# Kaiaulu - https://github.com/sailuh/kaiaulu
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#' Transform parsed dependencies into a structural dsm.json file.
#' Converts table of dependencies from \code{\link{parse_dependencies}} into an *-sdsm.json.
#' In the sdsm.json, the Variables are all files/methods or any variables under analysis
#' (rows/columns in dependency matrix) and the Cells (matrix cell) contain all the relations of
#' variable (src & dest) pairs.
#' @param project_dependencies A parsed depends project by \code{\link{parse_dependencies}}.
#' @param sdsmj_path the path to save the structural dsm (*-sdsm.json).
#' @param is_sorted whether to sort the variables (filenames) in the sdsm.json file (optional).
#' @export
#' @family edgelists
#' @family dv8
#' @seealso \code{\link{parse_dependencies}} to get a table of parsed dependencies needed as input into \code{\link{transform_dependencies_to_sdsmj}},
#' \code{\link{transform_gitlog_to_hdsmj}} to perform a similar transformation into a *-dsm.json using a gitlog,
#' \code{\link{transform_temporal_gitlog_to_adsmj}} to perform a similar transformation into a *-dsm.json using a temporal gitlog,
#' \code{\link{graph_to_dsmj}} to generate a *-dsm.json file.
transform_dependencies_to_sdsmj <- function(project_dependencies, sdsmj_path, is_sorted=FALSE){
# Make copy of table to do changes
project_depends <- copy(project_dependencies)
# Convert table to long form
project_depends[["edgelist"]] <- melt(project_depends[["edgelist"]],id.vars <- c("src_filepath","dest_filepath"), variable.name = "label")
setnames(x=project_depends[["nodes"]], old = c("filepath"), new = c("name"))
setnames(x=project_depends[["edgelist"]], old = c("src_filepath","dest_filepath", "value"),
new = c("from","to", "weight"))
# Put the weight column in front of the label column
setcolorder(project_depends[["edgelist"]], c("from", "to", "weight", "label"))
# This is a directed graph, so no duplication of edges
graph_to_dsmj(project_depends, sdsmj_path, dsmj_name="sdsm", is_directed=TRUE, is_sorted)
#' Transform parsed git repo into a history dsm.json file.
#' Converts a gitlog table into an *-hdsm.json.
#' In the hdsm.json, the Variables are all files/methods or any variables under analysis
#' (rows/columns in dependency matrix) and the Cells (matrix cell) contain all the relations of
#' variable (src & dest) pairs. The Co-change is the number of times the src & dest were committed together.
#' Note that the co-change between a file and its renamed variant will not be considered
#' using this function, so those cells won't appear in the final *-hdsm.json.
#' @param project_git A parsed git project by \code{\link{parse_gitlog}}.
#' @param hdsmj_path the path to save the history dsm (*-hdsm.json).
#' @param is_sorted whether to sort the variables (filenames) in the hdsm.json file (optional).
#' @export
#' @family edgelists
#' @family dv8
#' @seealso \code{\link{parse_gitlog}} to get a table of a parsed git project needed as input into \code{\link{transform_gitlog_to_hdsmj}},
#' \code{\link{transform_temporal_gitlog_to_adsmj}} to perform a similar transformation into a *-dsm.json using a temporal gitlog,
#' \code{\link{transform_dependencies_to_sdsmj}} to perform a similar transformation into a *-dsm.json using dependencies from Depends,
#' \code{\link{graph_to_dsmj}} to generate a *-dsm.json file.
transform_gitlog_to_hdsmj <- function(project_git, hdsmj_path, is_sorted=FALSE){
# Call preliminary functions to get graph and cochange for the files
git_bipartite <- transform_gitlog_to_bipartite_network(project_git, mode ="commit-file")
cochange_table <- bipartite_graph_projection(git_bipartite, mode = FALSE,
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_count_deleted_nodes)
# Add label column with Cochange value
cochange_table[["edgelist"]][["label"]] <- "Cochange"
# This is an undirected graph, so there is duplication of edges
graph_to_dsmj(cochange_table, hdsmj_path, dsmj_name="hdsm", is_directed=FALSE, is_sorted)
#' Transform parsed git repo into an author dsm.json file.
#' Converts a temporal gitlog table into an *-adsm.json.
#' In the adsm.json, the Variables are all the authors under analysis
#' (rows/columns in dependency matrix) and the Cells (matrix cell) contain all the relations of
#' variable (src & dest) pairs. The Collaborate value is the number of times the src author and dest author changed the same file.
#' @param project_git A parsed git project by \code{\link{parse_gitlog}}.
#' @param adsmj_path the path to save the author dsm (*-adsm.json).
#' @param is_sorted whether to sort the variables (filenames) in the adsm.json file (optional).
#' @export
#' @family edgelists
#' @family dv8
#' @seealso \code{\link{parse_gitlog}} to get a table of a parsed git project needed as input into \code{\link{transform_gitlog_to_hdsmj}},
#' \code{\link{transform_gitlog_to_hdsmj}} to perform a similar transformation into a *-dsm.json using a gitlog,
#' \code{\link{transform_dependencies_to_sdsmj}} to perform a similar transformation into a *-dsm.json using dependencies from Depends,
#' \code{\link{graph_to_dsmj}} to generate a *-dsm.json file.
transform_temporal_gitlog_to_adsmj <- function(project_git, adsmj_path, is_sorted=FALSE){
# Call preliminary functions to get graph and collaborators for the files
author_table <- transform_gitlog_to_temporal_network(project_git, mode=c("author"))
# Add label column with Collaborate value
author_table[["edgelist"]][["label"]] <- "Collaborate"
# This is a directed graph, so no duplication of edges
graph_to_dsmj(author_table, adsmj_path, dsmj_name="adsm", is_directed=TRUE, is_sorted)
#' Transform parsed git repo into an edgelist
#' @param project_git A parsed git project by \code{\link{parse_gitlog}}.
#' @param mode The network of interest: author-entity, committer-entity, commit-entity, author-committer
#' @export
#' @family edgelists
transform_gitlog_to_bipartite_network <- function(project_git, mode = c("author-file","committer-file","commit-file",'author-committer')){
author_name_email <- author_datetimetz <- commit_hash <- committer_name_email <- committer_datetimetz <- lines_added <- lines_removed <- NULL # due to NSE notes in R CMD check
# Check user did not specify a mode that does not exist
mode <- match.arg(mode)
# Select and rename relevant columns. Key = commit_hash.
project_git <- project_git[,.(author=author_name_email,
committer_date = committer_datetimetz,
file = file_pathname,
added = lines_added,
removed = lines_removed)]
if(mode == "author-file"){
git_graph <- model_directed_graph(project_git[,.(from=author,to=file)],
}else if(mode == "committer-file"){
git_graph <- model_directed_graph(project_git[,.(from=committer,to=file)],
}else if(mode == "commit-file"){
git_graph <- model_directed_graph(project_git[,.(from=commit_hash,to=file)],
}else if(mode == "author-committer"){
git_graph <- model_directed_graph(project_git[,.(from=author,to=committer)],
#' Transforms a gitlog table to a historical DSM JSON file.
#' Converts a gitlog table into an *-hdsm.json.
#' In the hdsm.json, the Variables are all files/methods or any variables under analysis
#' (rows/columns in dependency matrix) and the Cells (matrix cell) contain all the relations of
#' variable (src & dest) pairs. The Co-change is the number of times the src & dest
#' were committed together.
#' @param project_gitlog parsed gitlog table created by \code{\link{parse_gitlog}}
#' @param hdsmj_path path to save output file
#' @param is_sorted whether the json is sorted by src and dest
#' @return the hdsmj_path
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv8_dsmj_to_dsmb}} to convert to `*-hdsm.dv8-dsm` and
#' \code{\link{dv8_hdsmb_sdsmb_to_mdsmb}} to merge DSMs into `*-merge.dv8-dsm`.
#' @family dv8
gitlog_to_hdsmj <- function(project_gitlog, hdsmj_path, is_sorted=FALSE){
# Call preliminary functions to get graph and cochange for the files
gitlog_graph <- transform_gitlog_to_bipartite_network(project_gitlog, mode ="commit-file")
cochange_table <- bipartite_graph_projection(gitlog_graph,
mode = FALSE,
weight_scheme_function = weight_scheme_count_deleted_nodes)
# Get the nodes and edgelist tables
nodes_table <- cochange_table[[1]]
edgelist_table <- cochange_table[[2]]
# Get and sort the file names
variables <- sort(unique(nodes_table[["name"]]), method="radix")
# Make indices for the file names
variables_indices <- 1:length(variables)
# Make named list with file names as keys and indices as values
names(variables_indices) <- variables
# List to hold cells
cells_indices <- 1:nrow(edgelist_table)
getCell <- function(i) {
cochange_src <- edgelist_table[["from"]][[i]]
cochange_dest <- edgelist_table[["to"]][[i]]
src_index <- variables_indices[cochange_src] - 1
dest_index <- variables_indices[cochange_dest] - 1
# Add Cochange parameter for the values field in the json
Cochange <- edgelist_table[["weight"]][[i]]
# Add the cells field items for index i of the sdsm_json based on the data
# in the current parsed_gitlog row
return(list(src=src_index, dest=dest_index, values=data.frame(Cochange)))
# Sorted list
cells <- lapply(cells_indices, getCell)
cells_df <- data.table::data.table(jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonlite::toJSON(cells, auto_unbox = TRUE)))
if (is_sorted == TRUE){
data.table::setorder(cells_df, cols = "src", "dest")
# Create the final json
hdsm_json <- list(schemaVersion="1.0", name=paste0(project_name, "-hdsm"), variables=variables, cells=cells_df)
json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonlite::toJSON(hdsm_json, auto_unbox = TRUE))
# Unbox each of the cell values (should be values: object, not values: [object])
json_df$cells$values <- lapply(json_df$cells$values, jsonlite::unbox)
# Save the json to a file
jsonlite::write_json(json_df, hdsmj_path, auto_unbox=TRUE)
#' Transforms a git log to a git numstat file.
#' Comverts a git folder \*.git, to a gitlog numstat file \*.txt
#' @param git_repo_path path to local project git repository
#' @param git_numstat_path path to save gitlog numstat
#' @return the git_numstat_path
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv8_gitnumstat_to_hdsmb}} to covert to `*-hdsm.dv8-dsm` and
#' \code{\link{dv8_hdsmb_sdsmb_to_mdsmb}} to merge DSMs into `*-merge.dv8-dsm`.
dv8_gitlog_to_gitnumstat <- function(git_repo_path, git_numstat_path) {
system2(command = "git",
args = c("--git-dir",
stdout = git_numstat_path
#' Converts a git log text file into a hdsmb binary file
#' An input file \*.txt is converted to \*.dv8-dsm
#' @param dv8_path path to DV8 binary
#' @param git_numstat_path path to local git log text file obtained by \code{\link{dv8_gitlog_to_gitnumstat}}
#' @param max_cochange_count maximum count of co-changed files per commit, default 1000
#' @param hdsmb_path name of output hdsmb binary file, defaults to name of input
#' @param params_output_file output file used to record parameters
#' @return the hdsmb_path
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv8_hdsmb_sdsmb_to_mdsmb}} to merge DSMs into `*-merge.dv8-dsm`.
dv8_gitnumstat_to_hdsmb <- function(dv8_path,
params_output_file="") {
dv8_path <- path.expand(dv8_path)
output_file_arg <- sprintf("-outputFile %s", hdsmb_path)
#start_arg <- sprintf("-start %s", start)
#stop_arg <- sprintf("-stop %s", stop)
max_cochange_count_arg <- sprintf("-maxCochangeCount %i", max_cochange_count)
params_output_file_arg <- ""
if (params_output_file != "") {
params_output_file_arg <- sprintf("-paramsOutputFile %s ", params_output_file)
# start_arg,
# stop_arg,
# max_cochange_count_arg,
# params_output_file_arg,
#' Transforms a dependencies table to a structural DSM JSON file.
#' Converts table of dependencies from \code{\link{parse_dependencies}} into an *-sdsm.json.
#' In the sdsm.json, the Variables are all files/methods or any variables under analysis
#' (rows/columns in dependency matrix) and the Cells (matrix cell) contain all the relations of
#' variable (src & dest) pairs.
#' @param project_dependencies parsed dependencies table created by \code{\link{parse_dependencies}}
#' @param sdsmj_path path to save output file
#' @param is_sorted whether the json is sorted by src and dest
#' @return the sdsmj_path
#' @export
#' @family dv8
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv8_dsmj_to_dsmb}} to convert to `*-sdsm.dv8-dsm` and
#' \code{\link{dv8_hdsmb_sdsmb_to_mdsmb}} to merge DSMs into `*-merge.dv8-dsm`.
dependencies_to_sdsmj <- function(project_dependencies, sdsmj_path, is_sorted=FALSE){
# Get the nodes and edgelist tables
nodes_table <- project_dependencies[["nodes"]]
edgelist_table <- project_dependencies[["edgelist"]]
# Get and sort the file names
variables <- sort(unique(nodes_table[["filepath"]]), method="radix")
# Make indices for the filenames
variables_indices <- 1:length(variables)
# Make named list with filenames as keys and indices as values
names(variables_indices) <- variables
# List to hold cells' indices
cells_indices <- 1:nrow(edgelist_table)
# Get parameters that will be used for the cells
parameters <- list("Call", "Import", "Use", "Parameter", "Contain", "Create", "Extend",
"Return","Implement", "Cast", "Throw", "Annotation")
# Only use parameters in the dataframe
parameters <- unlist(intersect(colnames(edgelist_table), parameters))
# get the cell from each row in the depends table
getCell <- function(i){
depends_src <- edgelist_table[["src_filepath"]][[i]]
depends_dest <- edgelist_table[["dest_filepath"]][[i]]
# Look at first value in parse_depends table, get matching index in vars array
src_index <- variables_indices[depends_src] - 1
dest_index <- variables_indices[depends_dest] - 1
values <- list()
# Get all the parameter values for a specific cell
for (j in 1: length(parameters)) {
current_param <- edgelist_table[i][[parameters[[j]]]]
if (current_param > 0){
values[[parameters[[j]]]] <- current_param
return(list(src=src_index, dest=dest_index, values=data.frame(values)))
# Get the cells
cells <- lapply(cells_indices, getCell)
cells_df <- data.table::data.table(jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonlite::toJSON(cells, auto_unbox = TRUE)))
# Sort by the src_index and dest_index if is_sorted is true
if (is_sorted==TRUE){
data.table::setorder(cells_df, cols = "src", "dest")
sdsm_json <- list(schemaVersion="1.0", name=paste0(project_name, "-sdsm"), variables=variables, cells=cells_df)
json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(jsonlite::toJSON(sdsm_json, auto_unbox = TRUE))
# Unbox each of the cell values (should be values: object, not values: [object])
json_df$cells$values <- lapply(json_df$cells$values, jsonlite::unbox)
# Save the json to a file
jsonlite::write_json(json_df,sdsmj_path, auto_unbox=TRUE)
#' Creates dependencies using Depends
#' @param depends_jar_path path to depends jar
#' @param git_repo_path path to git repo (ends in .git)
#' @param language the language of the .git repo (accepts cpp, java, ruby, python, pom)
#' @param sdsmj_path the path to save the sdsm-dv8.dsm file.
#' @return the sdsmj_path
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv8_dsmj_to_dsmb}} to convert to `*-sdsm.dv8-dsm` and
#' \code{\link{dv8_hdsmb_sdsmb_to_mdsmb}} to merge DSMs into `*-merge.dv8-dsm`.
#' @family dv8
dv8_depends_to_sdsmj <- function(depends_jar_path,git_repo_path,language,sdsmj_path) {
# Expand paths (e.g. "~/Desktop" => "/Users/someuser/Desktop")
depends_jar_path <- path.expand(depends_jar_path)
git_repo_path <- path.expand(git_repo_path)
# Remove ".git"
src_folder_path <- stri_replace_last(git_repo_path,replacement="",regex=".git")
sdsmj_path <- path.expand(sdsmj_path)
split_sdsmj_path <- stri_split_regex(sdsmj_path,pattern="/")[[1]]
sdsmj_folder_path <- stri_c(split_sdsmj_path[1:(length(split_sdsmj_path)-1)],collapse = "/")
sdsmj_file_name <- split_sdsmj_path[length(split_sdsmj_path)]
#depends auto adds .json. We should remove from user specified filepath.
sdsmj_file_name <- stri_split_regex(sdsmj_file_name,pattern="\\.")[[1]][1]
# Use Depends to parse the code folder.
args = c("-jar",depends_jar_path,
'--granularity=file', '--namepattern=/',
stdout = FALSE,
stderr = FALSE)
#' Transforms a DV8 binary DSM file to a DSM JSON file.
#' Converts a a hdsm.json \*(-hdsm.json) to history DSM (\*-hdsm.dv8-dsm),
#' a sdsm.json (\*-sdsm.json) to structural DSM (\*-sdsm.dv8-dsm) or a
#' a mdsm.json (\*-merge.json) to structural DSM (\*-merge.dv8-dsm).
#' @param dv8_path path to dv8 binary
#' @param dsmj_path path to JSON DSM created by \code{\link{gitlog_to_hdsmj}},
#' \code{\link{dependencies_to_sdsmj}}, \code{\link{dv8_depends_to_sdsmj}}, or
#' \code{\link{dv8_dsmb_to_dsmj}}
#' @param dsmb_path path to save binary DSM
#' @return the dsmb_path
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv8_hdsmb_sdsmb_to_mdsmb}} to merge DSMs into `*-merge.dv8-dsm`.
#' @family dv8
dv8_dsmj_to_dsmb <- function(dv8_path, dsmj_path, dsmb_path){
# Expand paths (e.g. "~/Desktop" => "/Users/someuser/Desktop")
dv8_path <- path.expand(dv8_path)
dsmj_path <- path.expand(dsmj_path)
dsmb_path <- path.expand(dsmb_path)
# Run system2 command
system2(dv8_path, args=c('core:convert-matrix', '-outputFile', dsmb_path, dsmj_path), stdout=TRUE, stderr=FALSE)
#' Export a dsmb binary file as a separate json file
#' Takes a \*.dv8-dsm file and exports as \*.json file
#' @param dv8_path path to DV8 binary
#' @param dsmb_path path to dsmb binary file created by \code{\link{dv8_gitnumstat_to_hdsmb}}
#' @param dsmj_path path to json file
#' @return the dsmj_path
#' @export
dv8_dsmb_to_dsmj <- function(dv8_path, dsmb_path, dsmj_path) {
dv8_path = path.expand(dv8_path)
output_file_arg <- sprintf("-outputFile %s", dsmj_path)
#' Merge history DSM and structural DSM to merged DSM.
#' A history DSM (\*-hdsm.dv8-dsm) and a structural DSM (\*-sdsm.dv8-dsm) are
#' merged to a merge DSM (*.dv8-dsm)
#' @param dv8_path path to dv8 binary
#' @param hdsmb_path path to historical DSM binary
#' created by \code{\link{dv8_gitnumstat_to_hdsmb}} or (\code{\link{gitlog_to_hdsmj}} and \code{\link{dv8_dsmj_to_dsmb}}).
#' @param sdsmb_path path to structural DSM binary created by (\code{\link{dependencies_to_sdsmj}},
#' or \code{\link{dependencies_to_sdsmj}}) and \code{\link{dv8_depends_to_sdsmj}}
#' @param mdsmb_path path to save the merge DSM binary
#' @return the mdsmb_path
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_drhier_to_excel}} to export a `*-merged.dv8-dsm` file to `merged.xlsx` for DSM visualization.
#' For analysis, see \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_to_decoupling_level}} to calculate decoupling level `*-dl.json`, or
#' \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_to_flaws}} to generate the architectural flaws `folder`.
#' For conversions, see \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_to_hierclsxb}} to cluster the DSM to `*-clsx.dv8-clsx`, or
#' \code{\link{dv8_dsmb_to_dsmj}} to convert a `*-merged.dv8-dsm` binary file as a JSON `-*merged.json` file
#' @family dv8
dv8_hdsmb_sdsmb_to_mdsmb <- function(dv8_path, hdsmb_path, sdsmb_path, mdsmb_path){
# Expand paths (e.g. "~/Desktop" => "/Users/someuser/Desktop")
dv8_path <- path.expand(dv8_path)
hdsmb_path <- path.expand(hdsmb_path)
sdsmb_path <- path.expand(sdsmb_path)
mdsmb_path <- path.expand(mdsmb_path)
# Run system2 command
system2(dv8_path, args=c('core:merge-matrix', '-outputFile', mdsmb_path, hdsmb_path, sdsmb_path), stdout=FALSE, stderr=FALSE)
#' Computes the Architectural Flaws folder
#' @param dv8_path path to dv8 binary
#' @param mdsmb_path path to the merge binary DSM created by \code{\link{dv8_hdsmb_sdsmb_to_mdsmb}}.
#' Note you can also use a hdsmb or sdsmb separately to compute architectural flaws.
#' @param flaws_path path to save the architectural flaws folder
#' @param is_file_only_metric default is FALSE. If TRUE, uses DV8 computed file metrics. Caution: While much faster,
#' these metrics can *not* be used to aggregate. Choosing FALSE will generate the file to flaw id mapping. Choosing
#' TRUE will generate the aggregation from DV8.
#' @param cliqueDepends (For Clique detection) Filtered dependencies for clique detection. Multiple dependencies should be delimited using ","
#' @param crossingCochange (For Crossing detection) Threshold of co-change between two files
#' @param crossingFanIn (For Crossing detection) The number of other files that depend on it >= "crossingFanIn"
#' @param crossingFanOut (For Crossing detection) The number of other files it depends on >= "crossingFanOut"
#' @param mvCochange (For Modularity Violation detection) Threshold of co-change between two files
#' @param uiCochange (For Unstable Interface detection) Threshold of co-change between two files
#' @param uihDepends (For Unhealthy Inheritance detection) Filtered dependencies for unhealthy inheritance detection. Multiple dependencies should be delimited using ","
#' @param uihInheritance (For Unhealthy Inheritance detection) Dependencies for unhealthy inheritance detection. Multiple dependencies should be delimited using ","
#' @param uiHistoryImpact (For Unstable Interface detection) Threshold of the number of co-changed (more than "co-change" times) files
#' @param uiStructImpact (For Unstable Interface detection) Threshold of value < 1 means percentage of all files are dependents
#' @return the path to the flaws folder
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{parse_dv8_architectural_flaws}} to create a `.csv`
#' mapping of file to architectural flaw.
#' @family dv8
dv8_mdsmb_to_flaws <- function(dv8_path,
is_file_only_metric = FALSE,
# Expand paths (e.g. "~/Desktop" => "/Users/someuser/Desktop")
dv8_path <- path.expand(dv8_path)
mdsmb_path <- path.expand(mdsmb_path)
flaws_path <- path.expand(flaws_path)
file_only_metric_flag <- "-fileStat"
file_only_metric_flag <- ""
# Run system2 command with appropriate values for options
system2(dv8_path, args=c('arch-issue:arch-issue',
'-cliqueDepends', cliqueDepends,
'-crossingCochange', crossingCochange,
'-crossingFanIn', crossingFanIn,
'-crossingFanOut', crossingFanOut,
'-mvCochange', mvCochange,
'-uiCochange', uiCochange,
'-uihDepends', uihDepends,
'-uihInheritance', uihInheritance,
'-uiHistoryImpact', uiHistoryImpact,
'-uiStructImpact', uiStructImpact,
'-outputFolder', flaws_path,
stdout=FALSE, stderr=FALSE)
#' Parse Architecture Flaws Map
#' Computes from the folder template a table containing the
#' file assignment to identified architectural flaws. Note
#' this is a computational expensive function, and may take
#' awhile to finish.
#' @param dv8_path path to dv8 binary
#' @param flaws_path path to architecture folder created by \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_to_flaws}}
#' @param dsm_type the type of dsm that should be used available in the folder (i.e. merge, hdsm, or sdsm)
#' @param keep_intermediate_files TRUE if the user wishes to keep the intermediate files generated by this function, FALSE otherwise
#' @param progress_bar a boolean specifying if a progress bar should be shown.
#' @return data.table object with file to flaw mapping
#' @export
#' @family dv8
parse_dv8_architectural_flaws <- function(dv8_path, flaws_path, dsm_type="merge", keep_intermediate_files=FALSE,progress_bar = NULL) {
# Expand paths (e.g. "~/Desktop" => "/Users/someuser/Desktop")
dv8_path <- path.expand(dv8_path)
flaws_path <- path.expand(flaws_path)
#folders_expected <- c("clique", "modularity-violation", "package-cycle", "unhealthy-inheritance")
flaw_folders <- list.dirs(flaws_path,recursive = FALSE)
generate_file_paths <- function(folder_path, flaws_path) {
# Initialize an empty data.table to store the file paths
dt_files <- data.table::data.table(file_path = character(), architecture_issue_type = character(), architecture_issue_id = character())
folder_name <- stri_split_regex(folder_path,pattern="/")[[1]]
folder_name <- folder_name[length(folder_name)]
# Check if the sub-folder exists
if (dir.exists(folder_path)) {
# Get a list of all sub-folders in the current folder
subdirs <- list.dirs(folder_path)
# removes the path with no sub-folders
subdirs <- subdirs[-1]
# Loop over each sub-folders in the current folder
for (subdir in subdirs) {
# if(!is.null(progress_bar)){
# progress_bar_i <- progress_bar_i + 1
# print(progress_bar_i)
# setTxtProgressBar(progress_bar,progress_bar_i)
# }
# Get a list of all files in the current sub-folder
files <- list.files(subdir, full.names = TRUE)
# Get a list of all *merge.dv8-dsm file
files_merged <- grep(dsm_type, files, value = TRUE)
# If there are any files that contain the word 'merge'
if (length(files_merged) > 0) {
# loop through each file path in files_merged
for (file in files_merged) {
# call dv8_dsmb_to_dsmj to convert binary DSM to json file
json_path <- file.path(dirname(file), basename(subdir))
result <- dv8_dsmb_to_dsmj(dv8_path, file, json_path)
if (length(result) > 0){
result <- file.path(dirname(json_path), paste(basename(json_path), 'json', sep='.'))
# Get variables (which contains the file paths) from json file
file_path <- jsonlite::fromJSON(result)
file_path <- file_path$variables
dt <- data.table::as.data.table(file_path)
# Get issue_id based on folder's name
issue_id <- basename(subdir)
# Add and fill architecture_issue type column with folder name and architecture_issue_id column with issue_id
dt[, architecture_issue_type := folder_name]
dt[, architecture_issue_id := issue_id]
# Combine data.table from current json data with previous json data
dt_files <- rbind(dt_files, dt, fill=TRUE)
# Remove file generated by this function if keep_intermediate_files is TRUE
if (!keep_intermediate_files){
# Return the data.table of file paths
if(length(list.dirs(flaw_folders)) > 0){
#list.dirs add a folder/ in addition to folder/1, folder/2 etc. The [-1] removes `folder/`
# so it contain only the sub-folders.
#all_instance_folder_paths <- unlist(sapply(flaw_folders,function(x)list.dirs(x)[-1],USE.NAMES = FALSE))
# all folder instances across all flaw types
#n_instances <- length(all_instance_folder_paths)
n_instances <- length(flaw_folders)
# This variable is "global" within this function scope to track the iterations
progress_bar <- txtProgressBar(min = 0,
max = n_instances,
style = 3)
progress_bar_i <- 0
result <- data.table::data.table(file_path = character(), architecture_issue_type = character(), architecture_issue_id = character())
# Loop over the folder exist in the given folder
for (folder_path in flaw_folders) {
# If at least one of the folder exists (e.g. clique, package-cycle, etc.),
# call generate_file_path function
result <- rbind(result, generate_file_paths(folder_path, flaws_path), fill=TRUE)
progress_bar_i <- progress_bar_i + 1
stop(paste0("No flaws sub-folders were detected. Is ",folder_path,"the correct flaws folder path?"))
return (result)
#' Computes the Decoupling Level from a mdsm binary file
#' Creates a \*.json file with decoupling metrics from \*.dv8-dsm file
#' @param dv8_path path to DV8 binary
#' @param mdsmb_path path to mdsm binary file created by \code{\link{dv8_gitnumstat_to_hdsmb}}
#' @param dl_path name of output file
#' @return the dl_path
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{parse_dv8_metrics_decoupling_level}} to parse decoupling level JSON file `-dl.json`
dv8_mdsmb_to_decoupling_level <- function(dv8_path, mdsmb_path, dl_path) {
dv8_path <- path.expand(dv8_path)
output_file_arg <- sprintf("-outputFile %s ", dl_path)
#' Computes the design rule hierarchy for a mdsm binary file
#' Creates a \*.dv8-clsx file from a \*.dv8-dsm file
#' @param dv8_path path to DV8 binary
#' @param mdsmb_path path to mdsm binary file created by \code{\link{dv8_gitnumstat_to_hdsmb}}
#' @param max_depth recursion depth limit
#' @param modules merge modules following same design rules if switched on
#' @param recursive use recursive algorithm if switched on
#' @param hierclsxb_path name of output file
#' @return the hierclsxb_path
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_drhier_to_excel}} for exporting `*-clsx.dv8-clsx` to excel `-clsx.xlsx`, or
#' \code{\link{dv8_clsxb_to_clsxj}} and \code{\link{parse_dv8_clusters}} for conversion and parsing.
dv8_mdsmb_to_hierclsxb <- function(dv8_path,
recursive=FALSE) {
dv8_path <- path.expand(dv8_path)
output_file_arg <- sprintf("-outputFile %s", hierclsxb_path)
max_depth_arg <- ""
modules_arg <- ""
recursive_arg <- ""
if (max_depth_arg != "") {
max_depth_arg <- sprintf("-maxDepth %i ", max_depth)
if (modules) {
modules_arg <- "-modules "
if (recursive) {
recursive_arg <- "-recursive "
#' Export a mdsmb binary file into a spreadsheet
#' Creates a \*.xlsx from a \*.dv8-dsm file
#' @param dv8_path path to DV8 binary
#' @param mdsmb_path path to mdsmb binary file created by \code{\link{dv8_gitnumstat_to_hdsmb}}
#' @param excel_path path to output excel file
#' @param hierclsxm_path path to clustering file used to order files in spreadsheet from \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_to_hierclsxb}}
#' @param detail if TRUE, include details within each cell in spreadsheet, default FALSE
#' @param drhier if TRUE, use recursive drh clustering in spreadsheet, default FALSE
#' @param namespace if TRUE, use namespace clustering in spreadsheet, default FALSE
#' @return the excel_path
#' @export
dv8_mdsmb_drhier_to_excel <- function(dv8_path,
namespace=FALSE) {
dv8_path = path.expand(dv8_path)
output_file_arg <- sprintf("-outputFile %s", excel_path)
cluster_path_arg <- ""
detail_arg <- ""
drhier_arg <- ""
namespace_arg <- ""
if (namespace) {
namespace_arg <- "-namespace "
if (drhier) {
drhier_arg <- "-drhier "
namespace_arg <- ""
if (cluster_path_arg != "") {
cluster_path_arg = sprintf("-cluster %s ", hierclsxm_path)
namespace_arg <- ""
drhier_arg <- ""
if (detail) {
detail_arg = "-detail "
#' Parses the decoupling level JSON file
#' Creates a data.table object from a *.json file
#' @param dl_path path to decoupling metric json file created by \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_to_decoupling_level}}
#' @return data.table object with decoupling metrics
#' @export
parse_dv8_metrics_decoupling_level <- function(dl_path) {
json <- jsonlite::read_json(dl_path)
dl_table <- setDT(json)
#' Transforms a DV8 binary cluster file to a json cluster file.
#' Converts a clustering binary in the dv8 format *-clsx.dv8-cslx into a
#' *-clsx.json.
#' @param dv8_path path to dv8 binary
#' @param clsxb_path path to clsx to convert created by \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_to_hierclsxb}}
#' @param clsxj_path path to save output file
#' @return the clsxj_path
#' @export
#' @family dv8
dv8_clsxb_to_clsxj <- function(dv8_path, clsxb_path, clsxj_path){
system2(dv8_path, args=c('core:export-cluster', '-outputFile', clsxj_path, clsxb_path), stdout=FALSE, stderr=FALSE)
#' Convert a json cluster file, clsxj, to a binary cluster file, clsxb.
#' An input file \*-hier.json is converted to \*-clsx.dv8-clsx.
#' @param dv8_path path to dv8 binary
#' @param clsxj_path path to JSON cluster created by \code{\link{dv8_mdsmb_to_hierclsxb}}
#' @param clsxb_path path to save the DV8 binary cluster
#' @return the clsxb_path
#' @export
#' @family dv8
dv8_clsxj_to_clsxb <- function(dv8_path, clsxj_path, clsxb_path){
# Expand paths (e.g. "~/Desktop" => "/Users/someuser/Desktop")
dv8_path <- path.expand(dv8_path)
clsxj_path <- path.expand(clsxj_path)
clsxb_path <- path.expand(clsxb_path)
# Run system2 command
system2(dv8_path, args=c('core:convert-cluster', '-outputFile', clsxb_path, clsxj_path), stdout=FALSE, stderr=FALSE)
#' Parses a DV8 json cluster file to R data.table.
#' Parses a cluster *-clsx.json into a data table.
#' @param clsxj_path path to clustering json created by \code{\link{dv8_clsxb_to_clsxj}}
#' @export
#' @family parsers
#' @family dv8
parse_dv8_clusters <- function(clsxj_path){
# Read in the clustering file
dv8_clusters_json <- jsonlite::read_json(clsxj_path)
# Get number of cluster layers in the json
num_layers <- length(dv8_clusters_json$structure)
# The structure field holds the relevant data
structure <- dv8_clusters_json[["structure"]]
# Will hold each row (a list of the current layer, module, and file) for the data table
cluster_list <- list()
# Iterate through each cluster
for (i in 1: num_layers) {
# Get the layer number (L0, L1, L2, ...)
layer_i <- structure[[i]]$name
# Get the number of modules for the current layer
num_modules <- length(structure[[i]]$nested)
# Iterate through each module
for (j in 1: num_modules) {
# Get the module number (M0, M1, M2, ...)
LM_name <- stringi::stri_split_regex(structure[[i]]$nested[[j]]$name, pattern = "/")
module_j <- LM_name[[1]][2]
# Get number of files for the layer/module pair
num_files_per_LM <- length(structure[[i]]$nested[[j]]$nested)
# Iterate through each file
for (k in 1: num_files_per_LM) {
# Get the file name
filename_k <- structure[[i]]$nested[[j]]$nested[[k]]$name
# Represents a row in the table with the layer #, module #, and filename
row_ijk <- list(filename_k, module_j, layer_i)
# Append current row (made up of the layer number, module number, & filename) to a list
cluster_list <- append(cluster_list, list(row_ijk))
# Create table from list of layer,module,file rows
cluster_parsed <- data.table::rbindlist(cluster_list)
# Rename result columns
cluster_parsed <- data.table::setnames(cluster_parsed, c("V1", "V2", "V3"), c("file_path", "module", "layer"))
# Return parsed cluster data table
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