# Rmeta.R
#Wed Jun 3 15:11:27 CEST 2015
#Mon 27 Jun 2005 10:49:06 AM CEST
#system("~/src/Rprivate/exportR.sh"); source("RgenericAllRaw.R"); source("Rgenetics.R"); loadLibraries();
#system('. ~/src/Rprivate/exportR.sh ; cp ~/src/Rprivate/RgenericAllRaw.R .');
# <p> Meta-helpers
# level dependend logging
# moved from Rsystem.R to break dependency cylce (22.3.2017)
#Global..Log..Level = 4;
#Default..Log..Level = 4;
#assign(Default..Log..Level, 4, envir = .GlobalEnv);
Log_env__ <- new.env();
assign('DefaultLogLevel', 4, envir = Log_env__);
# <p> work-arounds for CRAN submissions
# capture.output replaces \n with space
Capture.output = function(expr, envir = parent.frame()) {
tf = tempfile();
r = eval(expr, envir = envir);
Print = function(..., envir = parent.frame())Capture.output(print(...), envir = envir)
#' Log a message to stderr.
#' Log a message to stderr. Indicate a logging level to control verbosity.
#' This function prints a message to stderr if the condition is met that a
#' global log-level is set to greater or equal the value indicated by
#' \code{level}. \code{Log.level} returns the current logging level.
#' @aliases Log Log.setLevel Log.level
#' @param o Message to be printed.
#' @param level If \code{Log.setLevel} was called with this value, subsequent
#' calls to \code{Log} with values of \code{level} smaller or equal to this
#' value will be printed.
#' @param doPrint additional object that will be output using \code{print}.
#' @author Stefan Böhringer <r-packages@@s-boehringer.org>
#' @seealso \code{\link{Log.setLevel}}
#' @return inivisble formatted message or NULL if nothing was logged
#' @keywords io logging
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #' Log.setLevel(4);
# #' Log('hello world', 4);
# #' Log.setLevel(3);
# #' Log('hello world', 4);
# #' }
Log = function(o, level = get('DefaultLogLevel', envir = Log_env__), doPrint = NULL) {
if (level <= get('GlobalLogLevel', envir = Log_env__)) {
#cat(sprintf("R %s: %s\n", date(), as.character(o)));
message(sprintf("R %s: %s\n", date(), as.character(o)));
if (!is.null(doPrint)) message(Print(doPrint));
Logs = function(o, level = get('DefaultLogLevel', envir = Log_env__), ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
Log(Sprintf(o, ..., envir = envir), level = level);
LogS = function(level, s, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
Log(Sprintf(s, ..., envir = envir), level = level);
Log.level = function()get('GlobalLogLevel', envir = Log_env__);
Log.setLevel = function(level = get('GlobalLogLevel', envir = Log_env__)) {
assign("GlobalLogLevel", level, envir = Log_env__);
Log.expr = function(level, expr, envir = parent.frame()) {
oldLevel = Log.level();
return(eval(expr, envir = envir));
Log.setLevel(4); # default
Stop = function(..., call. = TRUE, domain = NULL, envir = parent.frame()) {
stop(Sprintf(list(...)[[1]], envir = envir), call., domain)
# <p> Meta-functions
# Environments
# copy functions code adapted from restorepoint R package
object.copy = function(obj) {
# Dealing with missing values
if (is.name(obj)) return(obj);
obj_class = class(obj);
copy =
if ('environment' %in% obj_class) environment.copy(obj) else
if (all('list' == class(obj))) list.copy(obj) else
#if (is.list(obj) && !(is.data.frame(obj))) list.copy(obj) else
list.copy = function(l)lapply(l, object.copy);
environment.restrict = function(envir__, restrict__= NULL) {
if (!is.null(restrict__)) {
envir__ = as.environment(List_(as.list(envir__), min_ = restrict__));
environment.copy = function(envir__, restrict__= NULL) {
as.environment(eapply(environment.restrict(envir__, restrict__), object.copy));
bound_vars = function(f, functions = FALSE) {
fms = formals(f);
# variables bound in default arguments
vars_defaults = unique(unlist(sapply(fms, function(e)all.vars(as.expression(e)))));
# variables used in the body
vars_body = setdiff(all.vars(body(f)), names(fms));
vars = setdiff(unique(c(vars_defaults, vars_body)), c('...', '', '.GlobalEnv'));
if (functions) {
vars = vars[!sapply(vars, function(v)is.function(rget(v, envir = environment(f))))];
bound_fcts_std_exceptions = c('Lapply', 'Sapply', 'Apply');
bound_fcts = function(f, functions = FALSE, exceptions = bound_fcts_std_exceptions) {
fms = formals(f);
# functions bound in default arguments
fcts_defaults = unique(unlist(sapply(fms, function(e)all.vars(as.expression(e), functions = TRUE))));
# functions bound in body
fcts = union(fcts_defaults, all.vars(body(f), functions = TRUE));
# remove variables
#fcts = setdiff(fcts, c(bound_vars(f, functions), names(fms), '.GlobalEnv', '...'));
fcts = setdiff(fcts, c(bound_vars(f, functions = functions), names(fms), '.GlobalEnv', '...'));
# remove functions from packages
fcts = fcts[
sapply(fcts, function(e) {
f_e = rget(e, envir = environment(f));
!is.null(f_e) && environmentName(environment(f_e)) %in% c('R_GlobalEnv', '') && !is.primitive(f_e)
fcts = setdiff(fcts, exceptions);
environment_evaled = function(f, functions = FALSE, recursive = FALSE) {
vars = bound_vars(f, functions);
e = nlapply(vars, function(v) rget(v, envir = environment(f)));
#Log(sprintf('environment_evaled: vars: %s', join(vars, ', ')), 7);
#Log(sprintf('environment_evaled: functions: %s', functions), 7);
if (functions) {
fcts = bound_fcts(f, functions = TRUE);
fcts_e = nlapply(fcts, function(v){
#Log(sprintf('environment_evaled: fct: %s', v), 7);
v = rget(v, envir = environment(f));
#if (!(environmentName(environment(v)) %in% c('R_GlobalEnv')))
v = environment_eval(v, functions = TRUE);
#Log(sprintf('fcts: %s', join(names(fcts_e))));
e = c(e, fcts_e);
#Log(sprintf('evaled: %s', join(names(e))));
r = new.env();
lapply(names(e), function(n)assign(n, e[[n]], envir = r));
#r = if (!length(e)) new.env() else as.environment(e);
parent.env(r) = .GlobalEnv;
#Log(sprintf('evaled: %s', join(names(as.list(r)))));
environment_eval = function(f, functions = FALSE, recursive = FALSE) {
environment(f) = environment_evaled(f, functions = functions, recursive = recursive);
# Parsing, evaluation
Parse = function(text, ...) {
parse(text = text, ...)
Eval = function(e, ..., envir = parent.frame(), autoParse = TRUE) {
if (autoParse && is.character(e)) e = Parse(e, ...);
eval(e, envir = envir)
# Freeze/thaw
# -> moved to Ext
# </p> freeze/thaw functions
# <p> calls
# <!> assume matched call
# <A> we only evaluate named args
callEvalArgs = function(call_, env_eval = FALSE) {
#if (is.null(call_$envir__) || is.null(names(call_$args))) return(call_);
#if (is.null(call_$envir) || !length(call_$args)) return(call_);
# <p> evaluate args
if (length(call_$args)) {
args = call_$args;
callArgs = lapply(1:length(args), function(i)eval(args[[i]], envir = call_$envir));
# <i> use match.call instead
names(callArgs) = setdiff(names(call_$args), '...');
call_$args = callArgs;
if (env_eval) {
call_$fct = environment_eval(call_$fct, functions = FALSE, recursive = FALSE);
# <p> construct return value
#callArgs = lapply(call_$args, function(e){eval(as.expression(e), call_$envir)});
#callWithFunctionArgs = function(f, args, envir__ = parent.frame(), name = NULL) {
callWithFunctionArgs = function(f__, args__, envir__ = environment(f__), name = NULL, env_eval = FALSE) {
if (env_eval) f = environment_eval(f__, functions = FALSE, recursive = FALSE);
call_ = list(
fct = f__,
envir = environment(f__),
args = args__,
name = name
# </p> calls
encapsulateCall = function(.call, ..., envir__ = environment(.call), do_evaluate_args__ = FALSE,
unbound_functions = FALSE) {
# function body of call
name = as.character(.call[[1]]);
fct = get(name);
callm = if (!is.primitive(fct)) {
callm = match.call(definition = fct, call = .call);
} else as.list(.call)[-1];
args = if (do_evaluate_args__) {
nlapply(callm, function(e)eval(callm[[e]], envir = envir__))
} else nlapply(callm, function(e)callm[[e]])
# unbound variables in body fct
#unbound_vars =
call_ = list(
fct = fct,
envir = envir__,
#args = as.list(sys.call()[[2]])[-1],
args = args,
name = name
#' Deparsing of expression
#' Create single character string from R expression
#' Calls deparse on argument and pastes together the return value of \code{deparse()} resulting
#' in a single character string. Operates very similar to \code{dput()}, except, it cannot write to
#' a file.
#' @param o Expression/Object to be deparsed
#' @return single character vector with the deparsed expression
#' @seealso [deparse()] which this function wraps
#' @seealso [eval()] for the inverse operation
#' @seealso [dput()] similar function
#' @seealso [dget()] similar to eval of character string
#' @return character string with the deparsed R-object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' Deparse(3)
#' Deparse(1 + 2)
#' Deparse(matrix(1:10, ncol = 5))
#' eval(Deparse(matrix(1:10, ncol = 5)))
#' }
Deparse = function(o)join(deparse(o));
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