#### SaemixRes class - definition ####
# Definition with initialise
#' Class "SaemixRes"
#' An object of the SaemixRes class, representing the results of a fit through the SAEM algorithm.
#' @name SaemixRes-class
#' @docType class
#' @aliases SaemixRes SaemixRes-class
#' @aliases plot,SaemixRes print,SaemixRes showall,SaemixRes show,SaemixRes
#' @section Objects from the Class:
#' An object of the SaemixData class can be created by using the function \code{\link{saemixData}} and contain the following slots:
#' @slot name.fixed a vector containing the names of the fixed parameters in the model
#' @slot name.random a vector containing the names of the random parameters in the model
#' @slot name.sigma a vector containing the names of the parameters of the residual error model
#' @slot npar.est the number of parameters estimated (fixed, random and residual)
#' @slot fixed.effects a vector giving the estimated h(mu) and betas
#' @slot fixed.psi a vector giving the estimated h(mu)
#' @slot betas a vector giving the estimated mu
#' @slot betaC a vector with the estimates of the fixed effects for covariates
#' @slot omega the estimated variance-covariance matrix
#' @slot respar the estimated parameters of the residual error model
#' @slot fim the Fisher information matrix
#' @slot se.fixed a vector giving the estimated standard errors of estimation for the fixed effect parameters
#' @slot se.omega a vector giving the estimated standard errors of estimation for Omega
#' @slot se.cov a matrix giving the estimated SE for each term of the covariance matrix (diagonal elements represent the SE on the variances of the random effects and off-diagonal elements represent the SE on the covariance terms)
#' @slot se.respar a vector giving the estimated standard errors of estimation for the parameters of the residual variability
#' @slot parpop a matrix tracking the estimates of the population parameters at each iteration
#' @slot allpar a matrix tracking the estimates of all the parameters (including covariate effects) at each iteration
#' @slot indx.fix the index of the fixed parameters (used in the estimation algorithm)
#' @slot indx.cov the index of the covariance parameters (used in the estimation algorithm)
#' @slot indx.omega the index of the random effect parameters (used in the estimation algorithm)
#' @slot indx.res the index of the residual error model parameters (used in the estimation algorithm)
#' @slot MCOV a matrix of covariates (used in the estimation algorithm)
#' @slot cond.mean.phi a matrix giving the conditional mean estimates of phi (estimated as the mean of the conditional distribution)
#' @slot cond.mean.psi a matrix giving the conditional mean estimates of psi (h(cond.mean.phi))
#' @slot cond.var.phi a matrix giving the variance on the conditional mean estimates of phi (estimated as the variance of the conditional distribution)
#' @slot cond.mean.eta a matrix giving the conditional mean estimates of the random effect eta
#' @slot cond.shrinkage a vector giving the shrinkage on the conditional mean estimates of eta
#' @slot mean.phi a matrix giving the population estimate (Ci*mu) including covariate effects
#' @slot map.psi a matrix giving the MAP estimates of individual parameters
#' @slot map.phi a matrix giving the MAP estimates of individual phi
#' @slot map.eta a matrix giving the individual estimates of the random effects corresponding to the MAP estimates
#' @slot map.shrinkage a vector giving the shrinkage on the MAP estimates of eta
#' @slot phi phi
#' @slot psi.samp a three-dimensional array with samples of psi from the conditional distribution
#' @slot phi.samp a three-dimensional array with samples of phi from the conditional distribution
#' @slot phi.samp.var a three-dimensional array with the variance of phi
#' @slot ll.lin log-likelihood computed by lineariation
#' @slot aic.lin Akaike Information Criterion computed by linearisation
#' @slot bic.lin Bayesian Information Criterion computed by linearisation
#' @slot ll.is log-likelihood computed by Importance Sampling
#' @slot aic.is Akaike Information Criterion computed by Importance Sampling
#' @slot bic.is Bayesian Information Criterion computed by Importance Sampling
#' @slot LL a vector giving the conditional log-likelihood at each iteration of the algorithm
#' @slot ll.gq log-likelihood computed by Gaussian Quadrature
#' @slot aic.gq Akaike Information Criterion computed by Gaussian Quadrature
#' @slot bic.gq Bayesian Information Criterion computed by Gaussian Quadrature
#' @slot predictions a data frame containing all the predictions and residuals in a table format
#' @slot ypred a vector giving the mean population predictions
#' @slot ppred a vector giving the population predictions obtained with the MAP estimates
#' @slot ipred a vector giving the individual predictions obtained with the MAP estimates
#' @slot icpred a vector giving the individual predictions obtained with the conditional estimates
#' @slot ires a vector giving the individual residuals obtained with the MAP estimates
#' @slot iwres a vector giving the individual weighted residuals obtained with the MAP estimates
#' @slot icwres a vector giving the individual weighted residuals obtained with the conditional estimates
#' @slot wres a vector giving the population weighted residuals
#' @slot npde a vector giving the normalised prediction distribution errors
#' @slot pd a vector giving the prediction discrepancies
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{[<-}{\code{signature(x = "SaemixRes")}: replace elements of object}
#' \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "SaemixRes")}: access elements of object}
#' \item{initialize}{\code{signature(.Object = "SaemixRes")}: internal function to initialise object, not to be used}
#' \item{print}{\code{signature(x = "SaemixRes")}: prints details about the object (more extensive than show)}
#' \item{read}{\code{signature(object = "SaemixRes")}: internal function, not to be used }
#' \item{showall}{\code{signature(object = "SaemixRes")}: shows all the elements in the object}
#' \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "SaemixRes")}: prints details about the object}
#' \item{summary}{\code{signature(object = "SaemixRes")}: summary of the results. Returns a list with a number of elements extracted from the results ().}
#' }
#' @references Comets E, Lavenu A, Lavielle M. Parameter estimation in nonlinear mixed effect models using saemix, an R implementation of the SAEM algorithm. Journal of Statistical Software 80, 3 (2017), 1-41.
#' Kuhn E, Lavielle M. Maximum likelihood estimation in nonlinear mixed effects models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 49, 4 (2005), 1020-1038.
#' Comets E, Lavenu A, Lavielle M. SAEMIX, an R version of the SAEM algorithm. 20th meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe, Athens, Greece (2011), Abstr 2173.
#' @author Emmanuelle Comets \email{emmanuelle.comets@@inserm.fr}
#' @author Audrey Lavenu
#' @author Marc Lavielle.
#' @seealso \code{\link{saemixData}} \code{\link{SaemixModel}} \code{\link{saemixControl}} \code{\link{saemix}}
#' @examples
#' methods(class="SaemixRes")
#' showClass("SaemixRes")
#' @keywords classes
#' @exportClass SaemixRes
name.fixed="character", # names of fixed parameters in the model
name.random="character", # names of random effects
name.sigma="character", # names of parameters of residual error model
npar.est="numeric", # nb of parameters estimated (fixed, random & resid)
fixed.effects="numeric", # vector with h(mu) and betas in estimation order
fixed.psi="numeric", # h(mu)
betas="matrix", # estimated mu
betaC="numeric", # estimated fixed effects for covariates
omega="matrix", # estimated omega
respar="numeric", # estimated residual variability
fim="matrix", # Fisher information matrix
se.fixed="numeric", # estimated SE for fixed effects
se.omega="numeric", # estimated SE for Omega (diagonal terms of Omega, presented as vector)
se.cov="matrix", # matrix giving the estimated SE for each term of the covariance matrix (diagonal elements represent the SE on the variances of the random effects and off-diagonal elements represent the SE on the covariance terms)
se.respar="numeric", # estimated SE for residual variability
parpop="matrix", # population parameters at each iteration
allpar="matrix", # all parameters (including covariate effects) at each iteration
indx.fix="numeric", # index of mean param estimated (was indx.betaI)
indx.cov="numeric", # index of cov param estimated (was indx.betaC)
indx.omega="numeric", # index of random param estimated (was i1.omega2)
indx.res="numeric", # index of param of residual errors estimated (was indx.res)
MCOV="matrix", # ECO TODO define
# Individual parameters
cond.mean.phi="matrix", # Cond mean estimates of Phi (mean of conditional distribution)
cond.mean.psi="matrix", # Cond mean estimates of Psi (h(cond.mean.phi))
cond.var.phi="matrix", # Variability on cond.mean.phi (var of conditional distribution)
cond.mean.eta="matrix", # Cond mean estimates of eta (CHECK FORMULA)
cond.shrinkage="numeric", # Shrinkage for cond mean estimates of Eta
mean.phi="matrix", # population estimate (Ci*mu) including covariate effects
map.psi="data.frame", # MAP estimates of individual parameters
map.phi="data.frame", # MAP estimates of phi
map.eta="matrix", # ETAs corresponding to the MAP estimates (computed as map.phi-COV%*%MCOV in compute.eta.map)
map.shrinkage="numeric", # shrinkage on MAP estimates
phi="matrix", # ECO TODO define
psi.samp="array", # nb.chains samples in the individual conditional distributions (psi)
phi.samp="array", # nb.chains samples in the individual conditional distributions (phi)
phi.samp.var="array", # variance of samples
# Statistical criteria
ll.lin="numeric", # for each method (linearisation, IS, GQ)
aic.lin="numeric", # ll=log-likelihood
bic.lin="numeric", # aic= Akaike Information Criterion
ll.is="numeric", # bic= Bayesian Information Criterion
LL="numeric", # LL for each iteration in the IS algorithm
# Model predictions and residuals
predictions="data.frame", # data frame containing all the predictions and residuals below
ypred="numeric", # vector of mean population predictions
ppred="numeric", # vector of population predictions with MAP
ipred="numeric", # vector of individual predictions with MAP
icpred="numeric", # vector of individual predictions with conditional estimates
ires="numeric", # vector of individual residuals with MAP (ipred-x)
iwres="numeric", # vector of individual weighted residuals with MAP
icwres="numeric", # vector of individual weighted residuals with conditional estimates
wres="numeric", # vector of WRES (population weighted residuals)
npde="numeric", # vector of npde
pd="numeric" # vector of prediction discrepancies
# cat ("--- Checking SaemixRes object ---\n")
# initialize
#' @rdname initialize-methods
#' @param name.fixed a character string giving the name of the fixed parameters
#' @param name.random a character string giving the name of the random parameters
#' @param fixed.effects vector with the estimates of h(mu) and betas in estimation order
#' @param fixed.psi vector with the estimates of h(mu)
#' @param betaC vector with the estimates of betas (estimated fixed effects for covariates)
#' @param betas vector with the estimates of mu
#' @param omega estimated variance-covariance matrix
#' @param respar vector with the estimates of the parameters of the residual error
#' @param cond.mean.phi matrix of size (number of subjects) x (nb of parameters) containing the conditional mean estimates of the, defined as the mean of the conditional distribution
#' @param cond.var.phi matrix of the variances on cond.mean.phi, defined as the variance of the conditional distribution
#' @param mean.phi matrix of size (number of subjects) x (nb of parameters) giving for each subject the estimates of the population parameters including covariate effects
#' @param phi matrix of size (number of subjects) x (nb of parameters) giving for each subject
#' @param phi.samp samples from the individual conditional distributions of the phi
#' @param parpop population parameters at each iteration
#' @param allpar all parameters (including covariate effects) at each iteration
#' @param MCOV design matrix C
#' @exportMethod initialize
definition= function(.Object,name.fixed,name.random,name.sigma,fixed.effects, fixed.psi,betaC,betas,omega,respar,cond.mean.phi,cond.var.phi,mean.phi,phi, phi.samp,parpop, allpar,MCOV){
# cat ("--- initialising SaemixRes Object --- \n")
if(missing(name.fixed)) name.fixed<-character(0)
if(missing(name.random)) name.random<-character(0)
if(missing(name.sigma)) name.sigma<-character(0)
if(missing(fixed.effects)) fixed.effects<-numeric(0)
if(missing(fixed.psi)) fixed.psi<-numeric(0)
if(missing(betas)) betas<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if(missing(betaC)) betaC<-numeric(0)
if(missing(omega)) omega<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
# if(missing(omega)) omega<-matrix(data=NA,nrow=length(),ncol=length())
if(missing(respar)) respar<-numeric(0)
if(missing(cond.mean.phi)) cond.mean.phi<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if(missing(cond.var.phi)) cond.var.phi<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if(missing(mean.phi)) mean.phi<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if(missing(phi)) phi<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if(missing(phi.samp)) phi.samp<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if(missing(parpop)) parpop<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if(missing(allpar)) allpar<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
if(missing(MCOV)) MCOV<-matrix(nrow=0,ncol=0)
# if(missing()) <-
# .Object@<-
# Object validation
# validObject(.Object)
return (.Object )
#### SaemixRes class - accesseur ####
##' Get/set methods for SaemixRes object
##' Access slots of a SaemixRes object using the object["slot"] format
#' @param x object
#' @param i element to be replaced
#' @param j element to replace with
#' @param drop whether to drop unused dimensions
#' @keywords methods
#' @exportMethod [
#' @exportMethod [<-
#' @exportPattern "^[[:alpha:]]+"
# Getteur
f ="[",
signature = "SaemixRes" ,
definition = function (x,i,j,drop ){
switch (EXPR=i,
stop("No such attribute\n")
#paste(" ",slotNames(saemix.res),"={return(x@",slotNames(saemix.res),")},",sep="")
#' replace names of SaemixRes
#' @name [
#' @aliases [<-,SaemixRes-method
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname extract-methods
# Setteur
f ="[",
signature = "SaemixRes" ,
definition = function (x,i,j,value){
switch (EXPR=i,
stop("No such attribute\n")
# validObject(x)
#### SaemixRes class - method to print/show data ####
#' @rdname print-methods
#' @param digits number of digits to use for pretty printing
#' @param map when map is TRUE the individual parameter estimates are shown (defaults to FALSE)
#' @exportMethod print
function(x,digits=2,map=FALSE,...) {
# cat("Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by the SAEM algorithm\n")
# cat("Dataset",x@name.data,"\n")
if(length(x@betas)==0) {
cat("No fit performed yet.\n")
cat("----------------- Fixed effects ------------------\n")
if(length(x@se.fixed)==0) {
tab<-cbind(c(x@name.fixed,x@name.sigma[x@indx.res]), c(x@fixed.effects,x@respar[x@indx.res]))
} else {
tab<-cbind(c(x@name.fixed,x@name.sigma[x@indx.res]), c(x@fixed.effects,x@respar[x@indx.res]),c(x@se.fixed,x@se.respar[x@indx.res]))
if(length(x@indx.cov)>0) {
if(digits>0) {
for(i in 2:dim(tab)[2]) {
cat("----------- Variance of random effects -----------\n")
# cat(" ECO TODO: check if Omega or Omega2 (SD or variances) and can we choose ?\n") => returns omega2, and we can't choose
if(length(x@se.omega)==0) {
} else {
if(digits>0) {
for(i in 2:dim(tab)[2])
cat("------ Correlation matrix of random effects ------\n")
if(digits>0) {
for(i in 1:dim(tab)[2]) tab[,i]<-format(as.double(as.character(tab[,i])),digits=digits)
if(length(x@ll.lin)>0 | length(x@ll.is)>0 | length(x@ll.gq)>0) {
cat("--------------- Statistical criteria -------------\n")
if(length(x@ll.lin)>0) {
cat("Likelihood computed by linearisation\n")
cat(" -2LL=",(-2*x@ll.lin),"\n")
cat(" AIC =",x@aic.lin,"\n")
cat(" BIC =",x@bic.lin,"\n")
# cat(" ECO TODO: verifier si ca renvoie LL ou -2LL\n"): ok renvoie -2LL
if(length(x@ll.is)>0) {
cat("\nLikelihood computed by importance sampling\n")
cat(" -2LL=",(-2*x@ll.is),"\n")
cat(" AIC =",x@aic.is,"\n")
cat(" BIC =",x@bic.is,"\n")
if(length(x@ll.gq)>0) {
cat("\nLikelihood computed by Gaussian quadrature\n")
cat(" -2LL=",(-2*x@ll.gq),"\n")
cat(" AIC =",x@aic.gq,"\n")
cat(" BIC =",x@bic.gq,"\n")
if(length(x@map.psi)>0 & map) {
cat("--------------- Individual parameters ------------\n")
print(x@map.psi) else {
cat("Individual estimates for the first 30 subjects:\n")
#' @rdname show-methods
#' @exportMethod show
function(object) {
# cat("Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by the SAEM algorithm\n")
cat("Fixed effects\n")
if(length(object@se.fixed)==0) {
tab<-cbind(c(object@name.fixed,object@name.sigma[object@indx.res]), c(object@fixed.effects,object@respar[object@indx.res]))
} else {
tab<-cbind(c(object@name.fixed,object@name.sigma[object@indx.res]), c(object@fixed.effects,object@respar[object@indx.res]), c(object@se.fixed,object@se.respar[object@indx.res]))
colnames(tab)<-c("Parameter","Estimate"," SE"," CV(%)")
if(length(object@indx.cov)>0) {
for(i in 2:dim(tab)[2]) {
cat("\nVariance of random effects\n")
# cat(" ECO TODO: check if Omega or Omega2 (SD or variances) and can we choose ?\n")
if(length(object@se.omega)==0) {
} else {
colnames(tab)<-c("Parameter","Estimate"," SE"," CV(%)")
for(i in 2:dim(tab)[2])
if(length(object@ll.lin)>0 | length(object@ll.is)>0 | length(object@ll.gq)>0) {
cat("\nStatistical criteria\n")
if(sum(abs(mat1-diag(diag(mat1))))>0) {
cat("\nCorrelation matrix of random effects\n")
for(i in 1:dim(tab)[2])
if(length(object@ll.lin)>0) {
cat("Likelihood computed by linearisation\n")
cat(" -2LL=",(-2*object@ll.lin),"\n")
cat(" AIC=",object@aic.lin,"\n")
cat(" BIC=",object@bic.lin,"\n")
# cat(" ECO TODO: verifier si ca renvoie LL ou -2LL\n"): ok renvoie -2LL
if(length(object@ll.is)>0) {
cat("Likelihood computed by importance sampling\n")
cat(" -2LL=",(-2*object@ll.is),"\n")
cat(" AIC=",object@aic.is,"\n")
cat(" BIC=",object@bic.is,"\n")
if(length(object@ll.gq)>0) {
cat("Likelihood computed by Gaussian quadrature\n")
cat(" -2LL=",(-2*object@ll.gq),"\n")
cat(" AIC=",object@aic.gq,"\n")
cat(" BIC=",object@bic.gq,"\n")
# cat("----------------------------------------------------\n")
#' @rdname showall-methods
#' @exportMethod showall
# Could be print, with only head of data
function(object) {
cat("----------------- Fixed effects ------------------\n")
if(length(object@se.fixed)==0) {
tab<-cbind(c(object@name.fixed,object@name.sigma[object@indx.res]), c(object@fixed.effects,object@respar[object@indx.res]))
} else {
tab<-cbind(c(object@name.fixed,object@name.sigma[object@indx.res]), c(object@fixed.effects,object@respar[object@indx.res]), c(object@se.fixed,object@se.respar[object@indx.res]))
if(length(object@indx.cov)>0) {
for(i in 2:dim(tab)[2]) {
cat("----------- Variance of random effects -----------\n")
# cat(" ECO TODO: check if Omega or Omega2 (SD or variances) and can we choose ?\n")
if(length(object@se.omega)==0) {
} else {
for(i in 2:dim(tab)[2])
cat("--------------- Statistical criteria -------------\n")
if(length(object@ll.lin)>0) {
cat("Likelihood computed by linearisation\n")
cat(" -2LL=",(-2*object@ll.lin),"\n")
cat(" AIC =",object@aic.lin,"\n")
cat(" BIC =",object@bic.lin,"\n")
# cat(" ECO TODO: verifier si ca renvoie LL ou -2LL\n"): ok renvoie -2LL
if(length(object@ll.is)>0) {
cat("\nLikelihood computed by importance sampling\n")
cat(" -2LL=",(-2*object@ll.is),"\n")
cat(" AIC =",object@aic.is,"\n")
cat(" BIC =",object@bic.is,"\n")
if(length(object@ll.gq)>0) {
cat("\nLikelihood computed by Gaussian quadrature\n")
cat(" -2LL=",(-2*object@ll.gq),"\n")
cat(" AIC =",object@aic.gq,"\n")
cat(" BIC =",object@bic.gq,"\n")
#### SaemixRes class - extracting residuals and fitted values ####
# resid.lm
# function (object, type = c("working", "response", "deviance",
# "pearson", "partial"), ...)
# {
# type <- match.arg(type)
# r <- object$residuals
# res <- switch(type, working = , response = r, deviance = ,
# pearson = if (is.null(object$weights)) r else r * sqrt(object$weights),
# partial = r)
# res <- naresid(object$na.action, res)
# if (type == "partial")
# res <- res + predict(object, type = "terms")
# res
# }
#' Extract Model Residuals
#' residuals is a generic function which extracts model residuals from objects returned by modelling functions. The abbreviated form resid is an alias for residuals
#' @name resid.saemix
#' @aliases residuals.SaemixRes resid.SaemixRes
#' @aliases residuals.saemix residuals resid resid.SaemixObject residuals.SaemixObject
#' @param object an SaemixRes or an SaemixObject object
#' @param type string determining which residuals are extracted. Possible values are: "ires" (individual residuals, default), "wres" (weighted population residuals), "npde" (normalised prediction distribution errors), "pd" (prediction discrepancies), "iwres" (individual weighted residuals) and "icwres" (conditional individual weighted residuals). See user guide for details.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods
#' @return By default, individual residuals are extracted from the model object
#' @docType methods
#' @keywords methods
#' @export
resid.SaemixRes<-function (object, type = c("ires", "wres", "npde", "pd", "iwres", "icwres"), ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
res <- switch(type, ires=object@ires, wres=object@wres, npde=object@npde, iwres=object@iwres, icwres=object@icwres, pd=object@pd)
#' Extract Model Predictions
#' fitted is a generic function which extracts model predictions from objects returned by modelling functions
#' @name fitted.saemix
#' @aliases fitted fitted.SaemixRes
#' @param object an object of type SaemixRes or SaemixObject
#' @param type string determining which predictions are extracted. Possible values are: "ipred" (individual predictions obtained using the mode of the individual distribution for each subject, default), "ypred" (population predictions obtained using the population parameters f(E(theta))), "ppred" (mean of the population predictions (E(f(theta)))) and "icpred" (individual predictions obtained using the conditional mean of the individual distribution). See user guide for details.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods
#' @return Model predictions
#' @docType methods
#' @keywords methods
#' @export
fitted.SaemixRes<-function (object, type = c("ipred", "ypred", "ppred", "icpred"), ...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
pred <- switch(type, ipred=object@ipred, ypred=object@ypred, ppred=object@ppred, ipred=object@ipred, icpred=object@icpred)
#### SaemixRes class - variance-covariance matrix ####
#' Extracts the Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted Model Object
#' Returns the variance-covariance matrix of the main parameters of a fitted model object
#' @name vcov
#' @aliases vcov vcov.SaemixRes vcov.SaemixObject ##vcov,SaemixRes vcov,SaemixObject
#' @param object a fitted object from a call to saemix
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to or from other methods
#' @return A matrix of the estimated covariances between the parameter estimates in model. In saemix, this matrix is obtained as the inverse of the Fisher Information Matrix computed by linearisation
#' @export
vcov.SaemixRes<-function(object, ...) {
#' @rdname vcov
#' @export
vcov.SaemixObject<-function(object, ...) {
# setMethod("vcov","SaemixRes",
# function (object, ...)
# {
# object@fim
# }
# )
# setMethod("vcov","SaemixObject",
# function (object, ...)
# {
# vcov(object@results)
# }
# )
#### SaemixRes class - method to plot ####
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