
Defines functions recycleTo recycle Recycle accessIdx minimax formulaWith covariatePairs formulas.free formulaRemoveTransformation formula.predictors formula.add.response formula.add.responseByName formula.set.rhs vars.as.rhs formula.add.rhs dataSelectCols dataSelectVars dataColRange data.vars.after data.vars formula2filename formula.expand Formula.to.character formula.to.character formula.nullModel formula.vars formula.covariates formula.rhs formula.response formula.re sub.graph sub.graph.merge subDataFromFormula subData variablesForData variableIndecesForData coefficientNamesForData dataExpandFactors dataExpandedNames Trimws deduplicateLabels strAbbr substrM1 firstUpper Reshape.long.byParts Reshape.long Reshape.levelMap Reshape.levelMap_list Reshape.levelMap_re Reshape.long.raw DfSelectCols uniqueByCols DfUniqueRowsByCols reshape.long reshape.wide Merge merge.multi.dfs merge.multi list.to.df IterateModelsExpand iterateModelsExpand iterateModels iterateModelsSymbolizer iterateModelsJoinSymbolizer iterateModelsDefaultSymbolizer iterateModels_prepare iterateModels_raw Kronecker Do.callIm Inlist inlist merge.multi.list.symbolic merge.multi.symbolizer lists.splice merge.lists.takenFrom_old merge.lists.takenFrom list.extractRows list.extract list.takenFrom merge.multi.list matrixDeCenter matrixCenter meanStructure meanList meanVectors meanMatrices minus plus notE Nina nina niz nit Nif nif size set.card fraction count lrbind unionCum intersectSetsCount Intersect Union factor2numeric factor2int recodeLevels data.frame.union order.df.maps order.df applyPermutation order_align_fromOrder order_align inverseOrder_fromOrder inversePermutation valueCombinations Order countsExtract cumsumR cumsumI splitBy splitToMax splitN vectorLag shift pop last Unlist List .List DfCol characterRange DfNames2std dfNmsStd DfRound DfRepl DfDiff DfSearch Dfselect Df2list Df Df_ DfApplyValueMap DfFac2num DfAsCharacter DfAsLogical DfAsInteger DfClasses DfStack data.frame.types minFloor to.numeric v2freq Table vectorNamed listNamed listKeyValue gapply .list list.min null2na listReverseHierarchy list.keys list.kpu list.kp list.kpr list.kp.keys list.kprwkp list.kprwPar list.kprw list.kp.unquote keyPathAst keyPathAstRaw keyPathExpression2key keyPathParse cList gsubI list.key instantiate instantiate.list unlist.n list.embed list.combine Merge.lists Merge.lists.raw unshift merge.lists.recursive merge.lists rangeBlock exists.pos subListFromRaggedLists subListFromRaggedIdcs cumpartition counts2idcs splitSeatsForFractions idcsStart2range index2listPosition splitListEls splitListIndcs expandBlocks count2blocks SeqRows Seq adic2ord ord2adic cumprod1 bin.to.dec dec.to.bin base2dec dec2base hex2ints hex2int character.as.characters asc getPatternFromFiles getPatternFromStrings sprintd Sprintfl sprintfIgnoreEscapes Substr qsPath qsSinglePath qss qssSingle qs qsSingle mergeDictToDict mergeDictToVector mergeDictToString valueMapperStandard valueMapperRaw qwn qwi trimString quoteString qw splitString RegexprM Regexpr RegexprSingle list.transpose As.list table.n.freq table.freq table.n MC MR grep.infixes grep.vector which.indeces which.row symmetrizeMatrix matrixFromIndexedDf search.block expand.block is.seq vectorIdcs matrix.same array.extract matrix.assign Vector.assign vector.assign vector.embed vector.propagateValuesForward vector.spread data.frame.expandWeigths arrayFromRowPairs matrixSearch matrix.intercalate rep.list rep.each.row copyFactorStructure Rep.each factorWithLevels rep.each rep.each.vector pad is.ascending is.sorted meshVectors .dfns t2r t_ subsetTop Rbind Cbind .dfrm .dfrmr .dfm .df.reorder .df which.cols searchDataFrame ListOfLists2df ListOfLists2df_extract listOfLists2df rbind.list2df list2df.print be.numeric list2df rbindDataFrames RbindDfs cbindDataFrames listOfDataFrames2data.frame listOfLists2data.frame col.frame to.col Attr SetNames Dimnames Col.names Row.names list.with.names sapplyn applyL Lundrop2col undrop2col Lundrop2row undrop2row tuapply List.takenFrom getElement lapplyCols lapplyRows lapplyDir filterList dfapply lapplyWoI sapplyWoI pairslapply pairsapplyLV pairsapplyVL kvlapply einsapply ensapply eisapply eilapply einlapply einXapply ilapply nelapply nlapply listInverse vectorNormed MatchRegex matchRegex matchRegexExtract MatchRegexExtract matchRegexCapture regexIdcs FetchRegexpr fetchRegexpr Which.min Which.max wrapStr abbr circumfix readFile r.output.to.vector.numeric r.output.to.vector.int pastem Con con join uniqueIndex same.vector listFind Simplify sapplyId mat.sel vector.named vector.with.names vector.replace nullomit eval.text assign.list avu Avu to.list firstDefNA FirstDef firstDef rget is.in defined.by.name defined

Documented in count2blocks inverseOrder_fromOrder iterateModels_raw Order order_align order_align_fromOrder readFile reshape.long Seq Sprintfl subListFromRaggedIdcs subListFromRaggedLists Substr valueCombinations

#	Rdata.R
#Mon 27 Jun 2005 10:49:06 AM CEST
#system("~/src/Rprivate/exportR.sh"); source("RgenericAll.R"); source("Rgenetics.R"); loadLibraries();
#system('~/src/Rprivate/exportR.sh ; cp ~/src/Rprivate/RgenericAllRaw.R .');
# <!> copied to Rmeta.R as being the first file to be exported by now (26.3.2017)

#	<ยง> abstract data functions

defined = function(x) exists(as.character(substitute(x)));
defined.by.name = function(name) { class(try(get(name), silent = TRUE)) != 'try-error' }
# equivalent to i %in% v
is.in = function(i, v)(length((1:length(v))[v == i])>0)
rget = function(name, default = NULL, ..., pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos)) {
	#obj = try(get(name, ...), silent = TRUE);
	#r = if(class(obj) == 'try-error') default else obj;
	#r = if (exists(name, where = pos, envir = envir)) get(name, ..., pos = pos, envir = envir) else default;
	r = if (exists(name, envir = envir)) get(name, ..., envir = envir) else default;
# .fdE: use notE
firstDef = function(..., .fdInterpolate = FALSE, .fdIgnoreErrors = FALSE, .fdE = FALSE) {
	l = if (.fdInterpolate) c(...) else list(...);
	for (i in l) {
		if ((!is.null(i) && (!.fdE || notE(i))) && (!.fdIgnoreErrors || class(i) != 'try-error'))
FirstDef = function(..., .fdInterpolate = FALSE, .fdIgnoreErrors = FALSE, .fdE = TRUE)
	firstDef(..., .fdInterpolate = .fdInterpolate, .fdIgnoreErrors = .fdIgnoreErrors, .fdE = .fdE)
firstDefNA = function(..., .fdInterpolate = FALSE){
	l = if (.fdInterpolate) c(...) else list(...);
	for (i in l) { if (!is.na(i)) return(i)};
# <N> NULL behaviour
to.list = function(..., .remove.factors = TRUE){
	r = if(is.null(...)) NULL else if (is.list(...)) c(...) else list(...);
	if (.remove.factors) {
		r = sapply(r, function(e)ifelse(is.factor(e), levels(e)[e], e));
# clean list/vector
Avu = function(v)as.vector(unlist(v))
# pretty much force everything to be a vector
avu = function(v, recursive = TRUE, toNA = TRUE) {
	transform = if (toNA)
		function(e, condition)(if (condition) NA else avu(e, toNA = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)) else
		function(e, ...)avu(e, toNA = FALSE, recursive = TRUE);

	r = if (is.list(v)) {
		nls = sapply(v, is.null);	# detects nulls
		# unlist removes NULL values -> NA
		unlist(sapply(seq_along(v), function(i)transform(v[[i]], nls[i])));
	} else as.vector(v);
	if (!length(r)) return(NULL);
#pop = function(v)rev(rev(v)[-1]);

assign.list = function(l, pos = -1, envir = as.environment(pos), inherits = FALSE, immediate = TRUE) {
	for (n in names(l)) {
		assign(n, l[[n]], pos, envir, inherits, immediate);
eval.text = function(text, envir = parent.frame())eval(parse(text = text), envir= envir);

nullomit = function(r)r[!sapply(r, is.null)]

# replace elements base on list
# l may be a list of lists with elements f (from) and t (to), when f is replaced with t
# if both, f and t arguments are not NULL, l will be ignored and f is replaced with t
vector.replace = function(v, l, regex = FALSE, ..., f = NULL, t = NULL) {
# 	if (!is.null(f) & !is.null(t)) l = list(list(f = f, t = t));
# 	# replacments are given in f/t pairs
# 	if (all(sapply(l, length) == 2)) {
# 		from = list.key(l, "f");
# 		to = list.key(l, "t");
# 	} else {
# 		from = names(l);
# 		to = unlist(l);
# 	}
# 	for (i in 1:length(from)) {
# 		if (regex) {
# 			idcs = which(sapply(v, function(e)(length(fetchRegexpr(from[i], e, ...)) > 0)));
# 			v[idcs] = sapply(v[idcs], function(e)gsub(from[i], to[i], e));
# 		} else v[which(v == from[i])] = to[i];
# 	}
 	repl = if (!is.null(f) & !is.null(t)) listKeyValue(f, t) else l;
	# <!> tb tested
 	v = if (!regex) {
		raw = repl[v];
		unlist(ifelse(sapply(repl[v], is.null), v, raw))
	} else {
		sapply(v, function(e){
			# first match takes precedent
			j = which(sapply(names(repl), function(f)length(fetchRegexpr(f, e, ...)) > 0))[1];
			if (is.na(j)) e else gsub(names(repl)[j], repl[[j]], e)

vector.with.names = function(v, all_names, default = 0) {
	r = rep(default, length(all_names));
	names(r) = all_names;
	is = which.indeces(names(v), all_names, ret.na = TRUE);
	r[is[!is.na(is)]] = v[!is.na(is)];
vector.named = function(v, Names) {
	names(v) = Names;

# dir: direction of selection: 1: select rows, 2: select columns
mat.sel = function(m, v, dir = 1) {
	r = if (dir == 1)
		sapply(1:length(v), function(i)m[v[i], i]) else
		sapply(1:length(v), function(i)m[i, v[i]]);

# rbind on list
simplify = sapplyId = function(l)sapply(l, identity);
Simplify = function(l)unlist(simplify(l));

listFind = function(lsed, lsee) {
	values = sapply(names(lsee), function(n)list.key(lsed, n), simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE);
	values = sapply(values, identity);
	found = apply(values, 1, function(r) all(r == lsee));
	r = unlist.n(lsed[found], 1);

#same.vector = function(v)(unique(v) == 1)
same.vector = function(v)all(v == v[1])

# in vector v, find index min j \in 1, ..., N so that v[1:j] contains at least U unique elements
uniqueIndex = function(v, U) {
	#Nu = sapply(seq_along(v), function(i)length(unique(data$chr[1:i])));
	# more efficient version
	u = c();
	for (i in seq_along(v)) {
		u = unique(c(u, v[i]));
		if (length(u) == U) return(i);

#	<ยง> string manipulation

#join = function(v, sep = " ")if (length(v) == 0) '' else paste(v, collapse = sep);
join = function(v, sep = " ")paste(v, collapse = sep);
con = function(..., Sep_ = '')paste(..., sep = Sep_);
Con = function(..., Sep_ = '')paste(unlist(list(...)), collapse = Sep_);
# pastem = function(a, b, ..., revsort = TRUE) {
# 	if (revsort)
# 		as.vector(apply(merge(data.frame(a = b), data.frame(b = a), sort = FALSE), 1,
# 			function(e)paste(e[2], e[1], ...))) else
# 		as.vector(apply(merge(data.frame(a = a), data.frame(b = b), sort = FALSE), 1,
# 			function(e)paste(e[1], e[2], ...)))
# }
pastem = function(a, b, ..., revsort = TRUE) {
	df = merge.multi.list(list(Df(a = a), Df(b = b)), .first.constant = revsort);
	paste(df[, 1], df[, 2], ...)

r.output.to.vector.int = function(s) {
	matches = gregexpr("(?<![\\[\\d])\\d+", s, perl=TRUE);
	starts = as.vector(matches[[1]]);
	lengthes = attr(matches[[1]], "match.length");
	v = sapply(1:length(starts), function(i){ substr(s, starts[i], starts[i] + lengthes[i] -1) });
r.output.to.vector.numeric = function(s) {
	matches = gregexpr("\\d*\\.\\d+", s, perl=TRUE);
	starts = as.vector(matches[[1]]);
	lengthes = attr(matches[[1]], "match.length");
	v = sapply(1:length(starts), function(i){ substr(s, starts[i], starts[i] + lengthes[i] -1) });
readFile = function(path) { join(scan(path, what = "raw", sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE), sep = "\n") };
circumfix = function(s, post = NULL, pre = NULL) {
	if (is.null(s) || length(s) == 0) return('');
	sapply(s, function(s)if (s == '') s else con(pre, s, post))
abbr = function(s, Nchar = 20, ellipsis = '...') {
	ifelse(nchar(s) > Nchar, paste(substr(s, 1, Nchar - nchar(ellipsis)), ellipsis, sep = ''), s)
wrapStr = function(s, Nchar = 60, regex = '\\s+', indent = "\n") {
	r = '';
	while (nchar(s) > Nchar) {
		R = gregexpr('\\s+', s, perl = TRUE);
		Iws = R[[1]][R[[1]] <= Nchar];
		Ichr = max(Iws);
		# <i> handle Ichr = 1
		r = con(r, substr(s, 1, Ichr - 1), indent);
		s = substr(s, Ichr + attr(R[[1]], 'match.length')[length(Iws)], nchar(s));

	r = con(r, s);

Which.max = function(l, last.max = TRUE, default = NA) {
	if (is.logical(l) && all(!l)) return(default);
	r = if (last.max) (length(l) - which.max(rev(l)) + 1) else which.max(l);
Which.min = function(l, last.min = FALSE, default = NA) {
	if (is.logical(l) && all(!l)) return(default);
	r = if (last.min) (length(l) - which.min(rev(l)) + 1) else which.min(l);
# capturesN: named captures; for each name in captureN put the captured value assuming names to be ordered
# captures: fetch only first capture per match <!> deprecated
# capturesAll: fetch all caputers for each match
fetchRegexpr = function(re, str, ..., ret.all = FALSE, globally = TRUE, captures = FALSE, captureN = c(),
	capturesAll = FALSE, maxCaptures = 9, returnMatchPositions = FALSE) {
	if (length(re) == 0) return(c());
	r = if (globally)
		gregexpr(re, str, perl = TRUE, ...)[[1]] else
		regexpr(re, str, perl = TRUE, ...);
	if (all(r < 0)) return(NULL);
	l = sapply(1:length(r), function(i)substr(str, r[i], r[i] + attr(r, "match.length")[i] - 1));
	if (captures) {
		l = sapply(l, function(e)gsub(re, '\\1', e, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE));
	} else if (length(captureN) > 0) {
		l = lapply(l, function(e) {
			r = sapply(1:length(captureN), function(i) {
				list(gsub(re, sprintf('\\%d', i), e, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE))
			names(r) = captureN;
	} else if (capturesAll) {
		l = lapply(l, function(e) {
			cs = c();	# captures
			# <!> hack to remove zero-width assertions (no nested grouping!)
			#re = gsub('(\\(\\?<=.*?\\))|(\\(\\?=.*?\\))', '', re, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE);
			for (i in 1:maxCaptures) {
				n = gsub(re, sprintf('\\%d', i), e, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE);
				cs = c(cs, n);

		# trim list
		#maxEls = maxCaptures - min(c(maxCaptures + 1, sapply(l, function(e)Which.max(rev(e != ''))))
		#	, na.rm = TRUE) + 1;
		maxEls = max(c(sapply(l, function(e)Which.max(e != '', default = 1)), 1));
		l = lapply(l, function(e)(if (maxEls > 0) e[1:maxEls] else NULL));
	if (!ret.all) l = l[l != ""];
	ret = if (returnMatchPositions) list(match = l, positions = r) else l;
# improved multistring version
FetchRegexpr = function(re, str, ..., ret.all = FALSE, globally = TRUE, captures = FALSE, captureN = c(),
	capturesAll = FALSE, maxCaptures = 9, returnMatchPositions = FALSE) {
	if (length(re) == 0) return(c());
	r = if (globally)
		gregexpr(re, str, perl = TRUE, ...) else
		list(regexpr(re, str, perl = TRUE, ...));
	if (all(unlist(r) < 0)) return(NULL);
	l = sapply(seq_along(r),
		function(j) {
			r0 = r[[j]];
				function(i)substr(str[j], r0[i], r0[i] + attr(r0, "match.length")[i] - 1))
	if (captures) {
		l = sapply(l, function(e)gsub(re, '\\1', e, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE));
	} else if (length(captureN) > 0) {
		l = lapply(l, function(e) {
			r = sapply(1:length(captureN), function(i) {
				list(gsub(re, sprintf('\\%d', i), e, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE))
			names(r) = captureN;
	} else if (capturesAll) {
		l = lapply(l, function(e) {
			cs = c();	# captures
			# <!> hack to remove zero-width assertions (no nested grouping!)
			#re = gsub('(\\(\\?<=.*?\\))|(\\(\\?=.*?\\))', '', re, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE);
			for (i in 1:maxCaptures) {
				n = gsub(re, sprintf('\\%d', i), e, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE);
				cs = c(cs, n);

		# trim list
		#maxEls = maxCaptures - min(c(maxCaptures + 1, sapply(l, function(e)Which.max(rev(e != ''))))
		#	, na.rm = TRUE) + 1;
		maxEls = max(c(sapply(l, function(e)Which.max(e != '', default = 1)), 1));
		l = lapply(l, function(e)(if (maxEls > 0) e[1:maxEls] else NULL));
	if (!ret.all) l = l[l != ""];
	ret = if (returnMatchPositions) list(match = l, positions = r) else l;

regex = Vectorize(fetchRegexpr, 'str', SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE);
Regex = Vectorize(FetchRegexpr, 're', SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE);
RegexL = Vectorize(FetchRegexpr, 're', SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = TRUE);
regexIdcs = function(re, s, ...)vectorIdcs(regex(re, s, ...), is.null, not = TRUE)

# unify capture extraction for gregexpr, regexpr
# pos == 0: grexepr, regexpr else by iterating pos as index into str
matchRegexCapture = function(reg, str, pos = NULL) {
	if (is.null(attr(reg, 'capture.start'))) return(NULL);
	if (!is.null(pos)) str = str[pos] else pos = seq_along(reg);
	captures = lapply(1:ncol(attr(reg, 'capture.start')), function(i) {
		vs = sapply(pos, function(j)Substr(str,
			attr(reg, 'capture.start')[j, i], attr(reg, 'capture.length')[j, i]))
	names(captures) = attr(reg, 'capture.names');
MatchRegexExtract = function(m, s, pos = seq_along(m)) {
	matches = ifelse(m[pos] < 0, character(0),
		sapply(pos, function(i)Substr(s[i], m[i], attr(m, 'match.length')[i])));
matchRegexExtract = function(reg, str, pos = NULL) {
	if (!is.null(pos)) str = str[pos] else pos = seq_along(reg);
	matches = ifelse(reg[pos] < 0, character(0),
		sapply(pos, function(i)Substr(str, reg[i], attr(reg, 'match.length')[i])));
# <i> re nested list with sub-res for named captures
# <!> globally == FALSE, removeNonMatch == FALSE
matchRegex = function(re, str, ..., globally = TRUE, simplify = TRUE,
	positions = FALSE, removeNonMatch = FALSE) {
	if (length(re) == 0) return(NULL);
	reg = if (globally) gregexpr(re, str, perl = TRUE, ...) else regexpr(re, str, perl = TRUE, ...);
	ms = if (globally)
		lapply(seq_along(reg), function(i)matchRegexExtract(reg[[i]], str[i])) else
		lapply(seq_along(str), function(i)matchRegexExtract(reg, str, pos = i));
	#	regmatches(str, reg);
	captures = if (globally)
		lapply(seq_along(reg), function(i)matchRegexCapture(reg[[i]], str[i])) else
		lapply(seq_along(str), function(i)matchRegexCapture(reg, str, pos = i));
	if (removeNonMatch) {
		nonmatch = sapply(ms, length) == 0 | is.na(ms);
		ms = ms[!nonmatch];
		captures = captures[!nonmatch];
		reg = reg[!nonmatch];
	if (simplify && length(str) == 1) {
		ms = ms[[1]];
		captures = captures[[1]];
		reg = reg[[1]];
	r = if(positions) list(match = ms, capture = captures, positions = reg) else
		list(match = ms, capture = captures);

#	<p> final interface as of 2016/04
MatchRegex = function(re, str, mode = 'return') {
	r = regexpr(re, str);
	if (mode == 'return') {
		r = str[which(r > 0)];
# handle attributes
# As.list assumes attributes and vector elements to be paired
#	corresponding values/attributes will be put into the list
As.list = function(v) {
	as = Recycle(attributes(v));
	l = lapply(seq_along(v), function(i) {
		# does not preserve matrices
		#attrs = list.kp(as, Sprintf('[[%{i}d]]'));
		# should become <i>
		#attrs = list.kp(as, Sprintf('[[%{i}d]]', accessor = function(e)accessIdx(e, i)));
		attrs = lapply(seq_along(as), function(j)accessIdx(as[[j]], i));
		Attr(v[i], SetNames(attrs, names(as)))

# transform results from Regexpr captures = TRUE
list.transpose = function(l)lapply(seq_along(l[[1]]), function(i)list.kp(l, Sprintf('[[%{i}d]]')));

# interface as of 2018/06
# if re is vector, iterate over
# by default, return matches
RegexprSingle = function(re, s, captures = FALSE, global = TRUE, simplify = TRUE, concatMatches = TRUE, drop = TRUE) {
	matches = if (global) gregexpr(re, s, perl = TRUE) else As.list(regexpr(re, s, perl = TRUE));
	#print(gregexpr(re, s, perl = TRUE));
	#print(regexpr(re, s, perl = TRUE));

	#matches = if (global) gregexpr(re, s, perl = TRUE) else list(regexpr(re, s, perl = TRUE));
	r = pairslapply(matches, s, function(m, s) {	# iterate strings
		if (captures) {
			r = matchRegexCapture(m, s);
			if (concatMatches) r = apply(do.call(cbind, r), 1, join, sep = '');
		} else {
			r = MatchRegexExtract(m, s);
			if (drop) r = r[!is.na(r)];
	if (simplify && (
		(length(s) == 1 && captures && concatMatches)
	)) r = r[[1]];
	if (simplify && !global) r = Simplify(r);

Regexpr = function(re, s, ..., reSimplify = TRUE) {
	r = lapply(re, RegexprSingle, s = unlist(s), ...);
	if (length(re) == 1 && reSimplify) r = r[[1]];
RegexprM = function(re, s, ..., reSimplify = TRUE) {
	r = sapply(Regexpr(re, s, ..., reSimplify = reSimplify), function(e)length(e) > 0);

splitString = function(re, str, ..., simplify = TRUE) {
	l = lapply(str, function(str) {
		if (is.na(str)) return(NA);
		r = gregexpr(re, str, perl = TRUE, ...)[[1]];
		if (r[1] < 0) return(str);
		l = sapply(1:(length(r) + 1), function(i) {
			substr(str, ifelse(i == 1, 1, r[i - 1] + attr(r, "match.length")[i - 1]),
				ifelse(i > length(r), nchar(str), r[i] - 1))
	if (length(l) == 1 && simplify) l = l[[1]];
# modeled after perl's qq
reString = '(?:([_\\/\\-a-zA-Z0-9.]+)|(?:\\"((?:\\\\\\\\.)*(?:[^"\\\\]+(?:\\\\\\\\.)*)*)\\"))';
# use reSep = '\\s+' to split based on a separator RE
qw = function(s, re = reString, reSep = NULL, names = NULL, byrow = TRUE) {
	r = if (notE(reSep)) unlist(splitString(reSep, s)) else {
	#r = if (TRUE) unlist(splitString('\\s+', s)) else
		unlist(Regexpr(re, unlist(s), captures = TRUE));
	if (notE(names)) r = Df_(matrix(r, ncol = length(names), byrow = byrow), names = names);
quoteString = function(s)sprintf('"%s"', s)
trimString = function(s) {
	sapply(s, function(e)
		if (is.na(e)) NA else FetchRegexpr('^\\s*(.*?)\\s*$', e, captures = TRUE)
qwi = function(...)as.integer(qw(...))
qwn = function(...)as.numeric(qw(...))

valueMapperRaw = function(n, d)d[[n]]
valueMapperStandard = function(n, d) {
	if (is.na(d[[n]])) '{\\bf Value missing}' else (if (is.null(d[[n]])) n else d[[n]])

# <N> maxIterations needs to be large as a new iteration is entered after each successful substitution
#	this is necessary, as 
mergeDictToString = function(d, s,
	valueMapper = valueMapperStandard,
	#valueMapper = function(s)ifelse(is.na(d[[n]]), '{\\bf Value missing}', d[[n]]),
	iterative = FALSE, re = FALSE, maxIterations = 1e4, doApplyValueMap = TRUE, doOrderKeys = TRUE, maxLength = 1e7) {
	ns = names(d);
	# proceed in order of decreasing key lengthes
	if (doOrderKeys) ns = ns[rev(order(sapply(ns, nchar)))];
	for (i in 1:maxIterations) {
		s0 = s;
		for (n in ns) {
			# counteract undocumented string interpolation
			subst = if (doApplyValueMap)
				gsub("[\\\\]", "\\\\\\\\", valueMapper(n, d), perl = TRUE)
				else d[[n]];
			# <!> quoting
			if (!re) n = sprintf("\\Q%s\\E", n);
			s = gsub(n, firstDef(subst, ""), s, perl = TRUE, fixed = FALSE);
			# <A> if any substitution was made, it is nescessary to reiterate ns to preserver order
			#	of substitutions
			if (iterative && s != s0) break;
		if (!iterative || s == s0 || nchar(s) > maxLength) break;
mergeDictToStringV = Vectorize(mergeDictToString, 's', SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE);

mergeDictToVector = function(d, v) { unlist(ifelse(is.na(names(d[v])), v, d[v])) }

mergeDictToDict = function(dMap, dValues, ..., recursive = TRUE) {
	r = lapply(dValues, function(v) {
		r = if (class(v) == 'list') {
			if (recursive) mergeDictToDict(dMap, v, ...) else v
		} else if (class(v) == 'character') mergeDictToString(dMap, v, ...) else v;

# double quote if needed
qsSingle = function(s, force = FALSE) {
	# <N> better implementation possible: detect unquoted white-space
	if (force || length(fetchRegexpr('[ \t"()\\[\\]:,]', s)) > 0) {
		s = gsub('([\\"])', '\\\\\\1', s);
		s = sprintf('"%s"', s);
	} else {
		s0 = gsub("([\\'])", '\\\\\\1', s);
		if (s0 != s) s = sprintf("$'%s'", s0);
qs = function(s, ...)sapply(s, qsSingle, ...)
# single quote if needed
qssSingle = function(s, force = FALSE) {
	# <N> better implementation possible: detect unquoted white-space
	if (force || nchar(s) == 0 || length(fetchRegexpr("[ \t'\"()\\[\\]:,]", s)) > 0) {
		s = gsub("(['])", "'\"'\"'", s);
		s = sprintf("'%s'", s);
qss = function(s, ...)sapply(s, qssSingle, ...)
# include special case for home folder expansion: do not quote initial '~'
qsSinglePath = function(s, ...) {
	if (s == '~')
		s else
	if (nchar(s) >= 2 && substring(s, 1, 2) == '~/')
		con('~/', qsSingle(substring(s, 3), ...)) else
		qsSingle(s, ...)
# include special case for home folder expansion"
qsPath = function(s, ...)sapply(s, qsSinglePath, ...)

#' Return sub-strings indicated by positions or produce a string by substituting those strings with
#'	replacements
#' The function behaves similar to sprintf, except that character sequences to be substituted are
#' indicated by name.
#' @param s template string
#' @param start vector of start positions of substrings to substitute
#' @param length vector of lengthes of substrings to substitute
#' @param replacement vector of strings to subsitute. If missing, \code{Substr} returns sub-strings indicated
#'	by start/length
#' @return character vector containing extracted sub-strings
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #' print(Substr("abc", c(2, 3), c(1, 1), c("def", 'jkl')));
# #' print(Substr("abcdef", c(2, 3, 5), c(1, 1, 1), c("123", '456', '789')));
# #' print(Substr("abcdef", c(1, 3, 5), c(1, 1, 1), c("123", '456', '789')));
# #' print(Substr("abcdef", c(1, 3, 5), c(0, 1, 0), c("123", '456', '789')));
# #' }
Substr = function(s, start, length, replacement) {
	if (missing(replacement)) return(substr(s, start, start + length - 1));
	start = c(start, nchar(s) + 1);
	l = sapply(seq_along(replacement), function(i)c(
		substr(s, start[i] + length[i], start[i + 1] - 1)
	l = c(substr(s, 1, start[1] - 1), as.vector(l));
	r = join(as.vector(l), sep = '');

sprintfIgnoreEscapes = function(r) {
	m = r$match;
	L = attr(r$positions, 'capture.length');
	if (!(any(L[, 1] == 0 & L[, 2] == 0))) return(r);
	Is = which(L[, 1] == 0 & L[, 2] == 0);
	r0 = r;
	r$match = r0$match[-Is];
	r$positions = r0$positions[-Is];
	attr(r$positions, 'match.length') = attr(r0$positions, 'match.length')[-Is];
	attr(r$positions, 'capture.start') = attr(r0$positions, 'capture.start')[-Is, , drop = FALSE];
	attr(r$positions, 'capture.length') = attr(r0$positions, 'capture.length')[-Is, , drop = FALSE];
	attr(r$positions, 'capture.names') = attr(r0$positions, 'capture.names')[-Is];

# <!> quoting
#'	Produce string by substituting placeholders
#' The function behaves similar to sprintf, except that character sequences to be substituted are
#' indicated by name. To be implemented: *-specifications
#' #@param s template string
#' #@param d values to substitute into \code{s}
#' #@param template template for substitution pattern. Within this pattern \code{__DICT_KEY__} is
#' # substituted for a key in \code{d}. This string \code{k} is substituted in \code{s} with \code{d[[k]]}.
#' @param .fmt formatting string into which values are interpolated (see details)
#' @param values list or vector of values to be used for interpolation
#' @param sprintf_cartesian boolean to indicate whether cartesian product of values should be used.
#'   Otherwise standard recyling rules apply.
#' @param envir environment in which values are to be evaluated
#' @return Interpolated character string
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #' Sprintf('These are N %{N} characters.', list(N = 10));
# #' Sprintf('These are N %{N}d characters.', list(N = 10));
# #' Sprintf('These are N %{N}02d characters.', list(N = 10));
# #' }
Sprintfl = function(.fmt, values, sprintf_cartesian = FALSE, envir = parent.frame()) {
	dict = extraValues = list();
	for (i in seq_along(values)) {
		if (is.list(values[[i]]))
			dict = merge.lists(dict, values[[i]]) else
		if (!is.null(names(values)[i]) && names(values)[i] != '')
			dict = merge.lists(dict, values[i]) else
			extraValues = c(extraValues, values[i]);
# 	re = '(?x)(?:
# 		(?:^|[^%]|(?:%%)+)\\K
# 		[%]
# 			(?:[{]([^{}\\*\'"]*)[}])?
# 		((?:[-]?[*\\d]*[.]?[*\\d]*)?(?:[sdfegG]|))(?=[^%sdfegG]|$)
# 	)';
	# <!> new, untested regexpr as of 22.5.2014
	# un-interpolated formats do no longer work
# 	re = '(?xs)(?:
# 		(?:[^%]+|(?:%%)+)*\\K
# 		[%]
# 			(?:[{]([^{}\\*\'"]*)[}])?
# 		((?:[-]?[*\\d]*[.]?[*\\d]*)?(?:[sdfegGDQqu]|))(?=[^sdfegGDQqu]|$)
# 	)';

	re = '(?xs)(?:

# 	re = '(?xs)(?:
# 		(?:(?:[^%]+)(?:(?:%%)+(?:[^%]+))*)
# 		[%]
# 			(?:[{]([^{}\\*\'"]*)[}])?
# 		((?:[-]?[*\\d]*[.]?[*\\d]*)?(?:[sdfegGDQqu]|))(?=[^sdfegGDQqu]|$)
# 	)';

	r = fetchRegexpr(re, .fmt, capturesAll = TRUE, returnMatchPositions = TRUE);
	r = sprintfIgnoreEscapes(r);
	# <p> nothing to format
	if (length(r$match) == 0) return(.fmt);
	typesRaw = sapply(r$match, function(m)ifelse(m[2] == '', 's', m[2]));
	types = ifelse(typesRaw %in% c('D', 'Q'), 's', typesRaw);
	fmts = sapply(r$match, function(m)sprintf('%%%s',
		ifelse(m[2] %in% c('', 'D', 'Q', 'q', 't', 'u'), 's', m[2])));
	fmt1 = Substr(.fmt, r$positions, attr(r$positions, 'match.length'), fmts);

	keys = sapply(r$match, function(i)i[1]);
	nonKeysI = cumsum(keys == '');	# indeces of values not passed by name
	nonKeysIdcs = which(keys == '');

	# <p> collect all values
	allValues = c(extraValues, dict);
	# get interpolation variables
	interpolation = nlapply(keys[keys != ''], function(k)
		if (!is.null(allValues[[k]])) NULL else rget(k, default = NA, envir = envir)
	# <p> handle %D: current day
	keys[typesRaw == 'D'] = '..Sprintf.date..';
	dateValue = if (sum(typesRaw == 'D'))
		list(`..Sprintf.date..` = format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d')) else
	allValues = c(allValues, dateValue, List_(interpolation, rm.null = TRUE));

	# 14.9.2015 -> convert to indeces
	# build value combinations
	listedValues = lapply(keys, function(k)allValues[[k]]);
	dictDf = if (!sprintf_cartesian) Df_(listedValues) else merge.multi.list(listedValues);
	# fill names of anonymous formats
	keys[keys == ''] = names(dictDf)[Seq(1, sum(nonKeysI != 0))];
	# due to repeat rules of R vectors might have been converted to factors
	#dictDf = Df_(dictDf, as_character = unique(keys[types == 's']));
	dictDf = Df_(dictDf, as_character = which(types == 's'));
	# <p> conversion <i>: new function
	#colsQ = keys[typesRaw == 'Q'];
	# <!> switch to index based transformation on account of duplicate keys
	colsQ = which(typesRaw == 'Q');
	dictDf[, colsQ] = apply(dictDf[, colsQ, drop = FALSE], 2, qsPath, force = TRUE);
	#colsq = keys[typesRaw == 'q'];
	colsq = which(typesRaw == 'q');;
	dictDf[, colsq] = apply(dictDf[, colsq, drop = FALSE], 2, qss);
	colst = which(typesRaw == 't');;
	dictDf[, colst] = apply(dictDf[, colst, drop = FALSE], 2, qss, force = TRUE);

	colsu = which(typesRaw == 'u');;
	dictDf[, colsu] = apply(dictDf[, colsu, drop = FALSE], 2, uc.first);

	colsd = which(typesRaw == 'd');;
	dictDf[, colsd] = apply(dictDf[, colsd, drop = FALSE], 2, as.integer);
	s = sapply(1:nrow(dictDf), function(i) {
		valueDict = as.list(dictDf[i, , drop = FALSE]);
# 		sprintfValues = lapply(seq_along(keys), function(i)
# 			ifelse(keys[i] == '', extraValues[[nonKeysI[i]]],
# 				firstDef(valueDict[[keys[i]]], rget(keys[i], default = '__no value__'), pos = -2)));
# 		sprintfValues = lapply(seq_along(keys), function(i)
# 			firstDef(valueDict[[keys[i]]], rget(keys[i], default = '__no value__', envir = envir)));
		#sprintfValues = lapply(seq_along(keys), function(i)valueDict[[keys[i]]]);
		#do.call(sprintf, c(list(fmt = fmt1), sprintfValues))
		# <!> simplify above two lines, now robust against duplicated entries -> <i> needs unit tests
		names(valueDict) = NULL;
		do.call(sprintf, c(list(fmt = fmt1), valueDict))

# 18.10.2019: fmt -> .fmt to avoid confusion with abbreviated named arguments (e.g. f = x substitutes fmt)
Sprintf = sprintd = function(.fmt, ..., sprintf_cartesian = FALSE, envir = parent.frame(),
	resetNames = TRUE, drop = TRUE) {
	r = sapply(.fmt, function(.fmt)
		Sprintfl(.fmt, list(...), sprintf_cartesian = sprintf_cartesian, envir = envir),
		USE.NAMES = !resetNames);
	# <!> special case when a single .fmt is provided -> do not return matrix for several values
	if (drop && length(.fmt) == 1) r = avu(r);

#r = getPatternFromStrings(DOC, '(?:\\nDOCUMENTATION_BEGIN:)([^\\n]+)\\n(.*?)(?:\\nDOCUMENTATION_END\\n)');
getPatternFromStrings = function(strings, pattern, keyIndex = 1) {
	r = lapply(strings, function(s) {
		ps = fetchRegexpr(pattern, s, capturesAll = TRUE);
		listKeyValue(sapply(ps, function(e)e[[keyIndex]]), sapply(ps, function(e)e[-keyIndex]));

getPatternFromFiles = function(files, locations = NULL, ...) {
	strings = sapply(files, function(f)readFile(f, prefixes = locations));
	getPatternFromStrings(strings, ...);

#	hex strings

asc = function(x)strtoi(charToRaw(x), 16L);
character.as.characters = function(str) {
	sapply(str, function(s) sapply(1:nchar(s), function(i)substr(str, i, i)));

# bit_most_sig in bits
hex2int = function(str, bit_most_sig = 32) {
	cs = rev(sapply(character.as.characters(tolower(str)), asc));
	cms = bit_most_sig / 4;	# character containing most significant bit
	is = ifelse(cs >= asc('a'), cs - asc('a') + 10, cs - asc('0'));
	flipSign = (length(is) >= cms && is[cms] >= 8);
	if (flipSign) is[cms] = is[cms] - 8;
	r = sum(sapply(1:length(is), function(i)(is[i] * 16^(i-1))));
	if (flipSign) r = r - 2^(bit_most_sig - 1);
	r = if (r == - 2^(bit_most_sig - 1)) NA else as.integer(r);

# chunk_size in bits
hex2ints = function(str, chunk_size = 32) {
	l = nchar(str);
	csc = chunk_size / 4;	# chunk_size in characters
	chunks = (l + csc - 1) %/% csc;
	r = sapply(1:chunks, function(i)hex2int(substr(str, (i - 1)*csc + 1, min(l, i*csc))));

#	<ยง> binary numbers/n-adic numbers

ord2base = dec2base = function(o, digits = 5, base = 2) {
	sapply(1:digits, function(i){(o %/% base^(i-1)) %% base})
base2ord = base2dec = function(v, base = 2) {
	sum(sapply(1:length(v), function(i)v[i] * base^(i-1)))

ord2bin = dec.to.bin = function(number, digits = 5) ord2base(number, digits, base = 2);
bin2ord = bin.to.dec = function(bin) base2ord(bin, base = 2);

# mixed base calculations
#sapply(1:length(base), function(i)((n %/% div[i]) %% base[i]));
cumprod1 = function(v)c(1, cumprod(pop(v)))
# ord2adic = function(n, base = rep(2, 5)) {
# 	div = cumprod1(base);
# 	(n %/% div) %% base
# }
# adic2ord = function(v, base = rep(2, 5)) {
# 	mult = cumprod1(base);
# 	(v %*% mult)[1, 1]
# }
ord2adic = function(n, base = rep(2, 5))((n %/% cumprod1(base)) %% base)
adic2ord = function(v, base = rep(2, 5))((v %*% cumprod1(base))[1, 1])

#	<Par> sequences

#'	Produce constrained sequences
#' This is a wrapper around seq that adds constraints. Setting ascending, descending to NA reverts to
#' standard \code{seq} behaviour.
#' @param ascending restrict sequences to be ascending; return empty list if to < from
#' @param descending restrict sequences to be descending; return empty list if from < to
#' @param from starting value
#' @param to ending value
#' @param neg boolean to indicate wheter sequence should be negated before return
#' @param ... parameters passed on to \code{seq}
#' @return sequence from \code{from} to \code{to}
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #' Seq(1, 10, ascending = TRUE)
# #' Seq(1, 10, descending = TRUE)
# #' Seq(10, 1, ascending = NA)
# #' }
Seq = function(from, to, ..., ascending = TRUE, descending = !ascending, neg = FALSE) {
	# <!> order matters: if called with only descending == TRUE
	if (nif(descending) && to > from) return(if (neg) TRUE else c()) else
	if (nif(ascending) && from > to) return(if (neg) TRUE else c());
	s = seq(from, to, ...);
	r = if (neg) -s else s;
SeqRows = function(o)Seq(1, nrow(o))

#' Produce index pairs for vector of counts
#' @param counts vector of integers specifying counts
#' @return vector of pairs of indeces indicating the first and last element in a vector for the blocks 
#'  specified by \code{counts}
#' @keywords internal
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #' count2blocks(c(1, 5, 3))
# #' }
count2blocks = function(counts) {
	ccts = cumsum(counts);
	fidcs = c(1, ccts[-length(ccts)] + 1);
	blks = as.vector(rbind(fidcs, fidcs + counts - 1));

#	expand a block list - for example as from count2blocks - to a list of integers
expandBlocks = function(blks) {
	applyL(matrix(blks, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE), 1, function(r) { r[1]:r[2] } )

# split 1:M into N partitions, return row-wise range
splitListIndcs = function(M, N = 1, .compact = FALSE, .truncate = TRUE) {
	if (.truncate & M < N) N = M;
	if (.compact) {
		n = rep(ceiling(M / N), N);	# size of parts
		idcs = c(0, cumsum(n));
		idcs = idcs[idcs < M];
		idcs = c(idcs, M);
	} else {
		n = rep(floor(M / N), N);		# size of parts
		R = M - n[1] * N;
		n = n + c(rep(1, R), rep(0, N - R));
		idcs = c(0, cumsum(n));
	idcs = cbind(idcs + 1, c(idcs[-1], 0))[-length(idcs), ];	# from:to in a row
	# <!> usual R degeneracy
	if (!is.matrix(idcs)) idcs = matrix(idcs, nrow = 1);
splitListEls = function(l, N, returnElements = FALSE) {
	idcs = splitListIndcs(length(l), N);
	li = apply(idcs, 1, function(r)(if (returnElements) l[r[1]:r[2]] else r[1]:r[2]));
	# <!> R ambiguity of apply return type
	if (is.matrix(li)) li = lapply(1:(dim(li)[2]), function(i)li[, i]);
	if (is.vector(li)) li = as.list(li);;

# @param l list of index positions from another object
# @return return vector indicating to which list element an index was assigned
# Example: glmnet accepts fold numbers per index (as opposed to a partitioning of elements)
index2listPosition = function(l) {
	N = sum(sapply(l, length));
	na = rep(NA, N);
	m = sapply(1:length(l), function(i)vector.assign(na, l[[i]], i, na.rm = NA));
	r = apply(m, 1, na.omit);

# idcs start positions in ragged list, converted to ranges
idcsStart2range = function(idcs, N = max(idcs)) {
	if (length(idcs) == 0) return(NULL);
	vector.intercalate(idcs, c(shift(idcs - 1), N))

# splitting based on fractions
# voting percentages to seats
#	simple algorithm based on size of residuals
# tiePreferHigh: for tied residuals add/subtract seats to high indeces (TRUE) or low ones (FALSE)
splitSeatsForFractions = function(Nseats, fractions = vn(rep(1, Nfractions)), Nfractions,
	tiePreferHigh = TRUE) {
	# number of parties
	Nparties = length(fractions);
	# fractional seats
	Nseats0 = fractions * Nseats;
	# garuantee one seat, otherwise round to nearest
	Nseats1 = ifelse (Nseats0 < 1, 1, round(Nseats0));
	# individual mismatch
	Nresid = Nseats0 - Nseats1;
	# mismatch total
	diff = sum(Nseats1) - Nseats;
	# redistribute deficit/overshoot
	if (diff != 0) {
		Nresid1 = ifelse(Nresid < 0, 1, Nresid);	# too few vs too many, too few -> maximal value of 1
		# take seats from whom? We need abs(diff) seats.
		#subtr = order(Nresid1, decreasing = diff < 0)[1:abs(diff)];
		prio = if (tiePreferHigh) 1:Nparties else rev(1:Nparties);
		subtr = Order(Df(Nresid1, prio))[1:abs(diff)];
		# assume one round of correction is always sufficient <!>
		Nseats1[subtr] = Nseats1[subtr] - sign(diff);

# tranform number of elements (as from splitSeatsForFractions) into from:to per row in a matrix
counts2idcs = function(counts) {
	idcs = c(0, cumsum(counts));
	idcs = cbind(idcs + 1, c(idcs[-1], 0))[-length(idcs), ];
	if (is.null(counts)) return(idcs);	# matrix w/ 0 rows
	t2r(idcs)	# fails on counts == NULL

# N is partitioned into fractions from p, where each element of p partitions the remaining part of N
# procedure makes sure to leave space for length(p) elements
cumpartition = function(N, p) {
	I = c();	# indeces within 1:N
	for (i in 1:length(p)) {
		# partition remaining space (ifelse), leave room for subsequent indeces
		Ii = floor(p[i] * (ifelse(i == 1, N, N - I[i - 1]) - (length(p) - i))) + 1;
		I = c(I, ifelse(i == 1, Ii, I[i - 1] + Ii));

#' Extract parts of a nested structure based on the range from..to
#' @param Ns Vector of integers that specify the size of the substructures
#' @param from absolute index where to start extraction
#' @param to absolute index where to stop extraction
#' @return Return list of lists, where each basic list contains key \code{segment}
#'  (which of the elements of Ns) and key \code{range}, a list with elements \code{from} and \code{to},
#'  specifying which elements to use from
#'  that segment.
# #' @examples
# #' \dontrun{
# #'    # TestMe: TRUE1
# #'    subListFromRaggedIdcs(c(2, 4, 10, 15), 1, 20)
# #' }
subListFromRaggedIdcs = function(Ns, from = 1, to) {
	NsCS = cumsum(Ns);
	NsCSs = c(0, pop(NsCS));	# shifted cumsum
	segments = which(from <= NsCS & to > NsCSs);
	if (missing(to)) to = sum(segments);
	r = lapply(segments, function(segment){
		N = Ns[segment];	# list-call
		from_ = 1;
		to_ = N;
		if (segment == segments[1]) from_ = from - NsCSs[segment];
		if (segment == rev(segments)[1]) to_ = to - NsCSs[segment];
		r = list(segment = segment, range = list(from = from_, to = to_));

#' Extract parts of nested lists based on the range from..to
#' @param from absolute index where to start extraction
#' @param to absolute index where to stop extraction
#' @param ls nested list structure (currently only two levels supported)
#' @return Return list of list, where each basic list contains key \code{segment}
#'  (which of the elements of Ns) and key \code{range}, a list with elements \code{from} and \code{to},
#'  specifying which elements to use from
#'  that segment.
subListFromRaggedLists = function(ls, from = 1, to = sum(sapply(ls, length))) {
	sl = subListFromRaggedIdcs(sapply(ls, length), from = from, to = to);
	r = lapply(sl, function(s) with(s, {
		r = ls[[segment]][range$from: range$to];
	r = unlist.n(r, 1);

#	<ยง> vector functions

# does the position exists in vector v
exists.pos = function(v, i)(is.vector(v) && !is.na(v[i]))

# for a vector blocked by blockSize N, return indeces of elements of block i
rangeBlock = function(i, N)(((i - 1)*N + 1):(i * N))

#	<par> lists

merge.lists = function(..., ignore.nulls = TRUE, listOfLists = FALSE, concat = FALSE, useIndeces = FALSE) {
	lists = if (listOfLists) c(...) else list(...);
	l1 = lists[[1]];
	if (length(lists) > 1) for (i in 2:length(lists)) {
		l2 = lists[[i]];
		ns = if (useIndeces) 1L:length(l2) else names(l2);
		for(n in ns) {
			if (is.null(n)) print("Warning: tried to merge NULL key");
			if (!is.null(n) & (!ignore.nulls | !is.null(l2[[n]]))) {
				if (concat) l1[[n]] = c(l1[[n]], l2[[n]]) else l1[[n]] = l2[[n]];

merge.lists.recursive = function(..., ignore.nulls = TRUE, listOfLists = FALSE) {
	lists = if (listOfLists) c(...) else list(...);
	l1 = lists[[1]];
	if (length(lists) > 1) for (i in 2:length(lists)) {
		l2 = lists[[i]];
		for(n in names(l2)) {
			if (is.null(n)) print("Warning: tried to merge NULL key");
			if (!is.null(n) & (!ignore.nulls | !is.null(l2[[n]])))
				l1[[n]] = if (is.list(l1[[n]]))
					merge.lists.recursive(l1[[n]], l2[[n]]) else

unshift = function(l, listOfList = TRUE) {
	if (!listOfList) l = list(l);
	e1 = lapply(l, function(l0)if (is.list(l0)) l0[[1]] else l0[1]);
	r1 = lapply(l, function(l0)l0[-1]);
	r = list(elements = e1, remainder = r1);

Merge.lists.raw = function(lists, ignore.nulls = TRUE, recursive = FALSE, keys = NULL) {
	if (!is.null(keys)) keys = unshift(keys);

	l1 = lists[[1]];
	if (length(lists) > 1) for (i in 2:length(lists)) {
		l2 = lists[[i]];
		for(n in names(l2)) {
			if (is.null(n)) print("Warning: tried to merge NULL key");
			if (!is.null(n) & (!ignore.nulls | !is.null(l2[[n]])))
				l1[[n]] = if (recursive && is.list(l1[[n]]) && (is.null(keys) || n %in% keys$elements))
					Merge.lists.raw(list(l1[[n]], l2[[n]]), ignore.nulls, recursive,
						if (is.null(keys)) NULL else keys$remainder) else

Merge.lists = function(..., ignore.nulls = TRUE, listOfLists = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, keyPathes = NULL) {
	lists = if (listOfLists) c(...) else list(...);
	keys = if (!is.null(keyPathes)) splitString("[$]", keyPathes, simplify = FALSE) else NULL; 
	l = Merge.lists.raw(lists, ignore.nulls = ignore.nulls, recursive = recursive, keys = keys);

# l: list of lists
# take parallel elements from l (1, ...) after recycling
list.combine = function(l, byRow = TRUE, names = NULL, doMerge = FALSE) {
	lR = Recycle(l, byRow = byRow);
	# <p> number of final elements
	N =	length(lR[[1]]);
	lC = lapply(1:N, function(i) {
		lol = list.kp(lR, Sprintf('[[%{i}d]]'));
		if (notE(names)) names(lol) = names;
		return(if (doMerge) merge.lists(lol, listOfLists = TRUE) else lol);
# inverse of unlist.n(, 1)
list.embed = function(l, key = 'key')lapply(l, function(e)SetNames(list(e), key));

# use.names preserves names and concatenates with lower level names
# reset sets names to top level names
unlist.n = function(l, n = 1, use.names = TRUE, reset = FALSE) {
	if (n > 0) for (i in 1:n) {
		ns = names(l);
		#names(l) = rep(NULL, length(l));	# <!> untested removal Tue Oct 19 17:11:53 2010
		l = unlist(l, recursive = FALSE, use.names = use.names);
		if (reset) names(l) = ns;

# <N> obsolete, better: with(l, { ...})
instantiate.list = function(l, n = 1) {
	for (nm in names(l)) {
 		eval.parent(parse(file = "", text = sprintf("%s = %s", nm, deparse(l[[nm]]))), n = n);
# 		if (is.integer(l[[nm]])) {
# 			eval.parent(parse(file = "", text = sprintf("%s = %d", nm, l[[nm]])), n = n);
# 		} else if (is.numeric(l[[nm]])) {
# 			eval.parent(parse(file = "", text = sprintf("%s = %f", nm, l[[nm]])), n = n);
# 		} else {
# 			eval.parent(parse(file = "", text = sprintf("%s = \"%s\"", nm, l[[nm]])), n = n);
# 		};
# for use in testing code
instantiate = function(l, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
	l0 = c(l, list(...));
	for (i in seq_along(l0)) assign(names(l0)[i], l0[[i]], envir = envir);

# assume a list of lists (aka vector of dicts) and extract a certain key from each of the lists
list.key = function(v, key, unlist = TRUE, template = NULL, null2na = FALSE) {
	l = lapply(v, function(i){
		if (is.list(i)) {
			if (is.null(i[[key]])) { if (null2na) NA else NULL } else i[[key]]
		} else template});
	if (unlist) l = unlist(l);

# iterative gsub
# substs: list with pairs re, sub
gsubI = function(substs, s, ...) {
	for (r in substs) s = gsub(r[[1]], r[[2]], s, ...);

# concatenate lists, leave out lists only containing a single NULL
cList = function(...) {
	r = list(...);
	isNull = sapply(r, is.null);
	do.call(c, r[!isNull])

keyPathParse = function(kp) {
	kp = gsubI(
		list(c('\\*', '.'), c('\\[\\[(\\d+)\\]\\]', 'INDEX__\\1'), c('(\\$|^)\\s*[(]', '\\1PAR__('))
	, kp);
keyPathExpression2key = function(e) {
	s = as.character(e);
	i = FetchRegexpr('INDEX__(\\d+)', s, captures = TRUE);
	r = if (s == '.') '*' else
		if (s == 'PAR__') NULL else
		if (!is.null(i)) return(as.integer(i)) else s;
	if (is.null(r)) NULL else list(r)

# level: level of nesting for parallel key pathes
# output: list or vector, a parallel pattern induces two more levels of list nesting
#	the parallel keyPathes each of which is forced to be a list
keyPathAstRaw = function(e, level = 0) {
	r = if (is.call(e)) {
		isPar = e[[1]] == '|';
		isPlain = e[[1]] == '$';
		levelN = ifelse(isPar, level + 1, 0);
		# simple walk through
		r = if (isPlain | isPar)
			cList(keyPathAstRaw(e[[2]], level = levelN), keyPathAstRaw(e[[3]], level = levelN))
		# this is a fake call generated by the PAR__ construct, the path leading to PAR__ is seen as an
		#	anonymous function
		else cList(keyPathAstRaw(e[[1]]), list(keyPathAstRaw(e[[2]], level = 1)));
		if (level & isPlain) list(r) else r
	} else if (is.name(e)) keyPathExpression2key(e) else {
		stop('malformed keyPath');

keyPathAst = function(kp) {
	unlist.n(keyPathAstRaw(keyPathParse(kp)[[1]]), n = 0);

list.kp.unquote = function(key) {
	# un-quote: remove single backslashes
	key = sub('(?<![\\\\])[\\\\](?![\\\\])', '', key, perl = TRUE);
	# de-quote: double backslashes become single backslashes
	key = sub('\\\\', '\\', key, fixed = TRUE);

# extract key path from list, general, recursive version
#	key path recursive worker
list.kprw = function(l, keys, unlist.pats, template, null2na, carryNames, test) {
	key = keys[1];
	# <p> extract key
	r = if (key != "*") {
		index = fetchRegexpr("\\A\\[\\[(\\d+)\\]\\]\\Z", key, captures = TRUE);
		if (length(index) > 0) key = as.integer(index[[1]]);
		if (is.list(l)) {
			# <N> logical(0) seen as NULL by second condition
			r = if (is.null(l[[key]]) || length(l[[key]]) == 0) {
					if (null2na) { NA } else firstDef(template, NULL)
				} else l[[key]];
			if (length(keys) > 1)
				list.kprw(r, keys[-1], unlist.pats[-1], template, null2na, carryNames, test) else
				if (test) !(is.null(r) || all(is.na(r))) else r;
		} else if (class(l) %in% c('character')) {
			if (notE(names(l))) l[names(l) %in% key] else l[key]
		} else if (class(l) %in% c('data.frame', 'matrix')) {
			l[, key]
		} else if (class(l) %in% c('numeric', 'integer')) {
		} else return(template);
# 		{
# 			r = template;
# 			attr(r, 'names') = keys[last(keys)];
# 			print(c(keys, r));
# 			return(r);
# 		}
	} else {
		if (length(keys) > 1)
			lapply(l, function(sl)
				list.kprw(sl, keys[-1], unlist.pats[-1], template, null2na, carryNames, test)
			) else l;
	# <p> unlisting
	if (notE(unlist.pats)) if (unlist.pats[1]) r = unlist.n(r, 1, reset = carryNames);

# extract key path from list, general, recursive version
#	key path recursive worker: parallel keys
#	iterate over recursive keys
list.kprwPar = function(l, keys, ...) {
	key = keys[1];
	r = if (length(fetchRegexpr("\\|", key)) > 0) {
		parKeys = sapply(splitString('\\|', key), list.kp.unquote);
		r = lapply(parKeys, function(key)list.kprwkp(l, c(key, keys[-1]), ...));
		unlist.n(r, 1);
	} else list.kprw(l, keys, ...);

# worker: keypath
list.kprwkp = function(l, keyPath, ...) {
	keysNew = fetchRegexpr("(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_.|\\[\\]*]+(?:\\\\[$])?)+", keyPath[1]);
	keys = c(keysNew, keyPath[-1]);
	r = list.kprwPar(l, keys, ...);

list.kp.keys = function(keyPath) fetchRegexpr("[^$]+", keyPath);

# wrapper for list.kprw
# keyPath obeys EL1 $ EL2 $ ..., where ELn is '*' or a literal
# unlist.pat is pattern of truth values TR1 $ TR2 $..., where TRn is in 'T|F' and specifies unlist actions
# carryNames determines names to be carried over from the top level in case of unlist
list.kpr = function(l, keyPath, do.unlist = FALSE, template = NULL,
	null2na = FALSE, unlist.pat = NULL, carryNames = TRUE, as.matrix = FALSE, test = FALSE) {
	keys = list.kp.keys(keyPath);
	unlist.pats = if (notE(unlist.pat)) as.logical(fetchRegexpr("[^$]+", unlist.pat)) else NULL;

	# parallel keys
	#r = list.kprwkp(l, keyPath, unlist.pats, template, null2na, carryNames, test = test);
	r = list.kprw(l, keys, unlist.pats, template, null2na, carryNames, test = test);
	if (do.unlist) { r = unlist(r); }
	if (as.matrix) r = t(sapply(r, function(e)e));
# extract key path from list
# <!> interface change: unlist -> do.unlist (Wed Sep 29 18:16:05 2010)
# test: test existance instead of returning value
list.kp = function(l, keyPath, do.unlist = FALSE, template = NULL, null2na = FALSE, test = FALSE, n) {
	r = list.kpr(l, sprintf("*$%s", keyPath), do.unlist = do.unlist,
		template = template, null2na = null2na, test = test);
	if (!missing(n)) r = unlist.n(r, n);

list.kpu = function(..., do.unlist = TRUE)list.kp(..., do.unlist = do.unlist);

list.keys = function(l, keys, default = NA) {
	l = as.list(l);
	r = lapply(unlist(keys), function(key) if (is.null(l[[key]])) default else l[[key]]);

# make A > B into B > A
listReverseHierarchy = function(l, unlist = FALSE) {
	ns = names(l[[1]]);
	r = lapply(ns, function(n)list.kp(l, n, do.unlist = unlist));
	names(r) = ns;

null2na = function(l) {
	if (!length(l)) return(l);
	l[sapply(l, is.null)] = NA;

# return list without listed keys
list.min  = function(l, keys) {
	l[-which.indeces(keys, names(l))]
# list generation on steroids (wraps other functions)
.list = function(l, .min = NULL) {
	if (!is.null(.min)) l = list.min(l, .min);
# get apply
gapply = function(l, key, unlist = FALSE)list.key(l, key, unlist)
# construct list as a dictionary for given keys and values
listKV = listKeyValue = function(keys, values, doRecycle = TRUE) {
	if (length(keys) != length(values) && doRecycle) {
		r = recycle(keys, values);
		keys = r[[1]];
		values = r[[2]];
	if (length(keys) != length(values))
		stop("listKeyValue: number of provided keys does not match that of values");

	l = as.list(values);
	names(l) = keys;
listNamed = function(l, names)setNames(l, names)
vectorNamed = function(v, names) {
	if (length(names) > length(v)) stop("vectorNamed: more names than vector elements");
	names(v) = names;

vn = vectorNormed = function(v, type = 'O') {
	v0 = as.matrix(v);
	v0n = apply(v0, 2, function(v)norm(as.matrix(v), type = type));
	r = if (!is.matrix(v)) v/v0n else sapply(1:ncol(v), function(i) v[, i] / v0n[i]);

#listInverse = function(l)listKeyValue(avu(l), names(l));
listInverse = function(l, toNA = FALSE) {
	n = sapply(l, length);
	# <p> values of inverse map
	vs = rep.each(names(l), n);
	# <p> construct list
	r = listKeyValue(avu(l, recursive = FALSE, toNA = toNA), vs);

# name the list elements by the iterated vector elements ns (names)
nlapply = function(ns, f, ...) {
	if (is.list(ns)) ns = names(ns);
	r = lapply(ns, f, ...);
	names(r) = ns;
nelapply = function(l, f, ...) {
	ns = names(l);
	if (is.null(ns)) ns = rep('', length(l));
	r = lapply(seq_along(l), function(i, ...)f(ns[i], l[[i]], ...), ...);
	names(r) = ns;

ilapply = function(l, f, ...) {
	r = lapply(1:length(l), function(i)f(l[[i]], i, ...));
	if (!is.null(names(l))) names(r) = names(l);
einXapply = function(v, f, ..., einXapplyIterator = lapply) {
	l = as.list(v);
	ns = names(l);
	r = einXapplyIterator(seq_along(l), function(i)f(l[[i]], i, ns[i], ...));
	if (length(r) > 0) names(r) = ns;

# pass element, index, name
einlapply = function(l, f = Identity, ...)einXapply(l, f, ..., einXapplyIterator = lapply);

# pass element, index
eilapply = function(l, f, ...) {
	r = lapply(seq_along(l), function(i)f(l[[i]], i, ...));
	names(r) = names(l);
eisapply = function(v, f, ...) {
	l = as.list(v);
	r = sapply(seq_along(l), function(i)f(l[[i]], i, ...));
	names(r) = names(v);
ensapply = function(l0, f, ...) {
	l = as.list(l0);
	ns = names(l);
	r = sapply(seq_along(l), function(i, ...)f(l[[i]], ns[i], ...), ...);
	names(r) = ns;
einsapply = function(v, f = Identity, ...)einXapply(v, f, ..., einXapplyIterator = sapply)

kvlapply = function(l, f, ...) {
	ns = names(l);
	r = lapply(1:length(l), function(i)f(ns[i], l[[i]], ...));
	names(r) = ns;
pairsapply = pairsapplyVL = function(l1, l2, f, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) {
	if (length(l1) != length(l2)) stop('pairsapply: pair of collections of unequal length.');
	r = sapply(seq_along(l1), function(i)f(l1[i], l2[[i]], ...),
		simplify = simplify, USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES);
pairsapplyLV = function(l1, l2, f, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) {
	if (length(l1) != length(l2)) stop('pairsapply: pair of collections of unequal length.');
	r = sapply(seq_along(l1), function(i)f(l1[[i]], l2[i], ...),
		simplify = simplify, USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES);
pairslapply = function(l1, l2, f, ...) {
	if (length(l1) != length(l2)) stop('pairslapply: pair of collections of unequal length.');
	r = lapply(seq_along(l1), function(i)f(l1[[i]], l2[[i]], ...));
	names(r) = names(l1);

sapplyWoI = function(v, f, ...)sapply(v, function(i, ...)f(...), ...)
lapplyWoI = function(v, f, ...)lapply(v, function(i, ...)f(...), ...)

dfapply = function(Df__, f__) {
	r = lapply(1:nrow(Df__), function(i) {
		r = Df__[i, ];
	Dfr = do.call(rbind, r);

filterList = function(o, f, ...) {
	l = sapply(o, f, ...);
	if (length(l) == 0) l = NULL;	#list corner case
	r = o[l];

# <i> copy MARGIN handling from apply (aperm)
lapplyDir = function(m, MARGIN, f_, ..., drop = FALSE) {
	selector = if (MARGIN == 1)
		function(m, i)m[i, , drop = drop] else
		function(m, i)m[, i, drop = drop];
	setNames(lapply(1:dim(m)[MARGIN], function(i)f_(selector(m, i), ...)), Dimnames(m, MARGIN))

# <!> as matrix to avoid warning
#lapplyRows = function(m, ...)lapply(split(as.matrix(m), row(m)), ...)
# lapplyRows = function(m, f_, ..., drop = FALSE)
# 	setNames(lapply(1:nrow(m), function(i)f_(m[i, , drop = drop], ...), ...), Row.names(m))
lapplyRows = function(m, f_, ..., drop = FALSE)lapplyDir(m, 1, f_ = f_, ..., drop = drop)
lapplyCols = function(m, f_, ..., drop = FALSE)lapplyDir(m, 2, f_ = f_, ..., drop = drop)

getElement = function(v, i)if (is.list(v)) v[[i]] else v[i];
# unify w/ list.takenFrom -> tests
List.takenFrom = function(listOfLists, v)
	lapply(1:length(listOfLists), function(j)getElement(listOfLists[[j]], v[j]));
# tuple-apply
tuapply = function(..., fct = Identity, args = list(), names = NULL) {
	tupels = list(...);
	M = length(tupels);
	Ns = sapply(tupels, length);
	N = Ns[1];
	if (any(Ns != N)) stop('Indexable elements not of same length');
	r = lapply(1:N, function(i)do.call(fct, c(List.takenFrom(tupels, rep(i, M)), args)));
	if (is.null(names) && !is.null(base::names(tupels[[1]]))) names = base::names(tupels[[1]]);
	if (!is.null(names)) base::names(r) = names;

undrop2row = function(e)(if (is.vector(e)) matrix(e, ncol = length(e)) else e);
Lundrop2row = function(l)lapply(l, undrop2row);

undrop2col = function(e)(if (is.vector(e)) matrix(e, nrow = length(e)) else e);
Lundrop2col = function(l)lapply(l, undrop2col);

# return list from apply (undo simplify)
applyL = function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) {
	r = apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...);
	if (is.matrix(r)) return(lapply(1:ncol(r), function(i)r[, i]));
	if (!is.list(r) && is.vector(r)) return(lapply(1:length(r), function(i)r[i]));
# USE.NAMES logic reversed for sapply
sapplyn = function(l, f, ...)sapply(l, f, ..., USE.NAMES = FALSE);
list.with.names = function(..., .key = 'name') {
	l = list(...);
	ns = names(l);
	r = nlapply(l, function(n) c(l[[n]], listKeyValue(.key, n)));

#	<p> names

Row.names = function(o, vivify = TRUE) {
	rn = row.names(o);
	if (is.null(rn) && vivify) 1:nrow(o) else rn
Col.names = function(o, vivify = TRUE) {
	rn = if (is.matrix(o)) dimnames(o)[[2]] else names(o);
	if (is.null(rn) && vivify) 1:ncol(o) else rn
# <i> implement general MARGINs
Dimnames = function(o, MARGIN, vivify = TRUE) {
	if (MARGIN == 1) Row.names(o, vivify) else Col.names(o, vivify)

SetNames = function(o, names, rnames, cnames, Dimnames, embed = FALSE) {
	if (!missing(Dimnames)) dimnames(o) = Dimnames;
	if (!missing(rnames)) row.names(o) = rnames;
	if (!missing(cnames)) dimnames(o)[[2]] = cnames;
	if (!missing(names)) {
		if (class(o) == 'matrix') {
			if (embed) dimnames(o)[[2]][seq_along(names)] = names else {
				ns = if (is.list(names)) vector.replace(dimnames(o)[[2]], names) else names;
				if (is.null(dimnames(o))) dimnames(o) = list(NULL, ns) else dimnames(o)[[2]] = ns;
		} else {
			if (embed) names(o)[seq_along(names)] = names else {
				names(o) = if (is.list(names)) vector.replace(names(o), names) else names;

#	<p> attributes

Attr = function(o, plus_, min_ = NULL) {
	if (!missing(plus_)) for (n in names(plus_)) { attr(o, n) = plus_[[n]]; }
	if (Nif(min_)) for (a in min_) { attr(o, a) = NULL; }

#	<par> data type conversions

# assure m has at least 1 column
to.col = function(m) { if (is.null(dim(m))) t(t(m)) else m }
col.frame = function(l, col.name = 'value', minus = NULL, ignore.null = TRUE,
	do.paste = NULL, do.format = TRUE, digits = 3, plus = NULL) {
	if (ignore.null) { for (n in names(l)) { if (is.null(l[[n]])) l[[n]] = NULL; } }
	if (!is.null(minus)) { for (n in minus) { l[[n]] = NULL; } }
	my.names = if (!is.null(plus)) plus else names(l);
	digits = if (length(digits) > 1) digits else rep(digits, length(l));
	if (!is.null(do.paste)) {
		if (do.format) {
			i = 1;
			for (n in my.names) { if (is.vector(l[[n]])) {
				l[[n]] = paste(sapply(l[[n]],
						function(e){if (is.numeric(e)) sprintf("%.*f", digits[i], e) else e}
					), collapse = do.paste)
				i = i + 1;
		} else {
			for (n in my.names) { if (is.vector(l[[n]])) l[[n]] = paste(l[[n]], collapse = do.paste) }
	f = as.data.frame(l);
	if (dim(f)[2] > length(col.name) && length(col.name) == 1)
		row.names(f) = paste(col.name, 1:dim(f)[1], sep = "")
	else row.names(f) = c(col.name);

# <i> collect recursively until list or data.frame
# convert list of lists to data frame (assuming identical keys for each sub list)
#	also works on list of vectors
listOfLists2data.frame = function(l, idColumn = "id", .names = NULL) {
	# collect keys
	keys = if (is.list(l[[1]]))
		sort(unique(as.vector(unlist(sapply(l, function(e)names(e)))))) else 1:length(l[[1]]);
	if (is.null(.names)) .names = keys;
	# row names
	rows = names(l);
	if (is.null(rows)) rows = 1:length(l);
	# build df

	#df = t(sapply(rows, function(r) { unlist(l[[r]][keys]) }));
	df = t(sapply(rows, function(r)list2df(l[[r]], keys)));
	df = if (!is.null(idColumn)) {
		data.frame.types(data.frame(..idColumn.. = rows, df),
			row.names = 1:length(rows), names = c(idColumn, .names));
	} else {
		data.frame.types(df, row.names = rows, names = .names);

# resetColNames: reset column names to names of first data frame
# colsFromFirstDf: take columns from the first data frame
# <i> improved algorithm: unlist everything, bind together: cave: data types,
#	strictly valid only for matrices
# Use cases:
#	list with named vectors: get data frame that contains all vectors with all possible names represented
#		listOfDataFrames2data.frame(cfs, colsFromUnion = TRUE, do.transpose = TRUE, idColumn = NULL);
listOfDataFrames2data.frame = function(l, idColumn = "id", do.unlist = TRUE, direction = rbind,
	resetColNames = TRUE, colsFromFirstDf = FALSE, colsFromUnion = FALSE, do.transpose = FALSE, idAsFactor = FALSE,
	row.names = FALSE) {
	# row names
	# <!> 2009-11-20 changed from: rows = firstDef(names(l), list(1:length(l)));
	rows = firstDef(names(l), 1:length(l));
	# columns
	ns = NULL;
	if (colsFromUnion) {
		ns = unique(unlist(lapply(l, names)));
		# get data.frame names
		ns = names(do.call(data.frame, listKeyValue(ns, rep(NA, length(ns)))));
		resetColNames = FALSE;	# <!> mutually exclusive
	# build df
	df = NULL;
	for (i in 1:length(rows)) {
		if (is.null(l[[i]])) next;	# ignore empty entries
		# <p> force to data frame
		df0 = if (do.transpose) as.data.frame(t(l[[i]])) else as.data.frame(l[[i]]);
		# <p> homogenize columns
		if (colsFromUnion) {
			# add missing columns
			ns0 = setdiff(ns, names(df0));
			df0 = do.call(data.frame, c(list(df0), listKeyValue(ns0, rep(NA, length(ns0)))));
			# correct order of columns
			df0 = df0[, ns];
		if (!is.null(df)) {
			if (colsFromFirstDf) df0 = df0[, names(df)] else
			if (resetColNames) {
				names(df0) = if (is.null(idColumn)) names(df) else names(df)[-1];
		# <p> add id column
		df0 = if (is.null(idColumn)) df0 else cbind(rep(rows[i], dim(df0)[1]), df0);
		# <A> case differentiation should not me necessary
		df = if (i == 1) df0 else direction(df, df0);
	if (!is.null(idColumn)) names(df)[1] = idColumn;
	if (do.unlist) for (n in names(df)) { df[[n]] = unlist(df[[n]]); }
	if (idAsFactor) df[[idColumn]] = as.factor(df[[idColumn]]);
	if (!row.names) row.names(df) = NULL;
cbindDataFrames = function(l, do.unlist = FALSE, colsFromUnion = FALSE) {
	listOfDataFrames2data.frame(l, idColumn = NULL, do.unlist = do.unlist, direction = cbind,
		resetColNames = FALSE, colsFromUnion = colsFromUnion)
# @param embed corresponds to colsFromUnion in listOfDataFrames2data.frame
RbindDfs = function(dfl, namesFromFirst = TRUE, embed = FALSE) {
	if (namesFromFirst && !embed) dfl = lapply(dfl, setNames, nm = names(dfl[[1]]));
	if (embed) {
		ns = unique(unlist(sapply(dfl, names)));
		df0 = Df_(listKeyValue(ns, rep(NA, length(ns))));
		dfl = lapply(dfl, function(d)cbind(d, df0[, setdiff(ns, names(d)), drop = FALSE]));
	do.call(rbind, dfl)

rbindDataFrames = function(l, do.unlist = FALSE, useDisk = FALSE, idColumn = NULL, transpose = FALSE,
	resetColNames = FALSE, colsFromFirstDf = FALSE, idAsFactor = FALSE) {
	r = if (useDisk) {
		tempTable = tempfile();
		for (i in 1:length(l)) {
			d0 = l[[i]];
			if (class(d0) != 'data.frame') d0 = as.data.frame(d0);
			if (transpose) d0 = t(d0);
			if (!is.null(idColumn)) {
				d0 = data.frame(idColumn = names(l)[i], d0);
				names(d0)[1] = idColumn;
			write.table(d0, file = tempTable, col.names = i == 1, append = i != 1, row.names = FALSE);
		read.table(tempTable, header = TRUE, as.is = TRUE);
	} else {
		listOfDataFrames2data.frame(l, idColumn = idColumn, do.unlist = do.unlist,
			direction = rbind, resetColNames = resetColNames, colsFromFirstDf = colsFromFirstDf,
			idAsFactor = idAsFactor)

# names2col assigns names of the list to a column of the data frame and values to the valueCol
list2df = function(l, cols = names(l), row.name = NULL, names2col = NULL, valueCol = 'value') {
	idcs = if (is.null(cols)) 1:length(l) else
		if (all(is.integer(cols))) cols else which.indeces(names(l), cols);
	if (is.null(cols) || all(is.integer(cols))) cols = paste('C', 1:length(l), sep = '');
	r = as.list(rep(NA, length(cols)));
	names(r) = cols;
	r[idcs] = l;
	r = as.data.frame(r, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
	if (!is.null(row.name)) row.names(r)[1] = row.name;
	if (!is.null(names2col)) {
		r = data.frame(name = names(r), value = unlist(r[1, ]), row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
		names(r) = c(names2col, valueCol);

be.numeric = function(v)
	sapply(v, function(e)grepl('^-?\\d*(\\.\\d+)?(e-?\\d+)?$', e, ignore.case = TRUE, perl = TRUE));

list2df.print = function(l, valueCol = 'value', names2col = NULL, ..., digits = 3, scientific = 3) {
	l1 = list2df(l, valueCol = valueCol, names2col = names2col, ...);
	numericRows = be.numeric(l1[[valueCol]]);
	numbers = as.numeric(l1[[valueCol]][numericRows]);
	log10range = max(floor(log10(numbers))) - min(floor(log10(numbers)));
	#fmt = if (log10range > digits + 1) '%.*e' else '%.*f';
	numbers = sprintf(ifelse(abs(floor(log10(numbers))) > scientific, '%.*e', '%.*f'), digits, numbers);
	#numbers = sapply(numbers, function(n)sprintf(fmt, digits, n));
	separators = as.vector(names(l) == '' & is.na(l));
	l1[separators, names2col] = '-';
	l1[separators, valueCol] = '';
	l1[numericRows, valueCol] = numbers;

rbind.list2df = function(d, l, row.name = NULL) {
	d = as.data.frame(d);
	r = list2df(l, names(d), row.name);
	r0 = rbind(d, r);

# take list of lists
#	names of list elements become column-names
listOfLists2df = function(l, columnNames = names(l[[1]])) {
	colV = lapply(columnNames, function(n)Df_(list.kp(l, n, do.unlist = TRUE)));
	r = Df_(do.call(cbind, colV), names = columnNames);

ListOfLists2df_extract = function(l, kp, template) {
	l1 = list.kp(l, kp, null2na = TRUE, do.unlist = FALSE, template = template);
	do.call(rbind, l1);
# advanced version of the above
ListOfLists2df = function(l,
	keyPath = '*', columnNames = names(list.kp(l[1], keyPath)[[1]]),
	reverseKeys = FALSE, keySep = '-', template = NA) {
	colV = lapply(columnNames, function (n) {
		kp = Sprintf('%{keyPath}s$%{n}s');
		# <A> robustly choose name (assume first element is proper template)
		#name = if (collapse) names(ListOfLists2df_extract(l[1], kp, template, collapse)) else NULL;
		r = ListOfLists2df_extract(l, kp, template);
		# names
		kpk = list.kp.keys(Sprintf('%{n}s'));
		cns = Col.names(r, vivify = FALSE);
		if (is.null(cns)) keySep = '';
		ns = if (reverseKeys)
			paste(cns, join(rev(kpk), keySep), sep = keySep) else
			paste(join(kpk, keySep), cns, sep = keySep);
		r = SetNames(r, ns);
	r = do.call(cbind, colV);
	# <!> Df_ applies as.data.frame -> normalization of column names
	#r = if (collapse == 0) Df_(r0, names = columnNames) else r0;

# # d: data frame, l: list with names corresponding to cols, values to be searched for in columns
searchDataFrame = function(d, l, .remove.factors = TRUE) {
	ns = names(l);
	d = d[, ns, drop = FALSE];
	if (.remove.factors) {
		l = sapply(l, function(e)ifelse(is.factor(e), levels(e)[e], e));
		#d = apply(d, 2, function(col)(if (is.factor(col)) levels(col)[col] else col));
	rs = which(as.vector(apply(apply(d, 1, function(r)(r == l)), 2, all)));

.df.cols = which.cols = function(d, cols, regex = FALSE) {
	cols[is.numeric(cols)] = as.integer(cols[is.numeric(cols)]);
	cols[is.character(cols)] = which.indeces(cols[is.character(cols)], names(d), regex = regex);
# select columns by name
.df = function(d, names, regex = TRUE, as.matrix = FALSE) {
	cols = which.indeces(names, names(d), regex = regex);
	d0 = d[, cols, drop = FALSE];
	# <t> simpler version:
	# d0 = d[, .df.cols(d, names, regex)];
	if (as.matrix) d0 = as.matrix(d0);
.df.reorder = function(d, names, regex = TRUE) {
	cols = .df.cols(d, names, regex);
	d0 = d[, c(cols, setdiff(1:dim(d)[2], cols))];
# remove columns by name
.dfm = function(d, names, regex = FALSE, as.matrix = FALSE) {
	cols = if (all(is.numeric(names))) as.integer(names) else which.indeces(names, names(d), regex = regex);
	d0 = d[, -cols, drop = FALSE];
	if (as.matrix) d0 = as.matrix(d0);
# remove rows by name
.dfrmr = function(d, names, regex = FALSE, as.matrix = FALSE) {
	rows = if (all(is.numeric(names)))
		as.integer(names) else
		which.indeces(names, row.names(d), regex = regex);
	d0 = d[-rows, , drop = FALSE];
	if (as.matrix) d0 = as.matrix(d0);

# remove rows/columns by name
.dfrm = function(d, rows = NULL, cols = NULL, regex = FALSE, as.matrix = FALSE) {
	d = as.data.frame(d);	# enforce data frame
	rows = if (is.null(rows)) 1:dim(d)[1] else
		-(if (all(is.numeric(rows))) as.integer(rows) else which.indeces(rows, row.names(d), regex = regex));
	cols = if (is.null(cols)) 1:dim(d)[2] else 
		-(if (all(is.numeric(cols))) as.integer(cols) else which.indeces(cols, names(d), regex = regex));
	d0 = d[rows, cols, drop = FALSE];
	if (as.matrix) d0 = as.matrix(d0);

# alignByRowNames: logical: use row.names from first element, else use provided vector
Cbind = function(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE, deparse.level = 0, alignByRowNames = NULL) {
	l = list(...);
	if (notE(alignByRowNames)) {
		if (is.null(row.names(l[[1]]))) stop('Cbind[alignByRowNames]: No row names @ 1');
		ref = if (is.logical(alignByRowNames) && alignByRowNames)
			row.names(l[[1]]) else
		l = pairslapply(l, seq_along(l), function(e, i) {
			if (is.null(row.names(e))) stop('Cbind[alignByRowNames]: No row names @ %{i}d');
			e[order_align(ref, row.names(e)), , drop = FALSE]
	if (length(l) == 1)
		# <p> special case vector
		t_(l[[1]]) else
		# <p> standard invocation
		do.call(cbind, c(l, list(deparse.level = deparse.level)))
Rbind = function(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE) {
	l = list(...);
	r = if (length(l) == 1) t_(t_(l[[1]])) else {
		if (class(l[[1]]) == 'data.frame')
			rbind(..., stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) else

subsetTop = function(obj, sel, N = 1) {
	d0 = subset(obj, sel);
	d1 = d0[1:min(nrow(d0), N), ];

# transpose to create column vector for vector
t_ = function(m)(if (is.vector(m)) t(t(m)) else t(m))
# double transpose aka transpose to row -> vector to 1 x N matrix, otherwise identity
t2r = function(m)t(t_(m))

# convert strings to data frame names
#	<i> create a data frame and extract names
.dfns = function(ns)gsub(':', '.', ns);

# manipulate list of vectors
# vectors i = 1,.., n with entries v_ij are represented as vector v_11, ..., v_n1, v_21, ...
vector.intercalate = meshVectors = function(...) {
	l = list(...);
	if (length(l) == 1) l = l[[1]];
	v = as.vector(t(sapply(l, function(v)unlist(v))));
	# <N> preferred implementation
	# No unlist -> should be part of input sanitization
	# v = as.vector(do.call(rbind, l));

is.sorted = function(...)(!is.unsorted(...))
is.ascending = function(v) {
	if (length(v) < 2) return(TRUE);
	for (i in 2:length(v)) if (v[i] <= v[i - 1]) return(FALSE);

# pad a vector to length N
pad = function(v, N, value = NA)c(v, rep(value, N - length(v)));

#	<par> number sequences

rep.each.vector = function(v, n)as.vector(matrix(rep(v, n), n, byrow = TRUE))
rep.each = function(l, n, simplify = unlist) {
	l = Avu(l);
	if (length(n) == 1) rep.each.vector(l, n) else simplify(pairsapply(l, n, rep))
factorWithLevels = function(f, levels_) {
	f = as.factor(f);
	levels(f) = levels_;
Rep.each = function(v, n) {
	r = rep.each(v, n);
	return(if (is.factor(v)) factorWithLevels(r, levels(v)) else r)
copyFactorStructure = function(dS, dD) {
	factors = which(lapply(dS, class) == 'factor');
	for (f in factors) dD[[f]] = factorWithLevels(dD[[f]], levels(dS[[f]]));
rep.each.row = function(m, n) {
# 	r = matrix(rep.each(m, n), ncol = ncol(m));
# 	if (class(m) == 'data.frame') {
# 		r = Df_(r, names = names(m));
# 		r = copyFactorStructure(m, r);
# 	}
	r = if (is.data.frame(m))
		Df_(lapply(m, Rep.each, n = n)) else
		m[rep.each(Seq(1, nrow(m)), n), , drop = FALSE]

#rep.list = function(l, n) lapply(1:length(l), function(e)l);
# <!> changed as of 23.8.2016; n not used before
rep.each.list = rep.list = function(l, n) lapply(1:n, function(e)l);

matrix.intercalate = function(..., direction = 1, listOfMatrices = FALSE) {
	l = list(...);
	if (listOfMatrices) l = l[[1]];
	# <!> assume same dimension
	d = dim(l[[1]]);
	N = prod(d);
	# <p> create new matrix
	v = c(if (direction == 1) sapply(l, as.vector) else sapply(sapply(l, t), as.vector), recursive = TRUE);
	vN = as.vector(matrix(v, ncol = N, byrow = TRUE));
	r = if (direction == 1)
		matrix(vN, nrow = d[1] * length(l)) else
		matrix(vN, ncol = d[2] * length(l), byrow = TRUE);
	# <p> return value
	if (class(l[[1]]) == 'data.frame') r = Df_(r, names = names(l[[1]]));

matrixSearch = function(mSearch, mSearched, cols = 1:ncol(mSearch)) {
	df1 = Df_(mSearch, names = paste0('c', cols));
	df2 = Df_(mSearched[, cols, drop = FALSE], names = paste0('c', cols));
	return(DfSearch(df1, df2, returnIdcs = TRUE));

arrayFromRowPairs = function(m, halves = FALSE) {
	if (halves)
		aperm(array(t(m), dim = c(2, dim(m)[1]/2, dim(m)[2])), c(2, 1, 3)) else
		# adjecent pairs
		aperm(array(t(m), dim = c(2, dim(m)[2], dim(m)[1]/2)), c(3, 1, 2))

data.frame.expandWeigths = function(data, weights = 'weights') {
	w = data[[weights]];
	weightsCol = which(names(data) == weights);
	df0 = lapply(1:length(w), function(i) {
		if (w[i] > 0) rep.each.row(data[i, -weightsCol], w[i]) else list();
	df1 = rbindDataFrames(df0);

# spread/fill vector to indeces
vector.spread = function(v, idcs, N, default = 0) {
	r = rep(default, N);
	r[idcs] = v;

# search vector for value, fill value elements with elements prior to it
#	e.g. 1, NA, NA, 2, NA -> 1, 1, 1, 2, 2
vector.propagateValuesForward = function(v, value = NA, vs) {
	idcs = if (is.na(value)) which(!is.na(v)) else which(v != value);
	Idcs = c(idcs, length(v) + 1);	# padded version
	# assign positions
	iA = lapply(seq_along(idcs), function(i)Seq(idcs[i] + 1, Idcs[i + 1] - 1));
	# indeces of values tb assigned
	iV = lapply(seq_along(idcs), function(i)rep(idcs[i], length(iA[[i]])));
	# fill in values
	#r = vector.assign(v, unlist(iA), v[unlist(iV)]);
	v[unlist(iA)] = v[unlist(iV)];

# create new vector with length == length(v) + length(idcs)
# idcs are positions in the final vector
vector.embed = function(v, idcs, e, idcsResult = TRUE) {
	if (!idcsResult) idcs = idcs + (1:length(idcs)) - 1;
	N = length(v) + length(idcs);
	r = rep(NA, N);
	r[setdiff(1:N, idcs)] = v;
	r[idcs] = e;

	# <p> names
	if (!is.null(names(v)) || !is.null(names(e))) {
		ns = rep(NA, N);
		if (!is.null(names(v))) ns[setdiff(1:N, idcs)] = names(v);
		if (!is.null(names(e))) ns[idcs] = names(e);
		names(r) = ns;
# set values at idcs
vector.assign = function(v, idcs, e, na.rm = 0, N) {
	if (!missing(N)) v = rep(v, N);
	v[idcs] = e;
	if (!is.na(na.rm)) v[is.na(v)] = na.rm;
# names based assignment
Vector.assign = function(v, e, na.rm = NA) {
	idcs = which.indeces(names(e), names(v));
	vector.assign(v, idcs, e, na.rm = na.rm)

matrix.assign = function(m, idcs, e, byrow = TRUE) {
	if (length(dim(idcs)) > 1) {
		m[as.matrix(idcs)] = e
	} else if (byrow)
		m[idcs, ] = e else
		m[, idcs] = e

# extract elements from array/matrix indexed in a row-wise manner by ...
#	array.extract(m, c(1, 2), c(1, 2)) -> c(m[1, 1], m[2, 2])
array.extract = function(a, ...) {
	r = mapply(function(...)do.call('[', c(list(a), list(...))), ...);

# are columns/rows same values in matrix
matrix.same = function(m, direction = 1) {
	apply(m, direction, function(e)all(e[1] == e))

vectorIdcs = function(v, f, ..., not = FALSE) {
	r = sapply(v, f, ...);
	which(if (not) !r else r)

is.seq = function(v, offset = 1)all( (v - offset + 1) == seq_along(v))

# produce indeces for indeces positioned into blocks of blocksize of which count units exists
# example: expand.block(2, 10, 1:2) == c(1, 2, 11, 12)
expand.block = function(count, blocksize, indeces) {
	blks = Seq(1,count);
	if (is.null(blks)) return(NULL);
	as.vector(apply(to.col(blks), 1,
		function(i){ (i - 1) * blocksize + t(to.col(indeces)) }

search.block = function(l, s) {
	b.sz = length(s);
		1:(length(l)/b.sz), function(i){all(l[((i - 1) * b.sz + 1):(i * b.sz)] == s)}

#	<par> matrix functions

# <!> assumes same indeces for rows/columns
matrixFromIndexedDf = function(df, idx.r = 'idx.r', idx.c = 'idx.c', value = 'value', referenceOrder = NULL) {
	id = unique(c(df[[idx.r]], df[[idx.c]]));
	# matrix indeces
	# <A> canonical order is by repeating vector id for row index, constant for columns within repetition
	#	-> matrix filled by columns
	midcs = merge(data.frame(id = id), data.frame(id = id), by = NULL);
	midcs = data.frame(midcs, mfid.i = 1:nrow(midcs));
	map = merge(df[, c(idx.r, idx.c, value)], midcs,
		by.x = c(idx.r, idx.c), by.y = c('id.x', 'id.y'), all.y = TRUE);
	# return to midcs order
	map = map[order(map$mfid.i), ];
	# filled by rows
	m = matrix(map[[value]], nrow = length(id));
	# reorder matrix
	o = order_align(firstDef(referenceOrder, id), id);
	# reorder in two steps -> out of mem otherwise
	m1 = m[o, ];
	m2 = m1[, o];

symmetrizeMatrix = function(m) {
	m[is.na(m)] = t(m)[is.na(m)];

which.row = function(m, row) {
	cols = names(as.list(row));
	if (is.null(cols)) cols = 1:length(row);
	rows = 1:(dim(m)[1]);
	rows.found = rows[sapply(rows, function(i){ all(m[i, cols] == row) })];

# lsee:	list with searchees
# lsed:	list with searched objects
# inverse: lsed are regexes matched against lsee; pre-condition: length(lsee) == 1
# ret.list: for match.multi return list by lsee
# <!><t> cave: semantics changed as of 17.8.2009: return NA entries for unfound lsee-entries
# <!> match multi only implemented for merge = TRUE
which.indeces = function(lsee, lsed, regex = FALSE, ret.na = FALSE, merge = TRUE, match.multi = FALSE, ...,
	inverse = FALSE, ret.list = FALSE) {
	if (!length(lsed) || !length(lsee)) return(c());
	v = if (is.list(lsed)) names(lsed) else lsed;
	idcs = if (regex) {
		which(sapply(lsed, function(e)(
			if (inverse) length(fetchRegexpr(e, lsee, ...)) > 0 else
				any(sapply(lsee, function(see)(length(fetchRegexpr(see, e, ...)) > 0)))
	} else if (merge) {
		d0 = merge(
			data.frame(d = lsed, ix = 1:length(lsed)),
			data.frame(d = lsee, iy = 1:length(lsee)), all.y = TRUE);
		d0 = d0[order(d0$iy), ];
		idcs = if (match.multi) {
				#d0$ix[unlist(sapply(lsee, function(e)which(d0$d == e)))]
				r = if (ret.list)
					unlist.n(by(d0, d0$d, function(d)list(na.omit(d$ix)), simplify = FALSE)) else
			} else {
				d0$ix[pop(which(c(d0$iy, 0) - c(0, d0$iy) != 0))];
		# less efficient version
#		} else d0$ix[unlist(sapply(lsee, function(e)which(d0$d == e)[1]))];
#		} else d0$ix[order(d0$iy)]
		if (!ret.na) idcs = idcs[!is.na(idcs)];
	} else {
		unlist(as.vector(sapply(lsee, function(e){
			w = which(e == v);
			if (!ret.na) return(w);
			ifelse(length(w), w, NA)
	r = if (ret.list) idcs else as.integer(idcs);

grep.vector = function(lsee, lsed, regex = FALSE, ret.na = FALSE, merge = TRUE, match.multi = FALSE, ..., inverse = FALSE) {
	lsed[which.indeces(lsee, lsed, regex, ret.na, merge, match.multi, ..., inverse = inverse)]
grep.infixes = function(lsee, lsed, ...) {
	r = grep.vector(sapply(lsee, function(v)sprintf('^%s.*', v)), lsed, regex = TRUE, inverse = FALSE, ... );

# force structure to be matrix (arrange vector into a row)
MR = function(m) {
	if (!is.matrix(m)) m = matrix(m, byrow = TRUE, ncol = length(m));
# force structure to be matrix (arrange vector into a columns)
MC = function(m) {
	if (!is.matrix(m)) m = matrix(m, byrow = FALSE, nrow = length(m));

#	<par> data processing

# like table but produce columns for all numbers 1..n (not only for counts > 0)
# cats are the expected categories
table.n = function(v, n, min = 1, categories = NULL) {
	if (is.null(categories)) categories = min:n;
	t = as.vector(table(c(categories, v)) - rep(1, length(categories)));
table.freq = function(v) {
	t0 = table(v);
	r = t0 / sum(t0);
table.n.freq = function(...) {
	t0 = table.n(...);
	r = t0 / sum(t0);
Table = function(v, min, max, ..., cats) {
	if (missing(min) && missing(max) && missing(cats)) return(table(v, ...));
	if (!missing(cats)) {
		d = Df_(lapply(v, Avu));
		catsV = Df_(merge.multi.list(cats));
		return(table(rbind(d, catsV)) - 1);
	} else {
		if (missing(min)) min = min(v);
		if (missing(max)) max = max(v);
		return(table.n(v, n = max, min = min));
v2freq = function(v)(v/sum(v))

#	<p> numeric function

to.numeric = function(x) { SetNames(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(x)), names(x)) }
minFloor = function(x)(x - floor(x))

#	<par> data types

# set types for columns: numeric: as.numeric
data.frame.types = function(df, numeric = c(), character = c(), factor = c(), integer = c(),
	do.unlist = TRUE, names = NULL, row.names = NULL, reset.row.names = FALSE, do.rbind = FALSE, do.transpose = FALSE,
	stringsAsFactors = FALSE) {
	if (do.rbind) {
		#old code: df = t(sapply(df, function(e)e));
		lengthes = sapply(df, length);
		maxL = max(lengthes);
		df = t(sapply(1:length(df), function(i)c(df[[i]], rep(NA, maxL - lengthes[i]))));
	if (do.transpose) df = t(df);
	df = as.data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors);
	# set or replace column names
	if (!is.null(names)) {
		if (class(names) == "character") names(df)[1:length(names)] = names;
		if (class(names) == "list") names(df) = vector.replace(names(df), names);
	if (do.unlist) for (n in names(df)) { df[[n]] = unlist(df[[n]]); }
	for (n in numeric) { df[[n]] = as.numeric(df[[n]]); }
	for (n in integer) { df[[n]] = as.integer(df[[n]]); }
	for (n in character) { df[[n]] = as.character(df[[n]]); }
	for (n in factor) { df[[n]] = as.factor(df[[n]]); }
	if (reset.row.names) row.names(df) = NULL;
	if (length(row.names) > 0) row.names(df) = row.names;

DfStack = function(df0, N)do.call(rbind, rep.list(df0, N));
DfClasses = function(dataFrame)nlapply(dataFrame, function(n)class(dataFrame[[n]]));
DfAsInteger = function(dataFrame, as_integer) {
	#dfn = apply(dataFrame[, as_integer, drop = FALSE], 2, function(col)as.integer(avu(col)));
	# <!> 6.6.2016 as.integer first needed to retain factor status on factors
	dfn = nlapply(as_integer, function(col)avu(as.integer(dataFrame[[col]])));
	dataFrame[, as_integer] = as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, dfn));
DfAsLogical = function(dataFrame, as_logical) {
	dfn = nlapply(as_logical, function(n) {
		col = dataFrame[[n]];
		if (is.factor(col)) (col == levels(col)[1]) else avu(as.logical(col));
	dataFrame[, as_logical] = as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, dfn));
DfAsCharacter = function(dataFrame, as_character) {
	#dfn = apply(dataFrame[, as_character, drop = FALSE], 2, function(col)as.character(avu(col)));
	#dataFrame[, as_character] = as.data.frame(dfn, stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
	dfn = nlapply(as_character, function(col)avu(as.character(dataFrame[[col]])));
	dataFrame[, as_character] = as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, dfn), stringsAsFactors = FALSE);
DfFac2num = function(dataFrame) {
	return(do.call(data.frame, lapply(dataFrame, function(e)if (is.factor(e)) as.numeric(e) else e)))
DfApplyValueMap = function(r, valueMap, Df_doTrimValues = FALSE,
	Df_mapping_value = '__df_mapping_value__',
	Df_mapping_empty = '__DF_EMPTY__', Do_Df_mapping_empty = TRUE) {

	for (n in names(valueMap)) {
		vs = if (Df_doTrimValues && class(r[[n]]) %in% c('character', 'factor'))
			nina(trimString(as.character(r[[n]])), Df_mapping_value) else
		vm = valueMap[[n]];
		if (Do_Df_mapping_empty) {
			vs = ifelse(nit(vs == ''), Df_mapping_empty, vs);
			if (!(Df_mapping_empty %in% names(vm)))
				vm = c(vm, listKeyValue(Df_mapping_empty, NA));
		vs = nina(valueMap[[n]][vs], Df_mapping_value);
		vs = ifelse(vs == Df_mapping_value, as.character(r[[n]]), vs);
		r[[n]] = vs;

# as of 22.7.2013 <!>: min_ applied before names/headerMap
# as of 19.12.2013 <!>: as.numeric -> as_numeric
# as of 22.5.2014 <!>: t -> t_
# as of 13.11.2014 <!>: sapply -> simplify_
# Create data frames with more options than \code{data.frame}
Df_ = function(df0, headerMap = NULL, names = NULL, min_ = NULL,
	as_numeric = NULL, as_character = NULL, as_factor = NULL, as_integer = NULL, as_logical = NULL,
	row.names = NA, valueMap = NULL, Df_as_is = TRUE, simplify_ = FALSE,
	deep_simplify_ = FALSE, t_ = FALSE, unlist_cols = FALSE, transf_log = NULL, transf_m1 = NULL,
	Df_doTrimValues = FALSE, Df_mapping_value = '__df_mapping_value__',
	Df_mapping_empty = '__DF_EMPTY__', Do_Df_mapping_empty = TRUE, apply_ = FALSE) {
	# <p> input sanitation
	#r = as.data.frame(df0);
	# for a vector with identical names for each entry, use this as a column name
	if (length(unique(names(df0))) == 1 && !Nif(names)) names = unique(names(df0));
	# sanitize row.names
	dn = dimnames(df0);
	if (Nif(dn) && any(duplicated(dn[[1]]))) dimnames(df0)[[1]] = NULL;
	# <!> commented out on 4.4.2019, test implemented to fix this behavior
	#if (length(row.names) == 0 || !all(is.na(row.names))) base::row.names(df0) = row.names;

	if (apply_) df0 = as.data.frame(apply(df0, 2, identity));
	#if (!Nif(Apply_)) df0 = as.data.frame(apply(df0, 2, Apply_));
	if (t_) df0 = t(df0);
	# reset_row_names breaks unit tests (27.9.2017)
	#r = data.frame(df0, stringsAsFactors = !Df_as_is, row.names = if (reset_row_names) NA else NULL);
	r = data.frame(df0, stringsAsFactors = !Df_as_is);
	if (notE(min_)) {
		is = which.indeces(min_, names(r));
		if (length(is) > 0) r = r[, -is, drop = FALSE];
	if (simplify_) r = as.data.frame(sapply(r, identity));
	if (deep_simplify_) r = as.data.frame(
		nlapply(r, function(col)sapply(r[[col]], unlist)), stringsAsFactors = !Df_as_is

	#	<p> column names
	if (notE(names)) {
		if (class(names) == 'character') names(r)[1:length(names)] = names;
		if (class(names) == 'list') names(r) = vector.replace(names(r), names);
	if (notE(headerMap)) names(r) = vector.replace(names(r), headerMap);
	#	<p> column types
#if (class(df0) == 'data.frame' && ncol(df0) >= 3) browser();
	if (notE(as_numeric)) {
		#dfn = apply(r[, as_numeric, drop = FALSE], 2, function(col)as.numeric(avu(col)));
		dfn = lapply(r[, as_numeric, drop = FALSE], function(col)avu(as.numeric(col)));
		r[, as_numeric] = as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, dfn));
	if (notE(as_logical)) r = DfAsLogical(r, as_logical);
	if (notE(as_integer)) r = DfAsInteger(r, as_integer);
	if (notE(as_character)) r = DfAsCharacter(r, as_character);
	if (notE(as_factor)) {
		# <N> does not work
		#dfn = apply(r[, as_factor, drop = FALSE], 2, function(col)as.factor(col));
		#r[, as_factor] = dfn;
		for (f in as_factor) r[, f] = as.factor(r[[f]]);
	#	<p> value map
	if (notE(valueMap)) {
# 		for (n in names(valueMap)) {
# 			vs = if (Df_doTrimValues && class(r[[n]]) %in% c('character', 'factor'))
# 				nina(trimString(as.character(r[[n]])), Df_mapping_value) else
# 				as.character(r[[n]]);
# 			vm = valueMap[[n]];
# 			if (Do_Df_mapping_empty) {
# 				vs = ifelse(nit(vs == ''), Df_mapping_empty, vs);
# 				if (!(Df_mapping_empty %in% names(vm)))
# 					vm = c(vm, listKeyValue(Df_mapping_empty, NA));
# 			}
# 			vs = nina(valueMap[[n]][vs], Df_mapping_value);
# 			vs = ifelse(vs == Df_mapping_value, as.character(r[[n]]), vs);
# 			r[[n]] = vs;
# 		}
		r = DfApplyValueMap(r, valueMap,
			Df_doTrimValues, Df_mapping_value, Df_mapping_empty, Do_Df_mapping_empty);
	#	<p> transformations
	if (notE(transf_log)) r[, transf_log] = log(r[, transf_log, drop = FALSE]);
	if (notE(transf_m1)) r[, transf_m1] = r[, transf_m1, drop = FALSE] - 1;
	if (length(row.names) == 0 || !all(is.na(row.names))) base::row.names(r) = row.names;
	if (unlist_cols) for (n in names(r)) r[[n]] = avu(r[[n]]);

Df = function(..., headerMap = NULL, names = NULL, min_ = NULL, row.names = NA, Df_as_is = TRUE,
	as_numeric = NULL, as_character = NULL, as_factor = NULL, t_ = FALSE, unlist_cols = FALSE) {
	r = data.frame(...);
	Df_(r, headerMap = headerMap, names = names, min_ = min_, row.names = row.names,
		as_numeric = as_numeric,
		as_character = as_character,
		as_factor = as_factor,
		Df_as_is = Df_as_is,
		t_ = t_,
		unlist_cols = unlist_cols
Df2list = function(df) {
	df = as.data.frame(df);
	nlapply(names(df), function(n)df[[n]]);
Dfselect = function(data, l, na.rm = nif) {
	sel = apply(sapply(nlapply(l, function(n)data[[n]] == l[[n]]), identity), 1, all);
	r = data[na.rm(sel), ];
DfSearch = function(dfSearch, dfSearched,
	colNamesReset = 'col', colNameIdx = '.dfSearchIdx', returnIdcs = FALSE) {

	if (is.null(dfSearched)) return(NULL);
	nms = if (notE(colNamesReset)) {
		nms = paste(colNamesReset, 1:ncol(dfSearched), sep = '');
		names(dfSearch) = names(dfSearched) = nms;
	} else names(dfSearched);
	dfm = merge(
		Df(1:nrow(dfSearched), dfSearched, names = colNameIdx),
		Df(1:nrow(dfSearch), dfSearch, names = colNameIdx), by = nms);
	if (returnIdcs)