#' Visualises the targetGene:miRNA network using Cytoscape and igraph .
#' @param mRNA character. gene Identifier.
#' @param mRNA_type character. mRNA id type.
#' The choices are 'GeneSymbol','FBID' and 'CGID'.
#' @param method character. Statistical Methods. Choices are
#' 'Pearson','Distance','Both'
#' @param platform character. Affymetrix Platforms. Choices are
#' 'Affy1','Affy2'.
#' @param visualisation character.Visualisation type.
#' Choices are 'igraph','Cytoscape','text'and "console"
#' @param path character. Path where data.frame is saved when visualisation
#' is text. Default is tempdir().
#' @param layout character. Network choices. Choices are
#' 'kamadakawai','reingold.tilford','fruchterman.reingold'
#' and 'interactive'.
#' @return Depending upon the ouput choice network image or dataframe
#' containg miRNAs that target the query gene are ouput.
#' @examples
#' mRNA='Syb'
#' Gene_Visualisation(mRNA,mRNA_type=c('GeneSymbol'),method=c('Pearson'),
#' platform=c('Affy1'), visualisation = "console")
#' @import igraph utils grDevices graphics
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @export
Gene_Visualisation <- function(mRNA, mRNA_type = c("GeneSymbol", "FBGN",
"CGID"), method = c("Pearson", "Distance", "Both"), platform = c("Affy1",
"Affy2"), visualisation = c("igraph", "Cytoscape", "text", "console"),
path = tempdir(), layout = c("kamadakawai", "reingold.tilford", "fruchterman.reingold",
"interactive")) {
### Checking if input is valid
stopifnot(is.character(mRNA), length(mRNA) > 0)
stopifnot(is.character(mRNA_type), length(mRNA_type) > 0)
stopifnot(is.character(method), length(method) > 0, method %in% c("Pearson",
"Distance", "Both"))
stopifnot(is.character(platform), length(platform) > 0, platform %in%
c("Affy1", "Affy2"))
stopifnot(is.character(visualisation), length(visualisation) > 0)
### If length >1
if (length(mRNA) > 1) {
dat <- c()
## Extracts and sorts the data in descending order
for (ii in 1:length(mRNA)) {
a <- tryCatch({
genes_Stat(mRNA[ii], mRNA_type, method, Platform = platform)
# return(expr)
}, error = function(e) {
# stop('mRNA record Absent')
if (nrow(a) == 0) {
stop("mRNA does not have any records")
} else {
commgenes <- as.character(a$Gene)
FBGN <- as.character(a$Gene_FBGN)
CGID <- as.character(a$Genes_CGID)
sc <- as.numeric(a$Score)
ord <- a[order(-sc), ]
dat1 <- ord
dat <- rbind(dat, dat1)
## If Visualisation is selected as Text If Visualisation is selected as
## Text, writes in a .csv file Else If Visualisation is selected as
## Cytoscape, writes in a .csv file in cytoscape format output Else If
## Visualisation is selected as igraph, outputs in the format the layout
## is selected Else If Visualisation is selected as console, outputs the
## dataframe to the console. Else prints error.
if (identical(visualisation, "Text")) {
### If miRNA length >1 names concatenated with & else use the miR name
if (length(mRNA) > 1) {
mRNAs <- paste(mRNA, collapse = "&")
} else {
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Putative_miRNAs_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
### Check if the file name exists and if not print data in .csv format
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(path, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(visualisation, "Cytoscape")) {
## Extracting individual data and storing it in the database.
miR <- as.character(dat$miRNA)
## Checks if the mRNA_Type selected to print in the output table is
## GeneSymbol, Flybase Id (FBID) or CGID
if (identical(mRNA_type, "GeneSymbol")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Gene)
} else if (identical(mRNA_type, "FBGN")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Gene_FBGN)
} else if (identical(mRNA_type, "CGID")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Genes_CGID)
} else {
stop("mRNA_Type Invalid!!!")
Score <- as.numeric(dat$Score)
## Storing data in a dataframe
datC <- data.frame(Gene = gene, Interaction = rep("pp", length(miR)),
miRNA = miR, Score)
if (length(mRNA) > 1) {
mRNAs <- paste(mRNA, collapse = "&")
} else {
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Cytoscape_output_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
## Checking if the file exists and writing the data in .csv format
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
write.csv(datC, file = file.path(path, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(visualisation, "igraph")) {
### Extracting the data and storing in the data.frame
miR <- as.character(dat$miRNA)
## Checks if the mRNA_Type selected to print in the output table is
## GeneSymbol, Flybase Id (FBID) or CGID
if (identical(mRNA_type, "GeneSymbol")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Gene)
} else if (identical(mRNA_type, "FBGN")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Gene_FBGN)
} else if (identical(mRNA_type, "CGID")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Genes_CGID)
} else {
stop("mRNA_Type Invalid!!!")
Score <- as.numeric(dat$Score)
datN <- data.frame(Gene = gene, miRNA = miR, Score)
### Creating the plot
a <- graph.data.frame(datN, directed = FALSE)
### Creating the Edge weight
E(a)$weight <- Score
### Selecting the layout to represent the network. The selected network
### is printed out in the format of a .tiff file. If chosen layout is
### kamadakawai, prints as .tiff file If chosen layout is
### fruchterman.reingold, prints as .tiff file If chosen layout is
### reingold.tilford, prints as .tiff file If chosen layout is
### interactive, prints as a tkplot file Else Prints error message
if (identical(layout, "kamadakawai")) {
layout_graph <- layout.kamada.kawai(a)
if (length(mRNA) > 1) {
mRNAs <- paste(mRNA, collapse = "&")
} else {
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Graphical_output_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".tiff", sep = "")
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
tiff(filename = file.path(path, filename), width = 1000,
height = 1000, units = "px")
plot(a, layout = layout_graph, vertex.color = "red",
edge.width = E(a)$weight)
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(layout, "fruchterman.reingold")) {
layout_graph <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(a)
if (length(mRNA) > 1) {
mRNAs <- paste(mRNA, collapse = "&")
} else {
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Graphical_output_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".tiff", sep = "")
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
tiff(filename = file.path(path, filename), width = 1000,
height = 1000, units = "px")
plot(a, layout = layout_graph, vertex.color = "red",
edge.width = E(a)$weight)
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(layout, "reingold.tilford")) {
layout_graph <- layout.reingold.tilford(a)
if (length(mRNA) > 1) {
mRNAs <- paste(mRNA, collapse = "&")
} else {
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Graphical_output_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".tiff", sep = "")
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
tiff(filename = file.path(path, filename), width = 1000,
height = 1000, units = "px")
plot(a, layout = layout_graph, vertex.color = "red",
edge.width = E(a)$weight)
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(layout, "interactive")) {
tkplot(a, vertex.color = "red", edge.width = E(a)$weight)
} else {
stop("Invalid Layout!!!")
} else if (identical(visualisation, "console")) {
## Return data to the console
} else {
stop("Visualisation method absent")
} else {
## Extracts and sorts the data in descending order
dat <- c()
a <- tryCatch({
genes_Stat(mRNA, mRNA_type, method, Platform = platform)
# return(expr)
}, error = function(e) {
# stop('mRNA record Absent')
if (nrow(a) == 0) {
stop("mRNA does not have any records")
} else {
commgenes <- as.character(a$Gene)
FBGN <- as.character(a$Gene_FBGN)
CGID <- as.character(a$Genes_CGID)
sc <- as.numeric(a$Score)
ord <- a[order(-sc), ]
dat1 <- ord
dat <- dat1
# print(dat[1, ])
## If Visualisation is selected as Text If Visualisation is selected as
## Text, writes in a .csv file Else If Visualisation is selected as
## Cytoscape, writes in a .csv file in cytoscape format output Else If
## Visualisation is selected as igraph, outputs in the format the layout
## is selected Else If Visualisation is selected as console, outputs the
## dataframe to the console. Else prints error.
if (identical(visualisation, "Text")) {
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Putative_mRNAs_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
### Check if the file name exists and if not print data in .csv format
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
write.csv(dat, file = file.path(path, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(visualisation, "Cytoscape")) {
## Extracting individual data and storing it in the database.
miR <- as.character(dat$miRNA)
## Checks if the mRNA_Type selected to print in the output table is
## GeneSymbol, Flybase Id (FBID) or CGID
if (identical(mRNA_type, "GeneSymbol")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Gene)
} else if (identical(mRNA_type, "FBGN")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Gene_FBGN)
} else if (identical(mRNA_type, "CGID")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Genes_CGID)
} else {
stop("mRNA_Type Invalid!!!")
Score <- as.numeric(dat$Score)
datC <- data.frame(Gene = gene, Interaction = rep("pp", length(miR)),
miRNA = miR, Score)
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Cytoscape_output_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".csv", sep = "")
## Checking if the file exists and writing the data in .csv format
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
write.csv(datC, file = file.path(path, filename))
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(visualisation, "igraph")) {
### Extracting the data and storing in the data.frame
miR <- as.character(dat$miRNA)
## Checks if the mRNA_Type selected to print in the output table is
## GeneSymbol, Flybase Id (FBID) or CGID
if (identical(mRNA_type, "GeneSymbol")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Gene)
} else if (identical(mRNA_type, "FBGN")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Gene_FBGN)
} else if (identical(mRNA_type, "CGID")) {
gene <- as.character(dat$Genes_CGID)
} else {
stop("mRNA_Type Invalid!!!")
Score <- as.numeric(dat$Score)
datN <- data.frame(Gene = gene, miRNA = miR, Score)
### Creating the plot
a <- graph.data.frame(datN, directed = FALSE)
### Creating the Edge weight
E(a)$weight <- Score
### Selecting the layout to represent the network. The selected network
### is printed out in the format of a .tiff file. If chosen layout is
### kamadakawai, prints as .tiff file If chosenfruchterman.reingold,
### prints as .tiff file If chosen layout isreingold.tilford, prints as
### .tiff file If chosen layout isinteractive, prints as a tkplot file.
### Else Prints error message
if (identical(layout, "kamadakawai")) {
layout_graph <- layout.kamada.kawai(a)
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Graphical_output_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".tiff", sep = "")
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
tiff(filename = file.path(path, filename), width = 1000,
height = 1000, units = "px")
plot(a, layout = layout_graph, vertex.color = "red",
edge.width = E(a)$weight)
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(layout, "fruchterman.reingold")) {
layout_graph <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(a)
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Graphical_output_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".tiff", sep = "")
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
tiff(filename = file.path(path, filename), width = 1000,
height = 1000, units = "px")
plot(a, layout = layout_graph, vertex.color = "red",
edge.width = E(a)$weight)
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(layout, "reingold.tilford")) {
layout_graph <- layout.reingold.tilford(a)
mRNAs = mRNA
filename = paste("Graphical_output_for_", mRNAs, "_", platform,
"_and_", method, ".tiff", sep = "")
if (!(file.exists(file.path(path, filename)))) {
tiff(filename = file.path(path, filename), width = 1000,
height = 1000, units = "px")
plot(a, layout = layout_graph, vertex.color = "red",
edge.width = E(a)$weight)
} else {
stop("File Already Exists!!")
} else if (identical(layout, "interactive")) {
tkplot(a, vertex.color = "red", edge.width = E(a)$weight)
} else {
stop("Invalid Layout!!!")
} else if (identical(visualisation, "console")) {
## Return data to the console print(dat)
} else {
stop("Visualisation method absent")
# return(dat)
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