
## Function to simulate the multilayer drying of the soil This should probably
## take into account the distribution of root biomass in the profile
##' soil multi-layered
##' Simulates soil water content for a layered soil.
##' @aliases soilML rootDist
##' @param precipt Precipitation (mm).
##' @param CanopyT Canopy transpiration.
##' @param cws Current water status. Vector of length equal to soilLayers.
##' @param soilDepth Rooting depth.
##' @param FieldC Field capacity.
##' @param WiltP Wilting point.
##' @param phi1 See \code{\link{wtrstr}}.
##' @param phi2 See \code{\link{wtrstr}}.
##' @param wsFun See \code{\link{wtrstr}}.
##' @param rootDB Root biomass (Mg/ha).
##' @param soilLayers Integer used to specify the number of soil layers.
##' @param LAI Leaf area index.
##' @param k Light extinction coefficient.
##' @param AirTemp Air temperature (Celsius).
##' @param IRad Direct irradiance (\eqn{\mu} \eqn{m^-2} \eqn{s^-1}).
##' @param winds Wind speed (m/s).
##' @param RelH Relative humidity (0-1).
##' @param soilType See \code{\link{showSoilType}}.
##' @param hydrDist Zero or otherwise positive integer. Zero does not calculate
##' hydraulic distribution, otherwise does.
##' @param rfl Root factor lambda. A Poisson distribution is used to simulate
##' the distribution of roots in the soil profile and this parameter can be
##' used to change the lambda parameter of the Poisson.
##' @export
##' @return matrix with 8 (if hydrDist=0) or 12 (if hydrDist > 0).
##' @author Fernando E. Miguez
##' @seealso See Also \code{\link{wtrstr}}.
##' @keywords models
##' @examples
##' layers <- 5
##' ans <- soilML(precipt=2, CanopyT=2, cws = rep(0.3,layers),
##' soilDepth=1.5, FieldC=0.33, WiltP=0.13, rootDB=2, soilLayers=layers,
##' LAI=3, k=0.68, AirTemp=25,IRad=500, winds=2, RelH=0.8, soilType=6,
##' hydrDist=1)
##' ans
soilML <- function(precipt, CanopyT, cws, soilDepth, FieldC, WiltP, phi1 = 0.01, 
    phi2 = 10, wsFun = c("linear", "logistic", "exp", "none"), rootDB, soilLayers = 3, 
    LAI, k, AirTemp, IRad, winds, RelH, soilType = 10, hydrDist = 0, rfl = 0.3) {
    if (length(cws) != soilLayers) 
        stop("cws should be of length == soilLayers")
    wsFun <- match.arg(wsFun)
    if (wsFun == "linear") 
        wsFun <- 0 else if (wsFun == "logistic") 
        wsFun <- 1 else if (wsFun == "exp") 
        wsFun <- 2 else if (wsFun == "none") 
        wsFun <- 3
    if (hydrDist > 0) {
        mat <- matrix(nrow = soilLayers, ncol = 12)
    } else {
        mat <- matrix(nrow = soilLayers, ncol = 9)
    tmp2 <- SoilType(soilType)
    oldEvapoTra <- 0
    oldWaterIn <- 0
    drainage <- 0
    theta_s <- FieldC * 1.1
    FieldC <- tmp2$fieldc
    WiltP <- tmp2$wiltp
    psim <- numeric(soilLayers)
    ## rootDepth Crude empirical relationship between root biomass and rooting
    ## depth
    rootDepth <- rootDB * 0.44
    if (rootDepth > soilDepth) 
        rootDepth <- soilDepth
    depths <- seq(0, soilDepth, length.out = I(soilLayers + 1))
    ## rprops <-
    ## dpois(1:soilLayers,0.3*soilLayers)/sum(dpois(1:soilLayers,0.3*soilLayers))
    rprops <- rootDist(soilLayers, rootDepth, depths, rfl)
    ## Precipitation enters in mm
    waterIn <- precipt * 0.001  ## This is now cubic meter of water
    for (i in I(length(depths) - 1):1) {
        ## First determine the layer depth
        if (i == 1) {
            layerDepth <- depths[1 + 1]
        } else {
            layerDepth <- depths[i] - depths[i - 1]  ## These are in meters
        ### There is redistribution of water in the profile.  For this section see
        ### Campbell and Norman 'Environmental BioPhysics' Chapter 9 First compute the
        ### matric potential
        if (hydrDist > 0) {
            psim[i] <- tmp2$air.entry * (cws[i]/theta_s)^-tmp2$b  # This is matric potential of current layer
            if (i > 1) {
                psim[i - 1] <- tmp2$air.entry * (cws[i - 1]/theta_s)^-tmp2$b  #  This is matric potential of next layer
                dPsim <- psim[i] - psim[i - 1]
            } else {
                dPsim <- 0
            K_psim <- tmp2$Ks * (tmp2$air.entry/psim[i])^(2 + 3/tmp2$b)  # This is hydraulic conductivity
            J_w <- K_psim * (dPsim/layerDepth) - 9.8 * K_psim  ## Ignore gravitational effect - 10 * K_psim
            ## This is in kg (m2 * s) if(is.infinite(J_w) || is.na(J_w) || J_w > 1 || J_w <
            ## -1){ J_w <- 0 } This flow is in kg / (m2 * s)
            if (is.na(J_w)) {
                cat("K_psim: ", K_psim, " psim[i]: ", psim[i], " psim[i-1]: ", psim[i - 
                  1], " i", i, "\n")
                stop("J_w is NA")
            ## The model runs at hourly time steps so times 3600 to convert seconds to
            ## hours Density of water at 20C 0.9882 Mg /m3 1e-3 to convert from kg to Mg
            J_w <- J_w * 3600 * (1/0.9882) * 0.001  #/* This is flow in m3 /(m2 * hr)*/
            if (i == soilLayers && J_w < 0) {
                ## cws[i] = cws[i] + J_w / layerDepth;
                drainage <- drainage - J_w
            } else if (i > 1) {
                cws[i] <- cws[i] - J_w/layerDepth
                cws[i - 1] <- cws[i - 1] + J_w/layerDepth
            } else {
                ## if(J_w < 0){
                cws[i] <- cws[i] - J_w/layerDepth
                ## }
        if (cws[i] > FieldC) 
            cws[i] <- FieldC
        ## if(cws[i+1] > FieldC) cws[i+1] = FieldC;
        if (cws[i] < WiltP) 
            cws[i] <- WiltP
        ## if(cws[i+1] < WiltP) cws[i+1] = WiltP;
        aw <- cws[i] * layerDepth  ## Volume of water in layer i currently
        if (waterIn > 0) {
            aw <- aw + waterIn/soilLayers + oldWaterIn  ## They are both in meters so it works
            ## This is likely to overflow for the first layer when there is plenty
            ## precipitation
            diffwc <- FieldC * layerDepth - aw
            if (diffwc < 0) {
                ## This means that precipitation exceeded the capacity of the last layer Save
                ## this amount of water for the next layer
                oldWaterIn <- -diffwc
                aw <- FieldC * layerDepth
        ## Root Biomass
        rootATdepth <- rootDB * rprops[i]
        ## Plant available water is only between current water status and permanent
        ## wilting point Plant available water
        paw <- aw - WiltP * layerDepth
        if (paw < 0) 
            paw <- 0
        ## The next step is to calculate the Evapo Transpiration I will assume that
        ## only the first layer of the soil profile has both evaporation and
        ## transpiration
        if (i == 1) {
            ## This assumes that the Canopy Transpiration is distributed proportionally to
            ## the root distribution
            SoilEvap <- SoilEvapo(LAI = LAI, k = k, AirTemp = AirTemp, IRad = IRad, 
                aw/layerDepth, FieldC = FieldC, WiltP = WiltP, winds = winds, RelH = RelH)
            CanopyTra <- CanopyT * rprops[i]
            EvapoTra <- CanopyTra + SoilEvap
            ## These units are in Mg/ha so
            Newpawha <- (paw * 10000) - EvapoTra
        } else {
            SoilEvap <- 0
            CanopyTra <- CanopyT * rprops[i]
            EvapoTra <- CanopyTra + SoilEvap
            ## These units are in Mg/ha so
            Newpawha <- (paw * 10000) - (EvapoTra + oldEvapoTra)
        if (Newpawha < 0) {
            oldEvapoTra <- -Newpawha
            paw <- 0
            ## If the Demand is not satisfied by the first layer. This will be stored and
            ## added to subsequent soilLayers
        } else {
            paw <- Newpawha/10000
        awc <- paw/layerDepth + WiltP
        cws[i] <- awc
        if (wsFun == 0) {
            slp <- 1/(FieldC - WiltP)
            intcpt <- 1 - FieldC * slp
            wsPhoto <- slp * awc + intcpt
        } else if (wsFun == 1) {
            phi10 <- (FieldC + WiltP)/2
            wsPhoto <- 1/(1 + exp((phi10 - awc)/phi1))
        } else if (wsFun == 2) {
            slp <- (1 - WiltP)/(FieldC - WiltP)
            intcpt <- 1 - FieldC * slp
            theta <- slp * awc + intcpt
            wsPhoto <- (1 - exp(-2.5 * (theta - WiltP)/(1 - WiltP)))/(1 - exp(-2.5))
        } else if (wsFun == 3) {
            wsPhoto <- 1
        if (wsPhoto <= 0) 
            wsPhoto <- 1e-20  ## This can be mathematically lower than zero in some cases but I should prevent that.
        wsSpleaf <- awc^phi2 * 1/FieldC^phi2
        if (wsFun == 3) {
            wsSpleaf <- 1
        mat[i, 1] <- cws[i]
        mat[i, 2] <- rootATdepth
        mat[i, 3] <- waterIn
        mat[i, 4] <- layerDepth
        mat[i, 5] <- CanopyTra
        mat[i, 6] <- SoilEvap
        mat[i, 7] <- wsPhoto
        mat[i, 8] <- wsSpleaf
        mat[i, 9] <- drainage
        if (hydrDist > 0) {
            mat[i, 10] <- J_w
            mat[i, 11] <- K_psim
            mat[i, 12] <- psim[i]
    if (waterIn > 0) 
        drainage <- drainage + waterIn
    if (hydrDist > 0) {
        colnames(mat) <- c("cws", "rootATdepth", "waterIn", "layerDepth", "CanopyTra", 
            "SoilEvap", "wsPhoto", "wsSpleaf", "drainage", "J_w", "K_psim", "psim")
    } else {
        colnames(mat) <- c("cws", "rootATdepth", "waterIn", "layerDepth", "CanopyTra", 
            "SoilEvap", "wsPhoto", "wsSpleaf", "drainage")
rootDist <- function(layers, rootDepth, depthsp, rfl) {
    if (layers < 2) 
        stop("layers should be at least 2")
    CumLayerDepth <- 0
    CumRootDist <- 0
    ca <- 0
    rootDist <- numeric(layers)
    # for(i in 1:I(length(depthsp)-1)){
    for (i in seq_len(layers)) {
        if (i == 1) {
            layerDepth <- depthsp[1 + 1]
        } else {
            layerDepth <- depthsp[i] - depthsp[i - 1]
        CumLayerDepth <- CumLayerDepth + layerDepth
        if (rootDepth > CumLayerDepth) {
            CumRootDist <- CumRootDist + 1
    for (j in seq_len(layers)) {
        if (j < CumRootDist) {
            a <- dpois(j, CumRootDist * rfl)
            rootDist[j] <- a
            ca <- ca + a
        } else {
            rootDist[j] <- 0
    rootDist <- rootDist/ca
serbinsh/biocro documentation built on May 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.