# Rfunctions.R
#Tue 14 Aug 2007 01:39:42 PM CEST
# <ยง> abstract data functions
inverse = function(f, interval = c(-Inf, Inf)) {
function(y, ...) {
optimize(function(x, ...){ (y - f(x, ...))^2 }, interval = interval, ...)$minimum
# <p> meta functions
callWithArgs = function(fctName, args) {
#arguments = paste(sapply(names(args), function(n)sprintf("%s = %s", n, args[[n]])), collapse = ", ");
fhead = sprintf("%s(%s)", fctName, paste(names(args), collapse = ", "));
eval(parse(text = fhead))
.do.call = function(f, args, restrictArgs = TRUE, usePositional = TRUE, restrictPositional = FALSE) {
# <p> function arguments
fargs = names(as.list(args(f)));
# remove spurious arguments
fargs = fargs[fargs != ''];
if (restrictArgs && all(fargs != '...')) {
idcs = which.indeces(fargs, names(args));
if (usePositional) {
positional = which(names(args) == '');
Npositional = (length(fargs) - length(idcs));
if (!restrictPositional && length(positional) > Npositional)
stop(".do.call: unmachted positional arguments");
idcs = c(idcs, positional[1:Npositional]);
args = args[sort(idcs)];
do.call(f, args)
callDelegate = function(functionBase, delegation, args = list(), restrictArgs = TRUE) {
f = get(Sprintf('%{prefix}s%{delegation}u', prefix = join(functionBase, '')));
.do.call(f, args, restrictArgs = restrictArgs)
CallDelegate = function(functionBase, delegation, ..., restrictArgs = TRUE) {
callDelegate(functionBase, delegation, args = list(...), restrictArgs = TRUE)
# call function with seperate arguments extracted from vector
V2A = function(f)function(x, ...)do.call(f, c(as.list(x), list(...)));
# call function with vector constructed from seperate arguments
A2V = function(f)function(...)f(c(...));
# arguments to matrix
A2M = function(f)function(...)f(do.call(cbind, list(...)));
A2VbyRow = function(f) function(...) {
m = do.call(cbind, list(...));
r = apply(m, 1, f);
# <p> generic functions
Identity = function(...)list(...)
Identity1 = function(e, ...)e
# <p> benchmarking
benchmark.timed = function(.f, ..., N__ = 1) {
t0 = Sys.time();
for (i in 1:N__) {
r = .f(...);
t1 = Sys.time();
r = list(time = (t1 - t0)/N__, lastResult = r, t0 = t0, t1 = t1);
Benchmark = function(expr, N__ = 1, verbose = TRUE, returnTiming = FALSE, Nabbr = 20, logLevel = 2,
gcFirst = FALSE, timeStat = sum, envir = parent.frame()) {
s = Deparse(substitute(expr));
# <p> timing
t0 = Sys.time();
# <i> for-loop required due to side-effects
r0 = NULL;
timesCal = NULL;
timesSys = NULL;
for (i in 1:N__) {
t0i = Sys.time();
t = system.time(r0 <- eval(expr, envir = envir), gcFirst = gcFirst);
t1i = Sys.time();
timesCal[i] = t1i - t0i;
timesSys[i] = timeStat(t);
t1 = Sys.time();
# <p> stats
#timeTotal = t1 - t0;
#timeIteration = timeTotal/N__;
timing = list(
timeCal = sum(timesCal), timeCalIter = mean(timesCal), timeCalSd = sd(timesCal),
timeSys = sum(timesSys), timeSysIter = mean(timesSys), timeSysSd = sd(timesSys),
lastResult = r0, t0 = t0, t1 = t1
if (verbose) with(timing, {
exprStr = strAbbr(s, Nabbr);
l = logLevel;
Logs('Timing of %{exprStr}s', logLevel = l);
Logs('\tCal: %{timeCal}.2f Iter: %{timeCalIter}.2f (%{timeCalSd}.1f)', logLevel = l);
Logs("\tSys: %{timeSys}.2f Iter: %{timeSysIter}.2f (%{timeSysSd}.1f)", logLevel = l);
r = if (returnTiming) timing else r0;
# <p> optimization
# Ngrid should be uneven
# not used at the moment
gridFactor = function(Ngrid = 5, Step = .5, Factor = 1.5) {
genF = function(center, min, max) {
gridMarginal = lapply(center, function(p) {
gridRaw = (Step * Factor ^ (0: (Ngrid - 1)));
c(p - gridRaw, p, p + gridRaw)
grid = as.matrix(Rbind(merge.multi.list(gridMarginal)));
gridBounding = function(Ngrid = 5) {
genF = function(center, min, max) {
gridMarginal = lapply(seq_along(min), function(i) {
seq(min[i], max[i], length.out = Ngrid)
grid = as.matrix(Rbind(merge.multi.list(gridMarginal)));
searchContourGridRaw = function(f, grid, v, ...,
contour = 0.05, gridGen, eps = 1e-3, lower = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose) message(Print(cbind(grid, v)));
# assume regular grid
Ndim = ncol(grid);
pts = apply(grid, 2, function(v)sort(unique(v)));
Ns = apply(pts, 2, function(pts)pop(seq_along(pts)));
# list of canonical points of sub-hypercubes
cubes = as.matrix(Rbind(merge.multi.list(Df_(Ns))));
# calculate offsets to get all vertices of hypercube, coords per column
hyper = t2r(sapply(1:(2^Ndim) - 1, ord2bin, digits = Ndim));
# iterate hypercubes to decide value, nd defines canonical vertex of hypercube
sel = apply(cubes, 1, function(nd) {
NdsCube = t(nd + hyper);
#print(NdsCube - (nd + t_(hyper)));
# search funcion values on vertices of hypercube
#coords = cbind(pts[NdsCube[, 1], 1], pts[NdsCube[, 2], 2]);
coords = sapply(1:ncol(NdsCube), function(i)pts[NdsCube[, i], i]);
idcs = DfSearch(Df_(coords), Df_(grid));
vs = v[idcs];
#if (is.na(any(vs <= contour) & any(vs >= contour))) browser();
if (any(vs <= contour) & any(vs >= contour)) { # tb persued
mn = apply(coords, 2, min);
mx = apply(coords, 2, max);
center = (mn + mx) / 2;
searchContourGrid(f, gridGen(center, mn, mx), ...,
contour = contour, gridGen = gridGen, eps = eps, lower = lower,
gridCache = cbind(grid, v));
} else list()
# } else list(matrix(rep(NA, ncol(grid), ncol = ncol(grid))))
return(unlist.n(sel, 1));
# <!><i> multivariate functions
applyCached = function(grid, f, gridCache, ...) {
# <p> no cache
if (missing(gridCache) || !notE(gridCache)) return(apply(grid, 1, f, ...));
s = matrixSearch(grid, gridCache);
idcs = setdiff(1:nrow(grid), s[, 2]);
vI = apply(grid[idcs, , drop = FALSE], 1, f, ...);
v = vector.assign(NA, c(idcs, s[, 2]), c(vI, gridCache[s[, 1], ncol(gridCache)]), N = nrow(grid));
# gridCache: matrix/df with cbind(grid, v) from previous computations to avoid double evaluations
searchContourGrid = function(f, grid, ..., contour = 0.05, gridGen, eps = 1e-3, lower = TRUE, gridCache) {
# compute values of function on grid vertices
#v = apply(grid, 1, f, ...);
v = applyCached(grid, f, gridCache, ...);
#print(cbind(grid, v));
# determine recursion end
mn = apply(grid, 2, min);
mx = apply(grid, 2, max);
# found contour elevation to desired accuracy
#print(max(mx - mn));
if (max(mx - mn) < eps) {
i = if (lower) which.min(v) else which.max(v);
return(list(grid[i, ]));
# continue searching
r = searchContourGridRaw(f, grid, v, ...,
contour = contour, gridGen = gridGen, eps = eps, lower = lower);
searchContourGridList = function(f, gridList, ..., contour = 0.05, gridGen, eps = 1e-2, lower = TRUE) {
gL = lapply(gridList, searchContourGrid, ..., f = f, contour = contour, gridGen = gridGen);
return(unlist.n(gL, 1));
searchContour = function(f, start, ..., contour = 0.05, delta = 3,
gridGen = gridBounding(Ngrid = 3), eps = 1e-2, lower = TRUE) {
grid = gridGen(start, start - delta, start + delta);
r = searchContourGrid(f, grid, ..., contour = contour, gridGen = gridGen, eps = eps);
return(do.call(rbind, r));
# <p> optimization
searchOptimumGrid = function(f, grid, ..., delta, gridGen, eps = 1e-3, scale = 1, returnOpt = FALSE) {
# compute values of function on grid vertices
v = apply(grid, 1, f, ...) * scale;
# vertex with optimum
Iopt = which.max(v);
# determine recursion end
mn = apply(grid, 2, min);
mx = apply(grid, 2, max);
Ns = apply(grid, 2, function(v)length(unique(v)));
#Ns = apply(grid, 2, length %.% unique); # ought to be
# magrittr
#Ns = apply(grid, 2, . %>% unique %>% length);
# found contour elevation to desired accuracy
#print(max(mx - mn));
if (max(mx - mn) < eps) {
return(if (returnOpt) list(par = grid[Iopt, ], value = v[Iopt]) else grid[Iopt, ]);
# continue searching
r = searchOptimum(f, grid[Iopt, ], ..., delta = delta / Ns, gridGen = gridGen, eps = eps, scale = scale,
returnOpt = returnOpt);
searchOptimum = function(f, start, ..., delta = 3, gridGen = gridBounding(Ngrid = 7), eps = 1e-2, scale = 1,
returnOpt = FALSE) {
grid = gridGen(start, start - delta, start + delta);
r = searchOptimumGrid(f, grid, ..., delta = delta, gridGen = gridGen, eps = eps, scale = scale,
returnOpt = returnOpt);
..OptimizeControl = list(fnscale = -1, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25);
# assume unconstraint arguments
Optimize = function(p, f, method = 'BFGS', control = ..OptimizeControl, ...,
hessian = T, ci = T, alpha = 5e-2) {
r = if (length(p) > 1) {
control = .list(control, .min = 'tol');
o = optim(p, f, method = method, control = control, hessian = hessian, ...);
} else if (length(p) == 1) {
f0 = function(p, ...) { f(logit(p), ...) };
o0 = try(optimize(f0, lower = 0, upper = 1,
tol = control$tol, maximum = control$fnscale < 0, ...));
o = if (class(o0) == 'try-error') list(par = NA, value = NA, hessian = NA) else
list(par = logit(o0$maximum), value = o0$objective,
hessian = if(hessian) matrix(Dn2f(f, logit(o0$maximum), ...)/o0$objective) else NA);
} else {
o = list(par = c(), value = f(...));
if (ci && hessian && !is.na(r$hessian)) {
var = -1/diag(r$hessian); # assume sharp cramer-rao bound
sd = sqrt(var);
r = c(r, list(ci = list(
ciL = qnorm(alpha/2, r$par, sd, lower.tail = T),
ciU = qnorm(alpha/2, r$par, sd, lower.tail = F), level = alpha, var = var)));
# p: matrix of row-wise start values
OptimizeMultiStart = function(p, f, method = 'BFGS', control = ..OptimizeControl, ...) {
r = if (is.null(p)) { # special case of degenerate matrix (does not work in R)
Optimize(c(), f, method = method, control = control, ...)
} else if (!is.matrix(p)) {
Optimize(p, f, method = method, control = control, ...)
} else {
os = apply(p, 1, function(s)Optimize(s, f, method = method, control = control, ...));
# find maximum
if (all(is.na(os))) return(NA);
vs = list.key(os, 'value');
arg.max = which.max(vs);
r = os[[arg.max[1]]];
OptimControlDefault = list(fnscale = -1, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, startScale = 2, hessian = F);
Optim = function(p, f, method = 'BFGS', control = list(), ...) {
control = merge.lists(OptimControlDefault, control);
o = if (length(p) > 1) {
myControl = List_(control, min_ = c('tol', 'startScale', 'hessian'));
optim(p, f, method = method, control = myControl, hessian = control$hessian, ...);
} else if (length(p) == 1) {
f0 = function(p, ...) { f(logit(p), ...) };
if (!is.null(p)) {
lower = if (p < 0) p * control$startScale else p / control$startScale;
upper = if (p >= 0) p * control$startScale else p / control$startScale;
} else {
lower = -Inf;
upper = Inf;
if (abs(lower - upper) < 1e-3) {
lower = lower - 1;
upper = upper + 1;
#print(c(start = p, lower = lower, upper = upper));
o0 = try(
lower = plogis(lower), upper = plogis(upper),
tol = control$tol, maximum = control$fnscale < 0, ...)
if (class(o0) == 'try-error') list(par = NA, value = NA, hessian = NA) else
par = logit(o0$maximum), value = o0$objective,
hessian = if (control$hessian) matrix(Dn2f(f, logit(o0$maximum), ...)/o0$objective) else NA
} else list(par = c(), value = f(...));
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