
Defines functions makematrix

# makematrix is a bit complicated. The purpose is to make model matrices for the various
# parts of the formulas.  The complications are due to the iv stuff.
# If there's an IV-part, its right hand side should be with the
# x. Their names are put in 'instruments'. Its left hand side goes in a separate entry 'ivy'

makematrix <- function(mf, contrasts=NULL, pf=parent.frame(),
                       clustervar=NULL, wildcard='n', onlymm=FALSE) {
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
  wpos <- which(!is.na(pmatch(names(mf),'weights')))
  if(length(wpos) > 0) {
    weights <- eval(mf[[wpos]],pf)
    if(!is.null(weights)) {
      if(anyNA(weights) || any(weights < 0)) stop('missing or negative weights not allowed')
      weights <- sqrt(weights)
      weights[weights==0] <- 1e-60
  } else {
    weights <- NULL
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf[[1L]] <- quote(model.frame)
  # we should handle multiple lhs
  # but how?  model.frame() doesn't handle it, but we need
  # model.frame for subsetting and na.action, with the left hand side
  # included.  We create an artifical single lhs by summing the left hand
  # sides, just to get hold of the rhs.  Then we extract the left hand side

  # We need to remove the iv-spec from the Formula. It requires its own specification
  Form <- eval(mf[['formula']], pf)
  formenv <- environment(Form)
  Form <- as.Formula(Form)

  # If Form rhs is shorter than 4, extend it with zeros.
  # Then we avoid some special cases later
  numrhs <- length(Form)[2]

  # we can't just dot-update the iv-part, update will only keep the instruments
  if(numrhs < 2) Form <- update(Form, . ~ . | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0, drop=FALSE)
  else if(numrhs < 3) Form <- update(Form, . ~ . | . | 0 | 0 | 0 , drop=FALSE)
  else if(numrhs < 4) {
    # build from parts
    Form <- as.Formula(do.call(substitute, list(L ~ R1 | R2 | R3 | 0 | 0,
  } else if(numrhs < 5) {
    Form <- as.Formula(do.call(substitute, list(L ~ R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | 0,


  if(numrhs > 5) stop("Formula can't have more than 5 parts")
# Make a suitable formula for a model frame. No tricky IV-spec
#  fullF <- formula(Form,lhs=NULL,rhs=0, drop=FALSE,collapse=TRUE,update=TRUE)
  fullF <- formula(Form,lhs=NULL,rhs=0, drop=FALSE)
  for(i in seq_len(length(Form)[2])) {
    f <- formula(Form,lhs=0,rhs=i,drop=FALSE)[[2]]
    if(i == 3) {
      if(identical(f,0)) next
      f <- as.Formula(f[[2]]) # skip '('
      f <- formula(f,collapse=TRUE, drop=FALSE)
      fullF <- update(fullF, formula(substitute(. ~ . + F1+F2, list(F1=f[[2]], F2=f[[3]]))), drop=FALSE, collapse=TRUE)
    } else {
      fullF <- update(fullF, formula(substitute(. ~ . + F, list(F=f))),drop=FALSE)

  usewild <- !identical(wildcard,'n') 
  dataenv <- new.env(parent=pf)
  if(usewild) {
    # we must evalaute the data argument, but we want to
    # avoid it being reevaluated when we eval(mf),
    # so put it in an environment.  We do it like this
    # to have a short name in mf[['data']] in case of errors.
    data <- eval(mf[['data']],pf)
    mf[['data']] <- as.name('..(@DATA@)..')
    wildnames <- colnames(data)
    if(wildcard == 'R' || wildcard == 'G')
        wildnames <- unique(c(wildnames, rls(formenv)))
    rewild <- wildcard %in% c('r','R')
    fullF <- wildcard(fullF, wildnames, re=rewild)
  environment(fullF) <- formenv
  mf[['formula']] <- fullF 

  # coerce pdata.frame (from plm) to ensure classes and attributes are preserved in model.frame
  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29724813/how-to-calculate-dynamic-panel-models-with-lfe-package
  if(!is.null(mf[['data']])) {
    frname <- deparse(mf[['data']])
           function(x) {
             if(inherits(x,'pdata.frame')) {
                   stop('Needs package plm to handle pdata.frame ', frname, call.=FALSE)
             } else {
    mf[['data']] <- bquote(..pdata.coerce..(.(mf[['data']])))

  mfcall <- bquote(evalq(.(mf), .(dataenv)))
  mf <- eval(mfcall)

  if(nrow(mf) == 0) stop('0 (non-NA) cases; no valid data')

  naact <- na.action(mf)
  if(!is.null(naact) && !is.null(weights)) weights <- weights[-naact]
#  if(is.null(mf$data)) data <- environment(mf[['formula']])
  # the factor list (rhs=2) needs special attention
  # it should be made into a model matrix, but treated specially.
  # It's a sum of terms like f + x:g

  fpart <- formula(Form, lhs=0, rhs=2)
  if(usewild) fpart <- wildcard(fpart,wildnames,re=rewild)
  ftm <- terms(fpart)

  # we make it into a call like
  # list(f=f, `x:g` = structure(g,x=x))
  # which we evaluate in the frame
  # make a function for ':'
  env <- new.env(parent = formenv)
# make  '*' a function of two arguments to do the interaction.
#  assign(':', function(a,b) {
#    anam <- deparse(substitute(a))
#    bnam <- deparse(substitute(b))
#    message(' call : ',anam, ':' ,bnam)
#    if(is.factor(a) && is.factor(b)) ret <- structure(interaction(a,b,drop=TRUE),xnam=bnam,fnam=anam)
#    else if(is.factor(b)) ret <- structure(factor(b),x=a,xnam=anam,fnam=bnam)
#    else if(is.factor(a)) ret <- structure(factor(a),x=b,xnam=bnam,fnam=anam)
#    else stop('Error in term ',anam,':',bnam,'. Neither ',anam, ' nor ',bnam,' is a factor')
#    ret
#  }, env)
#  fl <- eval(attr(ftm,'variables'), mf, env)
  vmat <- attr(ftm,'factors')

  fl <- lapply(attr(ftm,'term.labels'), function(tm) {
    # function for finding a factor name in the model frame.
    # It's really just to do mf[[n]], but in case of non-syntactical names like `a+b`,
    # the index name in mf is "a+b", whereas it's "`a+b'" in the terms object
    # so we must remove backticks before trying.
    gv <- function(n) mf[[sub('^`(.*)`$','\\1',n)]]
    f <- gv(tm)

    # if it's a variable and only occurs in one term, pass it on
    if(!is.null(f) && sum(vmat[tm,] > 0) == 1) return(structure(factor(f),fnam=tm))
#    if(!is.null(f)) return(structure(factor(f),fnam=tm))
    # It's an interaction of some sort, find the variables in the interaction
    vars <- attr(ftm,'factors')[,tm]
    vars <- vars[vars != 0]
    nm <- names(vars)
    # find the factors
    isfac <- sapply(nm, function(n) is.factor(gv(n)))
    xx <- names(vars)[which(!isfac)]
    if(length(xx) > 1) stop('Interaction only allowed for one non-factor')
    # interact the factors
    # remove a reference level from the ones which are 1
    hasref <- vars == 1
    noref <- vars == 2
    # find the reference, we choose the largest level
    reffac <- which(isfac & hasref)
    namref <- names(vars[reffac])
    reflev <- sapply(namref, function(n) which(names(which.max(table(gv(n)))) %in% levels(gv(n))))
    names(reflev) <- namref
    # make a list with the reference level replaced
    if(length(xx) == 0) {
#      rflist <- lapply(namref, function(n) {f <- mf[[n]]; levels(f)[[1]] <- NA; f})
      if(length(namref) == 1 && sum(noref&isfac) == 0)
          rflist <- list(gv(namref))
          rflist <- lapply(namref, function(n) {f <- gv(n); levels(f)[[reflev[[n]]]] <- NA; f})
      names(rflist) <- namref
      f <- addNA(do.call(interaction,c(rflist,lapply(names(vars[noref&isfac]), function(n) gv(n)), drop=TRUE)),
      refnam <- paste(sapply(namref, function(n) levels(gv(n))[reflev[n]]), collapse='+')
      levels(f)[is.na(levels(f))] <- refnam
#      structure(f, fnam=names(vars)[1], xnam=paste(names(vars)[-1],collapse=':'))
      structure(f, fnam=paste(names(vars),collapse=':'))
    } else {
      f <- do.call(interaction,c(mf[names(vars)[isfac]], drop=TRUE))
      f <- f[!is.na(f)]
      structure(f,fnam=paste(names(vars[isfac]),collapse=':'), x=mf[[xx]], xnam=xx)
    #    f <- eval(parse(text=tm), mf, env)
#    if(is.null(attr(f, 'fnam'))) factor(f) else f
  names(fl) <- attr(ftm, 'term.labels')

  # Name the interactions with the matrix first, then the factor name
  names(fl) <- sapply(names(fl), function(n) {
    f <- fl[[n]]
    x <- attr(f,'x',exact=TRUE)
    if(is.null(x)) return(n)
    return(paste(attr(f,'xnam'),attr(f,'fnam'), sep=':'))

  hasicpt <- all(sapply(fl,function(f) !is.null(attr(f,'x'))))
  environment(Form) <- formenv
  if(is.null(clustervar)) {
    cluform <- terms(formula(Form, lhs=0, rhs=4))
    cluster <- lapply(eval(attr(cluform,'variables'), mf, pf), factor)
    names(cluster) <- attr(cluform,'term.labels')
    if(length(cluster) == 0) cluster <- NULL
  } else {
    # backwards compatible
    if(is.character(clustervar)) clustervar <- as.list(clustervar)
    if(!is.list(clustervar)) clustervar <- list(clustervar)
    cluster <- lapply(clustervar, function(cv) {
      if(!is.character(cv)) factor(cv) else factor(eval(as.name(cv),mf,formenv))

  ivform <- formula(Form,lhs=0, rhs=3, drop=FALSE)

  # Pick up IV instruments
  if(ivform[[1]] == as.name('~')) ivform <- ivform[[2]]
  if(ivform[[1]] == as.name('(')) ivform <- ivform[[2]]
  if(!identical(ivform,0)) {
    ivform <- as.Formula(ivform)
    if(length(ivform)[2] > 1) stop("Right hand side of IV-spec can't have multiple parts")
    inames <- as.character(attr(terms(formula(ivform, lhs=0, rhs=1)), 'variables'))[-1]
    environment(ivform) <- formenv
  } else {
    ivform <- NULL
    inames <- NULL

  # then the fifth part, the controls
  form <- formula(Form, lhs=0, rhs=5, drop=TRUE)
  if(!identical(form[[2]],0)) {
    # always parse with intercept, remove it from matrix, so we never project out the intercept
    form <- formula(update(form, ~ . +1))
    if(usewild) form <- wildcard(form, wildnames, re=rewild)
    ctrlterms <- terms(form, data=mf)
    ctrl <- delete.icpt(model.matrix(ctrlterms, data=mf, contrasts.arg=contrasts))
    if(typeof(ctrl) != 'double') storage.mode(ctrl) <- 'double'
    if(ncol(ctrl) == 0) {
      ctrlnames <- ctrl <- NULL
    } else {
      ctrlnames <- colnames(ctrl)
  } else {
    ctrl <- NULL
    ctrlnames <- NULL

  # We have taken Form apart. Keep only exogenous variables
  Form <- formula(Form, lhs=NULL, rhs=1, drop=FALSE)
  environment(Form) <- formenv

# model.response doesn't work with multiple responses
#  y <- model.response(mf,"numeric") 

  form <- formula(Form, lhs=NULL, rhs=0, drop=FALSE)
  if(usewild) form <- wildcard(form, wildnames, re=rewild)
  y <- as.matrix(model.part(form, mf, lhs=NULL, rhs=0), rownames.force=FALSE)
  if(typeof(y) != 'double') storage.mode(y) <- 'double' 
  form <- formula(Form, lhs = 0, rhs = 1, collapse = c(FALSE, TRUE))
  if(usewild) form <- wildcard(form, wildnames, re=rewild)
  xterms <- terms(form, data=mf)
  x <- model.matrix(xterms, data=mf, contrasts.arg=contrasts)
#  if(length(fl) > 0) {
  if(!hasicpt) {
    x <- delete.icpt(x)    
    icpt <- FALSE
  } else {
    icpt <- attr(xterms,'intercept') != 0
  if(typeof(x) != 'double') storage.mode(x) <- 'double' 
  setdimnames(x, list(NULL, colnames(x)))

  if(!is.null(ivform)) {
    form <- formula(ivform, lhs=NULL, rhs=0, drop=FALSE)
    if(usewild) form <- wildcard(form, wildnames, re=rewild)
    ivy <-   as.matrix(model.part(form, mf, lhs=NULL, rhs=0), rownames.force=FALSE)
    if(typeof(ivy) != 'double') storage.mode(ivy) <- 'double' 
    form <- formula(ivform, lhs = 0, rhs = 1, collapse = c(FALSE, TRUE))
    if(usewild) form <- wildcard(form,wildnames,re=rewild)
    ivxterms <- terms(form, data=mf)
    # ivx should never contain an intercept
    ivx <- delete.icpt(model.matrix(ivxterms, data=mf, contrasts.arg=contrasts))
    if(typeof(ivx) != 'double') storage.mode(ivx) <- 'double' 
    setdimnames(ivx, list(NULL, colnames(ivx)))
  } else {
    ivy <- NULL
    ivx <- NULL

  mm <- list(x=x, y=y, ivx=ivx, ivy=ivy, ctrl=ctrl, fl=fl, weights=weights)
  mm$extra <- list(icpt=icpt,xterms=xterms,cluster=cluster,Form=Form,ivform=ivform,
  if(onlymm) return(mm)

mmdemean <- function(mm) {
  # orig is necessary to compute the r.residuals, i.e. residuals without dummies
  # it's used in getfe() and btrap, but is of no use if we have ctrl variables
      TSS <- apply(mm$y,2,var)*(nrow(mm$y)-1)
      TSS <- apply(mm$y, 2, function(yy) sum( mm$weights^2*(yy-sum(mm$weights^2*yy/sum(mm$weights^2)))^2))
  names(TSS) <- colnames(mm$y)

  if(length(mm$fl) != 0) {
    result <- demeanlist(list(y=mm$y, x=mm$x, ivy=mm$ivy, ivx=mm$ivx, ctrl=mm$ctrl),
    if(is.null(mm$ctrl)) result$orig <- list(y=mm$y, x=mm$x, ivy=mm$ivy, ivx=mm$ivx)
  } else {
    result <- list(y=mm$y, x=mm$x, ivy=mm$ivy, ivx=mm$ivx, ctrl=mm$ctrl)

  if(!is.null(result$ctrl)) {
    # pure control variables to project out
    # do ols, use the residuals as new variables
    y <- cbind(result$y,result$x,result$ivy,result$ivx)
    x <- result$ctrl
    result$ctrl <- NULL
#    fit <- .lm.fit(x,y)
# my own is much faster for large datasets
    fit <- newols(list(y=y,x=x,weights=mm$weights), nostats=TRUE)
    resid <- as.matrix(fit$residuals)
    setdimnames(resid, list(NULL, colnames(y)))
    numctrl <- fit$rank

    result$y <- resid[,colnames(result$y), drop=FALSE]
    if(!is.null(result$x))   result$x <- resid[,colnames(result$x), drop=FALSE]
    if(!is.null(result$ivy)) result$ivy <- resid[,colnames(result$ivy), drop=FALSE]
    if(!is.null(result$ivx)) result$ivx <- resid[,colnames(result$ivx), drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    numctrl <- 0L

  result$TSS <- TSS
  result$hasicpt <- mm$extra$icpt
  result$numctrl <- numctrl
  result$ctrlnames <- colnames(mm$ctrl)
  result$fl <- mm$fl
  result$terms <- mm$extra$xterms
  result$cluster <- mm$extra$cluster
  result$formula <- mm$extra$Form
  result$ivform <- mm$extra$ivform
  result$inames <- mm$extra$inames
  result$na.action <- mm$extra$naact
  result$weights <- mm$weights
  result$model <- mm$extra$model
  result$mfcall <- mm$extra$mfcall

## Simple function borrowing from lme4::isNested() to check for nested factors.
## Will be used to check if a DoF correction needs to be made in the case where
## clusters are nested in FEs. See https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/matsa/htm/fe.htm
is_nested <- function(f1, f2) {
  f1 <- as.factor(f1)
  f2 <- as.factor(f2)
  stopifnot(length(f1) == length(f2))
  k <- length(levels(f1))
  sm <- as(methods::new("ngTMatrix", i = as.integer(f2) - 1L, j = as.integer(f1) - 
                 1L, Dim = c(length(levels(f2)), k)), "CsparseMatrix")
  all(sm@p[2:(k + 1L)] - sm@p[1:k] <= 1L)

newols <- function(mm, stage1=NULL, pf=parent.frame(), nostats=FALSE, exactDOF=FALSE,
                   kappa=NULL, onlyse=FALSE, psdef=FALSE) {

      orig <- mm$orig
      orig <- mm

  weights <- mm$weights

  numctrl <- if(is.null(mm$numctrl)) 0 else mm$numctrl
  hasicpt <- if(is.null(mm$hasicpt)) FALSE else mm$hasicpt
  cfactor <- compfactor(mm$fl)
  if(is.numeric(exactDOF)) {
    df <- exactDOF
    totvar <- nrow(mm$y) - df
  } else {
    # numrefs is also used later
    numrefs <- nrefs(mm$fl, cfactor, exactDOF) 
    totvar <- totalpvar(mm$fl)-numrefs + numctrl
    df <- nrow(mm$y)-totvar

  # special case for no covariates

  if(is.null(mm$x) || ncol(mm$x) == 0) {
    z <- list(N=nrow(mm$x), 
              na.action=mm$na.action, contrasts=mm$contrasts,
    if(!onlyse) {
      z$r.residuals <- orig$y
      z$fe <- mm$fl
      z$cfactor <- cfactor
      z$fitted.values <- orig$y[,colnames(mm$y),drop=FALSE] - mm$y
      z$df.residual <- z$df
    class(z) <- 'felm'

  # lm.fit is an alternative.  Let's have a look at it later (didn't work before, but things have changed)
  # roll our own

  # to implement a k-class estimator, we should not project with P_Z, i.e.
  # onto the instruments. I.e. not X' (I-M_Z) X, but X' (I - kappa M_Z) X.
  # Indeed, the estimator is (X' (I-kappa M_Z)X)^{-1} X' (I-kappa M_Z) y)
  # Now, note that I - kappa M_Z = P_Z + (1-kappa)M_Z. So it is the
  # fitted values plus a fraction of the residuals
  # (see http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/07350015.2014.978175 p 11)

  if(!is.null(weights)) iweights <- 1/weights
  if(!is.null(weights)) {

  if(!is.null(kappa)) {
    cp <- crossprod(mm$x) - kappa*crossprod(mm$noinst)
    b <- crossprod(mm$x,mm$y) - kappa * crossprod(mm$noinst, mm$y)
  } else {
    cp <- crossprod(mm$x)
    b <- crossprod(mm$x,mm$y)
  ch <- cholx(cp)
  badvars <- attr(ch,'badvars')
  z <- list()
  class(z) <- 'felm'
  if(is.null(badvars)) {
    beta <- backsolve(ch,backsolve(ch,b,transpose=TRUE))
    if(!nostats) z$inv <- chol2inv(ch)
  } else {
    beta <- matrix(NaN, nrow(cp), ncol(b))
    beta[-badvars,] <- backsolve(ch,backsolve(ch,b[-badvars,], transpose=TRUE))
    if(!nostats) {
      z$inv <- matrix(NA,nrow(cp),ncol(cp))
      z$inv[-badvars,-badvars] <- chol2inv(ch)
  if(!nostats && !is.null(kappa)) {
    # In k-class with k!=0 and k!=1, the covariance matrix isn't simply the
    # inverse of cp.  This is so because
    # hatbeta - beta = (X' K X)^{1} X' K' epsilon
    # Even when epsilon is iid, we obtain
    # var(hatbeta-beta) = sigma^2 (X' K X)^{-1} X' K' K X (X' K X)^{-1}
    # and since K isn't a projection, we do not have K'K = K, so
    # we can't cancel out one of the (X' K X)^{-1}
#    kinv <- z$inv %*% crossprod(mm$x - kappa*mm$noinst) %*% z$inv
    kinv <- .Call(C_sandwich,1.0,z$inv,crossprod(mm$x - kappa*mm$noinst))
  rm(ch, b, cp)
#  rownames(beta) <- colnames(orig$x)
  rownames(beta) <- colnames(mm$x)

  if(!is.null(weights)) {

#  z$lhs <- colnames(beta) <- colnames(orig$y)
  z$lhs <- colnames(beta) <- colnames(mm$y)
  z$hasicpt <- hasicpt
  z$TSS <- mm$TSS
  z$kappa <- kappa

      z$P.TSS <- apply(mm$y,2,var)*(nrow(mm$y)-1)
      z$P.TSS <- apply(mm$y, 2, function(yy) sum( weights^2*(yy-sum(weights^2*yy/sum(weights^2)))^2))

  names(z$P.TSS) <- colnames(mm$y)
  if(!onlyse) z$weights <- weights

  z$numctrl <- numctrl
  z$coefficients <- z$beta <- beta
  # what else is there to put into a felm object?
  z$Pp <- ncol(orig$x)
  z$N <- nrow(orig$x)
  z$p <- z$Pp - length(badvars) + numctrl
  nabeta <- nazero(beta)

  zfit <- mm$x %*% nabeta
  zresid <- mm$y - zfit
  z$residuals <- zresid

  if(!onlyse) {
    z$response <- orig$y[,colnames(mm$y),drop=FALSE]
    z$c.fitted.values <- zfit
    z$fitted.values <- z$response-z$residuals
#    z$fitted.values <- zfit
    z$cfactor <- compfactor(mm$fl)
    z$fe <- mm$fl

  z$contrasts <- mm$contrasts
  if(!onlyse) {
    if(length(mm$fl) != 0) {
#    message('dims:');print(dim(orig$y)); print(dim(orig$x)); print(dim(nabeta))
      if(is.null(kappa)) z$r.residuals <- orig$y - orig$x %*% nabeta
#    if(!is.null(weights)) .Call(C_scalecols,z$r.residuals,weights)
    } else {
      z$r.residuals <- z$residuals

  # For IV, the residuals should be the residuals from the original
  # endogenous variables, not the predicted ones the difference are
  # the residuals from stage 1, which we must multiply by beta and
  # subtract.  the residuals from the 2nd stage are in iv.residuals
  # hmm, what about the r.residuals?  We modify them as well. They are
  # used in kaczmarz().

  if(!is.null(stage1)) {
    # we need the centred response in condfstat()
    fitnam <- makefitnames(stage1$lhs)
    ivresid <- stage1$residuals %*% nabeta[fitnam,,drop=FALSE]
    z$residuals <- z$residuals - ivresid    
    if(!onlyse) {
      z$c.response <- mm$y
      z$iv.residuals <- zresid
      z$r.iv.residuals <- z$r.residuals
      z$r.residuals <- z$r.residuals - ivresid
      z$endovars <- stage1$lhs
      z$fitted.values <- z$response - z$residuals
  z$terms <- mm$terms
  totlev <- totalpvar(mm$fl)

  if(is.numeric(exactDOF)) {
    z$df <- exactDOF
    numdum <- z$N - z$p - z$df
    z$numrefs <- totlev - numdum
  } else {
    numdum <- totlev - numrefs
    z$numrefs <- numrefs
    z$df <- z$N - z$p - numdum
  z$df.residual <- z$df
  z$rank <- z$N - z$df
  z$exactDOF <- exactDOF

# should we subtract 1 for an intercept?
# a similar adjustment is done in summary.felm when computing rdf
  z$p <- z$p + numdum #- 1  
  z$xp <- z$p
  z$na.action <- mm$na.action
  class(z) <- 'felm'
  cluster <- mm$cluster
  if(!onlyse) z$clustervar <- cluster
  z$stage1 <- stage1
  if(nostats) {
    z$nostats <- TRUE

  z$nostats <- FALSE

# then we go about creating the covariance matrices and tests
# if there is a single lhs, they are just stored as matrices etc
# in z.  If there are multiple lhs, these quantities are inserted
# in a list z$STATS indexed by z$lhs
# indexed by the name of the lhs

  vcvnames <- list(rownames(beta), rownames(beta))
  Ncoef <- nrow(beta)

  singlelhs <- length(z$lhs) == 1
  # preallocate STATS 
  if(!singlelhs) z$STATS <- list()
  z$STATS <- list()
  if(is.null(kappa)) {
    vinv <- z$inv
  } else {
    vinv <- kinv
  inv <- nazero(vinv)
  xz <- mm$x
  if(!is.null(kappa)) xz <- xz - kappa*mm$noinst
  for(lhs in z$lhs) {
    res <- z$residuals[,lhs]

    if(!is.null(weights)) res <- weights*res
# when multiple lhs, vcvfactor is a vector
# we need a list of vcvs in this case

    vcv <- sum(res**2)/z$df * vinv
    setdimnames(vcv, vcvnames)
    z$STATS[[lhs]]$vcv <- vcv
    if(singlelhs) z$vcv <- vcv

  # We should make the robust covariance matrix too.
  # it's inv * sum (X_i' u_i u_i' X_i) * inv
  # where u_i are the (full) residuals (Wooldridge, 10.5.4 (10.59))
  # i.e. inv * sum(u_i^2 X_i' X_i) * inv
  # for large datasets the sum is probably best computed by a series of scaled
  # rank k updates, i.e. the dsyrk blas routine, we make an R-version of it.
  # need to check this computation, the SE's are slightly numerically different from Stata's.
  # it seems stata does not do the small-sample adjustment
    dfadj <- z$N/z$df

  # Now, here's an optimzation for very large xz. If we use the wcrossprod and ccrossprod
  # functions, we can't get rid of xz, we end up with a copy of it which blows away memory.
  # we need to scale xz with the residuals in xz, but we don't want to expand res to a full matrix,
  # and even get a copy in the result.
  # Thus we modify it in place with a .Call. The scaled variant is also used in the cluster computation.

    rscale <- ifelse(res==0,1e-40,res)  # make sure nothing is zero
    if(!is.null(weights)) rscale <- rscale*weights
    # This one scales the columns without copying
    # For xz, remember to scale it back, because we scale directly into
    # mm$x
    .Call(C_scalecols, xz, rscale)
    # compute inv %*% crossprod(xz) %*% inv
    # via a blas dsyrk. Save some memory 
    meat <- matrix(0, Ncoef, Ncoef)
    rvcv <- .Call(C_sandwich,1.0,inv,meat)
    setdimnames(rvcv, vcvnames)

    z$STATS[[lhs]]$robustvcv <- rvcv
    if(singlelhs) z$robustvcv <- rvcv

    rm(meat, rvcv)

  # then the clustered covariance matrix
    if(!is.null(cluster)) {
      method <- attr(cluster,'method')
      if(is.null(method)) method <- 'cgm'
      dfadj <- (z$N-1)/z$df
      ## GRM: Extra adjustments to the DoF are needed in cases where clusters
      ## are nested within any of the FEs. See Cameron and Miller (2015, pp. 14-15):
      ## http://cameron.econ.ucdavis.edu/research/Cameron_Miller_JHR_2015_February.pdf#page=14
      fe_cl_grid <- expand.grid(fe_k=seq_along(z$fe), cl_g=seq_along(cluster))
      any_nested <- 
          function(n) {
            fe_k <- fe_cl_grid$fe_k[n]
            cl_g <- fe_cl_grid$cl_g[n]
            is_nested(z$fe[[fe_k]], cluster[[cl_g]])
          FUN.VALUE = logical(1)
      ## Find the minimum cluster dimension. Will be used below in the case of
      ## multiway clustering, but only if the FEs are nested within a cluster, 
      ## or 'cgm2' (or 'reghdfe') is specified for the `cmethod` argument.
      min_clust <- 
          function(i) nlevels(cluster[[i]]), 
          FUN.VALUE = integer(1)
      if (any(any_nested)) {
        # Will use the simple correction proposed by Gormley and Matsa (RFS, 2014). 
        # See: https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/matsa/htm/fe.htm
        dfadj <- dfadj * z$df / (z$df + totvar - 1) 
        # In addition to the above, the nested clusters case requires that 
        # regressor p-values are calculated using no. of clusters - 1 degrees
        # of freedom; similar to "df2" in `waldtest()`. This is straight forward
        # when there is only a single cluster variable. In the case of multiway 
        # clustering, however, we'll conservatively take "no. of clusters" to 
        # mean the cluster variable with the smallest dimension. If nothing else, 
        # this should ensure consistency with comparable implementations in 
        # Stata (via reghdfe) and Julia (via FixedEffectModels.jl). See also:
        # https://github.com/matthieugomez/FixedEffectModels.jl/pull/50
        z$df <- min(min_clust-1, z$df)
        z$df.residual <- z$df
      ## End of nested cluster adjustment
      d <- length(cluster)
      if(method %in% c('cgm', 'cgm2', 'reghdfe')) {
        meat <- matrix(0,Ncoef,Ncoef)
        for(i in 1:(2^d-1)) {
          # Find out which ones to interact
          iac <- as.logical(intToBits(i))[1:d]
          # odd number is positive, even is negative
          sgn <- 2*(sum(iac) %% 2) - 1
          # interact the factors
          ia <- factor(do.call(paste,c(cluster[iac],sep='\004')))
          # CGM2011 (sec 2.3) describe two possible small-sample adjustments 
          # using the number of clusters in each cluster category. Note that
          # these two approaches should only diverge in the case of multiway 
          # clustering.
          if(method == 'cgm') {
            ## Option 1 (used by GCM2011 in their paper and also our default here)
            adj <- sgn*dfadj*nlevels(ia)/(nlevels(ia)-1)
          } else { ## i.e. if method %in% c('cgm2','reghdfe')
            ## Option 2 (used by Stata's reghdfe among others, so we'll give it that alias for convenience)
            adj <- sgn*dfadj*min_clust/(min_clust-1)
            ## Will also need to adjust DoF used to calculate p-vals and CIs
            z$df <- min(min_clust-1, z$df)
            z$df.residual <- z$df

        cvcv <- .Call(C_sandwich,1.0,inv,meat)
        if(psdef && d > 1) {
          ev <- eigen(cvcv)
          badev <- Im(ev$values) != 0 | Re(ev$values) < 0
          if(any(badev)) {
            warning('Negative eigenvalues set to zero in multiway clustered variance matrix. See felm(...,psdef=FALSE)')
            ev$values[badev] <- 0
            cvcv <- Re(ev$vectors %*% diag(ev$values) %*% t(ev$vectors))
#          if(any(Im(ev$values) != 0 | Re(ev$values) < 0)) {
#            warning('Negative eigenvalues set to zero in multiway clustered variance matrix. See felm(...,psdef=FALSE)')
#            cvcv <- ev$vectors %*% diag(pmax(ev$values,0)) %*% t(ev$vectors)
#          }
        setdimnames(cvcv, vcvnames)
        z$STATS[[lhs]]$clustervcv <- cvcv
        if(singlelhs) z$clustervcv <- cvcv

      } else if(method == 'gaure') {
 #       .Call(C_scalecols, xz, 1/rscale)
        meat <- matrix(0,nrow(z$vcv),ncol(z$vcv))
        # scale the columns according to group size
        sc <- apply(sapply(cluster, function(f) table(f)[f]),1,mean)
        xc <- demeanlist(xz,cluster, means=TRUE)
       .Call(C_scalecols, xc, sqrt(sc))
        adj <- dfadj
#        adj <- adj*prod(sapply(cluster, function(f) nlevels(f)/(nlevels(f)-1)))
        .Call(C_dsyrk, 1, meat, adj, xc)
        cvcv <- .Call(C_sandwich,1.0,inv,meat)
        setdimnames(cvcv, vcvnames)
        z$STATS[[lhs]]$clustervcv <- cvcv
        if(singlelhs) z$clustervcv <- cvcv
#        .Call(C_scalecols, xz, rscale)
      } else {
        stop('unknown multi way cluster algorithm:',method)
      z$STATS[[lhs]]$cse <- sqrt(diag(z$STATS[[lhs]]$clustervcv))
      z$STATS[[lhs]]$ctval <- z$coefficients[,lhs]/z$STATS[[lhs]]$cse
      z$STATS[[lhs]]$cpval <- 2*pt(abs(z$STATS[[lhs]]$ctval),z$df,lower.tail=FALSE)
      if(singlelhs) {
        z$cse <- z$STATS[[lhs]]$cse
        z$ctval <- z$STATS[[lhs]]$ctval
        z$cpval <- z$STATS[[lhs]]$cpval

    z$STATS[[lhs]]$se <- sqrt(diag(z$STATS[[lhs]]$vcv))
    z$STATS[[lhs]]$tval <- z$coefficients[,lhs]/z$STATS[[lhs]]$se
    z$STATS[[lhs]]$pval <- 2*pt(abs(z$STATS[[lhs]]$tval),z$df,lower.tail=FALSE)
    z$STATS[[lhs]]$rse <- sqrt(diag(z$STATS[[lhs]]$robustvcv))
    z$STATS[[lhs]]$rtval <- z$coefficients[,lhs]/z$STATS[[lhs]]$rse
    z$STATS[[lhs]]$rpval <- 2*pt(abs(z$STATS[[lhs]]$rtval),z$df,lower.tail=FALSE)

    if(singlelhs) {
      z$se <- z$STATS[[lhs]]$se
      z$tval <- z$STATS[[lhs]]$tval
      z$pval <- z$STATS[[lhs]]$pval

      z$rse <- z$STATS[[lhs]]$rse
      z$rtval <- z$STATS[[lhs]]$rtval
      z$rpval <- z$STATS[[lhs]]$rpval

    # reset this for next lhs
    .Call(C_scalecols, xz, 1/rscale)
  if(onlyse) z$residuals <- NULL

#' Fit a linear model with multiple group fixed effects
#' 'felm' is used to fit linear models with multiple group fixed effects,
#' similarly to lm.  It uses the Method of Alternating projections to sweep out
#' multiple group effects from the normal equations before estimating the
#' remaining coefficients with OLS.
#' This function is intended for use with large datasets with multiple group
#' effects of large cardinality.  If dummy-encoding the group effects results
#' in a manageable number of coefficients, you are probably better off by using
#' \code{\link{lm}}.
#' The formula specification is a response variable followed by a four part
#' formula. The first part consists of ordinary covariates, the second part
#' consists of factors to be projected out. The third part is an
#' IV-specification. The fourth part is a cluster specification for the
#' standard errors.  I.e. something like \code{y ~ x1 + x2 | f1 + f2 | (Q|W ~
#' x3+x4) | clu1 + clu2} where \code{y} is the response, \code{x1,x2} are
#' ordinary covariates, \code{f1,f2} are factors to be projected out, \code{Q}
#' and \code{W} are covariates which are instrumented by \code{x3} and
#' \code{x4}, and \code{clu1,clu2} are factors to be used for computing cluster
#' robust standard errors. Parts that are not used should be specified as
#' \code{0}, except if it's at the end of the formula, where they can be
#' omitted.  The parentheses are needed in the third part since \code{|} has
#' higher precedence than \code{~}. Multiple left hand sides like \code{y|w|x ~
#' x1 + x2 |f1+f2|...} are allowed.
#' Interactions between a covariate \code{x} and a factor \code{f} can be
#' projected out with the syntax \code{x:f}.  The terms in the second and
#' fourth parts are not treated as ordinary formulas, in particular it is not
#' possible with things like \code{y ~ x1 | x*f}, rather one would specify
#' \code{y ~ x1 + x | x:f + f}. Note that \code{f:x} also works, since R's
#' parser does not keep the order.  This means that in interactions, the factor
#' \emph{must} be a factor, whereas a non-interacted factor will be coerced to
#' a factor. I.e. in \code{y ~ x1 | x:f1 + f2}, the \code{f1} must be a factor,
#' whereas it will work as expected if \code{f2} is an integer vector.
#' In older versions of \pkg{lfe} the syntax was \code{felm(y ~ x1 + x2 + G(f1)
#' + G(f2), iv=list(Q ~ x3+x4, W ~ x3+x4), clustervar=c('clu1','clu2'))}. This
#' syntax still works, but yields a warning. Users are \emph{strongly}
#' encouraged to change to the new multipart formula syntax.  The old syntax
#' will be removed at a later time.
#' The standard errors are adjusted for the reduced degrees of freedom coming
#' from the dummies which are implicitly present.  (An exception occurs in the
#' case of clustered standard errors and, specifically, where clusters are 
#' nested within fixed effects; see 
#' \href{https://github.com/sgaure/lfe/issues/1#issuecomment-528643802}{here}.) 
#' In the case of two factors,
#' the exact number of implicit dummies is easy to compute.  If there are more
#' factors, the number of dummies is estimated by assuming there's one
#' reference-level for each factor, this may be a slight over-estimation,
#' leading to slightly too large standard errors. Setting \code{exactDOF='rM'}
#' computes the exact degrees of freedom with \code{rankMatrix()} in package
#' \pkg{Matrix}.
#' For the iv-part of the formula, it is only necessary to include the
#' instruments on the right hand side.  The other explanatory covariates, from
#' the first and second part of \code{formula}, are added automatically in the
#' first stage regression.  See the examples.
#' The \code{contrasts} argument is similar to the one in \code{lm()}, it is
#' used for factors in the first part of the formula. The factors in the second
#' part are analyzed as part of a possible subsequent \code{getfe()} call.
#' The \code{cmethod} argument may affect the clustered covariance matrix (and 
#' thus regressor standard errors), either directly or via adjustments to a 
#' degrees of freedom scaling factor. In particular, Cameron, Gelbach and Miller
#' (CGM2011, sec. 2.3) describe two possible small cluster corrections that are 
#' relevant in the case of multiway clustering. \itemize{
#' \item The first approach adjusts each component of the cluster-robust 
#' variance estimator (CRVE) by its own \eqn{c_i} adjustment factor. For 
#' example, the first component (with \eqn{G} clusters) is adjusted by 
#' \eqn{c_1=\frac{G}{G-1}\frac{N-1}{N-K}}{c_1 = G/(G-1)*(N-1)/(N-K)}, 
#' the second component (with \eqn{H} clusters) is adjusted
#' by \eqn{c_2=\frac{H}{H-1}\frac{N-1}{N-K}}{c_2 = H/(H-1)*(N-1)/(N-K)}, etc.
#' \item The second approach applies the same adjustment to all CRVE components:
#' \eqn{c=\frac{J}{J-1}\frac{N-1}{N-K}}{c = J/(J-1)*(N-1)/(N-K)}, where
#' \eqn{J=\min(G,H)}{J=min(G,H)} in the case of two-way clustering, for example. 
#' }
#' Any differences resulting from these two approaches are likely to be minor, 
#' and they will obviously yield exactly the same results when there is only one 
#' cluster dimension. Still, CGM2011 adopt the former approach in their own 
#' paper and simulations. This is also the default method that \code{felm} uses 
#' (i.e. \code{cmethod = 'cgm'}). However, the latter approach has since been 
#' adopted by several other packages that allow for robust inference with 
#' multiway clustering. This includes the popular Stata package
#' \href{http://scorreia.com/software/reghdfe/}{reghdfe}, as well as the 
#' \href{https://github.com/matthieugomez/FixedEffectModels.jl}{FixedEffectModels.jl} 
#' implementation in Julia. To match results from these packages exactly, use
#' \code{cmethod = 'cgm2'} (or its alias, \code{cmethod = 'reghdfe'}). It is
#' possible that some residual differences may still remain; see discussion 
#' \href{https://github.com/sgaure/lfe/issues/1#issuecomment-530561314}{here}.
#' The old syntax with a single part formula with the \code{G()} syntax for the
#' factors to transform away is still supported, as well as the
#' \code{clustervar} and \code{iv} arguments, but users are encouraged to move
#' to the new multi part formulas as described here.  The \code{clustervar} and
#' \code{iv} arguments have been moved to the \code{...} argument list. They
#' will be removed in some future update.
#' @param formula an object of class '"formula"' (or one that can be coerced to
#' that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. Similarly to
#' 'lm'.  See Details.
#' @param data a data frame containing the variables of the model.
#' @param exactDOF logical. If more than two factors, the degrees of freedom
#' used to scale the covariance matrix (and the standard errors) is normally
#' estimated. Setting \code{exactDOF=TRUE} causes \code{felm} to attempt to
#' compute it, but this may fail if there are too many levels in the factors.
#' \code{exactDOF='rM'} will use the exact method in
#' \code{Matrix::rankMatrix()}, but this is slower. If neither of these methods
#' works, it is possible to specify \code{exactDOF='mc'}, which utilizes a
#' Monte-Carlo method to estimate the expectation E(x' P x) = tr(P), the trace
#' of a certain projection, a method which may be more accurate than the
#' default guess.
#' If the degrees of freedom for some reason are known, they can be specified
#' like \code{exactDOF=342772}.
#' @param subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be
#' used in the fitting process.
#' @param na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data
#' contain \code{NA}s.  The default is set by the \code{na.action} setting of
#' \code{options}, and is \code{na.fail} if that is unset.  The 'factory-fresh'
#' default is \code{na.omit}.  Another possible value is \code{NULL}, no
#' action. \code{na.exclude} is currently not supported.
#' @param contrasts an optional list. See the \code{contrasts.arg} of
#' \code{model.matrix.default}.
#' @param weights an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting
#' process.  Should be 'NULL' or a numeric vector.  If non-NULL, weighted least
#' squares is used with weights \code{weights} (that is, minimizing
#' \code{sum(w*e^2)}); otherwise ordinary least squares is used.
#' @param ... other arguments.  \itemize{
#' \item \code{cmethod} character. Which clustering method to use. Known 
#' arguments are \code{'cgm'} (the default), \code{'cgm2'} (or \code{'reghdfe'},
#' its alias). These alternate methods will generally 
#' yield equivalent results, except in the case of multiway clustering with few
#' clusters along at least one dimension. 
#' \item \code{keepX} logical. To include a copy of the expanded data matrix in
#' the return value, as needed by \code{\link{bccorr}} and \code{\link{fevcov}}
#' for proper limited mobility bias correction.
#' \item \code{keepCX} logical. Keep a copy of the centred expanded data matrix
#' in the return value. As list elements \code{cX} for the explanatory
#' variables, and \code{cY} for the outcome.
#' \item \code{keepModel} logical. Keep a copy of the model frame.
#' \item \code{nostats} logical. Don't include covariance matrices in the
#' output, just the estimated coefficients and various descriptive information.
#' For IV, \code{nostats} can be a logical vector of length 2, with the last
#' value being used for the 1st stages.  \item \code{psdef} logical. In case of
#' multiway clustering, the method of Cameron, Gelbach and Miller may yield a
#' non-definite variance matrix. Ordinarily this is forced to be semidefinite
#' by setting negative eigenvalues to zero. Setting \code{psdef=FALSE} will
#' switch off this adjustment.  Since the variance estimator is asymptotically
#' correct, this should only have an effect when the clustering factors have
#' very few levels.
#' \item \code{kclass} character. For use with instrumental variables. Use a
#' k-class estimator rather than 2SLS/IV. Currently, the values \code{'nagar',
#' 'b2sls', 'mb2sls', 'liml'} are accepted, where the names are from
#' \cite{Kolesar et al (2014)}, as well as a numeric value for the 'k' in
#' k-class. With \code{kclass='liml'}, \code{felm} also accepts the argument
#' \code{fuller=<numeric>}, for using a Fuller adjustment of the
#' liml-estimator.
#' \item \code{Nboot, bootexpr, bootcluster} Since \code{felm} has quite a bit
#' of overhead in the creation of the model matrix, if one wants confidence
#' intervals for some function of the estimated parameters, it is possible to
#' bootstrap internally in \code{felm}.  That is, the model matrix is resampled
#' \code{Nboot} times and estimated, and the \code{bootexpr} is evaluated
#' inside an \code{sapply}. The estimated coefficients and the left hand
#' side(s) are available by name. Any right hand side variable \code{x} is
#' available by the name \code{var.x}.  The \code{"felm"}-object for each
#' estimation is available as \code{est}. If a \code{bootcluster} is specified
#' as a factor, entire levels are resampled. \code{bootcluster} can also be a
#' function with no arguments, it should return a vector of integers, the rows
#' to use in the sample. It can also be the string 'model', in which case the
#' cluster is taken from the model. \code{bootexpr} should be an expression,
#' e.g. like \code{quote(x/x2 * abs(x3)/mean(y))}.  It could be wise to specify
#' \code{nostats=TRUE} when bootstrapping, unless the covariance matrices are
#' needed in the bootstrap. If you need the covariance matrices in the full
#' estimate, but not in the bootstrap, you can specify it in an attribute
#' \code{"boot"} as \code{nostats=structure(FALSE, boot=TRUE)}.
#' \item \code{iv, clustervar} deprecated.  These arguments will be removed at
#' a later time, but are still supported in this field. Users are
#' \emph{STRONGLY} encouraged to use multipart formulas instead.  In
#' particular, not all functionality is supported with the deprecated syntax;
#' iv-estimations actually run a lot faster if multipart formulas are used, due
#' to new algorithms which I didn't bother to shoehorn in place for the
#' deprecated syntax.
#' }
#' @return \code{felm} returns an object of \code{class} \code{"felm"}.  It is
#' quite similar to an \code{"lm"} object, but not entirely compatible.
#' The generic \code{summary}-method will yield a summary which may be
#' \code{print}'ed.  The object has some resemblance to an \code{'lm'} object,
#' and some postprocessing methods designed for \code{lm} may happen to work.
#' It may however be necessary to coerce the object to succeed with this.
#' The \code{"felm"} object is a list containing the following fields:
#' \item{coefficients}{a numerical vector. The estimated coefficients.}
#' \item{N}{an integer. The number of observations} \item{p}{an integer. The
#' total number of coefficients, including those projected out.}
#' \item{response}{a numerical vector. The response vector.}
#' \item{fitted.values}{a numerical vector. The fitted values.}
#' \item{residuals}{a numerical vector. The residuals of the full system, with
#' dummies.  For IV-estimations, this is the residuals when the original
#' endogenous variables are used, not their predictions from the 1st stage.}
#' \item{r.residuals}{a numerical vector. Reduced residuals, i.e. the residuals
#' resulting from predicting \emph{without} the dummies.}
#' \item{iv.residuals}{numerical vector. When using instrumental variables,
#' residuals from 2. stage, i.e. when predicting with the predicted endogenous
#' variables from the 1st stage.}
#' \item{weights}{numeric. The square root of the argument \code{weights}.}
#' \item{cfactor}{factor of length N. The factor describing the connected
#' components of the two first terms in the second part of the model formula.}
#' \item{vcv}{a matrix. The variance-covariance matrix.}
#' \item{fe}{list of factors. A list of the terms in the second part of the
#' model formula.}
#' \item{stage1}{The '\code{felm}' objects for the IV 1st stage, if used. The
#' 1st stage has multiple left hand sides if there are more than one
#' instrumented variable.}
#' \item{iv1fstat}{list of numerical vectors. For IV 1st stage, F-value for
#' excluded instruments, the number of parameters in restricted model and in
#' the unrestricted model.}
#' \item{X}{matrix. The expanded data matrix, i.e. from the first part of the
#' formula. To save memory with large datasets, it is only included if
#' \code{felm(keepX=TRUE)} is specified.  Must be included if
#' \code{\link{bccorr}} or \code{\link{fevcov}} is to be used for correcting
#' limited mobility bias.  }
#' \item{cX, cY}{matrix. The centred expanded data matrix. Only included if
#' \code{felm(keepCX=TRUE)}.  }
#' \item{boot}{The result of a \code{replicate} applied to the \code{bootexpr}
#' (if used).}
#' @note
#' Side effect: If \code{data} is an object of class \code{"pdata.frame"} (from
#' the \pkg{plm} package), the \pkg{plm} namespace is loaded if available, and
#' \code{data} is coerced to a \code{"data.frame"} with \code{as.data.frame}
#' which dispatches to a \pkg{plm} method.  This ensures that transformations
#' like \code{diff} and \code{lag} from \pkg{plm} works as expected, but it
#' also incurs an additional copy of the \code{data}, and the \pkg{plm}
#' namespace remains loaded after \code{felm} returns.  When working with
#' \code{"pdata.frame"}s, this is what is usually wanted anyway.
#' For technical reasons, when running IV-estimations, the data frame supplied
#' in the \code{data} argument to \code{felm}, should \emph{not} contain
#' variables with names ending in \code{'(fit)'}.  Variables with such names
#' are used internally by \code{felm}, and may then accidentally be looked up
#' in the data frame instead of the local environment where they are defined.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getfe}} \code{\link{summary.felm}}
#' \code{\link{condfstat}} \code{\link{waldtest}}
#' @references Cameron, A.C., J.B. Gelbach and D.L. Miller (2011) \cite{Robust
#' inference with multiway clustering}, Journal of Business & Economic
#' Statistics 29 (2011), no. 2, 238--249.
#' \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1198/jbes.2010.07136}
#' Kolesar, M., R. Chetty, J. Friedman, E. Glaeser, and G.W. Imbens (2014)
#' \cite{Identification and Inference with Many Invalid Instruments}, Journal
#' of Business & Economic Statistics (to appear).
#' \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07350015.2014.978175}
#' @examples
#' oldopts <- options(lfe.threads=1)
#' ## Simulate data
#' # Covariates
#' x <- rnorm(1000)
#' x2 <- rnorm(length(x))
#' # Individuals and firms
#' id <- factor(sample(20,length(x),replace=TRUE))
#' firm <- factor(sample(13,length(x),replace=TRUE))
#' # Effects for them
#' id.eff <- rnorm(nlevels(id))
#' firm.eff <- rnorm(nlevels(firm))
#' # Left hand side
#' u <- rnorm(length(x))
#' y <- x + 0.5*x2 + id.eff[id] + firm.eff[firm] + u
#' ## Estimate the model and print the results
#' est <- felm(y ~ x + x2 | id + firm)
#' summary(est)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Compare with lm
#' summary(lm(y ~ x + x2 + id + firm-1))}
#' ## Example with 'reverse causation' (IV regression)
#' # Q and W are instrumented by x3 and the factor x4.
#' x3 <- rnorm(length(x))
#' x4 <- sample(12,length(x),replace=TRUE)
#' Q <- 0.3*x3 + x + 0.2*x2 + id.eff[id] + 0.3*log(x4) - 0.3*y + rnorm(length(x),sd=0.3)
#' W <- 0.7*x3 - 2*x + 0.1*x2 - 0.7*id.eff[id] + 0.8*cos(x4) - 0.2*y+ rnorm(length(x),sd=0.6)
#' # Add them to the outcome variable
#' y <- y + Q + W
#' ## Estimate the IV model and report robust SEs
#' ivest <- felm(y ~ x + x2 | id + firm | (Q|W ~ x3 + factor(x4)))
#' summary(ivest, robust=TRUE)
#' condfstat(ivest)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Compare with the not instrumented fit:
#' summary(felm(y ~ x + x2 + Q + W | id + firm))}
#' ## Example with multiway clustering
#' # Create a large cluster group (500 clusters) and a small one (20 clusters)
#' cl1 <- factor(sample(rep(1:500, length.out=length(x))))
#' cl2 <- factor(sample(rep(1:20, length.out=length(x))))
#' # Function for adding clustered noise to our outcome variable 
#' cl_noise <- function(cl) {
#'  obs_per_cluster <- length(x)/nlevels(cl)
#'  unlist(replicate(nlevels(cl), rnorm(obs_per_cluster, mean=rnorm(1), sd=runif(1)), simplify=FALSE))
#' }
#' # New outcome variable
#' y_cl <- x + 0.5*x2 + id.eff[id] + firm.eff[firm] + cl_noise(cl1) + cl_noise(cl2)
#' ## Estimate and print the model with cluster-robust SEs (default)
#' est_cl <- felm(y_cl ~ x + x2 | id + firm | 0 | cl1 + cl2)
#' summary(est_cl)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Print ordinary standard errors:
#' summary(est_cl, robust = FALSE)
#' # Match cluster-robust SEs from Stata's reghdfe package:
#' summary(felm(y_cl ~ x + x2 | id + firm | 0 | cl1 + cl2, cmethod="reghdfe"))}
#' options(oldopts)
#' @export felm
felm <- function(formula, data, exactDOF=FALSE, subset, na.action,
                 contrasts=NULL,weights=NULL,...) {

  knownargs <- c('iv', 'clustervar', 'cmethod', 'keepX', 'nostats',
                 'wildcard', 'kclass', 'fuller', 'keepCX', 'Nboot',
                 'bootexpr', 'bootcluster','onlyse','psdef','keepModel')
  cmethod <- 'cgm'
  iv <- NULL
  clustervar <- NULL
  nostats <- FALSE
  wildcard <- 'n'
  kclass <- NULL
  fuller <- 0
  Nboot <- 0
  onlyse <- FALSE
  bootexpr <- NULL
  bootcluster <- NULL
  deprec <- c('iv', 'clustervar')
  psdef <- TRUE
  keepX <- FALSE
  keepCX <- FALSE
  keepModel <- FALSE
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)

  # Currently there shouldn't be any ... arguments
  # check that the list is empty

#  if(length(mf[['...']]) > 0) stop('unknown argument ',mf['...'])

  args <- list(...)
  ka <- knownargs[pmatch(names(args),knownargs, duplicates.ok=FALSE)]
  names(args)[!is.na(ka)] <- ka[!is.na(ka)]
  dpr <- deprec[match(ka, deprec)]
  if(any(!is.na(dpr))) {
    bad <- dpr[which(!is.na(dpr))]
    .Deprecated('',msg=paste('Argument(s)',paste(bad,collapse=','), 'are deprecated and will be removed, use multipart formula instead'))
#    warning('Argument(s) ',paste(bad,collapse=','), ' are deprecated and will be removed, use multipart formula instead')
  env <- environment()
  lapply(intersect(knownargs,ka), function(arg) assign(arg,args[[arg]], pos=env))

  if(!(cmethod %in% c('cgm','cgm2','reghdfe','gaure'))) stop('Unknown cmethod: ',cmethod)

  # also implement a check for unknown arguments
  unk <- setdiff(names(args), knownargs)
  if(length(unk) > 0) stop('unknown arguments ',paste(unk, collapse=' '))

  # backwards compatible
  Gtm <- terms(formula(as.Formula(formula), rhs=1), specials='G')
  if(!is.null(attr(Gtm,'specials')$G) || !is.null(iv)) {
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots=TRUE)
    mf[[1L]] <- quote(..oldfelm)
  pint <- getOption('lfe.pint')
  start <- last <- Sys.time()
  mm <- makematrix(mf, contrasts, pf=parent.frame(), clustervar, wildcard=wildcard)
  if(!is.null(mm$cluster)) attr(mm$cluster,'method') <- cmethod
  now <- Sys.time()
  if(now  > last + pint) {last <- now; message(date(), ' finished centering model matrix')}
  z <- felm.mm(mm,nostats,exactDOF,keepX,keepCX,keepModel,kclass,fuller,onlyse,psdef=psdef)
  z$call <- match.call()
  z$formula <- formula
  z$keepX <- keepX
  z$keepCX <- keepCX
  if(Nboot > 0) {
    now <- Sys.time()
    if(now > last + pint) {last <- now; message(date(), ' finished estimate, starting bootstrap')}

    mm <- makematrix(mf, contrasts, pf=parent.frame(), clustervar, wildcard=wildcard,
    if(is.null(bootexpr)) bootexpr <- quote(beta)
        csample <- function() sort(sample(nrow(mm$x), replace=TRUE))
    else if(is.function(bootcluster))
        csample <- bootcluster
    else if(is.factor(bootcluster))
        csample <- function() resample(bootcluster,na.action=mm$extra$naact)
    else if(identical(bootcluster, 'model')) 
        csample <- function() resample(mm$extra$cluster)
        stop('bootcluster must be either a factor or a function')
    bootstat <- nostats
    if(!is.null(attr(nostats,'boot'))) bootstat <- attr(nostats,'boot')
    iii <- 0
    bootfun <- function() {
      now <<- Sys.time()
      iii <<- iii+1
      if(now > last + pint) {
        last <<- now; message(date(), ' done boot iter ',iii)
      bootenv <- new.env()
      # we delay assign to avoid unnecessary estimating and copying
      if(FALSE) {olsmms <- mms <- est <- bootx <- booty <- bootivy <- NULL} #avoid warning about no visible binding
                      mm1 <- list()
                      mm1$extra <- mm$extra
                      mm1$extra$cluster <- lapply(mm$extra$cluster,function(f) f[s])
                      mm1$extra$naact <- NULL
                      mm1$x <- bootx
                      mm1$y <- booty
                      if(!is.null(mm$ivx)) mm1$ivx <- mm$ivx[s,,drop=FALSE]
                      if(!is.null(mm$ivy)) mm1$ivy <- bootivy 
                      if(!is.null(mm$ctrl)) mm1$ctrl <- mm$ctrl[s,,drop=FALSE]
                      if(!is.null(mm$fl)) mm1$fl <- lapply(mm$fl,function(f) factor(f[s]))
                      if(!is.null(weights)) mm1$weights <- mm$weights[s]
      delayedAssign('beta', coef(est), assign.env=bootenv, eval.env=bootenv)
      for(n in colnames(mm$x)) {


      for(n in colnames(mm$y)) {

      if(!is.null(mm$ivy)) {
        # it's an IV-estimation, make provisions for using the OLS-version
                        if(FALSE) s <- NULL  # avoid warnings about undefined s
                        # make the s by evaluating mms
#                        mms
                        mm1 <- list()
                        mm1$extra <- mm$extra
                        mm1$extra$ivform <- NULL
                        mm1$x <- cbind(mm$x[s,,drop=FALSE],mm$ivy[s,,drop=FALSE])
                        mm1$y <- mm$y[s,,drop=FALSE]
                        if(!is.null(mm$ctrl)) mm1$ctrl <- mm$ctrl[s,,drop=FALSE]
                        if(!is.null(mm$fl)) mm1$fl <- lapply(mm$fl,function(f) factor(f[s]))
                        if(!is.null(weights)) mm1$weights <- mm$weights[s]
        for(n in colnames(mm$ivy)) {
          do.call(delayedAssign, list(n,bquote(bootivy[,.(n)]),

      eval(bootexpr, bootenv)
    z$boot <- replicate(Nboot, bootfun())

felm.mm <- function(mm,nostats,exactDOF,keepX,keepCX,keepModel,kclass=NULL,fuller=NULL,onlyse=FALSE,psdef=FALSE) {
  ivform <- mm$ivform
  if(is.null(ivform)) {
    # no iv, just do the thing
    z <- newols(mm, nostats=nostats[1], exactDOF=exactDOF, onlyse=onlyse,psdef=psdef)
    if(keepX) z$X <- if(is.null(mm$orig)) mm$x else mm$orig$x
    if(keepCX) {z$cX <- mm$x; z$cY <- mm$y}
    if(keepModel) z$model <- mm$model else z$model <- mm$mfcall
    z$call <- match.call()

  if(length(nostats) == 2)
      nost1 <- nostats[2]
      nost1 <- nostats[1]

  ########### Instrumental variables ############

  fitnames <- makefitnames(colnames(mm$ivy))
  # should we do k-class estimation?
  if(is.null(kclass) || is.numeric(kclass)) {
      kappa <- kclass
  } else {
    KN <- ncol(mm$ivx)
    LN <- ncol(mm$x)
    N <- nrow(mm$x)
    # todo: liml
    kappa <- switch(kclass,
                    stop('Unknown k-class: ',kclass,call.=FALSE))
    if(identical(kclass,'liml') && fuller != 0)
        kappa <- kappa - fuller/(N-KN)
  # if k-class, we should add all the exogenous variables
  # to the lhs in the 1st stage, and obtain all the residuals
  # of the instruments.  A fraction (1-kappa) of the residuals
  # are added to the fitted values when doing the 2nd stage.
  # nah, we should project on P_{Z,W}. Now, P_{Z,W} W = W
  if(!is.null(kappa)) {
    mm2 <- mm1 <- mm[names(mm) %in% c('fl','terms','cluster', 'numctrl',
    nmx <- colnames(mm$x)
    mm1$y <- cbind(mm$x, mm$ivy)
    mm1$x <- cbind(mm$x, mm$ivx)

    mm2$y <- mm$y
    mm2$x <- mm1$y
    mm2$orig$x <- cbind(mm$orig$x, mm$orig$ivx)
    mm2$orig$y <- cbind(mm$orig$y, mm$orig$ivy)
#    rm(mm)
    z1 <- newols(mm1, nostats=nost1, onlyse=onlyse,psdef=psdef)

    mm2$noinst <- z1$residuals
#    setdimnames(mm2$x, list(NULL, c(fitnames,nmx)))
    z2 <- newols(mm2, exactDOF=exactDOF, kappa=kappa, nostats=nostats[1], onlyse=onlyse, psdef=psdef)
    if(keepX) z2$X <- if(is.null(mm2$orig)) mm2$x else mm2$orig$x
    if(keepCX) {z2$cX <- mm2$x; z2$cY <- mm2$y}
    if(keepModel) z2$model <- mm$model else z2$model <- mm$mfcall
    z2$call <- match.call()

  # Now, we must build a model matrix with the endogenous variables
  # on the left hand side, the exogenous and instruments on the rhs.
  # we have already centred everything in mm. However, we must
  # rearrange it.
  # in the first stage we should have the iv left hand side on
  # the lhs, the exogenous and instruments on the rhs.
  # mm$x is an ok rhs. The y must be replaced by the ivy
  ivars <- colnames(mm$ivx)
  exlist <- colnames(mm$x)

  mm1 <- mm[names(mm) %in% c('fl','terms','cluster', 'numctrl',
  mm1$y <- mm$ivy
  mm1$x <- cbind(mm$x, mm$ivx)
  mm1$orig$y <- mm$orig$ivy
  mm1$orig$x <- cbind(mm$orig$x, mm$orig$ivx)
  z1 <- newols(mm1, nostats=nost1, exactDOF=exactDOF, onlyse=onlyse, psdef=psdef)
  if(keepX) z1$X <- if(is.null(mm1$orig)) mm1$x else mm1$orig$x
  if(keepCX) {z1$cX <- mm1$x; z1$cY <- mm1$y}

  if(!nost1) {
    z1$iv1fstat <- lapply(z1$lhs, function(lh) waldtest(z1,ivars, lhs=lh))
    names(z1$iv1fstat) <- z1$lhs
    z1$rob.iv1fstat <- lapply(z1$lhs, function(lh) waldtest(z1,ivars,type='robust', lhs=lh))
    names(z1$rob.iv1fstat) <- z1$lhs

  z1$instruments <- ivars
  z1$centred.exo <- mm$x
  z1$ivx <- mm$ivx 
  z1$ivy <- mm$ivy

  # then second stage.  This is a bit more manipulation
  # We must make an mm2 with the original lhs, and with
  # the exogenous variables plus the the predicted endogenous from z1 on the rhs
  # we must set the names of the exogenous variables

  mm2 <- mm[names(mm) %in% c('fl','terms','cluster','numctrl','hasicpt',
                             'na.action','contrasts', 'TSS','weights')]

  mm2$x <- cbind(mm$x, z1$c.fitted.values)
  setdimnames(mm2$x, list(NULL, c(exlist,fitnames)))
  mm2$y <- mm$y
  if(!is.null(mm$orig)) {
    mm2$orig <- list(x=cbind(mm$orig$x, z1$fitted.values), y=mm$orig$y)
    setdimnames(mm2$orig$x, list(NULL, c(exlist,fitnames)))

#  rm(mm)  # save some memory

  z2 <- newols(mm2, stage1=z1, nostats=nostats[1], exactDOF=exactDOF, kappa=kappa, onlyse=onlyse, psdef=psdef)
  if(keepX) z2$X <- if(is.null(mm2$orig)) mm2$x else mm2$orig$x
  if(keepCX) {z2$cX <- mm2$x; z2$cY <- mm2$y}
  if(keepModel) z2$model <- mm$model else z2$model <- mm$mfcall

  z2$call <- match.call()
sgaure/lfe documentation built on Dec. 27, 2019, 8:06 a.m.