
Defines functions abif_fasta

Documented in abif_fasta

#' abif_fasta.R
#' Function to read Applied Biosystem Inc. Format (Ab1, ABIF) files and put
#' into one FASTA files for easy blasting on NCBI
#' @param folder name of folder to where ab1 files are kept; need full path;
#'     if path uses backslashes, must use double backslashes (\\) instead;
#'     must be in quotes.
#' @param exclude = name of files that you wish to exclude from fasta file;
#'     must be in quotes, extention required, must be in a vector;
#'     example: \code{c('file1.ab1','file2.ab1')}
#' @param trim logical, default TRUE; do you want to trim N's from beginning
#'     and end? trim determined by evaluating each nucleotide in the sequence
#'     to see if it it is an N or not. It will then look for when the number of
#'     non-N nucleotides is twice the number of Ns (meaning we are well into our
#'     gene sequence) and the trim to be the most recent N found. Both beginning
#'     and ends of the sequence are trimmed this way.
#' @param trim.check logical; default FALSE; print sequence before and after
#'     trim to manually check the trim
#' @param export.check logical, default TRUE; export sequences before and after
#'     trimming for convenience when examining trim job; exports as
#'     \code{output_check.csv}
#' @param show.prog logical, default TRUE; Reports a message on what file is
#'     currently being converted
#' @param ouput default is 'V3-V6seq.FASTA'; name of output file;
#'     fasta extension required; will be a FASTA file;
#'     will save in location of folder provided;
#'     can set to FALSE if no output desired
#' @return a fasta file of trimmed sequences
#' @importFrom seqinr read.abif write.fasta
#' @import stringr
#' @export
abif_fasta <- function(folder=NULL, exclude=NULL,
                       trim=TRUE, trim.check=FALSE,
                       export.check=TRUE, show.prog=TRUE, output='V3-V6seq.FASTA') {

  # Reading files--------------------------------------------------------------------
  #make sure folder defined
  if(is.null(folder)) stop('Name of folder not supplied. Please check the execution script preamble to make sure it is entered correctly', call.=FALSE)

  #making sure folder path is in correct syntax
  path <- str_replace_all(folder, '\\\\', '/')

  #getting abif files
  fname <- list.files(path)

  pattern <- 'ab1'
  abif_files <- str_subset(fname, pattern)

  #excluding specified files
  if(!is.null(exclude)) {

    # first check if files specified in exclude are in abif_files
    if(any(!exclude %in% abif_files)) {
      absent <- exclude[!exclude %in% abif_files]

      msg <- sprintf('%s could not be excluded because they were not found in your input folder. Only files in the input folder can be excluded.',
                     str_c(absent, collapse=', '))
      stop(msg, call.=FALSE)
      abif_files <- abif_files[!abif_files %in% exclude]
      msg <- sprintf('%s have been excluded from your fasta file.',
                     str_c(exclude, collapse=', '))

  #reading abif files----------------------------------------------------------------
  #initializing objects
  dseq <- list()
  checkseq <- c()

  #going through one file at a time
  for(i in 1:length(abif_files)){

    fpath <- file.path(path, abif_files[i])
    abif <- read.abif(fpath)
    rawseq <- as.character(abif$Data['PBAS.1'])

      #print a message to mark progress
      msg <- sprintf('Converting file "%s"', abif_files[i])

    #trimming Ns at beginning and end of sequence

      # obtaining position of beginning trim
      Ns <- 0
      nt <- 0
      ind_beg <- NULL

      # set recentN to first N in raw seq
      firstN <- str_locate_all(rawseq, 'N')
      firstN <- as.data.frame(firstN)
      firstN <- min(firstN$end)

      recentN <- firstN

      for(m in 1:nchar(rawseq)) {
        # evaluate each nt, starting at beginning (if is N or not N)
        curr <- str_sub(rawseq, m, m)

        # stop when number of non-Ns exceed number of Ns
        if(curr == 'N') {
          Ns <- Ns + 1
          recentN <- m
        else {
          nt <- nt + 1

        # trim at the last N encountered
        if (nt > (Ns*2)) {
          ind_beg <- recentN + 1

          if(m < nchar(rawseq)-2) break

      # obtaining position of end trim
      Ns <- 0
      nt <- 0
      ind_end <- NULL

      # set recentN to the last N in rawseq
      lastN <- str_locate_all(rawseq, 'N')
      lastN <- as.data.frame(lastN)
      lastN <- max(lastN$end)

      recentN <- lastN

      for(m in nchar(rawseq):1) {
        # evaluate each nt, starting from the end (if is N or not N)
        curr <- str_sub(rawseq, m, m)

        # stop when number of non-Ns exceed number of Ns
        if(curr == 'N') {
          Ns <- Ns + 1
          recentN <- m
        else {
          nt <- nt + 1

        # trim at the last N encountered
        if(nt > (Ns*2)) {
          ind_end <- recentN-1

          if(m < nchar(rawseq)-2) break


      # trimming sequence------------------------------------------------------------
      nttrim <- str_sub(rawseq, ind_beg, ind_end)

      # trim quality checks and warnings---------------------------------------------
      # Checking if trim was excessive (indicates issue with sequence)
      # returns a warning
      trim_len <- nchar(nttrim)

      if(length(trim_len) == 0) {
        nttrim <- 'no sequence detected after trimming'

        msg <- sprintf('\nThe file "%s" has no remaining nucleotides after trimming.\n   Manual check of sequence is recommended!', abif_files[i])
        warning(msg, call.=FALSE)

      else if(trim_len < 200 & length(trim_len) != 0) {
        msg <- sprintf('The file "%s" has less than 200 nucleotides after trimming.\n   Manual check of sequence is recommended!', abif_files[i])
        warning(msg, call.=FALSE)
      # check if long string of Ns in sequence; return warning
      locateN <- unlist(str_locate_all(nttrim, 'N'))
      countN <- length(locateN)
      consec <- rle(diff(locateN))
      runN <- any(consec$lengths>=4 & consec$values==1)

      if(countN > 10 & runN == TRUE) {
        msg <- sprintf('The file "%s" has a string of Ns longer than 4 after the trim. Manual check of sequence is recommended.', abif_files[i])
        warning(msg, call.=FALSE)

      # Reporting trim check-----------------------------------------------------------
      # print sequence and trimmed sequence for trim.check
      if(trim.check==TRUE & show.prog==FALSE) {
        msg <- sprintf('File: "%s" \n', abif_files[i])
      if(trim.check==TRUE) {
        msg <- sprintf('Raw sequence:\n%s, \n\nTrimmed sequence:\n%s\n\n',
                       rawseq, nttrim)

      # building trim check for export-------------------------------------------------
        entry <- data.frame(file=abif_files[i], seq_state=c('raw','trimmed'),
                            sequence=c(rawseq, nttrim))

        checkseq <- rbind(checkseq, entry)

      ntseq <- nttrim

      ntseq <- rawseq

      if(trim.check==TRUE) {
        message('Trim feature not in use. Set trim=TRUE to enable this feature')}
      if(export.check==TRUE) {
        message('Trim feature not in use. Set trim=TRUE to enable this feature')}

    #putting all sequences into one object (as a list)
    dseq[[i]] <- ntseq

  } # end of file loop

  #building output file--------------------------------------------------------------
  fname_out <- file.path(path, output)

  if(export.check == TRUE & output != FALSE) {
    fexport <- str_extract(output, '.*(?=\\.)')
    fexport <- paste0(fexport, '_check.csv')
    fexport <- file.path(path, fexport)
    write.csv(file=fexport, checkseq, row.names = FALSE)

  if(export.check==TRUE & output == FALSE) {
    write.csv(file=file.path(path, 'V3-V6seq_check.csv'), checkseq,
              row.names = FALSE)

  #export as one FASTA file
  if(output != FALSE) {
    write.fasta(sequences=dseq, names=abif_files, as.string=TRUE, nbchar = 1000,

schyen/isolationWorkflow documentation built on May 24, 2019, 2:03 a.m.