
Defines functions add_codon_counts

Documented in add_codon_counts

#' Add codon counts to data
#' @param datos A data frame with at least the following variables
#' \describe{
#' \item{gene_id}{id, to identify each particular secuence}
#' \item{coding}{DNA, coding sequence in frame}
#' }
#' Add the codon counts to input data. The codon counts is the frequency of
#' each of the 64 codons in the input data frame
#' @return a tibble with the codon counts as columns append to the input tibble
#' the columns are named with c_CODN (i.e c_AAA, ..., c_TTT)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' add_codon_counts(testing[1:5, ])
add_codon_counts <- function(datos) {
  stopifnot("gene_id" %in% colnames(datos))
  stopifnot("coding" %in% colnames(datos))

  codon_counter <- function(secuencia) {
    count_codons(secuencia) %>%
      dplyr::full_join(codones, by = "codon") %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$codon %in% codones$codon)

  counts <- dplyr::select(datos, .data$gene_id, .data$coding) %>%
    unique() %>%
      counts = purrr::map(.data$coding, codon_counter)

  # NA values represent zero counts
  zero_count <- function(x) {
    dplyr::mutate_all(x, ~ ifelse(is.na(.), 0, .))

  counts <-
    counts %>%
    tidyr::unnest(.data$counts) %>%
    tidyr::spread(key = .data$codon, value = .data$n) %>%

  # add prefix c_ to the counts columns

  colnames(counts) <- paste0("c_", colnames(counts))

  # put the names back to coding and gend_id

  counts <- dplyr::rename(counts, "gene_id" = "c_gene_id") %>%
    dplyr::rename("coding" = "c_coding")

  dplyr::inner_join(datos, counts, by = c("gene_id", "coding"))

#' Preprocess sequence for prediction mRNA stability
#' @param secuencias character, a vector of dna sequences to predict. If
#' more than one sequence is supplied, then the sequences should be unique. (No
#' repeated sequences)
#' @param specie_ character: one of human, mouse, fish, or xenopus
#' @return A tibble: \code{length(secuencia)} x 423, preprocessed data for estimating
#' mrna stability
#' @export
#' @examples
#' preprocess_secuences(test_seq, "mouse")
preprocess_secuences <- function(secuencias, specie_ = "human") {
  if (length(secuencias) != length(unique(secuencias))) {
    stop("Input sequences should be unique, repeats found")

  maketible <- function(s, c, d) {
      specie = s,
      cell_type = c,
      datatype = d

  if (specie_ == "human") {
    tmp <- maketible("human", "k562", "slam-seq")
  if (specie_ == "fish") {
    tmp <- maketible("fish", "embryo mzt", "aamanitin polya")
  if (specie_ == "mouse") {
    tmp <- maketible("mouse", "mES cells", "slam-seq")
  if (specie_ == "xenopus") {
    tmp <- maketible("xenopus", "embryo mzt", "aamanitin ribo")

  # I added the temporal rank variable to return the table in the same order
  # as the input secuencias, this guarantees the integrety and hence this
  # function can be vectorized to increase the speed

  dta_to_pred <-
      gene_id = secuencias,
      coding = secuencias,
      tmp_rank = 1:length(secuencias),
      cdslenlog = log(nchar(secuencias)),
      utrlenlog = NA_real_,
      decay_rate = NA_real_
    ) %>%
    tidyr::crossing(tmp) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$tmp_rank) %>%
    dplyr::select(-.data$tmp_rank) %>%

  # preprocess the data with the pipeline
  recipes::bake(preprocessing_recipe, dta_to_pred)
santiago1234/iCodon documentation built on Nov. 2, 2023, 2:03 p.m.