
Defines functions localtest

Documented in localtest

#' Testing the equality of critical points
#'@description This function can be used to test the equality of the
#' \eqn{M} critical points estimated from the respective level-specific curves.
#' @param formula An object of class \code{formula}: a sympbolic 
#' description of the model to be fitted. The details of model 
#' specification are given under 'Details'.
#' @param data An optional data frame, matrix or list required by 
#' the formula. If not found in data, the variables are taken from 
#' \code{environment(formula)}, typically the environment from which
#'  \code{localtest} is called.
#' @param na.action A function which indicates what should happen when the 
#' data contain 'NA's. The default is 'na.omit'.
#' @param der Number which determines any inference process. 
#' By default \code{der} is \code{NULL}. If this term is \code{0}, 
#' the testing procedures is applied for the estimate. If it is \code{1} or
#' \code{2}, it is designed for the first or second derivative, respectively.
#' @param smooth Type smoother used: \code{smooth = "kernel"} for local polynomial
#' kernel smoothers and \code{smooth = "splines"} for splines using the 
#' \code{mgcv} package.
#' @param weights Prior weights on the data.
#' @param nboot Number of bootstrap repeats.
#' @param h0 The kernel bandwidth smoothing parameter for the global effect (see
#' references for more details at the estimation). Large values of the bandwidth lead
#' to smoothed estimates; smaller values of the bandwidth lead lo undersmoothed estimates. 
#' By default, cross validation is used to obtain the bandwidth.
#' @param h The kernel bandwidth smoothing parameter for the partial effects.
#' @param nh Integer number of equally-spaced bandwidth on which the
#' \code{h} is discretised, to speed up computation.
#' @param kernel A character string specifying the desired kernel. 
#' Defaults to \code{kernel = "epanech"}, where the Epanechnikov
#' density function kernel will be used. Also, several types of kernel funcitons 
#' can be used:  triangular and Gaussian density function, 
#' with \code{"triang"} and \code{"gaussian"} term, respectively.
#' @param p Degree of polynomial to be used. Its value must be the value of
#' derivative + 1. The default value is 3 due to the function
#' returns the estimation, first and second derivative.
#' @param kbin Number of binning nodes over which the function 
#' is to be estimated.
#' @param rankl Number or vector specifying the minimum value for the
#' interval at which to search the \code{x} value which maximizes the
#' estimate, first or second derivative  (for each level). The default
#' is the minimum data value.
#' @param ranku Number or vector specifying the maximum value for the
#' interval at which to search the \code{x} value which maximizes the
#' estimate, first or second derivative  (for each level). The default
#' is the maximum data value.
#' @param seed Seed to be used in the bootstrap procedure.
#' @param cluster A logical value. If  \code{TRUE} (default), the
#'  bootstrap procedure is  parallelized (only for \code{smooth = "splines"}.
#'   Note that there are cases 
#'  (e.g., a low number of bootstrap repetitions) that R will gain in
#'  performance through serial computation. R takes time to distribute tasks
#'  across the processors also it will need time for binding them all together
#'  later on. Therefore, if the time for distributing and gathering pieces
#'  together is greater than the time need for single-thread computing, it does
#'  not worth parallelize.
#'@param ncores An integer value specifying the number of cores to be used
#' in the parallelized procedure. If \code{NULL} (default), the number of cores 
#' to be used is equal to the number of cores of the machine - 1.
#'@param ci.level Level of bootstrap confidence interval. Defaults to 0.95 (corresponding to 95\%). Note that the function accepts a vector of levels.
#' @param \ldots Other options.
#' @details \code{localtest} can be used to test the equality of the 
#' \eqn{M} critical points estimated from the respective level-specific curves. 
#' Note that, even if the curves and/or their derivatives are different, it is 
#' possible for these points to be equal. 
#' For instance, taking the maxima of the first derivatives into account, 
#' interest lies in testing the following null hypothesis
#' \deqn{H_0: x_{01} = \ldots = x_{0M}}
#' versus the general  alternative  
#' \deqn{H_1: x_{0i} \ne x_{0j}  \quad {\rm{for}} \quad {\rm{some}} \quad 
#' i, j \in \{ 1, \ldots, M\}.}
#' The above hypothesis is true if \eqn{d=x_{0j}-x_{0k}=0} where 
#' \deqn{ (j,k)= argmax \quad (l,m) \quad \{1 \leq l<m \leq M\} \quad |x_{0l}-x_{0m}|, }
#' otherwise  \eqn{H_0} is false. It is important to highlight that, in practice,
#' the true \eqn{x_{0j}} are not known, and consequently neither is \eqn{d}, 
#' so an estimate \eqn{\hat d = \hat x_{0j}-\hat x_{0k}} is used, where, 
#' in general, \eqn{\hat x_{0l}} are the estimates of \eqn{x_{0l}} based on the 
#' estimated curves \eqn{\hat m_l} with \eqn{l = 1, \ldots , M}. 
#' Needless to say, 
#' since \eqn{\hat d} is only an estimate of the true \eqn{d}, the sampling 
#' uncertainty of these estimates needs to be acknowledged. Hence, a confidence 
#' interval \eqn{(a,b)} is created for \eqn{d} for a specific level of 
#' confidence (95\%).  Based on this, the null hypothesis is rejected if  
#' zero is not contained in the interval.
#' Note that if this hypothesis is rejected (and the factor has more than 
#' two levels), one option could be to use the \code{maxp.diff} function in 
#' order to obtain the differences between each pair of factor's levels.
#' Note that the models fitted by \code{localtest} function are specified 
#' in a compact symbolic form. The ~ operator is basic in the formation 
#' of such models. An expression of the form \code{y ~ model}  is interpreted as 
#' a specification that the response \code{y} is modelled by a predictor 
#' specified symbolically by \code{model}. The possible terms consist of a 
#' variable name or a variable name and a factor name separated by : operator. 
#' Such a term is interpreted as the interaction of the continuous variable and 
#' the factor. However, if \code{smooth = "splines"}, the formula is based on the function
#' formula.gam of the mgcv package.

#'@return The estimate of \eqn{d} value is returned and its confidence interval 
#'for a specific-level of confidence, i.e. 95\%. Additionally, it is shown 
#'the decision, accepted or rejected,  of the local test. Based on the null 
#'hypothesis is rejected if a zero value is not within the interval. 
#'@author Marta Sestelo, Nora M. Villanueva and Javier Roca-Pardinas.
#' @references 
#' Sestelo, M. (2013). Development and computational implementation of 
#' estimation and inference methods in flexible regression models. 
#' Applications in Biology, Engineering and Environment. PhD Thesis, Department
#' of Statistics and O.R. University of Vigo.
#' Sestelo, M., Villanueva, N.M., Meira-Machado, L., Roca-Pardinas, J. (2017). 
#' npregfast: An R Package for Nonparametric Estimation and Inference in Life 
#' Sciences. Journal of Statistical Software, 82(12), 1-27. 
#' library(npregfast)
#' data(barnacle)
#' localtest(DW ~ RC : F, data = barnacle, der = 1, seed = 130853, nboot = 100)
#' # localtest(height ~ s(age, by = sex), data = children, seed = 130853, 
#' # der = 1, smooth = "splines") 
#' @importFrom stats na.omit runif
#' @importFrom mgcv interpret.gam gam predict.gam
#' @importFrom sfsmisc D1D2
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %dopar%
#' @export

localtest <- function(formula, data = data, na.action = "na.omit",
                      der, smooth = "kernel", weights = NULL, 
                      nboot = 500, h0 = -1.0, h = -1.0, nh = 30, 
                      kernel = "epanech", p = 3, kbin = 100, rankl = NULL, 
                      ranku = NULL, seed = NULL, cluster = TRUE, 
                      ncores = NULL, ci.level = 0.95, ...) {
  if(kernel == "gaussian")  kernel <- 3
  if(kernel == "epanech")   kernel <- 1
  if(kernel == "triang")    kernel <- 2
  if (missing(der)) {
    stop("Argument \"der\" is missing, with no default")
  if (missing(formula)) {
    stop("Argument \"formula\" is missing, with no default")
 # if (missing(data)) {
#    stop("Argument \"data\" is missing, with no default")
 # }
  if(!isTRUE(der %in% c(0, 1, 2))) {
    stop("",paste(der)," is not a r-th derivative implemented, only 
         permitted 0, 1 or 2.")
  if (!(kernel %in% 1:3)) {
    stop("Kernel not suported")
  if (!(smooth %in% c("kernel", "splines"))) {
    stop("Smoother not suported")
  if (!is.null(seed)) {
  if (isTRUE(cluster) & smooth == "splines") {
    if (is.null(ncores)) {
      num_cores <- detectCores() - 1
      num_cores <- ncores
    registerDoParallel(cores = num_cores)
  ncmax <- 5
  c2 <- NULL
  nalfas <- length(ci.level)
  if (smooth != "splines") {
    cl <- match.call()
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m <- match(x = c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", 
                     "na.action", "offset"), table = names(mf), nomatch = 0L)
    mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
    mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
    mf <- eval(expr = mf, envir = parent.frame())
    mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
    y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
    w <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
    if (!is.null(w) && !is.numeric(w)) 
      stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
    terms <- attr(mt, "term.labels")
    aux <- unlist(strsplit(terms,split = ":"))
    varnames <- aux[1]
    namef <- aux[2]
    response <- as.character(attr(mt, "variables")[2])
    if (unlist(strsplit(varnames,split = ""))[1] == "s") {
      stop("Argument \"formula\" is wrong specified, see details of
           model specification in 'Details' of the frfast help." )
    data <- mf
    if (na.action == "na.omit"){ # ver la f, corregido
      data <- na.omit(data)
      stop("The actual version of the package only supports 'na.omit' (observations are removed 
           if they contain any missing values)")
    if (length(aux) == 1) {f <- NULL}else{f <- data[ ,namef]}
    n <- nrow(data)
      ffr <- interpret.gam(formula)
      cl <- match.call()
      mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
      mf$formula <- ffr$fake.formula
      m <- match(x = c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", 
                       "na.action", "offset"), table = names(mf), nomatch = 0L)
      mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
      mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
      mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
      mf <- eval(expr = mf, envir = parent.frame())
      mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
      y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
      w <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
      if (!is.null(w) && !is.numeric(w)) 
        stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
      terms <- attr(mt, "term.labels")
      response <- as.character(attr(mt, "variables")[2])
      varnames <- terms[1]
      if (":" %in% unlist(strsplit(ffr$fake.names,split = ""))) {
        stop("Argument \"formula\" is wrong specified, see details of
             model specification in 'Details' of the frfast help." )
      if (length(ffr$smooth.spec) == 0) {
        warning("Argument \"formula\" could be wrong specified without an 's', see details of
                model specification in 'Details' of the frfast help." )
      datam <- mf
      if (na.action == "na.omit"){
        datam <- na.omit(datam)
        stop("The actual version of the package only supports 'na.omit' 
             (observations are removed if they contain any missing values)")
      if (length(terms) == 1) {
        f <- NULL
        namef <- 1
        namef <- terms[2]
        f <- mf[ ,namef]
      n <- nrow(datam)
  if(missing(data)) {
    response <- strsplit(response, "\\$")[[1]][2]
    terms2 <- strsplit(terms, "\\$")
    if(length(terms) == 1){
      formula <- as.formula(paste0(response, "~s(",terms2[[1]][2],")"))
      names(datam) <- c(response, terms2[[1]][2])
      varnames <- terms2[[1]][2]
      namef <- "F"
      formula <- as.formula(paste0(response, "~s(",terms2[[1]][2],", by = ", terms2[[2]][2],")"))
      #data2 <- data
      names(datam) <- c(response, terms2[[1]][2], terms2[[2]][2])
      varnames <- terms2[[1]][2]
      namef <- terms2[[2]][2]
    data <- datam
  # if (smooth != "splines") {
  #   ffr <- interpret.frfastformula(formula, method = "frfast")
  #   varnames <- ffr$II[2, ]
  #   aux <- unlist(strsplit(varnames,split = ":"))
  #   varnames <- aux[1]
  #   if (unlist(strsplit(varnames,split = ""))[1] == "s") {
  #     stop("Argument \"formula\" is wrong specified, see details of
  #          model specification in 'Details' of the frfast help." )
  #   }
  #   namef <- aux[2]
  #   if (length(aux) == 1) {f <- NULL}else{f <- data[ ,namef]}
  #   newdata <- data
  #   data <- data[ ,c(ffr$response, varnames)]
  #   if (na.action == "na.omit"){ # ver la f
  #     data <- na.omit(data)
  #   }else{
  #     stop("The actual version of the package only supports 'na.omit' (observations are removed 
  #          if they contain any missing values)")
  #   }
  #   #newdata <- na.omit(newdata[ ,varnames])
  #   n <- nrow(data)
  #   }else{
  #     ffr <- interpret.gam(formula)
  #     varnames <- ffr$pred.names[1]
  #     if (":" %in% unlist(strsplit(ffr$fake.names,split = ""))) {
  #       stop("Argument \"formula\" is wrong specified, see details of
  #            model specification in 'Details' of the frfast help." )
  #     }
  #     if (length(ffr$smooth.spec) == 0) {
  #       warning("Argument \"formula\" could be wrong specified without an 's', see details of
  #               model specification in 'Details' of the frfast help." )
  #     }
  #     namef <- ffr$pred.names[2]
  #     if (length(ffr$pred.names) == 1) {f <- NULL}else{f <- data[ ,namef]}
  #     newdata <- data
  #     if (length(ffr$pred.names) == 1) {
  #       data <- data[ ,c(ffr$response, varnames)]
  #     }else{
  #       data <- data[ ,c(ffr$response, varnames, namef)]
  #     }
  #     if (na.action == "na.omit"){
  #       data <- na.omit(data)
  #     }else{
  #       stop("The actual version of the package only supports 'na.omit' (observations are removed 
  #            if they contain any missing values)")
  #     }
  #     n <- nrow(data)
  #     }
  if (is.null(f)) f <- rep(1, n)
  etiquetas <- unique(f)
  nf <- length(etiquetas)
  if(nf == 1) {
    stop("Function not supported.
         There is not factor in the model.")
    h0 <- -1.0
    h <- rep(-1.0, nf)
    if(length(h) == 1) h <- rep(h, nf)
  # Interesaria meter para las derivadas?
  if (is.null(weights)) {
    weights <- rep(1, n)
  } else {
    if (sum(weights) <= 0 || any(weights) < 0 || length(weights) != n) 
      stop("The specified weights are not correct")
  if(is.null(c2)) c2 <- matrix(as.double(-1.0), ncmax, nf) 
    rankl <- na.omit(as.vector(tapply(data[ ,varnames], f, min)))
    if(length(rankl) == 1) rankl <- rep(rankl, nf)
    ranku <- na.omit(as.vector(tapply(data[ ,varnames], f, max)))
    if(length(ranku) == 1) ranku <- rep(ranku, nf)
  if (smooth != "splines") {
    umatrix <- matrix(runif(n*nboot), ncol = nboot, nrow = n)
    localtest  <-.Fortran("localtest_",
                          f = as.integer(f),
                          x = as.double(data[ ,varnames]),
                          y = as.double(data[ ,response]),
                          w = as.double(weights),
                          n = as.integer(n),
                          h0 = as.double(h0),
                          h = as.double(h),
                          nh = as.integer(nh),
                          p = as.integer(p),
                          kbin = as.integer(kbin),
                          #fact = as.integer(c(1:nf)),
                          fact = unique(as.integer(f)),
                          #fact   =as.integer(c(1:nf))
                          nf = as.integer(nf),
                          kernel = as.integer(kernel),
                          nboot = as.integer(nboot),
                          pcmax = as.double(ranku), # rango de busqueda minimo
                          pcmin = as.double(rankl), # rango de busqueda maximo
                          r = as.integer(der),
                          D = as.double(rep(-1.0,1)),
                          Ci = as.double(rep(-1.0,nalfas)),
                          Cs = as.double(rep(-1.0,nalfas)),
                         # seed = as.integer(seed),
                          umatrix = as.double(umatrix),
                         level = as.double(ci.level),
                         nalfas = as.integer(nalfas),
                          PACKAGE = "npregfast"
    decision <- character(nalfas)
    for(i in 1:nalfas){
      if (localtest$Ci[i] <= 0 & 0 <= localtest$Cs[i]) {
        decision[i] <- "Accepted"
      } else {
        decision[i] <- "Rejected"
    res <- cbind(d = round(localtest$D, digits = 4), Lwr = round(localtest$Ci, digits = 4), 
                 Upr = round(localtest$Cs, digits = 4), Decision = decision,
                 Ci.Level = round(ci.level, digits = 2))
    # class(res) <- 'localtest'
    mainfun_localtest <- function(formula, data, weights, ...){
      # grid
      xgrid <- seq(min(data[ ,varnames]), max(data[ ,varnames]), length.out = kbin)
      newd <- expand.grid(xgrid, unique(f))
      names(newd) <- c(varnames, namef)
      # estimations
      p <- array(NA, dim = c(kbin, 3, nf))
      m <- gam(formula, weights = weights, data = data.frame(data, weights), ...)
      muhat <- as.vector(predict(m, newdata = newd, type = "response"))
      p[, 1, 1:nf] <- muhat
      #d1 <- apply(p, 3, function(z){D1ss(x = xgrid, y = z[, 1])})
      d1 <- apply(p, 3, function(z){D1D2(x = xgrid, y = z[, 1], deriv = 1)$D1})
      p[, 2, 1:nf] <- as.vector(d1)
      #d2 <- apply(p, 3, function(z){D2ss(x = xgrid, y = z[, 1])$y})
      d2 <- apply(p, 3, function(z){D1D2(x = xgrid, y = z[, 1], deriv = 2)$D2})
      p[, 3, 1:nf] <- as.vector(d2)
      # gridfino
      kfino <- 100
      xgridfino <- vapply(c(1:nf),
                          FUN = function(x){seq(rankl[x], ranku[x], length.out = kfino)}, 
                          FUN.VALUE = numeric(kfino))
      newdfino <- data.frame(as.vector(xgridfino), rep(unique(f), each = kfino))
      names(newdfino) <- c(varnames, namef)
      # max
      muhatfino <- as.vector(predict(m, newdata = newdfino, type = "response"))
      pfino <- array(NA, dim = c(kfino, 3, nf))
      pfino[, 1, 1:nf] <- muhatfino
      aux <- data.frame(muhatfino, newdfino)
      # d1 <- by(aux, aux[, 3], function(z){D1ss(x = z[, 2], y = z[, 1])})
      d1 <- by(aux, aux[, 3], function(z){D1D2(x = z[, 2], y = z[, 1], deriv = 1)$D1})
      pfino[, 2, 1:nf] <- unlist(d1)
      #d2 <- by(aux, aux[, 3], function(z){D2ss(x = z[, 2], y = z[, 1])$y})
      d2 <- by(aux, aux[, 3], function(z){D1D2(x = z[, 2], y = z[, 1], deriv = 2)$D2})
      pfino[, 3, 1:nf] <- unlist(d2)
      iimax <- apply(pfino, 3:2, which.max)
      iicero <- apply(abs(pfino), 3:2, which.min)
      max <- matrix(NA, ncol = nf, nrow = 3)
      for (j in 1:nf) {
        max[1:2 , j] <- xgridfino[ t(iimax)[1:2, j], j]
        max[3 , j] <- xgridfino[ t(iicero)[3, j], j]
      xmin <- min(max[der + 1, ])
      posmin <- which.min(max[der + 1, ])
      xmax <- max(max[der + 1, ])
      posmax <- which.max(max[der + 1, ])
      if (posmin < posmax){
        d <-  xmin - xmax
        d <-  xmax - xmin
    d <- mainfun_localtest(formula, data = data, weights = weights, ...)
    # bootstrap
    m <- gam(formula, weights = weights, data = data.frame(data, weights), ...)
    muhat <- as.vector(predict(m, type = "response"))
    err <- data[, response] - muhat
    err <- err - mean(err)
    yboot <- replicate(nboot, muhat + err *
                         sample(c(-sqrt(5) + 1, sqrt(5) + 1)/2, size = n,
                                replace = TRUE,
                                prob = c(sqrt(5) + 1, sqrt(5) - 1)/(2 * sqrt(5))))
    i <- NULL
    d_allboot <- foreach(i = 1:nboot) %dopar% {
      datab <- data
      datab[, response] <- yboot[, i]
      aux <- mainfun_localtest(formula, data = data.frame(datab, weights), 
                               weights = weights, ...)
    decision <- character(nalfas)
    cilower <- numeric(nalfas)
    ciupper <- numeric(nalfas)
    for(i in 1:nalfas){
      alpha <- 1-ci.level[i]
      ci <- quantile(unlist(d_allboot), 
                     probs = c(alpha/2, 1 - (alpha/2)), na.rm = TRUE)
    if (ci[1] <= 0 & 0 <= ci[2]) {
      decision[i] <- "Accepted"
    } else {
      decision[i] <- "Rejected"
    cilower[i] <- ci[1]
    ciupper[i] <- ci[2] 
    res <- cbind(d = round(d, digits = 4), Lwr = round(cilower, digits = 4), 
                 Upr = round(ciupper, digits = 4), Decision = decision,
                 Ci.Level = round(ci.level, digits = 2))
    rownames(res) <- NULL
sestelo/npregfast documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 1:28 p.m.