
#' @include IsodatContinuousFlowFileClass.R

#' H-CSIA DataClass
#' Objects of this class hold the isotopic data from compound specific hydrogen
#' isotope analysis recorded in Isodat file formats (currently supported isodat
#' version is 2.0 for chromatographic and peak table data and isodat version 2.5 and
#' 3.0 for chromatographic data only).
#' This class is derived indirectly from \link{IrmsContinuousFlowData} which defines a 
#' number of useful plotting, export and data access methods. 
#' @name IsodatHydrogenContinuousFlowFile
#' @exportClass IsodatHydrogenContinuousFlowFile
#' @seealso \link{BinaryFile}, \link{IsodatFile}, \link{IsodatContinuousFlowFile}, \link{IrmsContinuousFlowData}, \link{IrmsData}
IsodatHydrogenContinuousFlowFile <- setRefClass(
  contains = "IsodatContinuousFlowFile",
  fields = list (),
  methods = list(
    #' initialize irms data container
    init_irms_data = function(){
      # mass and ratio plot options
        masses = list(
          mass2 = list(label = "Mass 2", color="black", offset=200), #offset in mV
          mass3 = list(label = "Mass 3", color="dark green", offset=0)),
        ratios = list ( 
          ratio_3o2 = list(label = "Ratio", color="black", offset=0))
      # peak table definition
      dataTableColumns <<- data.frame(
        data = c('Filename', 'Peak Nr.', 'Ref. Peak', 'Status', 'Component', 'Formula', 'Master Peak', 'Ref. Name', 
                 'Start\n[s]', 'Rt\n[s]', 'End\n[s]', 'Width\n[s]', 'Ampl. 2\n[mV]', 'Ampl. 3\n[mV]', 'BGD 2\n[mV]', 'BGD 3\n[mV]', 
                 'Area All\n[Vs]', 'Area 2\n[Vs]', 'Area 3\n[Vs]', 'rArea All\n[mVs]', 'rArea 2\n[mVs]', 'rArea 3\n[mVs]', 
                 'R 3H2/2H2\n', 'rR 3H2/2H2\n', 'rd 3H2/2H2\n[per mil]\nvs. methane ref', 'd 3H2/2H2\n[per mil]\nvs. VSMOW', 
                 'DeltaDelta 3H2/2H2\n[0 ]', 'R 2H/1H', 'd 2H/1H\n[per mil]\nvs. VSMOW', 'AT% 2H/1H\n[%]', 'Rps 3H2/2H2'),
        type = c("character", "integer", "logical", "character", "character", "character", "character", "character", 
                 rep("numeric", 14),
                 "Ratio", "Ratio", "Delta", "Delta", "numeric", "Ratio", "Delta", "numeric", 'numeric'),
        show = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      dataTableColumns <<- mutate(
        column = sub('^([^\n]+).*', '\\1', data), # pull out column names from the data names
        units = sub('\n', ' ', sub('^[^\n]+(\n)?(.*)$', '\\2', data))) # pull out units from the data names
      # key peaks
      dataTableKeys <<- c(peak_nr = "Peak Nr.", ref_peak = "Ref. Peak", 
                          rt = "Rt", rt_start = "Start", rt_end = "End",
                          name = "Component")
    # READ DATA =========================
    #' expand parent load function with key_cleanup
    load = function(...) {
        removePattern = "[&{}!^@?#]", 
        unlessByteLength = 26, 
        unlessText = "Is Ref.?")
    #' expand parent procdess function specifically for hydrogen continuous flow data
    #' NOTE: this does NOT callSuper because the hydrogen file (.cf) seems very different from
    #' generic IsodatContinuousFlowFile (.dxf)
    #' @param read_mass_data whether to read chromatographic mass+ratio data (can be a lot of data)
    process = function(read_mass_data = TRUE, ...) {
      # process header
      parse("UTF16", length = 13, id = "data_trace_name", skip_first = 14)
      parse("long", id = "n_measurements", skip_first = 20)
      parse("short", id = "n_ions", skip_first = 0)
      parse("short", id = "n_ions", skip_first = 29) 
      # read mass2/mass3 data trace
      if (read_mass_data) {
          types = c(time = "float", mass2 = "double", mass3 = "double"), 
          n = data$n_measurements, id = "mass", skip_first = 0)
      # footer      
      parse("UTF16", length=6, id = "trace1_name", skip_first = 70)
      parse("UTF16", length=6, id = "trace2_name", skip_first = 4)
      # ratio data header
      parse("UTF16", length = 13, id = "data_ratio_name", skip_first = 14)
      parse("long", id = "n_ratio_measurements", skip_first = 20)
      parse("short", id = "n_ratios", skip_first = 0)
      parse("short", id = "n_ratios", skip_first = 18)
      # read ratio data
      if (read_mass_data) {
          types = c(time = "float", ratio_3o2 = "double"), 
          n = data$n_ratio_measurements, id = "ratio", skip_first = 0)
      # other information
      move_to_key("H3 Factor")
      parse("double", id = "H3factor", skip_first = 8)
      data$GCprogram <<- find_key(".gcm$")$value
      data$MSprogram <<- find_key(".met$")$value
      data$Filename <<- find_key(".cf$")$value
      data$ASprogram <<- find_key("Internal")$value
      # reorganize data, move to IrmsDataClass structure
      if (read_mass_data) {
        massData <<- cbind(data$mass, data$ratio['ratio_3o2'])
        data$mass <<- data$ratio <<- NULL
      # peak table      
      rawtable <- rawdata[subset(keys, value=="CPkDataListBox")$byteEnd:subset(keys, value=="CGCPeakList")$byteStart]
      arials <- grepRaw("([Arial][^\u0020-\u007e]){5}", rawtable, all=TRUE)
      #FIXME: newer versions of isodat (2.5 and 3.1 don't have this business, just 18 bytes between each label!)
      if (length(arials) < 5) {
        warning("peak table entries not found, this could be because the file might be created with a newer version (>2) of isodat. ",
                "files from isodat 2.5 and 3.1 are known to have this problem but are currently not yet supported")
      } else {
        spos <- 9 + (regexpr("14000000fffeff08", paste(readBin(rawtable[1:(arials[1]-48)], "raw", n=(arials[1]-48)), collapse=""), fixed=TRUE)-1)/2
        for (i in arials) {
          entries<-c(entries, paste(readBin(rawtable[spos:epos], "character", n=(epos-spos)/2, size=2), collapse=""))
        entries <- entries[-length(entries)] # last entry is garbage
        # sometimes there is an extra column (rps), sometimes not
        if (! (rps_column <- length(entries) %% 28 == 0) && # rps column
            ! (length(entries) %% 27 == 0)) { # no rps column
          # neither 27 nor 28 columns! not sure what's going on
          assign("isoread_debug", entries, env = globalenv())
          warning("it appears the peak table has neither exactly 27 nor 28 columns, not sure how to deal with this scenario. ",
                  "a dump of all entries recovered from the peak table is stored in the global variable 'isoread_debug'")
        } else {
          table<-matrix(entries, byrow=TRUE, ncol=if(rps_column) 28 else 27) # FIXME not sure this is always true that it's 27 columns but appears to be the case
          df<-data.frame(table[2:nrow(table),], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
          # add rps column if missing
          if (!rps_column)
            df$`Rps 3H2/2H2` <- ""
          # process peak nr
          if ( !('Peak Nr.' %in% names(df) ))
            stop("'Peak Nr.' column not found in peak table. Only available columns are ", paste0(names(df), collapse = ", "))
          peakNrPattern <- "^([0-9]+)([\\*\\+]?)$"
          df <- mutate(
            `Ref. Peak` = sub(peakNrPattern, '\\2', `Peak Nr.`) == "*", # whether it is a reference peak
            Status = sapply(sub(peakNrPattern, '\\2', `Peak Nr.`), # whether peak was added
                            function(x) { if (x=="+") "Added" else "Auto" }),
            Formula = "",
            `Peak Nr.` = as.integer(sub(peakNrPattern, '\\1', `Peak Nr.`))) # peak number as integer
          # store peak table data
          dataTable <<- df
    # COMPUTATION ================
    #' Evaluate data in peak table
    #' This function uses the standards defined in the peak table to (re)evaluate the isotopic
    #' composition of the other peaks in this reference frame.
    reevaluate_peak_table = function() {
      stop("not implemnted yet")
    # VISUALIZATION / PLOTTING ==========================
    #' Make a ggplot of the references
    #' By default, this makes a plot that generates an overview
    #' of how close the reference peaks are to
    #' each other.
    plot_refs = function(
      y = isotopia::to_delta(`rR 3H2/2H2`, mean(`rR 3H2/2H2`)), 
      ylab = "dD [permil] vs mean ratio", 
      title = "Variation in reference peaks"){
      # FIXME not sure how to call super from here to avoid this code replication
      do.call(.self$plot_data_table, list(y = substitute(y), ylab = ylab, title = title, data = get_data_table(type = "ref")))
    #' Make a ggplot of the data
    #' By default, this makes a plot of the delta values.
    plot_data = function(
      y = `d 2H/1H`, 
      ylab = "dD [permil] vs VSMOW", 
      title = "Data peaks"){
      do.call(.self$plot_data_table, list(y = substitute(y), ylab = ylab, title = title, data = get_data_table(type = "data")))

sebkopf/isoread documentation built on Dec. 31, 2021, 4:15 a.m.