
Defines functions optim.trees.interactive

Documented in optim.trees.interactive

optim.trees.interactive <-

if(!("phangorn" %in% installed.packages()[,1])){
  stop("Package phangorn is not installed. Please install it to run this function")

  folder.parts <- readline("Please drag a folder with the data subsets and a tree topology. The files should be in FASTA format, and the trees in NEWICK\n")
  dir.init <- getwd()


files.parts <- grep("[.]fas", dir(), value = T)

tree.parts <- grep("[.]tre", dir(), value = T)

if(length(files.parts) < 1 || length(tree.parts) < 1){
  stop("There are no fasta or tree files in this folder. Please make sure that they have the extensions .fasta or .tree")

print(paste("I have read", length(files.parts), "data files:\n"))

print(paste("I am using the tree in file", tree.parts[1], "to optimise the branch lengths"))

data.files <- list()

for(i in 1:length(files.parts)){
  data.files[[i]] <- read.phyDat(files.parts[i], format = "fasta")

fix.tree <- read.tree(tree.parts[1])

  tr <- rtree(length(fix.tree$tip.label))
  fix.tree$edge.length <- tr$edge.length

out.file.name <- readline("What should be the name of the file to save the optimised trees?\n")

print("I have read all the files")

choose.models <- readline("Would you like to input the substitution models (y / n)? If you select \"n\" I will use the JC\n")

if(choose.models == "y"){
  print("Please select the substitution model for each data subset")

opt.list <- list()

for(k in 1:length(data.files)){

      if(choose.models == "y"){
        print("The available substitution models are: JC, F81, K80, HKY, TrNe, TrN, TPM1, K81, TPM1u, TPM2, TPM2u, TPM3, TPM3u, TIM1e, TIM1, TIM2e, TIM2, TIM3e, TIM3, TVMe, TVM, SYM and GTR")
        mod <- readline(paste("Please type in one of the available substitution models", "for data set", files.parts[k], "\n"))
        o.gam <- as.logical(readline("Do you wish to optimise gamma? (T/F)\n"))
        o.k <- as.numeric(readline("How many intervals should be used for the gamma distribution (only applicable when gamma is T) (integer)\n")) 
        o.inv <- as.logical(readline("Do you wish to optimise I (T/F)\n"))
        print(paste("Analysing data set", files.parts[k])) 
        mod <- "JC"
	o.gam <- F
	o.k <- 1
	o.inv <- F
      if(o.k == ""){
        o.k = 1
      if( "" %in% c(mod, o.gam, o.inv)){
        stop("Some of the model parameters are empty. ABORTING")
         pml.temp <- pml(fix.tree, data.files[[k]])
	pml.temp <- pml(fix.tree, data.files[[k]], k = 4)
      opt.list[[k]] <- optim.pml(pml.temp, optInv = o.inv, optGamma = o.gam, model = mod)$tree

class(opt.list) <- "multiPhylo"

names(opt.list) <- files.parts

write.tree(opt.list, file = out.file.name, tree.names = T)

print(paste("The trees have been saved in ", out.file.name, "in the working directory"))


sebastianduchene/ClockstaR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 4:57 p.m.