# this extrapolates to the entire sample. not just the training set
# plotMainADNI <- function(object, x, design, xvar, s, f.truth,
# legend.position = "bottomleft", rug = TRUE, col=sail:::cbbPalette[c(6,4,7)],...) {
# # browser()
# if (length(s) > 1) {
# s <- s[[1]]
# warning("More than 1 s value provided. Only first element will be used for the estimated coefficients.")
# }
# ind <- which(object$vnames %in% xvar)
# allCoefs <- coef(object, s = s)
# a0 <- allCoefs[1, ]
# #betas <- as.matrix(allCoefs[object$main.effect.names[c((3*ind-2),(3*ind-1),(3*ind))], , drop = FALSE])
# #design.mat <- design[, xvar, drop = FALSE]
# originalX <- x
# # f.hat <- drop(a0 + design.mat %*% betas)
# f.hat <- drop(design.mat %*% betas)
# if (!missing(f.truth)) {
# seqs <- seq(range(originalX)[1], range(originalX)[2], length.out = 100)
# f.truth.eval <- f.truth(seqs)
# ylims <- range(f.truth.eval, f.hat)
# } else {
# ylims <- range(f.hat)
# }
# plot.args <- list(
# x = originalX[order(originalX)],
# y = f.hat[order(originalX)],
# ylim = ylims,
# xlab = xvar,
# ylab = sprintf("f(%s)", xvar),
# type = "n",
# # xlim = rev(range(l)),
# # las = 1,
# cex.lab = 1.5,
# cex.axis = 1.5,
# cex = 1.5,
# # bty = "n",
# # mai=c(1,1,0.1,0.2),
# # tcl = -0.5,
# # omi = c(0.2,1,0.2,0.2),
# family = "serif"
# )
# new.args <- list(...)
# if (length(new.args)) {
# new.plot.args <- new.args[names(new.args) %in% c(
# names(par()),
# names(formals(plot.default))
# )]
# plot.args[names(new.plot.args)] <- new.plot.args
# }
# do.call("plot", plot.args)
# abline(h = 0, lwd = 1, col = "gray")
# lines(originalX[order(originalX)], f.hat[order(originalX)], col = col[1], lwd = 3)
# if (rug) graphics::rug(originalX, side = 1)
# if (!missing(f.truth)) {
# lines(seqs[order(seqs)], f.truth.eval[order(seqs)], col = col[2], lwd = 3)
# }
# if (!missing(f.truth)) {
# legend(legend.position,
# c("Estimated", "Truth"),
# col = col, cex = 1, bty = "n", lwd = 3
# )
# }
# }
# this extrapolates to the entire sample. not just the training set
# plotInterADNI <- function(object, x, xvar, s,
# design, # this contains user defined expand matrix
# e, # this is E vector for whole sample
# xlab , ylab ,
# legend.position = "bottomleft", main = "", rug = TRUE,
# color = sail:::cbbPalette[c(6,4,7)], legend = TRUE) {
# # cv_obj = cvfit; original_name = "X60"; sail_name = "X19"; xlab = "supramarginal gyrus right";
# # lambda_type = "lambda.min";ylab = "Mini-Mental State Examination";
# # color = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9,"Set1"); legend = TRUE; ylim = c(15,30)
# # ==================
# # browser()
# ind <- which(object$vnames %in% xvar)
# allCoefs <- coef(object, s = s)
# a0 <- allCoefs[1, ]
# betas <- as.matrix(allCoefs[object$main.effect.names[ind], , drop = FALSE])
# alphas <- as.matrix(allCoefs[object$interaction.names[ind], , drop = FALSE])
# betaE <- as.matrix(allCoefs["E", , drop = FALSE])
# # if you dont want to extrapolate, un-comment the following lines
# #design.mat.main <- object$design[, object$main.effect.names[ind], drop = FALSE]
# #design.mat.int <- object$design[, object$interaction.names[ind], drop = FALSE]
# design.mat.main <- design[, xvar, drop = FALSE]
# design.mat.int <- design[, xvar, drop = FALSE] * e
# # originalE <- object$design[, "E", drop = FALSE] # this is the centered E
# # originalX <- x
# originalE <- e # this is the centered E
# originalX <- x
# # f.hat <- drop(a0 + design.mat %*% betas)
# f.hat <- drop(originalE * as.vector(betaE) +
# design.mat.main %*% betas + design.mat.int %*% alphas)
# # f.hat <- drop(originalE * as.vector(betaE) + design.mat.int %*% alphas)
# # f.hat <- drop(design.mat.int %*% alphas)
# ylims <- range(f.hat)
# intervention = drop(unique(originalE))[1]
# control = drop(unique(originalE))[2]
# # 0=control, 1=Intervention
# cont_index <- which(originalE==control)
# int_index <- which(originalE==intervention)
# cont_pred <- f.hat[cont_index]
# int_pred <- f.hat[int_index]
# min.length.top <- range(f.hat)[1] ; max.length.top <- range(f.hat)[2]
# par(mai=c(1,1,1,0.2))
# plot(originalX, f.hat,
# pch = 19,
# ylab = ylab,
# xlab = xlab,
# col = color[1],
# bty="n",
# xaxt="n",
# type = "n",
# cex.lab = 2,
# cex.axis = 2,
# cex = 2,
# main = main,
# cex.main = 2.5,
# # ylim = c(min.length.top-3, max.length.top+3),
# ylim = ylims)
# axis(1, labels = T, cex.axis = 2)
# lines(originalX[cont_index][order(originalX[cont_index])], cont_pred[order(originalX[cont_index])], col = color[1], lwd = 3)
# lines(originalX[int_index][order(originalX[int_index])], int_pred[order(originalX[int_index])], col = color[2], lwd = 3)
# legend("bottomleft",c("Intervention","Control"),col=c(color[2],color[1]),lwd=c(3,3))
# }
plotInterPRS <- function(object,
design, # this contains the design matrix you want to extrapolate to. if missing, then it will use design from object
evar, # this is E vector for whole sample
xlab = xvar,
ylab = "Marginal Risk",
legend.position = "bottomleft",
main = "",
rug = TRUE,
labels = NULL,
at = NULL,
color = sail:::cbbPalette[c(6,4,7)],
legend = TRUE) {
# cv_obj = cvfit; original_name = "X60"; sail_name = "X19"; xlab = "supramarginal gyrus right";
# lambda_type = "lambda.min";ylab = "Mini-Mental State Examination";
# color = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9,"Set1"); legend = TRUE; ylim = c(15,30)
# ==================
# browser()
ind <- which(object$main.effect.names == paste(xvar,1:degree, sep = "_"))
allCoefs <- coef(object, s = s)
a0 <- allCoefs[1, ]
betas <- as.matrix(allCoefs[object$main.effect.names[ind], , drop = FALSE])
alphas <- as.matrix(allCoefs[object$interaction.names[ind], , drop = FALSE])
betaE <- as.matrix(allCoefs["E", , drop = FALSE])
if(missing(design)) {
design.mat.main <- object$design[, object$main.effect.names[ind], drop = FALSE]
design.mat.int <- object$design[, object$interaction.names[ind], drop = FALSE]
design.mat.e <- object$design[,"E"] # this is the non-centered E
} else {
design.mat.main <- design[, object$main.effect.names[ind], drop = FALSE]
design.mat.int <- design[, object$interaction.names[ind], drop = FALSE]
design.mat.e <- design[,"E"] # this is the non-centered E
# design.mat.main <- design[, xvar, drop = FALSE]
# design.mat.int <- design[, xvar, drop = FALSE] * e
# originalE <- object$design[, "E", drop = FALSE] # this is the centered E
# originalX <- x
originalX <- originalDataNotCentered[,xvar]
# f.hat <- drop(a0 + design.mat %*% betas)
f.hat <- drop(design.mat.e * as.vector(betaE) +
design.mat.main %*% betas + design.mat.int %*% alphas)
# f.hat <- drop(originalE * as.vector(betaE) + design.mat.int %*% alphas)
# f.hat <- drop(design.mat.int %*% alphas)
ylims <- range(f.hat)
intervention <- drop(unique(design.mat.e))[1]
control <- drop(unique(design.mat.e))[2]
# 0=control, 1=Intervention
cont_index <- which(design.mat.e==control)
int_index <- which(design.mat.e==intervention)
cont_pred <- f.hat[cont_index]
int_pred <- f.hat[int_index]
# browser()
min.length.top <- range(f.hat)[1] ; max.length.top <- range(f.hat)[2]
par(mai=c(1,1,1,0.2), family="serif")
plot(originalX, f.hat,
pch = 19,
ylab = ylab,
xlab = xlab,
col = color[1],
type = "n",
cex.lab = 1.3,
font.lab = 1.3,
cex.axis = 1.3,
cex.main = 1.1,
# cex.lab = 2,
# cex.axis = 2,
# cex = 2,
main = main,
# cex.main = 2.5,
# ylim = c(min.length.top-3, max.length.top+3),
ylim = ylims)
if (is.null(labels)){
axis(1, labels = T, cex.axis = 1.3)
} else {
axis(1, labels = labels,
at = at, cex.axis = 1.3)
lines(originalX[cont_index][order(originalX[cont_index])], cont_pred[order(originalX[cont_index])], col = color[1], lwd = 3)
lines(originalX[int_index][order(originalX[int_index])], int_pred[order(originalX[int_index])], col = color[2], lwd = 3)
if (legend) {
legend(legend.position,c("Intervention","Control"),col=c(color[2],color[1]),lwd=c(3,3), cex = 1.3, bty = "n")
if(rug) {
return(list(control_x = originalX[cont_index][order(originalX[cont_index])],
control_y = cont_pred[order(originalX[cont_index])],
intervention_x = originalX[int_index][order(originalX[int_index])],
intervention_y = int_pred[order(originalX[int_index])]))
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