
#' @title Methods for \code{\link{kmModel}} Objects
#' @description Methods for \code{\link{kmModel}} objects.
#' @param object,x [\code{\linkS4class{kmModel}}] \cr
#'    The fitted Kriging model.
#' @param weights [\code{numeric}] \cr
#'    A vector of observation weights.
#' @param \dots Further arguments.
#' @seealso \code{\link[DiceKriging]{coef,km-method}}, \code{\link[stats]{deviance}}, \code{\link[sandwich]{estfun}}, \code{\link[stats]{logLik}}, 
#' \code{\link[stats]{model.matrix}}, \code{\link[DiceKriging]{plot,km-method}}, \code{\link[DiceKriging]{show,km-method}},
#' \code{\link[stats]{residuals}}, \code{\link[party]{reweight}}, \code{\link[DiceKriging]{km}}.
# @rdname methods
# @name methods

#' @describeIn methods Coefficient values of a fitted \code{\linkS4class{km}} model, see \code{\link[DiceKriging]{coef,km-method}}.
# @importFrom stats coef
#' @method coef kmModel
#' @export

coef.kmModel <- function(object, ...) {

#' @describeIn methods The value of the deviance (log-likelihood times -2) extracted from \code{object}.
#' @importFrom stats deviance
#' @export

deviance.kmModel <- function (object, ...) {
	return(-2 * object$m@logLik)

#' @noRd
#' @export
## needed if error in fitting

'deviance.try-error' <- function(object, ...)

#' @describeIn methods The empirical estimating (or score) function, i.e., the derivatives of the log-likelihood with respect
#'        to the parameters, evaluated at the training data.
#' @importFrom sandwich estfun
#' @export

## model@T: C = t(T) %*% T
## model@z: z = inv(t(T))*(y - F*beta), de-correlated residuals
## model@M: M = inv(t(t))*F, de-correlated experimental matrix
## xx = backsolve(model@T, model@z): solves T*xx = z -> xx = inv(T)*z = inv(T)*inv(t(T))*(y-F*beta) = inv(C)*(y-F*beta)

estfun.kmModel <- function(x, ...) {
	model <- x$m
print(coef(model), digits = 15)	
	if (identical(model@method, "PMLE")) {
		stop("penlized MLE currently not implemented")

	#### trend parameters
	if (model@known.param %in% c("None", "CovAndVar")) { ## possible values are "None", "All", "CovAndVar" and "Trend"
		trend.derivative <- model@M * model@z
		colnames(trend.derivative) <- colnames(model@F)
	} else
		trend.derivative <- NULL

	#### covariance parameters
	if (model@known.param %in% c("None", "Trend")) {
		if (identical(model@case, "LLconcentration_beta_sigma2")) {		## noise-free obs, no nugget effect
			## sigma^2
			sd2.derivative <- matrix(- 0.5/(model@covariance@sd2) * (1 - model@z^2))
			colnames(sd2.derivative) <- "sd2"
			## theta, p
			nparam <- model@covariance@param.n			## number of covariance parameters
			T <- model@T/sqrt(model@covariance@sd2)		## Cholesky dec. of R
			Tinv <- backsolve(T, diag(nrow(T)))			## inverse of T
			sd2 <- model@covariance@sd2
			model@covariance@sd2 <- 1
			aux <- covMatrix(model@covariance, model@X)
			R <- aux$C									## correlation matrix since model@covariance@sd2 = 1
			rangeShape.derivative <- matrix(0, model@n, nparam)
			colnames(rangeShape.derivative) <- c(paste(model@covariance@range.names, seq_along(model@covariance@range.val), sep = ""), paste(model@covariance@shape.names, seq_along(model@covariance@shape.val), sep = ""))
			for (k in 1:nparam) {
				gradR.k <- covMatrixDerivative(model@covariance, 
					X = model@X, C0 = R, k = k)
				eigenGradR.k <- eigen(gradR.k, symmetric = TRUE)
					## gradR.k = eigenGradR.k$vectors %*% diag(eigenGradR.k$values) %*% t(eigenGradR.k$vectors)
				tUinvT <- t(eigenGradR.k$vectors) %*% Tinv
				rangeShape.derivative[,k] <- 0.5 * eigenGradR.k$values * (tUinvT %*% model@z)^2 - 0.5 * colSums(eigenGradR.k$values * tUinvT^2)
	    	cov.derivative <- cbind(sd2.derivative, rangeShape.derivative)
    	else if (identical(model@case, "LLconcentration_beta")) {		## noise, noise variances known
			aux <- covMatrix(model@covariance, model@X, noise.var = model@noise.var)
			## C = model@covariance@sd2 * R + diag(model@noise.var)
			## <-> R = (C - diag(model@noise.var))/model@covariance@sd2
			## aux$C = C
			## aux$vn = model@noise.var
			C <- aux$C											## C: covariance matrix including noise 
			R <- (aux$C - diag(aux$vn))/model@covariance@sd2	## R: correlation matrix without noise
			## checks: all(diag(R) == 1); all.equal(t(model@T) %*% model@T, C)
			## sigma^2
			T <- chol(R)
			xx <- backsolve(model@T, model@z)
			modelTinv <- backsolve(model@T, diag(nrow(model@T)))
			sd2.derivative <- 0.5 * matrix(-(t(T) %*% xx)^2 - 0.5 * colSums((modelTinv %*% T)^2))
			colnames(sd2.derivative) <- "sd2"			
	    	## theta, p
			nparam <- model@covariance@param.n					## number of covariance parameters
			rangeShape.derivative <- matrix(0, model@n, nparam)
			colnames(rangeShape.derivative) <- c(paste(model@covariance@range.names, seq_along(model@covariance@range.val), sep = ""), paste(model@covariance@shape.names, seq_along(model@covariance@shape.val), sep = ""))
	        for (k in 1:nparam) {
            	gradC.k <- covMatrixDerivative(model@covariance, 
                	X = model@X, C0 = aux$C - diag(aux$vn), k = k)
				eigenGradC.k <- eigen(gradC.k, symmetric = TRUE)
				tUinvT <- t(eigenGradC.k$vectors) %*% modelTinv
				rangeShape.derivative[,k] <- 0.5 * eigenGradC.k$values * (t(eigenGradC.k$vectors) %*% xx)^2 - 0.5 * colSums(eigenGradC.k$values * tUinvT^2)
			cov.derivative <- cbind(sd2.derivative, rangeShape.derivative)
    	else if (identical(model@case, "LLconcentration_beta_v_alpha")) {	## nugget effect
			## v
			v <- model@covariance@sd2 + model@covariance@nugget
			alpha <- model@covariance@sd2/v
			v.derivative <- matrix(-1/(2*v) * (1 - model@z^2))
			colnames(v.derivative) <- "v"
			## alpha
			xx <- backsolve(model@T, model@z)
			## C = model@covariance@sd2 * R + diag(model@covariance@nugget)
			model@covariance@sd2 <- 1
			## -> aux$C = R + diag(model@covariance@nugget)
			model@covariance@nugget <- 0
			## -> aux$C = R
			aux <- covMatrix(model@covariance, model@X)
			R <- aux$C							## correlation matix without nugget effect
			T <- chol(R)						## Cholesky decomposition of R
			modelTinv <- backsolve(model@T, diag(nrow(model@T)))
			TmodelTinv <- T %*% modelTinv
			alpha.derivative <- -0.5 * matrix(- v * (T %*% xx)^2 + v * xx^2 + v * colSums(TmodelTinv^2) - v * colSums(modelTinv^2))
			colnames(alpha.derivative) <- "alpha"
			## theta, p
			nparam <- model@covariance@param.n				## number of covariance parameters
			rangeShape.derivative <- matrix(0, model@n, nparam)
			colnames(rangeShape.derivative) <- c(paste(model@covariance@range.names, seq_along(model@covariance@range.val), sep = ""), paste(model@covariance@shape.names, seq_along(model@covariance@shape.val), sep = ""))
			for (k in 1:nparam) {
				gradC.k <- covMatrixDerivative(model@covariance, 
					X = model@X, C0 = R, k = k)
				gradC.k <- alpha * gradC.k
				eigenGradC.k <- eigen(gradC.k, symmetric = TRUE)
				rangeShape.derivative[,k] <- 0.5 * v * eigenGradC.k$values * (t(eigenGradC.k$vectors) %*% xx)^2 - 0.5 * v * colSums(eigenGradC.k$values * (t(eigenGradC.k$vectors) %*% modelTinv)^2)
			cov.derivative <- cbind(v.derivative, rangeShape.derivative, alpha.derivative)
    deriv <- cbind(trend.derivative, cov.derivative)
print(apply(deriv, 2, sd))
    derivative <- matrix(0, length(x$weights), ncol(deriv))
    colnames(derivative) <- colnames(deriv)
    derivative[x$weights > 0,] <- deriv

#' @describeIn methods Value of the concentrated log-likelihood at its optimum.
#' @importFrom stats logLik
#' @method logLik kmModel
#' @export

logLik.kmModel <- function(object, ...) {

#' @describeIn methods See \code{\link[stats]{model.matrix}}.
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @export

model.matrix.kmModel <- function (object, ...) {

#' @describeIn methods Diagnostic plots, see \code{\link[DiceKriging]{plot,km-method}}.
# @importFrom graphics plot
#' @method plot kmModel
#' @export

plot.kmModel <- function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn methods The main features of the fitted Kriging model. See \code{\link[DiceKriging]{show,km-method}}.
#' @export

print.kmModel <- function(x, ...) {

#' @describeIn methods The de-correlated residuals. Extractor function for slot \code{z} of \code{\linkS4class{km}}.
#' @importFrom stats residuals
#' @export

residuals.kmModel <- function(object, ...) {
	res <- list(decorrelated = object$m@z, original = as.vector(t(object$m@T) %*% object$m@z))

#' @describeIn methods The re-weighted fitted \code{\linkS4class{kmModel}} object.
#' @importFrom party reweight
#' @export

reweight.kmModel <- function (object, weights, ...) {
	fit <- kmModel@fit
	try(do.call("fit", c(list(object = object$ModelEnv, weights = weights), object$addargs)))

# weights
# summary
schiffner/mobKriging documentation built on May 29, 2019, 3:39 p.m.