
Defines functions to.r.data.frame is.castable dropTable defCasTable as.casTable

Documented in as.casTable defCasTable dropTable is.castable to.r.data.frame

# Copyright SAS Institute
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

#' CAS Table Object
#' @slot conn A \code{\link{CAS}} object that represents the connection and
#'   session on the server.
#' @slot tname An optional \code{character} string for the table name.
#' @slot caslib An optional \code{character} string that identifies the caslib for the
#'   in-memory table. Specify this parameter to override the active caslib.
#' @slot where An optional \code{character} string that specifies a filter for the
#'   rows to process. The filter uses syntax that is specific to SAS.
#' @slot orderby An optional \code{list} of column names. Rows are partitioned according
#'   to the columns in the groupby parameter and then ordered according to
#'   the values of the columns specified in this parameter.
#' @slot groupby An optional \code{list} of column names. If you specify this parameter
#'   when you load an in-memory table, then the table is partitioned by the
#'   columns. If you specify this parameter when running an action, then 
#'   BY-groups are formed temporarily for the duration of the action.
#' @slot gbmode An optional \code{character} string. Values are NOSORT (default) or
#'   REDISTRIBUTE. See the CAS product documentation for more information.
#' @slot computedOnDemand An optional \code{logical} flag that indicates whether to 
#'   the computed variables are created when the table is loaded (False) or to compute
#'   them when an action begins (True).
#' @slot computedVars An optional \code{character} string list that identifies the
#'   name and optional information such as a format and label.
#' @slot computedVarsProgram An optional \code{character} string list. Specify the
#'   expression to use for computing each of the computed variables.
#' @slot names An optional \code{list} of column names.
#' @return \code{CASTable}
#' @seealso \code{as.casTable}, \code{defCasTable}
#' @aliases CASTable
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
         slots = list(conn                = "CAS",
                      tname               = "character",
                      caslib              = "character",
                      where               = "character",
                      orderby             = "ANY",
                      groupby             = "ANY",
                      gbmode              = "character",
                      computedOnDemand    = "logical",
                      computedVars        = "character",
                      computedVarsProgram = "character",
                     XcomputedVarsProgram = "character",
                     XcomputedVars        = "character",
                      names               = 'character',
                      compcomp            = 'logical'  ))

#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
setMethod("initialize", "CASTable", function(.Object, conn, tname, caslib, columns,
                                             where='', orderby=list(), groupby=list(), gbmode='',
                                             computedOnDemand=FALSE, computedVars='',
                                                                     computedVarsProgram='') {
  .Object@conn                 <- conn
  .Object@tname                <- tname
  .Object@caslib               <- caslib
  .Object@names                <- columns
  .Object@where                <- where
  .Object@orderby              <- orderby
  .Object@groupby              <- groupby
  .Object@gbmode               <- gbmode
  .Object@computedOnDemand     <- computedOnDemand
  .Object@computedVars         <- computedVars
  .Object@computedVarsProgram  <- computedVarsProgram
  .Object@XcomputedVarsProgram <- ""
  .Object@XcomputedVars        <- ""
  .Object@compcomp             <- FALSE


#' Upload an Object to a CAS Table
#' Uploads an \R data frame to CAS and returns a
#' \code{\link{CASTable}} object. The CASTable object
#' is a reference in \R (the client) to the in-memory 
#' table that is in CAS (the server).
#' @param conn A \code{\link{CAS}} object that represents
#'   a connection and session in CAS.
#' @param df A \code{data.frame} object with the data to
#'   upload to CAS.
#' @param casOut An optional \code{character} or list. If
#'   you specify a string, then the string is used as the
#'   in-memory table name. A list can be used to specify
#'   properties for the in-memory table as follows:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{name}}{An optional \code{character} that 
#'       specifies the name for the in-memory table. By 
#'       default, the name of the data frame is used.}
#'     \item{\code{caslib}}{An optional \code{character} that
#'       specifies the caslib. Specify this parameter to
#'       override the active caslib.}
#'     \item{\code{label}}{An optional \code{character} that
#'       specifies a descriptive label for the data.}
#'     \item{\code{replace}}{An optional \code{logical}. When
#'       set to TRUE, you can replace an existing in-memory
#'       table with the same name in the same caslib. The 
#'       default value is FALSE.}
#'     \item{\code{promote}}{An optional \code{logical}. When
#'       set to TRUE, the in-memory table has global scope and
#'       can be available to other CAS sessions (subject to
#'       access controls). The default value is FALSE and
#'       the in-memory table has session scope so that it is
#'       accessible with the session that uploaded the table
#'       only. Session-scope tables are ideal for data analysis.
#'       Global-scope tables are better suited for reporting.}
#'     \item{\code{replication}}{An optional \code{numeric} that
#'       specifies the number of redundant copies of in-memory
#'       blocks. This parameter applies to distributed servers
#'       only. The default value is 1.}
#'    }
#' @return \code{\link{CASTable}}
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' s        <- CAS('cloud.example.com', 5570)
#' irisct   <- as.casTable(s, iris)
#' # Specify a name for the in-memory table.
#' mtcarsct <- as.casTable(s, mtcars, casOut="mtcarsct")
#' # Avoid replacing an existing in-memory table.
#' mtcarsct <- as.casTable(s, mtcars, casOut=list(name="mtcarsct", replace=FALSE))
#' }
as.casTable <- function(conn, df, casOut = '')  {
  if (class(conn) != 'CAS')
     stop("The first parameter must be a CAS object")

  caslib = ""

  if (nchar(casOut[1]) == 0)
     tablename = deparse(substitute(df))
     casOut    = list(name = tablename)
     if (typeof(casOut) == 'character')
        tablename = casOut
        if (typeof(casOut) == 'list')
           if (length(casOut$name))
              tablename = casOut$name
              tablename <- deparse(substitute(df))
              casOut$name = tablename

           if (length(casOut$caslib))
              caslib = casOut$caslib
           stop("casOut parameter must either be a list, or just a single string for the table name")

  tblres <- conn$upload(casOut=casOut, data=df,
  if ( tblres$disposition$severity > 1 )
     if ( grepl('LOADTABLE_EXISTS', tblres$disposition$debug, fixed=TRUE) ) 
         stop('table with the same name exists; use casOut=list(replace=TRUE) to overwrite')

  if ( !is.null(tblres$results$tableName) )
     tablename <- tblres$results$tableName
     caslib <- tblres$results$caslib

  res <- casRetrieve(conn, 'table.columnInfo', table=list(name=tablename, caslib=caslib))
  if ( res$disposition$severity > 1 )

  columns <- res$results$ColumnInfo$Column

  new("CASTable", conn, tablename, caslib, columns)

#' Create a CASTable Object for an Existing CAS Table
#' Creates a \code{\link{CASTable}} object to reference
#' an existing in-memory table in CAS. You can use this
#' function to reference tables that were loaded by other
#' SAS products, other scripts, or from server-side loads
#' with the cas.table.loadTable function.
#' @inheritParams as.casTable
#' @param tablename A \code{character} that specifies the in-memory 
#'   table name. You can run the cas.table.tableInfo function to
#'   list the in-memory tables.
#' @param caslib An optional \code{character} string that
#'   identifies the caslib for the in-memory table. Specify
#'   this parameter to override the active caslib.
#' @param columns A \code{list} of column names.
#' @param where   A \code{character} string that specifies a filter for the
#'   rows to process. The filter uses syntax that is specific to SAS.
#' @param orderby A \code{list} of column names. Rows are partitioned according
#'   to the columns in the groupby parameter and then ordered according to
#'   the values of the columns specified in this parameter.
#' @param groupby A \code{list} of column names. If you specify this parameter
#'   when you load an in-memory table, then the table is partitioned by the
#'   columns.  If you specify this parameter when running an action, then 
#'   BY-groups are formed temporarily for the duration of the action.
#' @param gbmode  A \code{character} string. Values are NOSORT (default) or
#'   REDISTRIBUTE. See the CAS product documentation for more information.
#' @return \code{\link{CASTable}}
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' irisct <- as.casTable(s, iris, casOut="irisct")
#' # Create another CASTable instance to the same in-memory table,
#' # but specify that CAS actions are performed by groups of species.
#' irisct.grouped <- defCasTable(s, tablename="irisct", groupby=list("species"))
#' }
defCasTable <- function(conn, tablename, caslib = '', columns = '',where = '',
                        orderby = list(), groupby = list(), gbmode = '') {
  if (class(conn) != 'CAS') {
    stop("The first parameter must be a CAS object")

  if (columns[1] == '') {
    tab = list(name=tablename)

    if (caslib != '') {
      tab = c(tab, caslib=caslib)

    res <- casRetrieve(conn, 'table.columnInfo', table=tab)
    columns <- res$results$ColumnInfo$Column
  new("CASTable", conn, tablename, caslib, columns, where, orderby, groupby, gbmode)

#' Extract Columns from a CAS Table
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname CASTable-Extract
#' @export
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x, i, j, ...) {
            n = nargs() - !missing(drop)
            rows = FALSE

            if (! missing(j))
               if (! missing(i))
                  rows = TRUE
                  i =j
               if (n > 2)
                  rows = TRUE

            xcompvars = ""

            if (rows)
               if (class(i) == "CASTable")
                  where     = i@XcomputedVarsProgram
                  xcompvars = i@XcomputedVars
                  where = CASwhere(x, deparse(substitute(i)))

               #No columns passed
               if (missing(j))
                  if (x@where != '')
                     if (where != '')
                        where = paste('(', x@where, ' AND ', where, ')', sep='')
                        where = x@where
                  return(new("CASTable", x@conn, x@tname, x@caslib, x@names, where, x@orderby, 
                             x@groupby, x@gbmode, FALSE, x@computedVars, x@computedVarsProgram))
                  ci = j
               ci = i
               where = ""

            vars     = ""
            compvars = ""
            compvpgm = ""
            nn       = length(x@names[x@names != ''])

            if (is.numeric(ci))   # numeric list of columns
               neg = FALSE
               pos = FALSE
               for (vnum in ci)
                  if (vnum > 0)   # Select
                     pos = TRUE
                     if (neg)
                        stop("only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts\n")
                     if (vnum <= nn)
                        if (length(vars) > 1 || nchar(vars))
                           vars = c(vars, x@names[vnum])
                           vars = x@names[vnum]
                        if (length(compvars) > 1 || nchar(compvars))
                           compvars = c(compvars, x@computedVars[vnum-nn]) 
                           compvpgm = c(compvpgm, x@computedVarsProgram[vnum-nn]) 
                           compvars = x@computedVars[vnum-nn] 
                           compvpgm = x@computedVarsProgram[vnum-nn] 
                  if (vnum < 0)   # Exclude 
                     if (! neg)
                        vars     = x@names
                        compvars = x@computedVars
                        compvpgm = x@computedVarsProgram
                        dn  =FALSE
                        dcv = FALSE
                     neg = TRUE
                     vnum = abs(vnum)

                     if (pos)
                        stop("only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts\n")
                     if (vnum <= nn)
                        vars[vnum] = ""
                        dn = TRUE
                        compvars[vnum-nn] = "" 
                        compvpgm[vnum-nn] = "" 
                        dcv = TRUE

               if (neg)
                  if (dn)
                     vars = vars[vars != ""]
                  if (length(vars[vars != '']) == 0)
                     x@names = ""
                     compvars = compvars[compvars != ""]
                     compvpgm = compvpgm[compvpgm != ""]
                  if (length(compvars[compvars != '']) == 0)
                     compvars = ""
                     compvpgm = ""
            else  # named list of columns or CAStable
               if (class(ci) == "CASTable") 
                  ci = c(ci@names, ci@computedVars)
                  ci = ci[ci != ""]

               for (vname in ci)
                  idx = match(vname, x@names)
                  if (is.na(idx))
                     idx = match(vname, x@computedVars)
                     if (is.na(idx))
                        stop("Column name not in existing columns.\n")
                        if (length(compvars) > 1 || nchar(compvars))
                           compvars = c(compvars, vname) 
                           compvpgm = c(compvpgm, x@computedVarsProgram[idx])
                           compvars = vname
                           compvpgm = x@computedVarsProgram[idx]
                     if (length(vars) > 1 || nchar(vars))
                        vars = c(vars, vname)
                        vars = vname

            if (sum(nchar(compvars)) || where != '')
               compvpgm = x@computedVarsProgram
               compvpgm = ""

            if (x@where != '')
               if (where != '')
                  where = paste('(', x@where, ' AND ', where, ')', sep='')
                  where = x@where
            ret = new("CASTable", x@conn, x@tname, x@caslib, vars, where, x@orderby, 
                       x@groupby, x@gbmode, FALSE, compvars, compvpgm)
            ret@XcomputedVars = xcompvars 

#' @rdname CASTable-Extract
#' @export
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x, i, j, ..., value) {
            q = list(...)
            n = nargs() - !missing(value)
            rows = FALSE
            if (! missing(j))
               if (! missing(i))
                  rows = TRUE
                  i =j
               if (n > 2)
                  rows = TRUE

            if (rows)
               stop("Row indexing is not supported for CASTable objects\n")

            if ((! missing(value)) && is.null(value[[1]]))  # Drop column case
               dn  = FALSE
               dcv = FALSE
               nn  = length(x@names[x@names != ''])
               tn  = length(x)

               for(coln in i)
                  if (is.numeric(coln))
                     if (coln < 1 || coln > tn)
                        stop("Index out of range of existing columns\n")

                     if (coln <= nn)
                        x@names[coln] = ""
                        dn = TRUE
                        x@computedVars[coln-nn]        = "" 
                        #x@computedVarsProgram[coln-nn] = "" 
                        dcv = TRUE
                     idx = match(coln, x@names)
                     if (is.na(idx))
                        idx = match(coln, x@computedVars)
                        if (is.na(idx))
                           stop("Column name not in existing columns\n")

                        x@computedVars[idx]        = "" 
                        #x@computedVarsProgram[idx] = "" 
                        dcv = TRUE
                        x@names[idx] = ""
                        dn = TRUE

               if (dn)
                  x@names = x@names[x@names != ""]
               if (length(x@names[x@names != ""]) == 0)
                  x@names = ""
                  x@computedVars        = x@computedVars[x@computedVars != ""]
                  #x@computedVarsProgram = x@computedVarsProgram[x@computedVarsProgram != ""]
               if (length(x@computedVars[x@computedVars != '']) == 0)
                  x@computedVars        = ""
                  #x@computedVarsProgram = ""
            else   # add computed column(s) case
               #validx   = 0
               replace  = FALSE
               for(coln in i)
                  #validx = validx + 1
                  v = c(x@names, x@computedVars)
                  nvars = length(v[v != '']) 
                  if (is.numeric(coln))
                     if (coln <= length(x@names[x@names != '']))  # Can't replace permanent column
                        stop(paste("Cannot redefine an existing permanent column. You can add a new column this way though; use an index value of",
                        if (coln <= nvars)                                       # Replace existing computed column
                           replace = TRUE
                           idx     = coln - length(x@names[x@names != ''])
                           colname = x@computedVars[idx]

                           #x@computedVars[idx] = ''
                           #x@computedVars      = x@computedVars[x@computedVars !=''] 
                        else                                                     # Create new computed column
                           colname = paste("_", toString(coln), sep='')
                     idx = match(coln, x@names)
                     if (is.na(idx))
                        idx = match(coln, x@computedVars)
                        if (!(is.na(idx)))     # replace column
                           replace = TRUE
                        colname = coln

                        #x@computedVars[idx] = ''
                        #x@computedVars      = x@computedVars[x@computedVars !=''] 
                     else                      # Can't replace permanent column
                        stop("Cannot redefine an existing column. You can add a new column this way though; use an unused column name.\n")
                  # figure out what the program for this col is
                  if (class(value) == "CASTable")
                     #if (value@compcomp)
                     #   stop("Cannot define a Computed Column referencing another Computed Column.")
                     if (sum(nchar(value@XcomputedVarsProgram))) #expresion, else col name
                        pgm = paste(colname, ' = ', value@XcomputedVarsProgram, sep='')
                        vname = c(value@names, value@computedVars)
                        vname = vname[vname != '']
                        pgm = paste(colname, ' = ', vname, sep='')
                     if (length(i)    == 1                          &&
                         class(value) == "character"                &&
                         strsplit(value, '=', fixed = TRUE) != value )
                        pgm = value
                        if (class(value) == "character") 
                           pgm = paste(colname, ' = ',  '"', value, '"', sep='')
                           pgm = paste(colname, ' = ',  as.character(value), sep='')

                  if (! replace)
                     if (sum(nchar(x@computedVars)))
                        x@computedVars      = c(x@computedVars, colname)
                        x@computedVars      = colname
                  if (sum(nchar(x@computedVarsProgram)))
                     x@computedVarsProgram = c(x@computedVarsProgram, pgm)
                     x@computedVarsProgram = c(pgm)
                  #   }
                  #   {
                  #   x@computedVarsProgram[idx] = pgm
                  #   replace = FALSE
                  #   }


#' @rdname CASTable-Extract
#' @export
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x, i) {

            vars     = ""
            compvars = ""
            compvpgm = ""
            nn       = length(x@names[x@names != ''])

            if (is.numeric(i))   # numeric list of columns
               for (vnum in i)
                  if (vnum <= nn)
                     if (length(vars) > 1 || nchar(vars))
                        vars = c(vars, x@names[vnum])
                        vars = x@names[vnum]
                     if (length(compvars) > 1 || nchar(compvars))
                        compvars = c(compvars, x@computedVars[vnum-nn]) 
                        compvpgm = c(compvpgm, x@computedVarsProgram[vnum-nn]) 
                        compvars = x@computedVars[vnum-nn] 
                        compvpgm = x@computedVarsProgram[vnum-nn] 
               if (class(i) == "CASTable") 
                  i = c(i@names, i@computedVars)
                  i = i[i != ""]

               for (vname in i)
                  idx = match(vname, x@names)
                  if (is.na(idx))
                     idx = match(vname, x@computedVars)
                     if (is.na(idx))
                        stop("Column name not in existing columns.\n")
                        if (length(compvars) > 1 || nchar(compvars))
                           compvars = c(compvars, vname) 
                           compvpgm = c(compvars, x@computedVarsProgram[idx])
                           compvars = vname
                           compvpgm = x@computedVarsProgram[idx]
                     if (length(vars) > 1 || nchar(vars))
                        vars = c(vars, vname)
                        vars = vname
            if (sum(nchar(compvars)))
               compvpgm = x@computedVarsProgram
               compvpgm = ""

            rct = new("CASTable", x@conn, x@tname, x@caslib, vars, x@where, x@orderby, 
                       x@groupby, x@gbmode, FALSE, compvars, compvpgm)
            rct@XcomputedVars = x@XcomputedVars 

#' @rdname CASTable-Extract
#' @export
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x, name) {

            idx = match(name, x@names)
            if (is.na(idx))
               idx = match(name, x@computedVars)
               if (is.na(idx))
                  stop("Column name not in existing columns.\n")
                  new("CASTable", x@conn, x@tname, x@caslib, "", x@where, x@orderby, 
                      x@groupby, x@gbmode, FALSE, name, x@computedVarsProgram)
               new("CASTable", x@conn, x@tname, x@caslib, name, x@where, x@orderby, 
                   x@groupby, x@gbmode)

#' @rdname CASTable-Extract
#' @export
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x, name, value) {
            if ((! missing(value)) && is.null(value))
               dn  =FALSE
               dcv = FALSE
               idx = match(name, x@names)
               if (is.na(idx))
                  idx = match(name, x@computedVars)
                  if (is.na(idx))
                     stop("Column name not in existing columns\n")

                  x@computedVars[idx]        = ""
                  #x@computedVarsProgram[idx] = ""
                  dcv = TRUE
                  x@names[idx] = ""
                  dn = TRUE
               if (dn)
                  x@names = x@names[x@names != ""]
               if (length(x@names[x@names != ""]) == 0)
                  x@names = ""
               if (dcv)
                  x@computedVars        = x@computedVars[x@computedVars != ""]
                  #x@computedVarsProgram = x@computedVarsProgram[x@computedVarsProgram != ""]
               if (length(x@computedVars[x@computedVars != '']) == 0)
                  x@computedVars        = ""
                  #x@computedVarsProgram = ""
            else   # add computed column(s) case
               idx = match(name, x@names)
               if (! is.na(idx))
                  stop("Cannot redefine an permanent column. You can add a new column this way though; use an unused column name.\n")

               idx = match(name, x@computedVars)
               if (! is.na(idx))     # Replace Compvar
                  replace = TRUE
               else                  # New Compvar
                  replace = FALSE

               # figure out what the program for this col is
               if (class(value) == "CASTable")
                  #if (value@compcomp)
                  #   stop("Cannot define a Computed Column referencing another Computed Column.")
                  if (sum(nchar(value@XcomputedVarsProgram))) #expresion, else col name
                     pgm = paste(name, ' = ', value@XcomputedVarsProgram, sep='')
                     vname = c(value@names, value@computedVars)
                     vname = vname[vname != '']
                     pgm = paste(name, ' = ', vname, sep='')
                  if (class(value) == "character"                &&
                      strsplit(value, '=', fixed = TRUE) != value )
                     pgm = value
                     if (class(value) == "character") 
                        pgm = paste(name, ' = ',  '"', value, '"', sep='')
                        pgm = paste(name, ' = ',  as.character(value), sep='')

               if (! replace)
                  if (sum(nchar(x@computedVars)))
                     x@computedVars      = c(x@computedVars, name)
                     x@computedVars      = name
               if (sum(nchar(x@computedVarsProgram)))
                  x@computedVarsProgram = c(x@computedVarsProgram, pgm)
                  x@computedVarsProgram = c(pgm)
               #   }
               #   {
               #   x@computedVarsProgram[idx] = pgm
               #   }
          return (x)

#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
          signature(object = "CASTable"),
          function(object) {
            print(head(object, n=getOption("max.print")))

#' Names of a CAS Table
#' Returns the list of column names for the in-memory
#' table that is referenced by the \code{\link{CASTable}} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @param x A CASTable object.
#' @return vector
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' names(ct1)
#' }
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x) {

#' Dimensions of a CAS Table
#' Returns the number of rows and columns for the in-memory
#' table that is referenced by the \code{\link{CASTable}} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @param x A CASTable object.
#' @return vector
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dim(ct1)
#' }
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x) {
            return(as.integer(c(swat::nrow(x), swat::ncol(x))))

#' Number of Rows in a CAS Table
#' Returns the number of rows in an in-memory table
#' that is referenced by the \code{\link{CASTable}} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @param x A CASTable object.
#' @return scalar
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nrow(ct1)
#' nrow(ct[1:4])
#' }
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x) {
            tp = gen.table.parm(x)
            if (length(x@orderby))
               tp$orderby = NULL
               tp = tp[tp !=""]
            res <- casRetrieve(x@conn, 'simple.numRows', table=tp)

#' Number of Columns in a CAS Table
#' Returns the number of columns in an in-memory table
#' that is referenced by the \code{\link{CASTable}} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @param x A CASTable object.
#' @return scalar
#' @seealso \code{length,CASTable-method}
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ncol(ct1)
#' ncol(ct[1:4])
#' }
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x) {

#' Number of Columns in a CAS Table
#' Returns the number of columns in an in-memory table
#' that is referenced by the \code{\link{CASTable}} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @param x A CASTable object.
#' @return scalar
#' @seealso \code{ncol,CASTable-method}
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' length(ct1)
#' length(ct[1:4])
#' }
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x) {
            vars = c(x@names, x@computedVars)
            vars = vars[vars != ""]

#' Column Names in a CAS Table
#' Returns the column names from the in-memory table
#' that is referenced by the \code{\link{CASTable}} object.
#' @docType methods
#' @section Note:
#' You cannot use this function to set the column names.
#' @param x A CASTable object.
#' @return vector
#' @seealso \code{names,CASTable-method}
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' colnames(ct1)
#' colnames(ct[1:4])
#' }
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x) {
            vars = c(x@names, x@computedVars)
            vars = vars[vars != ""]

#' Dimension Names of a CAS Table
#' @docType methods
#' @param x A \code{\link{CASTable}} object.
#' @return list
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dimnames(ct1)
#' dimnames(ct[2:4])
#' }
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x) {
            r <- rownames(x)
            cn = c(x@names, x@computedVars)
            cn = cn[cn != ""]
            list(r , cn)

#' Row Names of a CAS Table
#' @docType methods
#' @param x A \code{\link{CASTable}} object.
#' @return list of strings
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rownames(ct1)
#' rownames(ct[2:4])
#' }
          signature(x = "CASTable"),
          function(x) {
            tp = gen.table.parm(x)
            if (length(x@orderby))
               tp$orderby = NULL
               tp = tp[tp !=""]
            res <- casRetrieve(x@conn, 'simple.numRows', table=tp)
            sapply(1:as.integer(res$results$numrows), toString)

#' Remove a CAS Table
#' Drops the in-memory table on the server that is
#' referenced by the \code{\link{CASTable}} object.
#' @section Note:
#' This function drops the in-memory table but does
#' not affect the original source file that the
#' in-memory table was loaded from.
#' @param x A CASTable object.
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dropTable(ct1)
#' }
dropTable <-  function(x) {
  if (class(x) == 'CASTable') {
    tp = swat::gen.table.parm(x)
    if (x@caslib == "")
       res = casRetrieve(x@conn, 'table.dropTable', table=x@tname)
       res = casRetrieve(x@conn, 'table.dropTable', table=x@tname, caslib=x@caslib)
  } else {
    stop("The parameter must be a CAS object")

#' Test if an Object is a CAS Table
#' @param x An \code{R} object.
#' @return boolean
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' is.castable(ct1)     # TRUE
#' is.castable(iris)    # FALSE
#' }
is.castable <-  function(x) {
  class(x) == 'CASTable'

#          signature(... = "CASTable"),
#           function (..., list = character(), pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos), inherits = FALSE) {
#            l <- list(...)
#            for (obj in l)
#               {
#               if (class(obj) == 'CASTable')
#                  {
#                  dropTable(obj)
#                  }
#               }
#          })
#    signature(list = "CASTable"),
#    function (..., list = character(), pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos),
#        inherits = FALSE)
#        {
#        browser()
#        })

#' Convert a CAS Table to a R Data Frame (Download)
#' Downloads the in-memory table that is referenced by
#' the CASTable object and stores it as a data.frame
#' in R. This function is used to download datasets from CAS.
#' @param ct The CASTable object to download.
#' @param obs Number of rows to download, by default 32768
#' @return Returns a data.frame object that contains
#'         a copy of the in-memory data.
#' @export
#' @rawRd % Copyright SAS Institute
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rdf = to.r.data.frame(CASTable)
#' }

to.r.data.frame <-  function(ct, obs=32768) {
  if (class(ct) != 'CASTable') {
    stop("The first parameter must be a CASTable object")
  tp = gen.table.parm(ct)
  fv = c(tp$vars, tp$computedVars)
  fv = fv[fv != ""]
  if (sum(nchar(ct@XcomputedVars)))
    for (Xcmp in ct@XcomputedVars)
      if (!(Xcmp %in% ct@computedVars))
        fv = fv[fv != Xcmp]
  if (length(tp$orderby))
    res <- casRetrieve(ct@conn, 'table.fetch', table=tp, fetchVars=fv, index=FALSE, from=1, to=obs, maxRows=1000, sortby=tp$orderby)
    res <- casRetrieve(ct@conn, 'table.fetch', table=tp, fetchVars=fv, index=FALSE, from=1, to=obs, maxRows=1000)
  out <- list()
  for ( i in 1:length(res$results) ) {
    if ( i == 1 ) {
      keyname <- 'Fetch'
    } else {
      keyname <- paste('Fetch', i-1, sep='')
    if ( is.null(res$results[keyname]) ) {
    out[[i]] <- res$results[[keyname]]@df
  out <- do.call('rbind', out)
  rownames(out) <- NULL
  return( out )
sassoftware/R-swat documentation built on Feb. 26, 2024, 8 a.m.