannot find RSA private key in PEM format")
        if (!private) {
            i <- grep("-BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-", what, fixed=TRUE)
            j <- grep("-END PUBLIC KEY-", what, fixed=TRUE)
            if (length(i) >= 1L && length(j) >= 1L && i[1] < j[1])
                what <- base64enc::base64decode(what[(i + 1L):(j - 1L)])
            else { ## also support PKCS#1 format
                i <- grep("-BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-", what, fixed=TRUE)
                j <- grep("-END RSA PUBLIC KEY-", what, fixed=TRUE)
                if (length(i) >= 1L && length(j) >= 1L && i[1] < j[1]) {
                    what <- base64enc::base64decode(what[(i + 1L):(j - 1L)])
                    # wrap the PKCS#1 in X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo
                    what <- ASN1.encode(list(list(ASN1.item(oid.pkcs.1.rsaEncryption, 6L),
                                                  ASN1.item(raw(0), 5L)),
                                             ASN1.item(what, 3L)))
                } else { ## also support SSH2 format
                    i <- grep("-- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY --", what, fixed=TRUE)
                    j <- grep("-- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY --", what, fixed=TRUE)
                    if (length(i) >= 1L && length(j) >= 1L && i[1] < j[1])
                        return(PKI.decode.SSH2(base64enc::base64decode(what[(i + 1L):(j - 1L)]), "key", FALSE))
                    else {
                        if (either)
                            stop("cannot find either public or private RSA key in PEM format")
                            stop("cannot find public RSA key in PEM format")
    if (private)
      .Call(PKI_load_private_RSA, what, password)
      .Call(PKI_load_public_RSA, what)

PKI.save.key <- function(key, format=c("PEM", "DER"), private=NA, target) {
  der <- .Call(PKI_extract_key, key, private)
  format <- match.arg(format)
  if (isTRUE(format == "PEM")) {
    guard <- if (inherits(der, "public.key.DER")) c("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----","-----END PUBLIC KEY-----") else c("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----")
    pem <- c(guard[1], base64enc::base64encode(der, 64), guard[2])
    if (!missing(target)) {
      if (is.character(target)) {
        target <- file(target, "w")
      if (inherits(target, "connection")) writeLines(pem, target)
    return (pem)

  if (!missing(target)) {
    if (is.character(target)) {
      target <- file(target, "wb")
    if (inherits(target, "connection"))
        writeBin(c(der), target)
  return (der)

PKI.genRSAkey <- function(bits=2048L) .Call(PKI_RSAkeygen, bits)

PKI.sign <- function(what, key, hash=c("SHA1", "SHA256", "MD5"), digest) {
  if (!missing(digest) && !missing(what))
    stop("what and digest are mutually exclusive")
  if (missing(digest))
    digest <- PKI.digest(what, hash)
  hash <- pmatch(hash, c("SHA1", "SHA256", "MD5"))[1]
  if (is.na(hash)) stop("invalid hash specification")
  .Call(PKI_sign_RSA, digest, hash, key)

PKI.verify <- function(what, signature, key, hash=c("SHA1", "SHA256", "MD5"), digest) {
    if (inherits(key, "X509cert")) key <- PKI.pubkey(key)
    if (!missing(digest) && !missing(what))
        stop("what and digest are mutually exclusive")
    if (missing(digest))
        digest <- PKI.digest(what, hash)
    hash <- pmatch(hash, c("SHA1", "SHA256", "MD5"))[1]
    if (is.na(hash)) stop("invalid hash specification")
    .Call(PKI_verify_RSA, digest, hash, key, signature)

PKI.mkRSApubkey <- function(modulus, exponent=65537L, format = c("DER", "PEM", "key")) {
  format <- match.arg(format)
  if (inherits(modulus, "bigz") || !is.raw(modulus)) modulus <- as.BIGNUMint(modulus)
  if (inherits(exponent, "bigz") || !is.raw(exponent)) exponent <- as.BIGNUMint(exponent)
  der <- ASN1.encode(list(list(ASN1.item(oid.pkcs.1.rsaEncryption, 6L),
                               ASN1.item(raw(0), 5L)),
                          ASN1.item(ASN1.encode(list(ASN1.item(modulus, 2L), ASN1.item(exponent, 2L))), 3L)))
  if (format == "DER") return(der)
  if (format == "PEM") return(c("-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----", base64enc::base64encode(der, 64), "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"))
  .Call(PKI_load_public_RSA, der)

## not exported - decode raw vector containg ssh-rsa key
PKI.decode.SSH2 <- function(what, format, silent=TRUE) {
  c <- rawConnection(what, "rb")
  l <- readBin(c, 1L, endian="big")
  s <- rawToChar(readBin(c, raw(), l))
  if (!isTRUE(s == "ssh-rsa")) {
    if (isTRUE(silent)) return(NULL)
    stop("unsupported SSH2 public key - expected ssh-rsa, found ", s)
  l <- readBin(c, 1L, endian="big")
  exp <- readBin(c, raw(), l)
  l <- readBin(c, 1L, endian="big")
  mod <- readBin(c, raw(), l)
  PKI.mkRSApubkey(mod, exp, format=format)

PKI.load.OpenSSH.pubkey <- function(what, first=TRUE, format = c("DER", "PEM", "key")) {
  format <- match.arg(format)
  if (inherits(what, "connection")) what <- readLines(what)
  what <- what[grep("^ssh-rsa ", what)]
  if (length(what)) {
    if (isTRUE(first) && length(what) > 1L)
      what <- what[1L]
    keys <- lapply(strsplit(what, " "), function(ln) PKI.decode.SSH2(base64enc::base64decode(ln[2]), format))
    if (isTRUE(first))
  } else list()
s-u/PKI documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 2:44 p.m.