
Defines functions .sibylKMplot lines.survfit points.survfit

# Shameless copy of the original plot.survfit funciton from Terry Therneau with
# one modification to reproduce the behaviour of SAS in plotting censored event(s)
# event when they co-occur with real event(s)
# Change that: (x$n.event[who] ==0 & x$n.censor[who] >0) # censoring ties 
# to that:     (x$n.event[who] ==0 | x$n.censor[who] >0) #NOT censoring ties

.sibylKMplot <- function(x, conf.int,  mark.time=FALSE,
                        mark=3, col=1,lty=1, lwd=1, 
                        cex=1, log=FALSE,
                        xscale=1, yscale=1, 
                        firstx=0, firsty=1,
                        xmax, ymin=0,
                        fun, xlab="", ylab="", xaxs='S', 
                        conf.times, conf.cap=.005, conf.offset=.012, ...) {

    dotnames <- names(list(...))
    if (any(dotnames=='type'))
        stop("The graphical argument 'type' is not allowed")
    if (missing(mark.time) & !missing(mark)) mark.time <- TRUE
    if (inherits(x, "survfitms")) {
        x$surv <- 1- x$pstate
        if (is.matrix(x$surv)) {
            dimnames(x$surv) <- list(NULL, x$states)
            if (ncol(x$surv) > 1 && any(x$states == '')) {
                x$surv <- x$surv[, x$states != '']
                if (is.matrix(x$p0)) x$p0 <- x$p0[, x$states != '']
                else x$p0 <- x$p0[x$states != '']

        if (!is.null(x$lower)) {
            x$lower <- 1- x$lower
            x$upper <- 1- x$upper
        if (missing(fun)) fun <- "event"
    if (missing(firsty) && !is.null(x$p0)) firsty <- 1-x$p0
    if (is.logical(log)) {
        ylog <- log
        xlog <- FALSE
        if (ylog) logax <- 'y'
        else      logax <- ""
    else {
        ylog <- (log=='y' || log=='xy')
        xlog <- (log=='x' || log=='xy')
        logax  <- log

    if (!missing(fun)) {
        if (is.character(fun)) {
            if (fun=='log'|| fun=='logpct') ylog <- TRUE
            if (fun=='cloglog') {
                xlog <- TRUE
                if (ylog) logax <- 'xy'
                else logax <- 'x'
    # The special x axis style only applies when firstx is not given
    if (missing(xaxs) && (firstx!=0 || !missing(fun) ||
                          (missing(fun) && inherits(x, "survfitms"))))
        xaxs <- par("xaxs")  #use the default
    ssurv <- as.matrix(x$surv)
    stime <- x$time
    if( !is.null(x$upper)) {
        supper <- as.matrix(x$upper)
        slower <- as.matrix(x$lower)
    else {
        conf.int <- FALSE
        supper <- NULL  #marker for later code

    # set up strata
    if (is.null(x$strata)) {
        nstrat <- 1
        stemp <- rep(1, length(x$time)) # same length as stime
    else {
        nstrat <- length(x$strata)
        stemp <- rep(1:nstrat, x$strata) # same length as stime
    ncurve <- nstrat * ncol(ssurv)
    firsty <- matrix(firsty, nrow=nstrat, ncol=ncol(ssurv))
    if (!missing(xmax) && any(x$time>xmax)) {
        # prune back the survival curves
        # I need to replace x's over the limit with xmax, and y's over the
        #  limit with either the prior y value  or firsty
        keepx <- keepy <- NULL  # lines to keep
        tempn <- table(stemp)
        offset <- cumsum(c(0, tempn))
        for (i in 1:nstrat) {
            ttime <-stime[stemp==i]
            if (all(ttime <= xmax)) {
                keepx <- c(keepx, 1:tempn[i] + offset[i])
                keepy <- c(keepy, 1:tempn[i] + offset[i])
            else {
                bad <- min((1:tempn[i])[ttime>xmax])
                if (bad==1)  {  #lost them all
                    if (!is.na(firstx)) { # and we are plotting lines
                        keepy <- c(keepy, 1+offset[i])
                        ssurv[1+offset[i],] <- firsty[i,]
                else  keepy<- c(keepy, c(1:(bad-1), bad-1) + offset[i])
                keepx <- c(keepx, (1:bad)+offset[i])
                stime[bad+offset[i]] <- xmax
                x$n.event[bad+offset[i]] <- 1   #don't plot a tick mark

        # ok, now actually prune it
        stime <- stime[keepx]
        stemp <- stemp[keepx]
        x$n.event <- x$n.event[keepx]
        if (!is.null(x$n.censor)) x$n.censor <- x$n.censor[keepx]
        ssurv <- ssurv[keepy,,drop=FALSE]
        if (!is.null(supper)) {
            supper <- supper[keepy,,drop=FALSE]
            slower <- slower[keepy,,drop=FALSE]
    #stime <- stime/xscale  #scaling is deferred until xmax processing is done

    if (!missing(fun)) {
        if (is.character(fun)) {
            tfun <- switch(fun,
                           'log' = function(x) x,
                           'event'=function(x) 1-x,
                           'cumhaz'=function(x) -log(x),
                           'cloglog'=function(x) log(-log(x)),
                           'pct' = function(x) x*100,
                           'logpct'= function(x) 100*x,  #special case further below
                       'identity'= function(x) x,
                           stop("Unrecognized function argument")
        else if (is.function(fun)) tfun <- fun
        else stop("Invalid 'fun' argument")
        ssurv <- tfun(ssurv )
        if (!is.null(supper)) {
            supper <- tfun(supper)
            slower <- tfun(slower)
        firsty <- tfun(firsty)
    if (missing(firstx)) {
        if (!is.null(x$start.time)) 
            firstx <- x$start.time
        else {
            if (xlog) firstx <- min(stime[stime>0])
            else      firstx <- min(0, stime)

    # The default for plot and lines is to add confidence limits
    #  if there is only one curve
    if (missing(conf.int) && missing(conf.times))  conf.int <- (ncurve==1)
    if (missing(conf.times)) conf.times <- NULL   
    else {
        if (!is.numeric(conf.times)) stop('conf.times must be numeric')
        if (missing(conf.int)) conf.int <- TRUE

    if (is.logical(conf.int)) plot.surv <- TRUE
    else {
        temp <- match.arg(conf.int, c("both", "only", "none"))
        if (is.na(temp)) stop("invalid value for conf.int")
        if (temp=="none") conf.int <- FALSE  else conf.int <- TRUE
        if (temp=="only") plot.surv <- FALSE  else plot.surv <- TRUE
    # Marks are not placed on confidence bands
    mark <- rep(mark, length.out=ncurve)
    mcol <- rep(col,  length.out=ncurve)
    if (is.numeric(mark.time)) mark.time <- sort(mark.time)

    # The actual number of curves is ncurve*3 if there are confidence bands,
    #  unless conf.times has been given.  Colors and line types in the latter
    #  match the curves
    # If the number of line types is 1 and lty is an integer, then use lty 
    #    for the curve and lty+1 for the CI
    # If the length(lty) <= length(ncurve), use the same color for curve and CI
    #   otherwise assume the user knows what they are about and has given a full
    #   vector of line types.
    # Colors and line widths work like line types, excluding the +1 rule.
    if (conf.int & is.null(conf.times)) {
        if (length(lty)==1 && is.numeric(lty))
            lty <- rep(c(lty, lty+1, lty+1), ncurve)
        else if (length(lty) <= ncurve)
            lty <- rep(rep(lty, each=3), length.out=(ncurve*3))
        else lty <- rep(lty, length.out= ncurve*3)
        if (length(col) <= ncurve) col <- rep(rep(col, each=3), length.out=3*ncurve)
        else col <- rep(col, length.out=3*ncurve)
        if (length(lwd) <= ncurve) lwd <- rep(rep(lwd, each=3), length.out=3*ncurve)
        else lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out=3*ncurve)
    else {
        col  <- rep(col, length.out=ncurve)
        lty  <- rep(lty, length.out=ncurve)
        lwd  <- rep(lwd, length.out=ncurve)
    #axis setting parmaters that depend on the fun argument
    if (!missing(fun)) {
        ymin <- tfun(ymin)  #lines routine doesn't have it

    # Do axis range computations
    if (xaxs=='S') {
        #special x- axis style for survival curves
        xaxs <- 'i'  #what S thinks
        tempx <- max(stime) * 1.04
    else tempx <- max(stime)
    tempx <- c(firstx, tempx, firstx)

    if (ylog) {
        tempy <-  range(ssurv[is.finite(ssurv)& ssurv>0])
        if (tempy[2]==1) tempy[2] <- .99
        if (any(ssurv==0)) {
            tempy[1] <- tempy[1]*.8
            ssurv[ssurv==0] <- tempy[1]
            if (!is.null(supper)) {
                supper[supper==0] <- tempy[1]
                slower[slower==0] <- tempy[1]
        tempy <- c(tempy, firsty)
    else tempy <- range(ssurv, firsty, finite=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)
    if (missing(fun)) {
        tempx <- c(tempx, firstx)
        if (!ylog) tempy <- c(tempy, ymin)

    # Draw the basic box
    plot(range(tempx, finite=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)/xscale, 
         range(tempy, finite=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE)*yscale, 
         type='n', log=logax, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xaxs=xaxs,...)

    if(yscale != 1) {
        if (ylog) par(usr =par("usr") -c(0, 0, log10(yscale), log10(yscale))) 
        else par(usr =par("usr")/c(1, 1, yscale, yscale))   
    if (xscale !=1) {
        if (xlog) par(usr =par("usr") -c(log10(xscale), log10(xscale), 0,0)) 
        else par(usr =par("usr")*c(xscale, xscale, 1, 1))   
    # Create a step function, removing redundancies that sometimes occur in
    #  curves with lots of censoring.
    dostep <- function(x,y) {
        keep <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y) 
        if (!any(keep)) return()  #all points were infinite or NA
        if (!all(keep)) {
            # these won't plot anyway, so simplify (CI values are often NA)
            x <- x[keep]
            y <- y[keep]
        n <- length(x)
        if (n==1)       list(x=x, y=y)
        else if (n==2)  list(x=x[c(1,2,2)], y=y[c(1,1,2)])
        else {
            # replace verbose horizonal sequences like
            # (1, .2), (1.4, .2), (1.8, .2), (2.3, .2), (2.9, .2), (3, .1)
            # with (1, .2), (.3, .2),(3, .1).  
            #  They are slow, and can smear the looks of the line type.
            temp <- rle(y)$lengths
            drops <- 1 + cumsum(temp[-length(temp)])  # points where the curve drops

            #create a step function
            if (n %in% drops) {  #the last point is a drop
                xrep <- c(x[1], rep(x[drops], each=2))
                yrep <- rep(y[c(1,drops)], c(rep(2, length(drops)), 1))
            else {
                xrep <- c(x[1], rep(x[drops], each=2), x[n])
                yrep <- c(rep(y[c(1,drops)], each=2))
            list(x=xrep, y=yrep)

    drawmark <- function(x, y, mark.time, censor, cex, ...) {
        if (!is.numeric(mark.time)) {
            xx <- x[censor]
            yy <- y[censor]
        else { #interpolate
            xx <- mark.time
            yy <- approx(x, y, xx, method="constant", f=0)$y
        points(xx, yy, cex=cex, ...)
    plot.surv <- TRUE
    type <- 's'
    c1 <- 1  # keeps track of the curve number
    c2 <- 1  # keeps track of the lty, col, etc
    xend <- yend <- double(ncurve)
    if (length(conf.offset) ==1) 
        temp.offset <- (1:ncurve - (ncurve-1)/2)* conf.offset* diff(par("usr")[1:2])
    else temp.offset <- rep(conf.offset, length=ncurve) *  diff(par("usr")[1:2])
    temp.cap    <-  conf.cap    * diff(par("usr")[1:2])

    for (j in 1:ncol(ssurv)) {
        for (i in unique(stemp)) {  #for each strata
            who <- which(stemp==i)
            censor <- if (is.null(x$n.censor))
                (x$n.event[who] ==0)  else 
                (x$n.event[who] ==0 & x$n.censor[who] >0) #censoring ties
            xx <- c(firstx, stime[who])
            censor <- c(FALSE, censor)  #no mark at firstx
            yy <- c(firsty[i,j], ssurv[who,j])
            if (plot.surv) {
                if (type=='s')
                    lines(dostep(xx, yy), lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2]) 
                else lines(xx, yy, type=type, lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2])
                if (is.numeric(mark.time) || mark.time) 
                    drawmark(xx, yy, mark.time, censor, pch=mark[c1], col=mcol[c1],
            xend[c1] <- max(xx)
            yend[c1] <- yy[length(yy)]

            if (conf.int && !is.null(conf.times)) {
                # add vertical bars at the specified times
                x2 <- conf.times + temp.offset[c1]
                templow <- approx(xx, c(firsty[i,j], slower[who,j]), x2,
                                  method='constant', f=1)$y
                temphigh<- approx(xx, c(firsty[i,j], supper[who,j]), x2,
                                  method='constant', f=1)$y
                segments(x2, templow, x2, temphigh,
                          lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2])
                if (conf.cap>0) {
                    segments(x2-temp.cap, templow, x2+temp.cap, templow,
                             lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2] )
                    segments(x2-temp.cap, temphigh, x2+temp.cap, temphigh,
                              lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2])
            c1 <- c1 +1
            c2 <- c2 +1

            if (conf.int && is.null(conf.times)) {
                if (type == 's') {
                    lines(dostep(xx, c(firsty[i,j], slower[who,j])), lty=lty[c2], 
                    c2 <- c2 +1
                    lines(dostep(xx, c(firsty[i,j], supper[who,j])), lty=lty[c2], 
                          col=col[c2], lwd= lwd[c2])
                    c2 <- c2 + 1
                else {
                    lines(xx, c(firsty[i,j], slower[who,j]), lty=lty[c2], 
                          col=col[c2],lwd=lwd[c2], type=type) 
                    c2 <- c2 +1
                    lines(xx, c(firsty[i,j], supper[who,j]), lty=lty[c2], 
                          col=col[c2], lwd= lwd[c2], type= type)
                    c2 <- c2 + 1

    invisible(list(x=xend, y=yend))

lines.survfit <- function(x, type='s', 
                          mark=3, col=1, lty=1, lwd=1,
                          mark.time=FALSE, xscale=1, 
                          firstx=0, firsty=1, xmax,
                          fun,  conf.int=FALSE,  
                          conf.times, conf.cap=.005, conf.offset=.012, ...) {
    xlog <- par("xlog")
   if (missing(mark.time) & !missing(mark)) mark.time <- TRUE
    if (inherits(x, "survfitms")) {
        x$surv <- 1- x$pstate
        if (is.matrix(x$surv)) {
            dimnames(x$surv) <- list(NULL, x$states)
            if (ncol(x$surv) > 1 && any(x$states == '')) {
                x$surv <- x$surv[, x$states != '']
                if (is.matrix(x$p0)) x$p0 <- x$p0[, x$states != '']
                else x$p0 <- x$p0[x$states != '']

        if (!is.null(x$lower)) {
            x$lower <- 1- x$lower
            x$upper <- 1- x$upper
        if (missing(fun)) fun <- "event"
    if (missing(firsty) && !is.null(x$p0)) firsty <- 1-x$p0
    ssurv <- as.matrix(x$surv)
    stime <- x$time
    if( !is.null(x$upper)) {
        supper <- as.matrix(x$upper)
        slower <- as.matrix(x$lower)
    else {
        conf.int <- FALSE
        supper <- NULL  #marker for later code

    # set up strata
    if (is.null(x$strata)) {
        nstrat <- 1
        stemp <- rep(1, length(x$time)) # same length as stime
    else {
        nstrat <- length(x$strata)
        stemp <- rep(1:nstrat, x$strata) # same length as stime
    ncurve <- nstrat * ncol(ssurv)
    firsty <- matrix(firsty, nrow=nstrat, ncol=ncol(ssurv))
    if (!missing(xmax) && any(x$time>xmax)) {
        # prune back the survival curves
        # I need to replace x's over the limit with xmax, and y's over the
        #  limit with either the prior y value  or firsty
        keepx <- keepy <- NULL  # lines to keep
        tempn <- table(stemp)
        offset <- cumsum(c(0, tempn))
        for (i in 1:nstrat) {
            ttime <-stime[stemp==i]
            if (all(ttime <= xmax)) {
                keepx <- c(keepx, 1:tempn[i] + offset[i])
                keepy <- c(keepy, 1:tempn[i] + offset[i])
            else {
                bad <- min((1:tempn[i])[ttime>xmax])
                if (bad==1)  {  #lost them all
                    if (!is.na(firstx)) { # and we are plotting lines
                        keepy <- c(keepy, 1+offset[i])
                        ssurv[1+offset[i],] <- firsty[i,]
                else  keepy<- c(keepy, c(1:(bad-1), bad-1) + offset[i])
                keepx <- c(keepx, (1:bad)+offset[i])
                stime[bad+offset[i]] <- xmax
                x$n.event[bad+offset[i]] <- 1   #don't plot a tick mark

        # ok, now actually prune it
        stime <- stime[keepx]
        stemp <- stemp[keepx]
        x$n.event <- x$n.event[keepx]
        if (!is.null(x$n.censor)) x$n.censor <- x$n.censor[keepx]
        ssurv <- ssurv[keepy,,drop=FALSE]
        if (!is.null(supper)) {
            supper <- supper[keepy,,drop=FALSE]
            slower <- slower[keepy,,drop=FALSE]
    #stime <- stime/xscale  #scaling is deferred until xmax processing is done

    if (!missing(fun)) {
        if (is.character(fun)) {
            tfun <- switch(fun,
                           'log' = function(x) x,
                           'event'=function(x) 1-x,
                           'cumhaz'=function(x) -log(x),
                           'cloglog'=function(x) log(-log(x)),
                           'pct' = function(x) x*100,
                           'logpct'= function(x) 100*x,  #special case further below
                       'identity'= function(x) x,
                           stop("Unrecognized function argument")
        else if (is.function(fun)) tfun <- fun
        else stop("Invalid 'fun' argument")
        ssurv <- tfun(ssurv )
        if (!is.null(supper)) {
            supper <- tfun(supper)
            slower <- tfun(slower)
        firsty <- tfun(firsty)
    if (missing(firstx)) {
        if (!is.null(x$start.time)) 
            firstx <- x$start.time
        else {
            if (xlog) firstx <- min(stime[stime>0])
            else      firstx <- min(0, stime)

    # The default for plot and lines is to add confidence limits
    #  if there is only one curve
    if (missing(conf.int) && missing(conf.times))  conf.int <- (ncurve==1)
    if (missing(conf.times)) conf.times <- NULL   
    else {
        if (!is.numeric(conf.times)) stop('conf.times must be numeric')
        if (missing(conf.int)) conf.int <- TRUE

    if (is.logical(conf.int)) plot.surv <- TRUE
    else {
        temp <- match.arg(conf.int, c("both", "only", "none"))
        if (is.na(temp)) stop("invalid value for conf.int")
        if (temp=="none") conf.int <- FALSE  else conf.int <- TRUE
        if (temp=="only") plot.surv <- FALSE  else plot.surv <- TRUE
    # Marks are not placed on confidence bands
    mark <- rep(mark, length.out=ncurve)
    mcol <- rep(col,  length.out=ncurve)
    if (is.numeric(mark.time)) mark.time <- sort(mark.time)

    # The actual number of curves is ncurve*3 if there are confidence bands,
    #  unless conf.times has been given.  Colors and line types in the latter
    #  match the curves
    # If the number of line types is 1 and lty is an integer, then use lty 
    #    for the curve and lty+1 for the CI
    # If the length(lty) <= length(ncurve), use the same color for curve and CI
    #   otherwise assume the user knows what they are about and has given a full
    #   vector of line types.
    # Colors and line widths work like line types, excluding the +1 rule.
    if (conf.int & is.null(conf.times)) {
        if (length(lty)==1 && is.numeric(lty))
            lty <- rep(c(lty, lty+1, lty+1), ncurve)
        else if (length(lty) <= ncurve)
            lty <- rep(rep(lty, each=3), length.out=(ncurve*3))
        else lty <- rep(lty, length.out= ncurve*3)
        if (length(col) <= ncurve) col <- rep(rep(col, each=3), length.out=3*ncurve)
        else col <- rep(col, length.out=3*ncurve)
        if (length(lwd) <= ncurve) lwd <- rep(rep(lwd, each=3), length.out=3*ncurve)
        else lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out=3*ncurve)
    else {
        col  <- rep(col, length.out=ncurve)
        lty  <- rep(lty, length.out=ncurve)
        lwd  <- rep(lwd, length.out=ncurve)
    # Create a step function, removing redundancies that sometimes occur in
    #  curves with lots of censoring.
    dostep <- function(x,y) {
        keep <- is.finite(x) & is.finite(y) 
        if (!any(keep)) return()  #all points were infinite or NA
        if (!all(keep)) {
            # these won't plot anyway, so simplify (CI values are often NA)
            x <- x[keep]
            y <- y[keep]
        n <- length(x)
        if (n==1)       list(x=x, y=y)
        else if (n==2)  list(x=x[c(1,2,2)], y=y[c(1,1,2)])
        else {
            # replace verbose horizonal sequences like
            # (1, .2), (1.4, .2), (1.8, .2), (2.3, .2), (2.9, .2), (3, .1)
            # with (1, .2), (.3, .2),(3, .1).  
            #  They are slow, and can smear the looks of the line type.
            temp <- rle(y)$lengths
            drops <- 1 + cumsum(temp[-length(temp)])  # points where the curve drops

            #create a step function
            if (n %in% drops) {  #the last point is a drop
                xrep <- c(x[1], rep(x[drops], each=2))
                yrep <- rep(y[c(1,drops)], c(rep(2, length(drops)), 1))
            else {
                xrep <- c(x[1], rep(x[drops], each=2), x[n])
                yrep <- c(rep(y[c(1,drops)], each=2))
            list(x=xrep, y=yrep)

    drawmark <- function(x, y, mark.time, censor, cex, ...) {
        if (!is.numeric(mark.time)) {
            xx <- x[censor]
            yy <- y[censor]
        else { #interpolate
            xx <- mark.time
            yy <- approx(x, y, xx, method="constant", f=0)$y
        points(xx, yy, cex=cex, ...)
    c1 <- 1  # keeps track of the curve number
    c2 <- 1  # keeps track of the lty, col, etc
    xend <- yend <- double(ncurve)
    if (length(conf.offset) ==1) 
        temp.offset <- (1:ncurve - (ncurve-1)/2)* conf.offset* diff(par("usr")[1:2])
    else temp.offset <- rep(conf.offset, length=ncurve) *  diff(par("usr")[1:2])
    temp.cap    <-  conf.cap    * diff(par("usr")[1:2])

    for (j in 1:ncol(ssurv)) {
        for (i in unique(stemp)) {  #for each strata
            who <- which(stemp==i)
            censor <- if (is.null(x$n.censor))
                (x$n.event[who] ==0)  else 
                (x$n.event[who] ==0 | x$n.censor[who] >0) #NOT censoring ties
            xx <- c(firstx, stime[who])
            censor <- c(FALSE, censor)  #no mark at firstx
            yy <- c(firsty[i,j], ssurv[who,j])
            if (plot.surv) {
                if (type=='s')
                    lines(dostep(xx, yy), lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2]) 
                else lines(xx, yy, type=type, lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2])
                if (is.numeric(mark.time) || mark.time) 
                    drawmark(xx, yy, mark.time, censor, pch=mark[c1], col=mcol[c1],
            xend[c1] <- max(xx)
            yend[c1] <- yy[length(yy)]

            if (conf.int && !is.null(conf.times)) {
                # add vertical bars at the specified times
                x2 <- conf.times + temp.offset[c1]
                templow <- approx(xx, c(firsty[i,j], slower[who,j]), x2,
                                  method='constant', f=1)$y
                temphigh<- approx(xx, c(firsty[i,j], supper[who,j]), x2,
                                  method='constant', f=1)$y
                segments(x2, templow, x2, temphigh,
                          lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2])
                if (conf.cap>0) {
                    segments(x2-temp.cap, templow, x2+temp.cap, templow,
                             lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2] )
                    segments(x2-temp.cap, temphigh, x2+temp.cap, temphigh,
                              lty=lty[c2], col=col[c2], lwd=lwd[c2])
            c1 <- c1 +1
            c2 <- c2 +1

            if (conf.int && is.null(conf.times)) {
                if (type == 's') {
                    lines(dostep(xx, c(firsty[i,j], slower[who,j])), lty=lty[c2], 
                    c2 <- c2 +1
                    lines(dostep(xx, c(firsty[i,j], supper[who,j])), lty=lty[c2], 
                          col=col[c2], lwd= lwd[c2])
                    c2 <- c2 + 1
                else {
                    lines(xx, c(firsty[i,j], slower[who,j]), lty=lty[c2], 
                          col=col[c2],lwd=lwd[c2], type=type) 
                    c2 <- c2 +1
                    lines(xx, c(firsty[i,j], supper[who,j]), lty=lty[c2], 
                          col=col[c2], lwd= lwd[c2], type= type)
                    c2 <- c2 + 1

    invisible(list(x=xend, y=yend))

points.survfit <- function(x, xscale, xmax, fun, censor=FALSE,
                           col=1, pch, ...) {
    # this function is used rarely
    conf.int <- FALSE  # never draw these with 'points'

    if (inherits(x, "survfitms")) {
        x$surv <- 1- x$pstate
        if (is.matrix(x$surv)) {
            dimnames(x$surv) <- list(NULL, x$states)
            if (ncol(x$surv) > 1 && any(x$states == '')) {
                x$surv <- x$surv[, x$states != '']
                if (is.matrix(x$p0)) x$p0 <- x$p0[, x$states != '']
                else x$p0 <- x$p0[x$states != '']

        if (!is.null(x$lower)) {
            x$lower <- 1- x$lower
            x$upper <- 1- x$upper
        if (missing(fun)) fun <- "event"
    firstx <- firsty <- NA # part of the common args, but irrelevant for points
    ssurv <- as.matrix(x$surv)
    stime <- x$time
    if( !is.null(x$upper)) {
        supper <- as.matrix(x$upper)
        slower <- as.matrix(x$lower)
    else {
        conf.int <- FALSE
        supper <- NULL  #marker for later code

    # set up strata
    if (is.null(x$strata)) {
        nstrat <- 1
        stemp <- rep(1, length(x$time)) # same length as stime
    else {
        nstrat <- length(x$strata)
        stemp <- rep(1:nstrat, x$strata) # same length as stime
    ncurve <- nstrat * ncol(ssurv)
    firsty <- matrix(firsty, nrow=nstrat, ncol=ncol(ssurv))
    if (!missing(xmax) && any(x$time>xmax)) {
        # prune back the survival curves
        # I need to replace x's over the limit with xmax, and y's over the
        #  limit with either the prior y value  or firsty
        keepx <- keepy <- NULL  # lines to keep
        tempn <- table(stemp)
        offset <- cumsum(c(0, tempn))
        for (i in 1:nstrat) {
            ttime <-stime[stemp==i]
            if (all(ttime <= xmax)) {
                keepx <- c(keepx, 1:tempn[i] + offset[i])
                keepy <- c(keepy, 1:tempn[i] + offset[i])
            else {
                bad <- min((1:tempn[i])[ttime>xmax])
                if (bad==1)  {  #lost them all
                    if (!is.na(firstx)) { # and we are plotting lines
                        keepy <- c(keepy, 1+offset[i])
                        ssurv[1+offset[i],] <- firsty[i,]
                else  keepy<- c(keepy, c(1:(bad-1), bad-1) + offset[i])
                keepx <- c(keepx, (1:bad)+offset[i])
                stime[bad+offset[i]] <- xmax
                x$n.event[bad+offset[i]] <- 1   #don't plot a tick mark

        # ok, now actually prune it
        stime <- stime[keepx]
        stemp <- stemp[keepx]
        x$n.event <- x$n.event[keepx]
        if (!is.null(x$n.censor)) x$n.censor <- x$n.censor[keepx]
        ssurv <- ssurv[keepy,,drop=FALSE]
        if (!is.null(supper)) {
            supper <- supper[keepy,,drop=FALSE]
            slower <- slower[keepy,,drop=FALSE]
    #stime <- stime/xscale  #scaling is deferred until xmax processing is done

    if (!missing(fun)) {
        if (is.character(fun)) {
            tfun <- switch(fun,
                           'log' = function(x) x,
                           'event'=function(x) 1-x,
                           'cumhaz'=function(x) -log(x),
                           'cloglog'=function(x) log(-log(x)),
                           'pct' = function(x) x*100,
                           'logpct'= function(x) 100*x,  #special case further below
                       'identity'= function(x) x,
                           stop("Unrecognized function argument")
        else if (is.function(fun)) tfun <- fun
        else stop("Invalid 'fun' argument")
        ssurv <- tfun(ssurv )
        if (!is.null(supper)) {
            supper <- tfun(supper)
            slower <- tfun(slower)
        firsty <- tfun(firsty)

    if (ncurve==1 || (length(col)==1 && missing(pch))) {
        if (censor) points(stime, ssurv, ...)
        else points(stime[x$n.event>0], ssurv[x$n.event>0], ...)
    else {
        c2 <- 1  #cycles through the colors and characters
        col <- rep(col, length=ncurve)
        if (!missing(pch)) {
            if (length(pch)==1)
                pch2 <- rep(strsplit(pch, '')[[1]], length=ncurve)
            else pch2 <- rep(pch, length=ncurve)
        for (j in 1:ncol(ssurv)) {
            for (i in unique(stemp)) {
                if (censor) who <- which(stemp==i)
                else who <- which(stemp==i & x$n.event >0)
                if (missing(pch))
                    points(stime[who], ssurv[who,j], col=col[c2], ...)
                    points(stime[who], ssurv[who,j], col=col[c2], 
                           pch=pch2[c2], ...) 
                c2 <- c2+1
scientific-computing-solutions/sibyl documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:40 a.m.