
Defines functions readStock print.stocktable plot.stocktable

# =============================================================================#
# Stocktable:
# =============================================================================#

readStock <- function(stock, stockRange)
  urlToOpen <- paste0( 'http://chartapi.finance.yahoo.com/instrument/1.0/',
                       '/csv' )
  X <- try( expr = ( read.csv( file             = url(urlToOpen), 
                               sep              = "\n",
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ),
            silent = TRUE )
  if( class(X) == 'try-error') { stop( X ) }
  X <- X[, 1]
  if( str.in( 'error', paste(X[1:20], collapse = '') ) ) {
    if( str.in( 'No data available for given Time Range', X[3] ) ) {
      stop( paste(X[3:4], collapse = '\n') )
    } else {
      stop( sub( 'message:', '', X[3] ) )
  cona     <- 1
  cona_str <- 'Company-Name:'
  while( !str.in( target = cona_str, 
                  input  = X[cona] ) ) {
    cona <- cona + 1
  unit     <- 1
  unit_str <- 'unit:'
  while( !str.in(target = unit_str, 
                 input  = X[unit]) ) {
    unit <- unit + 1
  curr    <- 1
  curr_str <- 'currency:'
  while( !str.in(target = curr_str, 
                 input  = X[curr]) ) {
    curr <- curr + 1
  head    <- 1
  head_str <- 'values:'
  while( !str.in(target = head_str, 
                 input  = X[head]) ) {
    head <- head + 1
  header <- strsplit( x     = sub( head_str, '', X[head] ), 
                      split = ',' )[[1]]
  n <- 1
  while( any.letter.in(X[n]) ) {
    n <- n + 1
  DF <- matrix( data = numeric( (length(X) - n) * length(header) ), 
                ncol = length(header) )
  for( i in 1:nrow(DF) ) {
    DF[i, ] <- as.numeric(strsplit(X[n + i], ',')[[1]])
  DF           <- as.data.frame(DF)
  names(DF)    <- header
  names(DF)[1] <- 'Date'
  if( sub( unit_str, '', X[unit] ) == 'MIN' ) {
    DF[, 1] <- format( as.POSIXct(DF[, 1], origin = "1970-01-01"), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' )
  if( sub( unit_str, '', X[unit] ) %in% c('DAY', 'WEEK') ) {
    DF[, 1] <- as.Date( as.character(DF[, 1]), format = '%Y%m%d')
  attr( DF, 'Stock')      <- stock
  attr( DF, 'Company' )   <- sub( cona_str, '', X[cona] )
  attr( DF, 'Time Unit' ) <- sub( unit_str, '', X[unit] )
  attr( DF, 'Currency' )  <- sub( curr_str, '', X[curr] )
  attr( DF, 'Interval')   <- stockRange
  class( DF ) <- 'stocktable'
  return( DF )

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Generics:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

print.stocktable <- function( obj,
                              everything = FALSE )
  cat( '\n',
       '\n   Stock:           ', attr( obj, 'Stock' ),
       '\n   Company:         ', attr( obj, 'Company' ),
       '\n   Currency:        ', attr( obj, 'Currency' ),
       '\n   Observed Range:  ', attr( obj, 'Interval' ),
  DF <- obj
  class(DF) <- 'data.frame'
  if( everything ) {
    print( DF )
  } else {
    print( DF[c(1:3, (nrow(DF) - 2):nrow(DF)), ] )
    cat( '\n',
         '\n   [[', length(obj$close) - 2, 'lines are not showed ]]',
         '\n\n' )

plot.stocktable <- function( obj, 
                             candlewidth = 1,
                             colup       = c( 83, 199, 86), 
                             coldown     = c(255,  23, 23),
                             font        = 1,
                             RSI         = 14,
                             MA          = TRUE,
                             ma1         = 12,
                             ma2         = 50,
                             macdslow    = 26,
                             macdfast    = 12,
                             macdsignal  = 9,
                             legend      = TRUE )
  if( attr( obj, 'Time Unit' ) == 'MIN' ) {
    obj$Date <- as.Date( obj$Date )
  par( mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1) )
  par_default <- par()
  par( bg       = '#07000d',
       col.axis = 'white',
       col.lab  = 'white',
       col.main = 'white',
       font.axis = font,
       font.lab  = font,
       font.main = font,
       font.sub  = font,
       las      = 1 )
  layout(matrix(c(1,2,3), ncol = 1), heights = c(25, 40, 25) )
  limits <- c(min(obj$low), max(obj$high)) + c(-1, 1) * (max(obj$high) - min(obj$low)) / 4
  if( MA ) {
    ## Calculate moving averages at the beginning if there is an error:
    MA1 <- movingAverage( x     = obj$close, 
                          order = ma1 )
    if( class(MA1) == 'try-error') { 
      MA <- FALSE
      warning( paste('Set "MA = FALSE" due to failing filter with order', ma1) )
    MA2 <- movingAverage( x     = obj$close, 
                          order = ma2 )
    if( class(MA2) == 'try-error') { 
      MA <- FALSE
      warning( paste('Set "MA = FALSE" due to failing filter with order', ma2) )
  oma <- par()$oma
  mar <- par()$mar
  if( str.in('d', attr(obj, 'Interval')) ) {
    d <- obj$Date
  if( str.in('m', attr(obj, 'Interval')) ) {
    d <- format(obj$Date, '%Y-%m')
  if( str.in('y', attr(obj, 'Interval')) ) {
    d <- format(obj$Date, '%Y')
  labs <- unique( d )
  xlabs <- integer( length = length(labs) )
  for( i in seq( along = xlabs ) ) {
    xlabs[i] <- min( which( d %in% labs[i] ) )
  ## ==============#
  ## Plot 1:
  ## ==============#
  par( mar = c(0, mar[-1]) )
  ## ----------#
  ## RSI:
  ## ----------#
  rsi <- RSI( x    = obj$close,
              order = RSI )
  plot( x    = rsi, 
        axes = FALSE,
        main = ifelse( attr(obj, 'Company') == '', 
                       attr(obj, 'Stock'),
                       paste0( attr(obj, 'Company'), ' (', attr(obj, 'Stock'), ')') ),
        ylab = '' )
  xaxp <- seq( par()$xaxp[1], par()$xaxp[2], length.out = par()$xaxp[3] + 1 )  
  yaxp <- seq( par()$yaxp[1], par()$yaxp[2], length.out = par()$yaxp[3] + 1 )
  if( length(labs) <= 10 ) {
    segments( x0  = xlabs, 
              y0  = par()$usr[3], 
              x1  = xlabs, 
              y1  = par()$usr[4],
              col = rgb(255, 255, 255, 100, maxColorValue = 255),
              lty = 3 )
  } else {
    segments( x0  = xaxp, 
              y0  = par()$usr[3], 
              x1  = xaxp, 
              y1  = par()$usr[4],
              col = rgb(255, 255, 255, 100, maxColorValue = 255),
              lty = 3 )
  polygon( x      = c(1:length(rsi), length(rsi):1),
           y      = c(ifelse( rsi <= 30, rsi, 30), rep(30, length(rsi))),
           border = rgb(26, 135, 130, 255, maxColorValue = 255),
           col    = rgb( 56, 109, 19, 100, maxColorValue = 255) )
  polygon( x      = c(1:length(rsi), length(rsi):1),
           y      = c(ifelse( rsi >= 70, rsi, 70), rep(70, length(rsi))),
           border = rgb(26, 135, 130, 255, maxColorValue = 255),
           col    = rgb(143,  32, 32, 100, maxColorValue = 255) )
  lines( x     = rsi,
         col   = rgb(26, 135, 130, 255, maxColorValue = 255) )
  abline( h   = c(30, 70),
          col = c( rgb( 56, 109, 19, 255, maxColorValue = 255),
                   rgb(143,  32, 32, 255, maxColorValue = 255)) )
  axis( side     = 2,
        at       = c(30, 70),
        labels   = c(30, 70),
        cex.axis = 0.9)
  text( x      = 1, 
        y      = yaxp[length(yaxp)] - 0.15 * diff(yaxp[c(1, length(yaxp))]),
        labels = paste0('RSI ', RSI),
        col    = 'white',
        adj    = c(0, 1) )
  segments( x0 = xlabs,
            y0 = yaxp[1] - 0.15 * diff(yaxp[c(1, length(yaxp))]),
            x1 = xlabs,
            y1 = yaxp[1] - 0.3 * diff(yaxp[c(1, length(yaxp))]),
            col = 'white' )
  if( length(labs) <= length(xaxp) ) {
    abline( v   = xlabs,
            col = rgb(255, 255, 255, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
            lty = 3 )
  box( col = '#5998ff', 
       lwd = 1.5 )
  ## ==============#
  ## Plot 2:
  ## ==============#
  par( mar = c(0, mar[2], 0, mar[4]) )
  plot( x    = obj$high, 
        col  = '#07000d', 
        axes = FALSE,
        ylim = limits,
        xlab = '',
        ylab = 'Stock price' )
  xaxp <- seq( par()$xaxp[1], par()$xaxp[2], length.out = par()$xaxp[3] + 1 )
  yaxp <- seq( par()$yaxp[1], par()$yaxp[2], length.out = par()$yaxp[3] + 1 )
  if( length(labs) <= 10 ) {
    segments( x0  = xlabs, 
              y0  = par()$usr[3], 
              x1  = xlabs, 
              y1  = par()$usr[4],
              col = rgb(255, 255, 255, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
              lty = 3 )
  } else {
    segments( x0  = xaxp, 
              y0  = par()$usr[3], 
              x1  = xaxp, 
              y1  = par()$usr[4],
              col = rgb(255, 255, 255, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
              lty = 3 )
  segments( x0  = par()$usr[1], 
            y0  = yaxp, 
            x1  = par()$usr[2], 
            y1  = yaxp,
            col = rgb(255, 255, 255, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
            lty = 3 )
  ## ---------#
  ## Volume:
  ## ---------#
  vol <- obj$volume * diff(limits) / 4 / max(obj$volume)
  polygon( x      = c(1:length(obj$volume), length(obj$volume):1),
           y      = c(vol, rep(0, length(obj$volume))) - (min(vol) - par()$usr[3]),
           col    = rgb(0, 255, 232, 100, maxColorValue = 255),
           border = rgb(0, 255, 232, 150, maxColorValue = 255) )
  # small segments for every new unit:
  segments( x0 = xlabs,
            y0 = limits[2] - 0.02 * diff(limits),
            x1 = xlabs,
            y1 = limits[2] + 0.04 * diff(limits),
            col = 'white' )
  text( x      = 1,
        y      = max(vol[1:4]) - (min(vol) - par()$usr[3]),
        labels = 'Volume',
        col    = rgb(0, 255, 232, 255, maxColorValue = 255),
        xpd    = TRUE,
        adj    = c(0, 0) )
  ## ---------------#
  ## Candlesticks:
  ## ---------------#
  for( i in 1:length(obj$high) ) {
    if( obj$open[i] > obj$close[i] ) {
      rect( xleft   = i - candlewidth * 0.4,
            xright  = i + candlewidth * 0.4,
            ybottom = obj$open[i],
            ytop    = obj$close[i],
            col     = rgb(coldown[1], coldown[2], coldown[3], 125, maxColorValue = 255),
            border  = rgb(coldown[1], coldown[2], coldown[3], 255, maxColorValue = 255) )
      segments( x0  = i,
                x1  = i,
                y0  = obj$high[i],
                y1  = obj$open[i],
                col = rgb(coldown[1], coldown[2], coldown[3], 255, maxColorValue = 255) )
      segments( x0  = i,
                x1  = i,
                y0  = obj$low[i],
                y1  = obj$close[i],
                col = rgb(coldown[1], coldown[2], coldown[3], 255, maxColorValue = 255) )
    } else {
      rect( xleft   = i - candlewidth * 0.4,
            xright  = i + candlewidth * 0.4,
            ybottom = obj$open[i],
            ytop    = obj$close[i],
            col     = rgb(colup[1], colup[2], colup[3], 125, maxColorValue = 255),
            border  = rgb(colup[1], colup[2], colup[3], 255, maxColorValue = 255) )
      segments( x0  = i,
                x1  = i,
                y0  = obj$high[i],
                y1  = obj$close[i],
                col = rgb(colup[1], colup[2], colup[3], 255, maxColorValue = 255) ) 
      segments( x0  = i,
                x1  = i,
                y0  = obj$low[i],
                y1  = obj$open[i],
                col = rgb(colup[1], colup[2], colup[3], 255, maxColorValue = 255) ) 
  ## ----------------------#
  ## Moving Averages:
  ## ----------------------#
  if( MA ) {
    class(MA1) <- 'numeric'
    class(MA2) <- 'numeric'
    idx_ma1 <- which( is.na(MA1) )
    idx_ma2 <- which( is.na(MA2) )
    MA1 <- c( MA1[idx_ma1], MA1[-idx_ma1])
    MA2 <- c( MA2[idx_ma2], MA2[-idx_ma2])
    points( x    = MA1,
            type = 'l',
            col  = rgb(225, 237, 249, 180, maxColorValue = 255),
            lwd  = 2 )
    points( x    = MA2,
            type = 'l',
            col  = rgb(78, 230, 253, 180, maxColorValue = 255),
            lwd  = 2 )
    if( legend ) {
      xlegend <- seq( from       = 1, 
                      to         = length(obj$high), 
                      length.out = 4 )
      xlegend <- floor( xlegend )
      if( mean( limits[2] - obj$high[xlegend[1:2]] ) < mean( limits[2] - obj$high[xlegend[2:3]] ) ) {
        if( mean( limits[2] - obj$high[xlegend[2:3]]) < mean( limits[2] - obj$high[xlegend[3:4]] ) ) {
          xlegend <- length(obj$high)
          xadj    <- 1
        } else {
          xlegend <-  mean( seq( along = obj$high ) )
          xadj    <- 0.5
      } else {
        if( mean( limits[2] - obj$high[xlegend[1:2]]) < mean( limits[2] - obj$high[xlegend[3:4]] ) ) {
          xlegend <- length(obj$high)
          xadj    <- 1
        } else {
          xlegend <- xaxp[1]
          xadj    <- 0
      legend( x        = xlegend,
              y        = yaxp[length(yaxp)] - 0.00 * diff(yaxp[c(1, length(yaxp))]),
              legend   = paste0(c(ma1, ma2), ' MA'),
              box.col  = NA,
              lty      = 1,
              col      = c( rgb(225, 237, 249, 255, maxColorValue = 255),
                            rgb( 78, 230, 253, 255, maxColorValue = 255) ),
              bg       = rgb(255, 255, 255, 100, maxColorValue = 255),
              text.col =  'white',
              ncol  = 2,
              xjust = xadj
  axis( side   = 2,
        at     = yaxp,
        labels = yaxp )
  box( col = '#5998ff', 
       lwd = 1.5 )
  ## ==============#
  ## Plot 3:
  ## ==============#
  par( mar = c(rep(mar[2], 2), 0, mar[4]))
  ## ---------#
  ## MACD:
  ## ---------#
  nslow <- macdslow
  nfast <- macdfast
  nema  <- macdsignal
  macd  <- MACD( x    = obj$close,
                 slow = nslow,
                 fast = nfast )
  ema9 <- as.numeric( expMA( x     = macd$MACD,
                             order = nema ) )
  hist   <- macd$MACD - ema9
  limits <- c( min(c(macd$MACD, ema9, hist), na.rm = TRUE), 
               max(c(macd$MACD, ema9, hist), na.rm = TRUE) )
  if( !legend ) {
    plot( x    = macd$MACD,
          col  = '#07000d', 
          axes = FALSE,
          xlab = '',
          ylab = '',
          ylim = limits + c(-0.1 * diff(limits), 0.3 * diff(limits)) )
  } else {
    plot( x    = macd$MACD,
          col  = '#07000d', 
          axes = FALSE,
          xlab = '',
          ylab = '',
          ylim = limits + c(-0.8 * diff(limits), 0.3 * diff(limits)) )
  if( length(labs) <= 10 ) {
    segments( x0  = xlabs, 
              y0  = par()$usr[3], 
              x1  = xlabs, 
              y1  = par()$usr[4],
              col = rgb(255, 255, 255, 100, maxColorValue = 255),
              lty = 3 )
  } else {
    segments( x0  = xaxp, 
              y0  = par()$usr[3], 
              x1  = xaxp, 
              y1  = par()$usr[4],
              col = rgb(255, 255, 255, 100, maxColorValue = 255),
              lty = 3 )
  polygon( x      = c( which(!is.na(hist)), 
                       decrease(which(!is.na(hist))) ),
           y      = c(na.omit(hist), rep(0, length(na.omit(hist)))),
           col    = rgb(0, 255, 232, 100, maxColorValue = 255),
           border = rgb(0, 255, 232, 150, maxColorValue = 255) )
  if( length(labs) <= length(xaxp) ) {
    axis( side   = 1,
          at     = xlabs,
          labels = labs )
  } else {
    axis( side   = 1,
          at     = xaxp,
          labels = obj$Date[xaxp + 1] )
  yaxp  <- seq( par()$yaxp[1], par()$yaxp[2], length.out = par()$yaxp[3] + 1 )
  yaxp[which(min(abs(yaxp)) == abs(yaxp))] <- 0
  yaxp1 <- yaxp
  yaxp  <- yaxp[ yaxp >= limits[1] ]
  abline( h   = yaxp,
          col = rgb(0, 255, 232, 50, maxColorValue = 255),
          lty = 2 )
  abline( h   = 0,
          col = rgb(0, 255, 232, 255, maxColorValue = 255) )
  axis( side     = 2,
        at       = yaxp,
        labels   = yaxp,
        cex.axis = 0.9 )
  if( legend ) {
    legend( x        = xlabs[1],
            y        = limits[1] + 0.1 * diff(limits),
            legend   = c( paste0('MACD ', nfast, ', ', nslow, ', ', nema),
                          paste0('signal line (ema', nema, ' of MACD)'),
                          paste0('historgram line (MACD - signal)') ),
            box.col  = NA,
            lty      = 1,
            col      = c( rgb( 78, 230, 253, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
                          rgb(226, 237, 249, 150, maxColorValue = 255),
                          rgb(  0, 255, 232, 255, maxColorValue = 255) ),
            bg       = rgb(255, 255, 255, 0, maxColorValue = 255),
            text.col =  'white',
            ncol     = 3,
            yjust    = 1,
            xpd      = TRUE
  lines( x   = macd$MACD, 
         lwd = 1.5,
         col = rgb(78, 230, 253, 150, maxColorValue = 255) )
  lines( x   = ema9,
         lwd = 1.5,
         col = rgb(226, 237, 249, 150, maxColorValue = 255) )
  lines( x   = hist,
         lwd = 2,
         col = rgb(0, 255, 232, 255, maxColorValue = 255) )
  #   segments( x0  = xlabs,
  #             y0  = yaxp[length(yaxp)] + 0.4 * diff(limits),
  #             x1  = xlabs,
  #             y1  = yaxp[length(yaxp)] - 0.2 * diff(yaxp[c(1, yaxp[length(yaxp)])]),
  #             col = 'white' )
  box( col = '#5998ff', 
       lwd = 1.5 )
  par( mar = mar )
  par( par_default[-which(names(par_default) %in% c('cin' ,'cra', 'csi', 'cxy', 'din', 'page'))] )
schalkdaniel/StockSC documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:26 p.m.