
Defines functions clean_calls basename_noext strconjunct strjoin `+`

# -----------------------
# Helper methods to manipulate strings
# ########################
# Copyright (C) 2020 Nunes IJG et al

# Override of plus function to support string concatenation
`+` <- function(x, y)
  if(is.character(x) || is.character(y))
    return(paste(x, y, sep=""))
  .Primitive("+")(x, y)

# More succint way to concatenate a vector of strings
strjoin <- function(strvec, sep="") paste0(strvec, collapse = sep)

# Concatenates a string vector using conjunctions when needed
strconjunct <- function(strvec, sep=', ', conj=' and ')
  len = length(strvec)
  if (len == 0L) return('')
  if (len == 1L) return(strvec)
  return(strjoin(strvec[1L:(len-1L)], sep) + conj + strvec[len])

# Gets the basename without extension
basename_noext <- function(path) sub("\\.\\w*?$", "",
                                     basename(path), perl = TRUE)

# Cleans the calls into rather argument-like names
clean_calls <- function(calls, sep='_')
  calls = as.character(calls)
  calls = trimws(calls, whitespace = "[\t\r\n\"\' ]")
  calls = sub("\\(\\)$", "", calls)
  calls = make.unique(calls, sep)
sbcblab/geva documentation built on March 15, 2021, 10:08 p.m.