
Defines functions old_make_clean_names warn_micro_mu make_clean_names

Documented in make_clean_names

#' Cleans a vector of text, typically containing the names of an object.
#' @description Resulting strings are unique and consist only of the `_`
#' character, numbers, and letters. By default, the resulting strings will only
#' consist of ASCII characters, but non-ASCII (e.g. Unicode) may be allowed by
#' setting `ascii = FALSE`.  Capitalization preferences can be specified
#' using the `case` parameter.
#' For use on the names of a data.frame, e.g., in a `%>%` pipeline,
#' call the convenience function [janitor::clean_names()].
#' When `ascii = TRUE` (the default), accented characters are transliterated
#' to ASCII.  For example, an "o" with a German umlaut over it becomes "o", and
#' the Spanish character "enye" becomes "n".
#' The order of operations is: make replacements, (optional) ASCII conversion,
#' remove initial spaces and punctuation, apply `base::make.names()`,
#' apply `snakecase::to_any_case(()`, and add numeric suffixes
#' to resolve any duplicated names.
#' This function relies on `snakecase::to_any_case()` and can take advantage of
#' its versatility.  For instance, an abbreviation like "ID" can have its
#' capitalization preserved by passing the argument `abbreviations = "ID"`.
#' See the documentation for [snakecase::to_any_case()]
#' for more about how to use its features.
#' On some systems, not all transliterators to ASCII are available.  If this is
#' the case on your system, all available transliterators will be used, and a
#' warning will be issued once per session indicating that results may be
#' different when run on a different system.  That warning can be disabled with
#' `options(janitor_warn_transliterators=FALSE)`.
#' If the objective of your call to `make_clean_names()` is only to translate to
#' ASCII, try the following instead:
#' `stringi::stri_trans_general(x, id="Any-Latin;Greek-Latin;Latin-ASCII")`.
#' @param string A character vector of names to clean.
#' @param case The desired target case (default is `"snake"`) will be
#'   passed to `snakecase::to_any_case()` with the exception of "old_janitor",
#'   which exists only to support legacy code (it preserves the behavior of
#'   `clean_names()` prior to addition of the "case" argument (janitor
#'   versions <= 0.3.1).  "old_janitor" is not intended for new code. See
#'   [snakecase::to_any_case()] for a wide variety of supported cases,
#'   including "sentence" and "title" case.
#' @param replace A named character vector where the name is replaced by the
#'   value.
#' @param ascii Convert the names to ASCII (`TRUE`, default) or not
#'   (`FALSE`).
#' @param use_make_names Should `make.names()` be applied to ensure that the
#'   output is usable as a name without quoting?  (Avoiding `make.names()`
#'   ensures that the output is locale-independent but quoting may be required.)
#' @param allow_dupes Allow duplicates in the returned names (`TRUE`) or not
#'   (`FALSE`, the default).
#' @inheritParams snakecase::to_any_case
#' @inheritDotParams snakecase::to_any_case
#' @return Returns the "cleaned" character vector.
#' @export
#' @seealso [snakecase::to_any_case()]
#' @examples
#' # cleaning the names of a vector:
#' x <- structure(1:3, names = c("name with space", "TwoWords", "total $ (2009)"))
#' x
#' names(x) <- make_clean_names(names(x))
#' x # now has cleaned names
#' # if you prefer camelCase variable names:
#' make_clean_names(names(x), "small_camel")
#' # similar to janitor::clean_names(poorly_named_df):
#' # not run:
#' # make_clean_names(names(poorly_named_df))
#' @importFrom stringi stri_trans_general
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace str_replace_all
#' @importFrom snakecase to_any_case
make_clean_names <- function(string,
                             case = "snake",
                             replace =
                                 "'" = "",
                                 "\"" = "",
                                 "%" = "_percent_",
                                 "#" = "_number_"
                             ascii = TRUE,
                             use_make_names = TRUE,
                             allow_dupes = FALSE,
                             # default arguments for snake_case::to_any_case
                             sep_in = "\\.",
                             transliterations = "Latin-ASCII",
                             parsing_option = 1,
                             numerals = "asis",
                             ...) {
  if (is.data.frame(string)) {
    stop("`string` must not be a data.frame, use clean_names()")
  # Handling "old_janitor" case for backward compatibility
  if (case == "old_janitor") {

  warn_micro_mu(string = string, replace = replace)
  replaced_names <-
      string = string,
      pattern = replace
  transliterated_names <-
    if (ascii) {
        id = available_transliterators(c("Any-Latin", "Greek-Latin", "Any-NFKD", "Any-NFC", "Latin-ASCII"))
    } else {
  # Remove starting spaces and punctuation
  good_start <-
      string = transliterated_names,
      # Description of this regexp:
      # \A: beginning of the string (rather than beginning of the line as ^ would indicate)
      # \h: any horizontal whitespace character (spaces, tabs, and anything else that is a Unicode whitespace)
      # \s: non-unicode whitespace matching (it may overlap with \h)
      # \p{}: indicates a unicode class of characters, so these will also match punctuation, symbols, separators, and "other" characters
      # * means all of the above zero or more times (not + so that the capturing part of the regexp works)
      # (.*)$: captures everything else in the string for the replacement
      pattern = "\\A[\\h\\s\\p{Punctuation}\\p{Symbol}\\p{Separator}\\p{Other}]*(.*)$",
      replacement = "\\1"
  # Convert all interior spaces and punctuation to single dots
  cleaned_within <-
      string = good_start,
      pattern = "[\\h\\s\\p{Punctuation}\\p{Symbol}\\p{Separator}\\p{Other}]+",
      replacement = "."
  # make.names() is dependent on the locale and therefore will return different
  # system-dependent values (e.g. as in issue #268 with Japanese characters).
  made_names <-
    if (use_make_names) {
    } else {

  cased_names <-
      case = case,
      sep_in = sep_in,
      transliterations = transliterations,
      parsing_option = parsing_option,
      numerals = numerals,

  # Handle duplicated names by appending an incremental counter to repeats
  if (!allow_dupes) {
    while (any(duplicated(cased_names))) {
      dupe_count <-
          seq_along(cased_names), function(i) {
            sum(cased_names[i] == cased_names[1:i])

      cased_names[dupe_count > 1] <-
          cased_names[dupe_count > 1],
          dupe_count[dupe_count > 1],
          sep = "_"


#' Warn if micro or mu are going to be replaced with make_clean_names()
#' @inheritParams make_clean_names
#' @param character Which character should be tested for ("micro" or "mu", or both)?
#' @return TRUE if a warning was issued or FALSE if no warning was issued
#' @keywords Internal
#' @noRd
warn_micro_mu <- function(string, replace) {
  micro_mu <- names(mu_to_u)
  # The vector of characters that exist but are not handled at all
  warning_characters <- character()
  # The vector of characters that exist and may be handled by a specific replacement
  warning_characters_specific <- character()
  for (current_unicode in micro_mu) {
    # Does the character exist in any of the names?
    has_character <- any(grepl(x = string, pattern = current_unicode, fixed = TRUE))
    if (has_character) {
      # Is there a general replacement for any occurrence of the character?
      has_replacement_general <- any(names(replace) %in% current_unicode)
      # Is there a specific replacement for some form including the character,
      # but it may not cover all of replacements?
      has_replacement_specific <- any(grepl(x = names(replace), pattern = current_unicode, fixed = TRUE))
      warning_characters <-
          current_unicode[!has_replacement_general & !has_replacement_specific]
      warning_characters_specific <-
          current_unicode[!has_replacement_general & has_replacement_specific]
  # Issue the consolidated warnings, if needed
  warning_message_general <- NULL
  if (length(warning_characters) > 0) {
    warning_characters_utf <-
      sprintf("\\u%04x", sapply(X = warning_characters, FUN = utf8ToInt))
    warning_message_general <-
        "The following characters are in the names to clean but are not replaced: %s",
        paste(warning_characters_utf, collapse = ", ")
  warning_message_specific <- NULL
  if (length(warning_characters_specific) > 0) {
    warning_characters_utf <-
      sprintf("\\u%04x", sapply(X = warning_characters_specific, FUN = utf8ToInt))
    warning_message_specific <-
        "The following characters are in the names to clean but may not be replaced, check the output names carefully: %s",
        paste(warning_characters_utf, collapse = ", ")
  if (!is.null(warning_message_general) | !is.null(warning_message_specific)) {
    warning_message <- paste(c(warning_message_general, warning_message_specific), collapse = "\n")
      "Watch out!  ",
      "The mu or micro symbol is in the input string, and may have been converted to 'm' while 'u' may have been expected.  ",
      "Consider adding the following to the `replace` argument:\n",
  length(c(warning_characters, warning_characters_specific)) > 0

# copy of clean_names from janitor v0.3 on CRAN, to preserve old behavior
old_make_clean_names <- function(string) {
  # Takes a data.frame, returns the same data frame with cleaned names
  old_names <- string
  new_names <- old_names %>%
    gsub("'", "", .) %>% # remove quotation marks
    gsub("\"", "", .) %>% # remove quotation marks
    gsub("%", "percent", .) %>%
    gsub("^[ ]+", "", .) %>%
    make.names(.) %>%
    gsub("[.]+", "_", .) %>% # convert 1+ periods to single _
    gsub("[_]+", "_", .) %>% # fix rare cases of multiple consecutive underscores
    tolower(.) %>%
    gsub("_$", "", .) # remove string-final underscores

  # Handle duplicated names - they mess up dplyr pipelines
  # This appends the column number to repeated instances of duplicate variable names
  dupe_count <- vapply(seq_along(new_names), function(i) {
    sum(new_names[i] == new_names[1:i])
  }, integer(1))

  new_names[dupe_count > 1] <- paste(
    new_names[dupe_count > 1],
    dupe_count[dupe_count > 1],
    sep = "_"

#' Detect the available transliterators for stri_trans_general
#' @param wanted The transliterators desired for translation
#' @return A semicolon-separated list of the transliterators that are available.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stringi stri_trans_list
available_transliterators <- function(wanted) {
  desired_available <- intersect(wanted, stringi::stri_trans_list())
  if (!identical(wanted, desired_available) & getOption("janitor_warn_transliterators", default = TRUE)) {
      "Some transliterators to convert characters in names are not available \n",
      "on this system.  Results may differ when run on a different system.\n",
      "The missing transliterators are: ",
      paste0(setdiff(wanted, desired_available), collapse = ", "),
      "\n\nThis warning will only be shown once per session.\n",
      "To suppress it use this:\n `options(janitor_warn_transliterators=FALSE)`\n",
      "To make all transliterators available on your system, reinstall the stringi with:\n",
      '`install.packages("stringi", type="source", configure.args="--disable-pkg-config")`'
    # Only warn once per session
    options(janitor_warn_transliterators = FALSE)
  paste(desired_available, collapse = ";")
sfirke/janitor documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 1:54 p.m.