
Defines functions checkInstalls .repoFromGithubURL .repoFromBiocGitURL reposFromURLs loggingPackageInstall testPackageInstalls

Documented in loggingPackageInstall reposFromURLs testPackageInstalls

checkInstalls = function(pkg, ...) {
  BiocManager::install(pkg, ...)

#' @importFrom remotes parse_github_url
#' @importFrom BiocManager install
.repoFromGithubURL = function(url, ...) {
  parts = remotes::parse_github_url(url)
  repo = paste(parts$username, parts$repo, sep="/")
  if(parts$ref!='') repo = paste(repo, parts$ref, sep='@')
  if(parts$pull!='') repo = paste(repo, parts$pull, sep='#')
  if(parts$release!='') repo = paste(repo, parts$release, sep='@*')
  # TODO put in package name checking to allow `pkgname=user/repo`
  # from github. read.dcf(gibhub_DESCRIPTION())
  # TODO should I mark each package with a commit hash? Probably.

#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @importFrom BiocManager install
.repoFromBiocGitURL = function(url, ...) {

.repoRegexMatcher = list("github.com" = .repoFromGithubURL,
                         "git.bioconductor.org/packages/" = .repoFromBiocGitURL)

#' From git-like URLs, return the correct install string
#' For github, uses \code{\link[remotes]{parse_github_url}} to do the
#' work. For Bioconductor, simply looks for stuff like:
#' "https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/PKGNAME".
#' @param urls character() vector of git URLs
#' @return named character() vector of repos that can be fed 
#' directly to \code{\link[BiocManager]{install}}
#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @examples
#' repos = c("https://github.com/seandavi/GEOquery",
#'           "https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/RNAseq123")
#' reposFromURLs(repos)
#' @export
reposFromURLs = function(urls) {
  rets = sapply(urls, function(url) {
    which_matching = which(sapply(names(.repoRegexMatcher), grepl, url))

#' install package and capture output
#' Install a single package and capture stdout and stderr. 
#' @param repo character(1) package name or repo (passed to BiocManager::install)
#' @param capture_prefix character(1) prefix of files that will end 
#' up as "capture_prefixstdout.log" and "capture_prefixstdout.log"
#' @importFrom remotes parse_repo_spec
#' @export
loggingPackageInstall = function(repo, capture_prefix=paste0(pkg, '-'), path = getwd()) {
  pkg = repo
  if(grepl('/', repo)) {
    parsed_repo = remotes::parse_repo_spec(repo)
      pkg = parsed_repo$package
      pkg = parsed_repo$repo
  message(sprintf("Installing pkg %s from repo %s", pkg, repo))
  message(sprintf('running BiocManager::install(\'%s\', upgrade=\'always\', build=TRUE, build_opts=\'\', dependencies=TRUE)"', repo))
  system2("Rscript", sprintf('-e "Sys.setenv(R_REMOTES_NO_ERRORS_FROM_WARNINGS=TRUE); BiocManager::install(\'%s\', upgrade=\'always\', build=TRUE, build_opts=\'\', dependencies=TRUE)"', repo),
          stdout = file.path(path, paste0(capture_prefix,'stdout.log')), 
          stderr = file.path(path, paste0(capture_prefix,'stderr.log')))
  if(!(pkg %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) {
    stop(sprintf("pkg %s from repo %s did not end up installing. ", pkg, repo))

#' Test package installation success
#' @param repos character() character() vector of git URLs (that gets 
#'     passed to `figureInstallString`)
#' @param update passed to \code{\link[BiocManager]{install}}
#' @param upgrade passed to \code{\link[BiocManager]{install}}
#' @param dependencies passed to \code{\link[BiocManager]{install}}
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link[BiocManager]{install}}
#' @importFrom BiocManager install
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @return a three column tibble with repo name, install status, and 
#'     any errors (typically simpleErrors).
#' @seealso \code{\link[remotes]{install_github}}
#' @export
testPackageInstalls = function(repos, update = FALSE, upgrade="never", dependencies = TRUE, ...) {
  res = bplapply(repos,
               function(pkg) {
                 # TODO implement timing info
                 msg = list(success=TRUE, message=NULL)
                   BiocManager::install(pkg,  dependencies=dependencies, 
                                        update=update, upgrade=upgrade, ...),
                   error = function(e) e)
  OK = !sapply(res, inherits, 'error')
  msgs = rep('', length(res))
    msgs[!OK] = res[!OK]
  ret = tibble::tibble(repo = repos, OK = OK, message = msgs)
  class(ret) = c("install_test_result",class(ret))
seandavi/BiocWorkshopPackageTest documentation built on Aug. 21, 2019, 8:58 p.m.