
Defines functions forageMod

Documented in forageMod

#'@title Run CPF model
#'@description \code{forageMod} runs central-place foraging model given forager and world
#' Function to run central-place foraging (CPF) model based on the ideal-free
#' distribution (IFD). Takes a list of nest parameters, and a list of world
#' parameters, runs the model until convergence, and then returns a list
#' containing a matrix of competitive effects, and a list of matrices of foraging
#' parameters (e.g. time in patch, foraging currency experienced at each cell).
#' Use \code{cpf2df()} to convert this to a more readable dataframe.
#'@param world World structure. List.
#'@param nests Nests structure. List of lists.
#'@param iterlim Limit to number of iterations. Default = 5000.
#'@param verbose Should function display progress?
#'@param parallel Should parallel processing be used for large tasks?
#'@param ncore Number of SNOW cores to use (if parallel = TRUE).
#'@param parMethod Message passing for parallel processing (see details below).
#'@param tol Tolerance range for optimization function. Default =
#'  .Machine$double.eps^0.25.

#'@return List containing world structure (competition term) and nest structure
#'  (forager distribution)
#'@details \code{parMethod} must be either \code{'SOCK'} (Default) or \code{'MPI'}. Requires \code{doSNOW} (Windows) and \code{RMPI} (Linux) packages.
#'\code{world} should be a named list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{mu}: nectar production values (per s); matrix
#' \item \code{e}: energy value of nectar (J/\eqn{\mu}L); matrix
#' \item \code{l}: maximum nectar standing crop (\eqn{\mu}L); matrix
#' \item \code{f}: travel time between flowers (s); matrix
#' \item \code{alphaVal}: Increase in metabolic rate with load; numeric.
#' \item \code{flDens}: flower count per cell; matrix
#' \item \code{cellSize}: size of a cell (m)
#' \item \code{forageType}: foraging type. See \code{\link{curr}}.
#' }
#' \code{nests} should be a named list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{xloc}: x-location of nest (column number) in world; integer.
#' \item \code{yloc}: y-location of nest (row number) in world; integer.
#' \item \code{n}: number of foragers; integer.
#' \item \code{whatCurr}: '\code{eff}' (efficiency) or '\code{rat}' (rate).
#' \item \code{sol}: solitary foraging; logical.
#' \item \code{constants}: named list of foraging parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{L_max}: maximum load (\eqn{\mu}L); numeric.
#' \item \code{v}: maximum flight speed (m/s); numeric.
#' \item \code{betaVal}: reduction of flight speed with load (m/s*\eqn{\mu}L); numeric.
#' \item \code{p_i}: rate of nectar uptake ("licking speed", \eqn{\mu}L/s); numeric.
#' \item \code{h}: handling time before draining a flower (s); numeric.
#' \item \code{c_f}: energetic cost of flight (J/s); numeric.
#' \item \code{c_i}: energetic cost of non-flight (J/s); numeric.
#' \item \code{H}: time spent in hive/aggregation (s); numeric.
#' }
#' \item \code{steps}: step sizes to use during optimization; numeric vector.
#' \item \code{eps}: accuracy to use for optimization; numeric.
#' }
#'#Create test world for run
#'nu_i<-0.3/3600 #Nectar production/hr for a single flower
#'flDens<-520 #Flower density/m2
#'e_i<-14.35 #Energetic value/unit
#'l_i<-1 #Canola standing crop (1uL)
#'f_i<-0.86 #Inter-flower flight time
#'#World structure
#'cellSize<-10 #10m cells (100m^2)
#'worldSize<-120 #120x120m field (100x100m field with 10m buffer zone worth nothing)
#'             flDens=matrix(0,worldSize/cellSize,worldSize/cellSize),
#'             e=matrix(0,worldSize/cellSize,worldSize/cellSize),
#'             l=matrix(0,worldSize/cellSize,worldSize/cellSize),
#'             f=matrix(0,worldSize/cellSize,worldSize/cellSize),
#'             alphaVal=matrix(0,worldSize/cellSize,worldSize/cellSize),
#'             cellSize=cellSize) #Empty world
#'world1$mu[c(2:11),c(2:11)]<-nu_i #Per-flower nectar production in canola-filled cells
#'world1$flDens[c(2:11),c(2:11)]<-flDens*cellSize^2 #Flower number per cell
#'world1$e[c(2:11),c(2:11)]<-e_i #Energy production in canola-filled cells
#'world1$l[c(2:11),c(2:11)]<-l_i #Standing crop in cells with no competition
#'world1$f[c(2:11),c(2:11)]<-f_i #Inter-flower flight time world1$patchLev
#'world1$alphaVal[c(2:11),c(2:11)] <- 0.013 #proportion increase in flight cost with load
#'world1$forageType <- 'omniscient' #Foraging style for flowers within patch
#'#Constants for foragers
#'honeybeeConstants<-list(L_max=59.5, #Max load capacity (uL) - Schmid-Hempel (1987)
#'                        v=7.8, #Velocity (m/s) - Unloaded flight speed (Wenner 1963)
#'                        betaVal=0.102/59.5, #Reduction of flight speed with load (v-v_load)/(v*L_max)
#'                        p_i=1, # Max loading rate (uL/s)
#'                        h=1.5, #Handling time per flower (s)
#'                        #Unloaded flight energetic cost (J/s) (Dukas and Edelstein Keshet 1998)
#'                        c_f=0.05,
#'                        c_i=0.0042, #Cost of non-flying activity
#'                        H=100 #Time spent in the hive (s)
#'                        )
#'#Nest structure (social rate maximizers)
#'#Run model
#'#Visualize distribution of foragers

forageMod <- function(world,nests,iterlim=5000,verbose=FALSE,parallel=FALSE,ncore=4,parMethod='SOCK',tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.25){
  #Internal functions
  if(verbose) print('Starting setup...')
  decimalplaces <- function(x) { #Convenience function for finding number of decimal places
    if ((x %% 1) != 0) {
      nchar(strsplit(sub('0+$', '', as.character(x)), ".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][[2]])
    } else {
  #Check entry values for nests
  if(any(!(c("xloc","yloc","n","whatCurr","sol","constants","eps") %in% names(nests)))){
    stop('Each CPF nest requires the following arguments:\n "xloc","yloc","n","whatCurr","sol","constants","eps"')
  stopifnot(is.numeric(nests$xloc),nests$xloc>0,decimalplaces(nests$xloc)==0) #X-location
  stopifnot(is.numeric(nests$yloc),nests$yloc>0,decimalplaces(nests$yloc)==0) #Y-location
  stopifnot(is.numeric(nests$n),nests$n>0,decimalplaces(nests$n)==0) #Number of foragers
  stopifnot(is.character(nests$whatCurr),nests$whatCurr=='eff'|nests$whatCurr=='rat') #Currency
  stopifnot(is.logical(nests$sol)) #Solitary/social
  stopifnot(is.list(nests$constants)) #Forager constants
  stopifnot(is.numeric(nests$eps),nests$eps>=0) #Eps term
  if(any(!(c("L_max","v","betaVal","p_i","h","c_f","c_i","H") %in% names(nests$constants)))){
    stop('Forager constants for each CPF nest require the following arguments:\n "L_max" "v" "betaVal" "p_i" "h" "c_f" "c_i" "H"')
  if(any(sapply(nests$constants,function(x) any(!c(is.numeric(x),x>0))))){
    stop('Forager constants must be numeric, and >0')

  #Check values for world
  if(any(!(c("mu","flDens","e","l","f","cellSize","forageType") %in% names(world)))){
    stop('Each world requires the following arguments:\n "mu" "flDens" "e" "l" "f" "cellSize" "forageType"')
  #Are matrices appropriately defined?
  worldMats <- c('mu','flDens','e','l','f','alphaVal') #Matrices from world
            !any(!sapply(world[worldMats],function(x) min(x)>=0)))
  stopifnot(length(unique(sapply(world[worldMats],ncol)))==1, #Dimension checking

  #Add matrix of competition values to the world

  #Set-up nests
  nests <- c(nests,nests$constants)
  nests$constants <- NULL
  nforagers <- nests$n #Gets number of foragers for the nest
  #Creates empty vector of forager numbers at each location in the world
  nests$n <- matrix(0,nrow(world[[1]]),ncol(world[[1]]))
  nests$n[nests$yloc,nests$xloc] <- nforagers #Places foragers next to nest
  #Calculates absolute distance of each cell from nest
  nests$d=nests$d+min(nests$d[nests$d!=0])/2 #Adds half minimum distance (prevents 0 flying distance)
  #Empty matrix of loading rate, Load, and currency to be maximized (Rate or Eff)
  nests$L=matrix(0,nrow(world[[1]]),ncol(world[[1]])) #Load size (L)
  nests$L[nests$yloc,nests$xloc]=nests$L_max #Sets Load size to maximum (initially)
  nests$curr=matrix(0,nrow(world[[1]]),ncol(world[[1]])) #Currency
  nests$h[world$mu>0]=htemp #Handling time
  #Number of foragers to move at each time step
  if(!is.null(nests$steps)){ #If the step number is defined by the user
    #Stops execution if steps are not defined properly
    if(!is.numeric(nests$steps)) stop('Step number not properly defined')
  } else { #Automatic determination of step size
    #Calculate max number of foragers to move during a single time step (avoiding "reflection" problem, where large number of foragers are assigned to far end of world simply because of depletion effect)
    fakeNests=nests #Copy of nests
    fakeNests$n=0 #No foragers
    fakeNests$h=min(fakeNests$h,na.rm=T) #minimum handling time
    fakeNests$d=min(fakeNests$d[fakeNests$d!=0],na.rm=T) #minimum nonzero distance
    fakeNests$L=fakeNests$L_max #L_max

    fakeWorld=world #Copy of world
    fakeWorld$mu=fakeWorld$mu[richest] #Mu from richest patch
    fakeWorld$flDens=fakeWorld$flDens[richest] #flDens from richest patch
    fakeWorld$e=fakeWorld$e[richest] #e ...
    fakeWorld$l=fakeWorld$l[richest] #l
    fakeWorld$f=fakeWorld$f[richest] #f
    fakeWorld$alphaVal <- fakeWorld$alphaVal[richest] #alpha
    fakeWorld$S=1 #No competition (initially)

    #Function to return currency in a cell given n foragers
    maxNfun <- function(n,fakeNests,fakeWorld,eps){
      return(abs(temp$S-eps)) #Return S-value at given n
    #Number of foragers where S goes to Smin (essentially upper limit to step size)
    #Simulation indicates that Smin should optimally be around 0.18 for multi-core, 0.3 for serial runs.
    maxn <- optimize(maxNfun,interval=c(0,max(nests$n)),fakeNests=fakeNests,
    #Simulation indicates that phi should be around 4.3, Smin around 0.7
    nests$steps=round(nforagers*1/(10^(seq(1,10,4.3)))) #Initial distribution
    nests$steps=c(nests$steps[nests$steps>1],1) #Gets rid of numbers less than 2, and adds a 1 to the end
    #Cuts off anything step size above maxN, making maxN the largest possible step
    nests$steps=sort(unique(nests$steps),T) #Descending unique values only
    rm(maxn,maxNfun,richest,fakeWorld,fakeNests) #Cleanup
  nests$stepNum=1 #Starting point for the steps

  #Load parallel processing - needs to be tested on different machines

    if(verbose) cat('Loading parallel processing libraries...')

    #Set up ncore number of clusters for parallel processing
    if(parMethod=='MPI'){ #Required for parallel processing on cluster computing
      ncore <- mpi.universe.size() #Number of cores available to spawn processes
      sprintf("TEST mpi.universe.size() =  %i", ncore) #Number of MPI processes
      cluster <- makeCluster(ncore-1, type = "MPI") #Set up clusters for parallel processing (# cores - 1 = # slave cores)
      registerDoSNOW(cluster) #Registers clusters
    } else if(parMethod=='SOCK') { #Works on Windows machines
      cluster <- makeCluster(ncore, type = "SOCK") #Create SOCK clusters
      registerDoSNOW(cluster) #Registers clusters
    } else if(parMethod=='parallel'){
      cluster <- makeForkCluster(type='FORK',nnodes=ncore) #Forking cluster for Linux
    } else {
      warning('Parallel processing library not recognized. Using serial processing.')

    #Function for closing clusters upon unexpected stop
    .Last <- function(){
      stopCluster(cluster) #Stops SOCK clusters
      if(parMethod=='MPI') mpi.exit()
      print("forageMod stopped unexpectedly. Closing clusters.")
  } else cluster=NA

  if(verbose) cat('Initializing nests...')

  #Calculates initial loading rate, load size, and currency for nests
  temp=optimLoadCurr(which(occupied),list(nests=nests,world=world)) #Optimizes Load and Rate for occupied cells
  world$S[occupied]=temp$S #S-value
  nests$L[occupied]=temp$optimL #Assigns L
  nests$curr[occupied]=temp$optimCurr #Assigns currency

  #Create BASE scenario: list containing a world and set of nests-represents "current situation"

  #worstNests: represents world -transfer foragers in each cell
  if(!base$nests$sol){ #If nest uses social foraging
  } else {

  #bestNests: represents world +transfer foragers in each cell

  #Groups scenarios (best, base, worst) into scenario set
  rm(nests,world,best,base,worst,temp,htemp,occupied,nforagers) #Cleanup structures outside of nestSet

  #Is nest "done"? (can't improve distribution any further)
  nitt=1 #Number of iterations (debugging to see when it should be "cut off")
  startTime <- Sys.time() #Starting time
  if(verbose) print(paste('Simulation started at',startTime))

  pastMoves <- data.frame(from=c(-1,-1),to=c(-1,-1)) #Set of past moves to watch

  #Main loop
    if(verbose && (nitt %% 100)==0) print(paste('Iteration',nitt)) #Prints every 100 iterations
    done <- F #Resets each time that the nest is "not done"

    transfer <- with(nestSet$base$nests,steps[stepNum]) #Number of foragers to transfer
    moves <- whichMoves(nestSet) #Worst and best cells

    #Saves state of past 2 moves
    pastMoves[2,] <- pastMoves[1,]
    if(moves$move) pastMoves[1,] <- c(which(moves$from),which(moves$to))

    #Checks whether past 2 moves are inverses of each other (i.e. back-and-forth transfer)
    if(!identical(unlist(pastMoves,use.names=FALSE),c(-1,-1,-1,-1)) & with(pastMoves,from[1]==to[2] & from[2]==to[1])){
      stop(c('2 back-and-forth moves occuring in cells:',pastMoves))

    if(moves$move){ #If a move should be made
      nestSet <- moveForagers(nestSet,moves) #Moves foragers from cell to cell
    } else if(transfer>1) { #If transfer number is >1 (i.e. not at the end of the list)
        print(with(nestSet$base$nests,paste0('Finished pass ',stepNum,' of ',length(steps),
                                             '. Starting pass ',stepNum+1,'.')))
      pastMoves <- data.frame(from=c(-1,-1),to=c(-1,-1)) #Resets past move list
      nestSet$base$nests$stepNum=nestSet$base$nests$stepNum+1 #Increments step number
      #Creates new best scenario for nests
        tempWorst <- makeWorst(nestSet$base,parallel=parallel,cluster=cluster)
      } else {

      nestSet=list(best=tempBest,base=nestSet$base,worst=tempWorst) #Create new scenario set
    } else {done=T} #If transfer is 1, and there's no better deal, distribution has converged

    #If nests are "done", loop should exit
    nitt=nitt+1 #Increment counter
    if(nitt==iterlim) {
      warning('Iteration limit reached')
  } #End of WHILE loop

  #Calculate patch residence times per forager (in seconds)
  nestSet$base$nests$boutLength=with(nestSet$base$nests,loadingTime+travelTime+H) #Time for 1 complete foraging bout

  if(parallel) {
    stopCluster(cluster) #Stops clusters
    # if(parMethod=='MPI') mpi.finalize() #Cleans MPI states and detaches Rmpi

  if(verbose) print(paste('Simulation ended at ',Sys.time(),
                          '. Elapsed time = ',
                          round(as.numeric(Sys.time()-startTime),3),' ',
                          '. Final number of iterations = ',
  return(nestSet$base) #Returns world and nests in a list
samuelVJrobinson/CPForage documentation built on Jan. 20, 2021, 6:22 p.m.