
Defines functions prepare.gating.set.list.4.compass

Documented in prepare.gating.set.list.4.compass

### PrepareGatingSetList4Compass.R #######################################################

#' Prepare flow data for COMPASS
#' This function accepts GatingSets and/or reads in multiple FlowJo workspace xml files and their associated FCS files.
#' It then combines them all into a single GatingSetList, extracting the user-provided keywords
#' and checking that the batches are combine-able along the way.
#' GatingSets should already have keywords.
#' The final GatingSetList is saved to a user-provided output directory by default. You can then use it directly with COMPASS or modify it further.
#' Note 1: All the batches need to have the same gating tree, so this function will drop unshared
#' nodes and channels from the batches to be merged. TODO: make option to turn off default
#' Note 2: Marker names and channel names must all be the same across the batches.
#' @param xmlFiles character vector (xmlFiles AND/OR gsDirs AND/OR gsList is required)
#' @param gsDirs character vector (xmlFiles AND/OR gsDirs AND/OR gsList is required)
#' @param gsList list of GatingSet objects (xmlFiles AND/OR gsDirs AND/OR gsList is required)
#' @param outDir directory in which to save the final GatingSetList
#' @param fcsFiles (Optional) character vector. Only needed if fcs and xml files exist in different directories.
#' @param sampleGroups (Optional) numeric vector. Specify this if the flowJo sample group is not 3 for all batches.
#' @param keywords2import (Optional) character vector. List of keywords to import from FlowJo workspace and into pData.
#' @param keyword4samples2exclude (Optional) keyword used to identify samples for exclusion
#' @param samples2exclude (Optional) character vector. When making GatingSetList, excludes samples whose keyword4samples2exclude column matches patterns in this vector (using `grepl`).
#' @param returnGSList (Optional) Return the GatingSetList instead of saving it. Default FALSE
#' @return Nothing, or GatingSetList if requested
#' @keywords GatingSetList COMPASS
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' prepare.gating.set.list.4.compass(xmlFiles=c("/home/Batch1Files/Batch1FlowJoWorkspace.xml",
#'                                              "/home/Batch2Files/Batch2FlowJoWorkspace.xml",
#'                                              "/home/Batch3Files/Batch3FlowJoWorkspace.xml",
#'                                              "/home/Batch4Files/Batch4FlowJoWorkspace.xml"),
#'                                   outDir="/home/GatingSetListOutDir",
#'                                   keywords2import=c("Barcode", "Antigen", "PATIENT ID"),
#'                                   keyword4samples2exclude="Barcode",
#'                                   samples2exclude=c('1234567890', '1234567891', '1234567892', '1234567893', '1234567894'))
#'                                   }
#' TODO: Write tests. - When keyword4samples2exclude and gsList and/or gsDirs are provided. - When keyword4samples2exclude and xmlFiles are provided
prepare.gating.set.list.4.compass <- function(xmlFiles=NULL,
                                              returnGSList=FALSE) {
  if(is.null(xmlFiles) && is.null(gsDirs) && length(gsList) == 0) {stop("One or more of xmlFiles or gsDirs or gsList must be provided")}
  if(!returnGSList && is.null(outDir)) {stop("outDir must be provided")}
  if(!is.null(outDir) && length(list.files(outDir)) > 0) {
    stop("Please delete outDir")

  # Load in all the GatingSets from gsDirs
  gsList <- gsList # not sure if this is necessary
  gsListLen <- length(gsList)
  if (!is.null(gsDirs)){
    for (i in seq_along(gsDirs)) {
      gsList[[gsListLen + i]] <- load_gs(gsDirs[i])

  # Read in all the FlowJo workspaces and their fcs files.
  if (is.null(sampleGroups)) {
    message("sampleGroups not found, defaulting to \"All Samples\"")
    sampleGroups <- rep("All Samples", length(xmlFiles))
  wsList <- list()
  gsListLen <- length(gsList)
  if (!is.null(xmlFiles)) {
    for (i in 1:length(xmlFiles)) {
      wsList[[i]] <- flowWorkspace::openWorkspace(xmlFiles[i])
      if (!is.null(fcsFiles)) {
        # TODO: use parseWorkspace subset argument instead of subset.GatingSet   subset=grepl(paste(samples2exclude, collapse="|"), factor(get(keyword4samples2exclude)), invert=TRUE)
        gsList[[gsListLen + i]] <- flowWorkspace::parseWorkspace(wsList[[i]], name=sampleGroups[i], path=fcsFiles[i],
                                                                           keywords=unique(append(keywords2import, keyword4samples2exclude)))
        if (!is.null(keyword4samples2exclude) & !is.null(samples2exclude)) {
          gsList[[gsListLen + i]] <- subset.GatingSet(gsList[[gsListLen + i]], !grepl(paste(samples2exclude, collapse="|"), factor(get(keyword4samples2exclude))))
      } else {
        gsList[[gsListLen + i]] <- parseWorkspace(wsList[[i]], name=sampleGroups[i],
                                                  keywords=unique(append(keywords2import, keyword4samples2exclude)))
        if (!is.null(keyword4samples2exclude) & !is.null(samples2exclude)) {
          gsList[[gsListLen + i]] <- subset.GatingSet(gsList[[gsListLen + i]], !grepl(paste(samples2exclude, collapse="|"), factor(get(keyword4samples2exclude))))

  # Now all the GatingSets are in gsList.
  # Next drop redundant nodes and channels in the GatingSets to help make them merge-able.
  gsGroups <- flowWorkspace::groupByTree(gsList)
  nodes2Remove <- flowWorkspace::checkRedundantNodes(gsGroups)
  if (!(length(nodes2Remove) == 1 & length(nodes2Remove[[1]]) == 0)) {
    paste(as.character(Sys.time()), "WARNING: Removing nodes:\n")
  flowWorkspace::dropRedundantNodes(gsGroups, nodes2Remove) # original GatingSets in gsList are modified via external pointers

  # And then drop any redundant channels in the GatingSets.
  # This specifically removes channels from a GatingSet if there are no nodes which have
  # the given channel as an associated gating channel/marker.
  # TODO: I am modifying these in place and overwriting the old gsList contents. Not sure if that's kosher.
  for (i in seq_along(gsList)) {
    gsList[[i]] <- flowWorkspace::dropRedundantChannels(gsList[[i]])

  # There is no surefire way to obtain pairs of matched marker names and channel names,
  # but some sanity checking is possible:
  # Obtain the common marker and channel pairings:
  commonMarkerChannelMappings <- Reduce(merge, lapply(gsList, function(x) {
    # parameters of the first flowFrame in x, the GatingSet
    pData(parameters(flowWorkspace::getData(x[[1]])))[,1:2] }))
  paste("Common marker and channel pairings across all GatingSets:")

  # The GatingSets should now be ready to combine into one GatingSetList
  gsList4COMPASS <- flowWorkspace::GatingSetList(gsList)
  # Subset the GatingSetList based on keyword4samples2exclude, if applicable
  # It might be more correct to do this when the GatingSets are first read in (prior to the marker/gating checking above), but this way is quicker
  if (!is.null(keyword4samples2exclude) & !is.null(samples2exclude)) {
    if (keyword4samples2exclude %in% colnames(pData(gsList4COMPASS))) {
      gsList4COMPASS <- subset(gsList4COMPASS, !grepl(paste(samples2exclude, collapse="|"), factor(get(keyword4samples2exclude))))
    } else {
      message(paste(keyword4samples2exclude, " not in colnames(pData(gsList4COMPASS))"))
  if (returnGSList) {
  } else {
    # Save the new GatingSetList to disk
    # Delete outDir and its subdirectories
    paste(c(as.character(Sys.time()), " Overwriting outDir: ", outDir, "\n"), collapse="")
    unlink(outDir, recursive=TRUE)
    flowWorkspace::save_gslist(gsList4COMPASS, path=outDir)
    # Close all the workspaces, if applicable
    if (length(wsList) > 0) {
      for (i in 1:length(wsList)) {
seshadrilab/COMPASSHelpers documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:04 p.m.