
Defines functions engineAEFA

Documented in engineAEFA

# newEngine.R
#' estimate full-information item factor analysis models with combinating random effects
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @import future
#' @import listenv
#' @import mirt
#' @import psych
#' @import plyr
#' @import parallel
#' @import progress
#' @param data insert \code{data.frame} object.
#' @param model specify the mirt model if want to calibrate. accepting \code{mirt::mirt.model} object.
#' @param GenRandomPars Try to generate Random Parameters? Default is TRUE
#' @param NCYCLES N Cycles of Robbin Monroe stage (stage 3). Default is 4000.
#' @param BURNIN N Cycles of Metro-hastings burnin stage (stage 1). Default is 1500.
#' @param SEMCYCLES N Cycles of Metro-hastings burnin stage (stage 2). Default is 1000.
#' @param covdata insert covariate data frame where use to fixed and random effect term. if not inserted, ignoring fixed and random effect estimation.
#' @param fixed a right sided R formula for specifying the fixed effect (aka 'explanatory') predictors from covdata and itemdesign.
#' @param random a right sided formula or list of formulas containing crossed random effects of the form \code{v1 + ... v_n | G}, where \code{G} is the grouping variable and \code{v_n} are random numeric predictors within each group. G may contain interaction terms, such as group:items to include cross or person-level interactions effects.
#' @param key item key vector of multiple choices test.
#' @param accelerate a character vector indicating the type of acceleration to use. Default is  'squarem' for the SQUAREM procedure (specifically, the gSqS3 approach)
#' @param symmetric force S-EM/Oakes information matrix to be symmetric? Default is FALSE to detect solutions that have not reached the ML estimate.
#' @param resampling Do you want to do resampling with replace? default is TRUE and activate nrow is over samples argument.
#' @param samples specify the number samples with resampling. default is 5000.
#' @param printDebugMsg Do you want to see the debugging messeages? default is FALSE
#' @param fitEMatUIRT Do you want to fit the model with EM at UIRT? default is FALSE
#' @param ranefautocomb Do you want to find global-optimal random effect combination? default is TRUE
#' @param tryLCA Do you want to try calibrate LCA model if avaliable? default is TRUE
#' @param forcingMixedModelOnly Do you want to forcing the Mixed model calibration? default is FALSE
#' @param forcingQMC Do you want to forcing the use QMC estimation instead MHRM? default is FALSE
#' @param turnOffMixedEst Do you want to turn off mixed effect (multilevel) estimation? default is FALSE
#' @param anchor Set the anchor item names If you want to consider DIF detection. default is NULL.
#' @param skipggumInternal Set the skipping ggum fitting procedure to speed up. default is FALSE.
#' @param powertest Set power test mode. default is FALSE.
#' @param idling Set seconds to idle. default is 60.
#' @param leniency skip second order test. default is FALSE
#' @return possible optimal combinations of models in list
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' testMod1 <- engineAEFA(mirt::Science, model = 1)
#' }
engineAEFA <- function(data, model = 1, GenRandomPars = T, NCYCLES = 4000, BURNIN = 1500,
    SEMCYCLES = 1000, covdata = NULL, fixed = c(~1, ~0, ~-1), random = list(~1 |
        items), key = NULL, accelerate = "squarem", symmetric = F, resampling = T,
    samples = 5000, printDebugMsg = F, fitEMatUIRT = F, ranefautocomb = T, tryLCA = T,
    forcingMixedModelOnly = F, forcingQMC = F, turnOffMixedEst = F, anchor = NULL, skipggumInternal = F, powertest = F, idling = 60, leniency = F) {
    # data management: resampling
    if (resampling && nrow(data) > samples) {
        resampleCaseNumber <- sample(1:nrow(data), samples, replace = F)
        data <- data[resampleCaseNumber, ]
        if (!is.null(covdata)) {
            covdata <- covdata[resampleCaseNumber, ]

    # data management: exclude range == 0
    data <- data[psych::describe(data)$range != 0]

    # data management: exclude k > 30
    testLength <- vector()
    nK <- vector()
    for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
        nK[i] <- length(attributes(factor(data[[i]]))$levels)
        testLength[i] <- nK[i] > 30 # k > 30 will not estimate as categorical variable.
    data <- data[!testLength]
    nK <- nK[!testLength]

    # aefaConn if (is.null(getOption('aefaConn')) && is.null(GCEvms)) {
    # getOption('aefaConn', aefaInit(GCEvms = GCEvms, debug = printDebugMsg)) }

    # tools
    combine <- function(x, y) {
        combn(y, x, paste, collapse = ", ")

    if (ranefautocomb) {
        randomEffectCandidates <- paste0("list(", unlist(lapply(0:NROW(random), combine,
            random)), ")")
    } else {
        randomEffectCandidates <- paste0("list(", unlist(lapply(NROW(random):NROW(random),
            combine, random)), ")")

    # start engine

    exploratoryModels <- listenv::listenv()

    modConditional1 <- listenv::listenv()
    modConditional2 <- listenv::listenv()
    modUnConditional <- listenv::listenv()
    modMultipleGroup <- listenv::listenv()
    modDiscrete <- listenv::listenv()

    groupnames <- .covdataClassifieder(covdata)$categorical

    if(skipggumInternal == T){
      message('Turned on skipggumInternal')

    # get total ticktock
    ticktockClock <- 0
    for (i in model) {
      # exploratory i th model
        if(i > ncol(data)){

      # config
      if (is.numeric(i)) {

        if (i == 1) {
          # UIRT
          if (max(nK[is.finite(nK)], na.rm = T) > 2) {
            # poly UIRT
            if (!is.null(key)) {
              # with key
              # skip ggum

                if(skipggumInternal == T){
                  estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM",
                                   "monopoly", "nominal",
                                   "gpcm", "gpcmIRT", "graded", "grsm", "grsmIRT", "Rasch", "rsm")
                } else {
                  estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM",
                                   "monopoly", "ggum", "nominal",
                                   "gpcm", "gpcmIRT", "graded", "grsm", "grsmIRT", "Rasch", "rsm")
              } else {
                estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal")

            } else {
              # without key
              if(skipggumInternal == T){
                estItemtype <- c("monopoly", "nominal", "gpcm", "gpcmIRT", "graded", "grsm",
                                 "grsmIRT", "Rasch", "rsm")
              } else {

                estItemtype <- c("ggum", "monopoly", "nominal", "gpcm", "gpcmIRT", "graded", "grsm",
                                 "grsmIRT", "Rasch", "rsm")
          } else {
            # dich UIRT
            estItemtype <- c("4PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "2PL", "ideal", "monopoly", "Rasch",
        } else {
          # MIRT
          if (max(nK[is.finite(nK)], na.rm = T) > 2) {
            # poly MIRT
            # with key
                # skip ggum
                if(skipggumInternal == T){
                  estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal",
                                   "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
                } else {
                  estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "ggum", "nominal",
                                   "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
              } else {
                estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal")
            } else { # without key
              if(skipggumInternal == T){
                estItemtype <- c("nominal", "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
              } else {
                estItemtype <- c("ggum", "nominal", "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")

          } else {
            # dich MIRT
            estItemtype <- c("ideal", "4PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "2PL")

      } else if (class(i) == "mirt.model") {
        # CFA
        # poly CFA
        if (max(nK[is.finite(nK)], na.rm = T) > 2) {
          # poly MIRT
          # with key
              # skip ggum
              if(skipggumInternal == T){
                estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal",
                                 "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
              } else {
                estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "ggum", "nominal",
                                 "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
            } else {
              estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal")
          } else { # without key
            if(skipggumInternal == T){
              estItemtype <- c("nominal", "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
            } else {
              estItemtype <- c("ggum", "nominal", "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")

        } else {
          # dich MIRT
          estItemtype <- c("ideal", "4PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "2PL")
      } else {
        stop("model is not correctly provided")

      if (sum(max(nK[is.finite(nK)], na.rm = T) == nK) != length(nK[is.finite(nK)])) {
        if (length(grep("rsm", estItemtype)) > 0) {
          estItemtype <- estItemtype[-grep("rsm", estItemtype)]

      # LCA
      if (is.numeric(i) && tryLCA) {

        for (m in c("sandwich", "Oakes")) { # SE
          for (n in c('empiricalhist', 'empiricalhist_Woods', 'Gaussian')) { # empirical histogram
            for (k_fixed in fixed) { # fixed effect
              ticktockClock <- ticktockClock + 1

      for (j in estItemtype) {
        # itemtype j for model i

        if (!forcingMixedModelOnly) {

          # message("mirt::mirt calibration (normal MIRT)\n")

          if (forcingQMC) {
            estMethod <- "QMCEM"
          } else {
            if (sum(c("grsmIRT", "gpcmIRT", "spline", "rsm", "monopoly") %in%
                    j) == 0) {
            } else {
          ticktockClock <- ticktockClock + 1
          if(length(groupnames) != 0){
            for(gname in groupnames){
              ticktockClock <- ticktockClock + 1
        # if (!is.null(covdata)) {} # try to calibrate mixed-effect even covdata is null
        # anyway -- 2017. 11. 10
        if (!turnOffMixedEst && sum(c("grsmIRT", "gpcmIRT", "spline", "rsm", "monopoly") %in%
                                    j) == 0) {
          # message("\n.mixedmirt calibration (multilevel/mixed-effect MIRT)\n")

          for (k in randomEffectCandidates) {
            # and
            for (k_fixed in fixed) {
              ticktockClock <- ticktockClock + 1
              ticktockClock <- ticktockClock + 1
        } else {

    } # count ticktock
    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = " :spin estimating :modeltype :itemtype models using :method [:bar] :percent (:current of :total) // elapsed: :elapsed (:eta remained) :fixed :random",
      total = ticktockClock, clear = F, width= 300)

    # LOOP starts here!
    for (i in model) {
        # exploratory i th model
        if(i > ncol(data)){

        # config
        if (is.numeric(i)) {

            if (i == 1) {
                # UIRT
                if (max(nK[is.finite(nK)], na.rm = T) > 2) {
                  # poly UIRT
                  if (!is.null(key)) {
                    # with key
                    # skip ggum

                      if(skipggumInternal == T){
                        estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM",
                                         "monopoly", "nominal",
                                         "gpcm", "gpcmIRT", "graded", "grsm", "grsmIRT", "Rasch", "rsm")
                      } else {
                        estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM",
                                         "monopoly", "ggum", "nominal",
                                         "gpcm", "gpcmIRT", "graded", "grsm", "grsmIRT", "Rasch", "rsm")
                    } else {
                      estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal")

                  } else {
                    # without key
                    if(skipggumInternal == T){
                      estItemtype <- c("monopoly", "nominal", "gpcm", "gpcmIRT", "graded", "grsm",
                                       "grsmIRT", "Rasch", "rsm")
                    } else {

                      estItemtype <- c("ggum", "monopoly", "nominal", "gpcm", "gpcmIRT", "graded", "grsm",
                                       "grsmIRT", "Rasch", "rsm")
                } else {
                  # dich UIRT
                  estItemtype <- c("4PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "2PL", "ideal", "monopoly", "Rasch",
            } else {
                # MIRT
                if (max(nK[is.finite(nK)], na.rm = T) > 2) {
                  # poly MIRT
                  # with key
                      # skip ggum
                      if(skipggumInternal == T){
                        estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal",
                                         "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
                      } else {
                        estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "ggum", "nominal",
                                         "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
                    } else {
                      estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal")
                  } else { # without key
                    if(skipggumInternal == T){
                      estItemtype <- c("nominal", "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
                    } else {
                      estItemtype <- c("ggum", "nominal", "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")

                } else {
                  # dich MIRT
                  estItemtype <- c("ideal", "4PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "2PL")

        } else if (class(i) == "mirt.model") {
            # CFA

          # poly CFA
          if (max(nK[is.finite(nK)], na.rm = T) > 2) {
            # poly MIRT
            # with key
                # skip ggum
                if(skipggumInternal == T){
                  estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal",
                                   "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
                } else {
                  estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "ggum", "nominal",
                                   "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
              } else {
                estItemtype <- c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu", "2PLNRM", "nominal")
            } else { # without key
              if(skipggumInternal == T){
                estItemtype <- c("nominal", "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")
              } else {
                estItemtype <- c("ggum", "nominal", "gpcm", "graded", "grsm")

          } else {
            # dich MIRT
            estItemtype <- c("ideal", "4PL", "3PL", "3PLu", "2PL")
        } else {
            stop("model is not correctly provided")

        if (sum(max(nK[is.finite(nK)], na.rm = T) == nK) != length(nK[is.finite(nK)])) {
            if (length(grep("rsm", estItemtype)) > 0) {
                estItemtype <- estItemtype[-grep("rsm", estItemtype)]
      # LCA
      if (is.numeric(i) && tryLCA) {
        # message("\ncalibrating ", "Latent Class Model calibration model ", ': ', if(is.numeric(i)) as.character(i) else ('User specified CFA model'))

        for (m in c("sandwich", "Oakes")) { # SE
          for (n in c('empiricalhist', 'empiricalhist_Woods', 'Gaussian')) { # empirical histogram
            for (k_fixed in fixed) { # fixed effect
              suppressWarnings(pb$tick(tokens = list(itemtype = "LCA", modeltype = if(is.numeric(i)) paste('exploratory', i, 'class ') else paste0('user specified '), fixed = paste('/ fixed ',as.character(k_fixed)), random = ' ', method = if(n) paste0('empirical histogram') else paste0('Standard EM'))))
              modDiscrete[[paste(paste0(as.character(i), collapse = ""),
                                 as.character(k_fixed), paste0(as.character(n), collapse = ""), collapse = " ")]] %<-%
              tryCatch(mirt::mdirt(data = data, model = i, SE = T, SE.type = m,
                                   accelerate = accelerate, GenRandomPars = GenRandomPars,
                                   dentype = n, technical = list(NCYCLES = NCYCLES,
                                                                       BURNIN = BURNIN, SEMCYCLES = SEMCYCLES, symmetric = symmetric),
                                   covdata = covdata, formula = eval(parse(text = k_fixed))), error = function(e) {NULL})
      for (j in estItemtype) {
        # itemtype j for model i

        if (!forcingMixedModelOnly) {

          # message("mirt::mirt calibration (normal MIRT)\n")

          if (forcingQMC) {
            estMethod <- "QMCEM"
          } else {
            if (sum(c("grsmIRT", "gpcmIRT", "spline", "rsm", "monopoly") %in%
                    j) == 0) {
            estMethod <- "MHRM"
            } else {
              estMethod <- "EM"
          suppressWarnings(pb$tick(tokens = list(itemtype = j, modeltype = if(is.numeric(i)) paste('exploratory', i, 'factor ') else paste0('user specified '), fixed = ' ', random = ' ', method = estMethod)))
          modUnConditional[[paste(paste0(as.character(i), collapse = ""),
                                  j, collapse = " ")]] %<-% {

                                    tryCatch(.mirt(data = data, model = i, method = estMethod,
                                                        itemtype = j, accelerate = accelerate, SE = T, GenRandomPars = GenRandomPars,
                                                        key = key, calcNull = T, NCYCLES = NCYCLES, BURNIN = BURNIN, SEMCYCLES = SEMCYCLES, symmetric = symmetric, leniency = leniency),
                                             error = function(e) {NULL})

          if(length(groupnames) != 0){
            for(gname in groupnames){
              suppressWarnings(pb$tick(tokens = list(itemtype = j, modeltype = if(is.numeric(i)) paste('exploratory', i, 'factor multiple group ') else paste0('user specified '), fixed = paste0(gname), random = ' ', method = estMethod)))
              modMultipleGroup[[paste(paste0(as.character(i), collapse = ""), paste0(as.character(gname), collapse = ""),
                                      j, collapse = " ")]] %<-% {

                                        tryCatch(.mirt(data = data, model = i, method = estMethod,
                                                       itemtype = j, accelerate = accelerate, SE = T, GenRandomPars = GenRandomPars,
                                                       key = key, calcNull = T, NCYCLES = NCYCLES, BURNIN = BURNIN, SEMCYCLES = SEMCYCLES,
                                                       symmetric = symmetric, group = gname, anchor = anchor, leniency = leniency),
                                                 error = function(e) {NULL})

        # if (!is.null(covdata)) {} # try to calibrate mixed-effect even covdata is null
        # anyway -- 2017. 11. 10
        if (!turnOffMixedEst && sum(c("grsmIRT", "gpcmIRT", "spline", "rsm", "monopoly") %in%
                                    j) == 0) {
          # message("\n.mixedmirt calibration (multilevel/mixed-effect MIRT)\n")

          for (k in randomEffectCandidates) {
            # and
            for (k_fixed in fixed) {
              suppressWarnings(pb$tick(tokens = list(itemtype = j, modeltype = if(is.numeric(i)) paste('exploratory', i, 'factor ') else paste0('user specified '), fixed = paste0('/ fixed ', paste(as.character(k_fixed), collapse = "")), random = paste0(' / random ', paste(as.character(k), collapse = '')), method = 'EMEIRT')))
              modConditional1[[paste(paste0(as.character(i), collapse = ""),
                                    j, paste0(as.character(k_fixed), collapse = ""),
                                    k, collapse = " ")]] %<-% {
                                      if (!is.null(key) && sum(c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu",
                                                                 "2PLNRM") %in% j) > 0) {
                                        tryCatch(.mixedmirt(data = mirt::key2binary(data,
                                                                                         key), model = i,
                                                                 accelerate = accelerate, itemtype = if (j == "4PLNRM")
                                                                   "4PL" else if (j == "3PLNRM")
                                                                     "3PL" else if (j == "3PLuNRM")
                                                                       "3PLu" else if (j == "2PLNRM")
                                                                         "2PL" else j, SE = T, GenRandomPars = GenRandomPars,
                                                                 covdata = covdata, fixed = eval(parse(text = k_fixed)), random = eval(parse(text = k)),
                                                                 calcNull = T, NCYCLES = NCYCLES, BURNIN = BURNIN, SEMCYCLES = SEMCYCLES, symmetric = symmetric, leniency = leniency),
                                                 error = function(e) {NULL})

                                      } else {
                                        tryCatch(.mixedmirt(data = data, model = i,
                                                                 accelerate = accelerate, itemtype = j, SE = T, GenRandomPars = GenRandomPars,
                                                                 covdata = covdata, fixed = eval(parse(text = k_fixed)), random = eval(parse(text = k)),
                                                                 calcNull = T, NCYCLES = NCYCLES, BURNIN = BURNIN, SEMCYCLES = SEMCYCLES, symmetric = symmetric, leniency = leniency), error = function(e) {NULL})
              suppressWarnings(pb$tick(tokens = list(itemtype = j, modeltype = if(is.numeric(i)) paste('exploratory', i, 'factor ') else paste0('user specified '), fixed = paste0('/ lr.fixed ', paste(as.character(k_fixed), collapse = "")), random = paste0('/ lr.random ', paste(as.character(k), collapse = '')), method = 'EMEIRT')))
              modConditional2[[paste(paste0(as.character(i), collapse = ""),
                                     j, paste0(as.character(k_fixed), collapse = ""),
                                     k, collapse = " ")]] %<-% {
                                       if (!is.null(key) && sum(c("4PLNRM", "3PLNRM", "3PLNRMu",
                                                                  "2PLNRM") %in% j) > 0) {
                                         tryCatch(.mixedmirt(data = mirt::key2binary(data,
                                                                                          key), model = i,
                                                                  accelerate = accelerate, itemtype = if (j == "4PLNRM")
                                                                    "4PL" else if (j == "3PLNRM")
                                                                      "3PL" else if (j == "3PLuNRM")
                                                                        "3PLu" else if (j == "2PLNRM")
                                                                          "2PL" else j, SE = T, GenRandomPars = GenRandomPars,
                                                                  covdata = covdata, lr.fixed = eval(parse(text = k_fixed)), lr.random = eval(parse(text = k)),
                                                                  calcNull = T, NCYCLES = NCYCLES, BURNIN = BURNIN, SEMCYCLES = SEMCYCLES, symmetric = symmetric, leniency = leniency),
                                                  error = function(e) {NULL})

                                       } else {
                                         tryCatch(.mixedmirt(data = data, model = i,
                                                                  accelerate = accelerate, itemtype = j, SE = T, GenRandomPars = GenRandomPars,
                                                                  covdata = covdata, lr.fixed = eval(parse(text = k_fixed)), lr.random = eval(parse(text = k)),
                                                                  calcNull = T, NCYCLES = NCYCLES, BURNIN = BURNIN, SEMCYCLES = SEMCYCLES, symmetric = symmetric, leniency = leniency), error = function(e) {NULL})
        } else {

    }  # EOF of for loop

    exploratoryModels <- unlist(list(as.list(modUnConditional), as.list(modConditional1), as.list(modConditional2), as.list(modDiscrete), as.list(modMultipleGroup)))
    # exploratoryModels # for debug random effect model

    # # improper solution filter
    finalEstModels <- list()
    noNullEstModels <- list()

    if (NROW(exploratoryModels) != 0) {
        for (i in 1:NROW(exploratoryModels)) {
            if (!is.null(exploratoryModels[[i]]) | length(exploratoryModels[[i]]) !=
                0) {
                noNullEstModels[[NROW(noNullEstModels) + 1]] <- exploratoryModels[[i]]

        if (NROW(noNullEstModels) != 0) {
            for (i in 1:NROW(noNullEstModels)) {
                if (class(noNullEstModels[[i]]) %in% c("MixedClass", "SingleGroupClass",
                  "DiscreteClass", "MultipleGroupClass")) {

                  if (is.numeric(noNullEstModels[[i]]@Model$model) && class(noNullEstModels[[i]]) ==
                      "MixedClass") {
                    if (noNullEstModels[[i]]@Model$model > 1) {
                      noNullEstModels[[i]]@Options$exploratory <- TRUE
                  finalEstModels[[NROW(finalEstModels) + 1]] <- noNullEstModels[[i]]

seonghobae/kaefa documentation built on May 8, 2022, 3:31 p.m.