
Defines functions get_mvn_params

Documented in get_mvn_params

#' @rdname get_mvn_params
#' @name get_mvn_params
#' @title Construct a covariance matrix
#' @description
#' This function takes the provided \code{\link{libbi}} which has been
#' run and returns the square root of the covariance matrix, which
#' can be used for proposal distributions
#' @param x a \code{\link{libbi}} which has been run
#' @param scale a factor by which to scale all elements of the covariance matrix
#' @param correlations logical; if TRUE, correlations are taken into account
#'   when constructing the parameters
#' @param fix if this is set, all elements of the covariance matrix will be set
#'   to it
#' @importFrom data.table setnames data.table
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom stats cov sd
#' @importFrom Matrix nearPD
#' @return the updated bi model
#' @keywords internal
get_mvn_params <- function(x, scale = 1, correlations = TRUE, fix) {
  ## get parameters from update_proposal
  blocks <- c("parameter", "initial")
  params <- lapply(blocks, function(block) {
    block_lines <- grep(
      "~", get_block(x$model, paste("proposal", block, sep = "_")), value = TRUE
    sub("[[:space:]]*~.*$", "", block_lines)
  names(params) <- blocks
  dimless_params <- lapply(params, function(param) {
    sub("[[:space:]]*\\[.*$", "", param)
  names(dimless_params) <- names(params)

  vars <- list()

  for (block in names(params)) {
    ## read parameters

    if (!missing(fix)) {
      mat_a <- matrix(
        fix, ncol = length(params[[block]]), nrow = length(params[[block]])
      rownames(mat_a) <- params[[block]]
      colnames(mat_a) <- params[[block]]
    } else if (x$run_flag) {
      res <- bi_read(
        x, vars = unique(dimless_params[[block]]), init_to_param = TRUE

      l <- list()
      for (param in names(res)) {
        if (prod(dim(res[[param]])) > 0) {
          y <- data.table(res[[param]])
          ## extract columns that are dimensions
          dim_colnames <- setdiff(colnames(y), c("np", "value"))
          unique_dims <- unique(y[, dim_colnames, with = FALSE])
          if (sum(dim(unique_dims)) > 0) {
            ## for parameters with dimensions, create a parameter for each
            ## possible dimension(s)
            a <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(unique_dims)), function(row) {
              merge(unique_dims[row, ], y)
            ## convert factor to integer
            for (dim_colname in dim_colnames) {
              if (is.factor(unique_dims[[dim_colname]])) {
                unique_dims[[dim_colname]] <-
                  as.integer(unique_dims[[dim_colname]]) - 1
            ## create correct parameter names (including the dimensions)
            if (length(a) > 0) {
              names(a) <- unname(apply(unique_dims, 1, function(row) {
                paste0(param, "[", paste(row, collapse = ","), "]")
          } else {
            a <- list(y)
            names(a) <- param

        ## loop over all parameters (if dimensionsless, just the parameter,
        ## otherwise all possible dimensions) and remove all dimension columns
        a <- lapply(names(a), function(p) {
          for (col in colnames(unique_dims)) {
            a[[p]][[col]] <- NULL
          data.table::setnames(a[[p]], "value", p)
        l <- c(l, a)

      if (length(l) > 0) {
        ## create a wide table of all the parameters, for calculating
        ## covariances
        wide <- l[[1]]
        if (length(l) > 1) {
          for (i in seq(2, length(l))) {
            wide <- merge(
              wide, l[[i]], by = intersect(colnames(wide), colnames(l[[i]]))
        wide[["np"]] <- NULL

        if (ncol(wide) > 0) {
          if (ncol(wide) > 1 && correlations) {
            ## calculate the covariance matrix
            c <- 2.38**2 * stats::cov(wide) / ncol(wide)
            mat_a <- tryCatch(
              error = function(e) {
          } else {
            mat_a <- NULL

          if (is.null(mat_a)) {
            diag_a <- diag(
              matrix(apply(wide, 2, sd), ncol = ncol(wide), nrow = ncol(wide))
            mat_a <- diag(diag_a, ncol = ncol(wide), nrow = ncol(wide))
            rownames(mat_a) <- colnames(wide)
            colnames(mat_a) <- colnames(wide)
          } else {
            diag_a <- diag(mat_a)

          for (i in seq_along(diag_a)) {
            if (diag_a[i] == 0) {
              mat_a[i, i] <- abs(mean(wide[, i, with = FALSE][[1]])) / 10
        } else {
          mat_a <- matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0)
      } else {
        mat_a <- NULL
    } else {
      mat_a <- NULL

    if (is.null(mat_a)) {
      mat_a <- diag(
        ncol = length(params[[block]]), nrow = length(params[[block]])
      rownames(mat_a) <- params[[block]]
      colnames(mat_a) <- params[[block]]

    if (prod(dim(mat_a) > 0)) {
      if (!missing(scale)) {
        mat_a <- mat_a * sqrt(scale)
      ## generate variables
      cov_input_name <- paste("__proposal", block, "cov", sep = "_")
      dim_name <- paste("__dim", block, "cov", sep = "_")
      long_cov <- reshape2::melt(
        mat_a, varnames = paste(dim_name, 1:2, sep = ".")
      vars[[cov_input_name]] <- long_cov

sbfnk/RBi.helpers documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 2:14 p.m.