
#' Tree-view a directory structure
#' @description This function will summarize a given directory structure as a tree.
#' @param filepath_tree Character. Specify file path to write the tree file.
#' @param tree_directory Character. Specify input directory as top level for the tree.
#' @param include_hidden_tree Logical. Include/Exclude hidden directories and files to build the tree.
#' @param summarize_tree Logical. Should the directory structure (tree) be printed to console?
#' @author Frederik Sachser
#' @export
write_tree <- function(tree_directory = getwd(), filepath_tree, include_hidden_tree = FALSE, summarize_tree = TRUE) {

  tree_directory <- tools::file_path_as_absolute(tree_directory)

  thefiles <- list.files(path = tree_directory, recursive = TRUE, all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
   thedir <- list.dirs(path = tree_directory, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)

  # remove hidden dirs and files
  if (include_hidden_tree == FALSE) {
    grephiddenfiles <- grep(pattern = paste0(.Platform$file.sep, "."), x = thefiles, fixed = TRUE)
    grephiddendir <- grep(pattern = paste0(.Platform$file.sep, "."), x = thedir, fixed = TRUE)

    if (length(grephiddenfiles) > 0) {
      thefiles <- thefiles[-grephiddenfiles]

    if (length(grephiddendir) > 0) {
      thedir <- thedir[-grephiddendir]

  nfiles_recursive <- c()
  ndir_recursive <- c()
  dirnames <- list()
  ndir <- c()
  nfiles <- c()

  for (i in 1:length(thedir)) {
    # nfiles_recursive
    # recursive = TRUE, include_dirs = FALSE
    nfiles_recursive[i] <- length(list.files(path = thedir[i], include.dirs = FALSE, all.files = include_hidden_tree, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, no.. = TRUE))
    # ndir_recursive
    # recursive = TRUE, include_dirs = TRUE
    ndir_recursive[i] <- length(list.files(path = thedir[i], include.dirs = TRUE, all.files = include_hidden_tree, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, no.. = TRUE)) - nfiles_recursive[i]
    # ndir
    dirnames[[i]] <- list.dirs(path = thedir[i], full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)
    if (include_hidden_tree == FALSE) {
      bar <- grep(pattern = paste0(.Platform$file.sep, "."), x = dirnames[[i]], fixed = TRUE)
      ndir[i] <- length(dirnames[[i]]) - length(bar)
    } else {
      ndir[i] <- length(dirnames[[i]])
    # nfiles
    # recursive = FALSE, include_dirs = FALSE
    nfiles[i] <- length(list.files(path = thedir[i], include.dirs = FALSE, all.files = include_hidden_tree, recursive = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, no.. = TRUE)) - ndir[i]

  # remove path of directory
  nchar_dir <- nchar(tools::file_path_as_absolute(tree_directory))

  thedir <- substr(thedir, start = (nchar_dir + 1), stop = nchar(thedir))

  thefiles <- substr(thefiles, start = (nchar_dir + 1), stop = nchar(thefiles))

  # format output
  dirname <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(thedir)) {
    nr_subdir <- nchar(thedir[i]) - nchar(gsub(.Platform$file.sep, "", thedir[i]))
    dirname[i] <- paste0(paste0(rep("   ", nr_subdir), collapse = ""), "|__ ", basename(thedir[i]))

  dirname[1] <- basename(tree_directory)

  writeLines(c("Dirname (ndir_recursive - ndir - nfiles_recursive - nfiles)", "-----------------------------------------------------------", paste0(dirname, " (", ndir_recursive, "-", ndir, "-", nfiles_recursive, "-", nfiles, ")")), sep = "\n", con = filepath_tree)

  if (!is.null(summarize_tree) && summarize_tree == TRUE) {
    writeLines(text = readLines(con = filepath_tree), con = stdout())
sachserf/framework documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:21 p.m.