
Defines functions .raster_error .get_method .args_name .get_hypers_grid .check_args .create_model_from_settings .get_train_args .create_sdmtune_output .create_sdmtune_result .get_sdmtune_colnames .get_metric_label .get_metric .get_total_models .get_footer .get_model_fc .get_model_reg .get_model_class .subset_swd .get_absence .get_presence

# Get presence locations from an SWD object
.get_presence <- function(swd) {

  swd@data[swd@pa == 1, , drop = FALSE]

# Get absence locations from an SWD object
.get_absence <- function(swd) {

  swd@data[swd@pa == 0, , drop = FALSE]

# Subset an SWD object using the fold partition
.subset_swd <- function(swd,
                        fold) {

  data <- swd@data[fold, , drop = FALSE]
  coords <- swd@coords[fold, , drop = FALSE]
  rownames(data) <- NULL
  rownames(coords) <- NULL
  pa <- swd@pa[fold]

  SWD(species = swd@species,
      data = data,
      coords = coords,
      pa = pa)

.get_model_class <- function(model) {

  if (inherits(model, "SDMmodelCV")) {
    model <- model@models[[1]]


.get_model_reg <- function(model) {

  if (inherits(model, "SDMmodelCV")) {
    model <- model@models[[1]]


.get_model_fc <- function(model) {

  if (inherits(model, "SDMmodelCV")) {
    model <- model@models[[1]]


.get_footer <- function(model) {

  footer <- c()
  tuned_args <- .get_train_args(model)[getTunableArgs(model)]

  for (i in seq_along(tuned_args)) {
    footer <- c(footer, paste0(names(tuned_args)[i], ": ", tuned_args[[i]]))

  paste(footer, collapse = "\n")

.get_total_models <- function(pop,
                              remaining) {

  pop + (gen * remaining)

.get_metric <- function(metric,
                        test = NULL,
                        env = NULL) {

  if (metric == "auc") {
    return(auc(model, test))
  } else if (metric == "tss") {
    return(tss(model, test))
  } else {
    return(aicc(model, env))

.get_metric_label <- function(metric) {

  if (metric == "auc") {
  } else if (metric == "tss") {
  } else {

.get_sdmtune_colnames <- function(metric) {

  if (metric == "auc") {
    return(c("train_AUC", "test_AUC", "diff_AUC"))
  } else if (metric == "tss") {
    return(c("train_TSS", "test_TSS", "diff_TSS"))
  } else {
    return(c("AICc", "delta_AICc"))

.create_sdmtune_result <- function(model,
                                   val_metric) {

  tunable_hypers <- getTunableArgs(model)
  l <- length(tunable_hypers)
  labels <- c(tunable_hypers, .get_sdmtune_colnames(metric))

  res <- list()

  for (j in 1:l) {
    if (inherits(model, "SDMmodel")) {
      m <- model
    } else {
      m <- model@models[[1]]
    res[[j]] <- slot(m@model, tunable_hypers[j])
  res[[j + 1]] <- train_metric

  if (metric != "aicc") {
    res[[l + 2]] <- val_metric
    res[[l + 3]] <- res[[l + 1]] - res[[l + 2]]
  } else {
    res[[l + 2]] <- NA

  names(res) <- labels


.create_sdmtune_output <- function(models,
                                   val_metric) {

  tunable_hypers <- getTunableArgs(models[[1]])
  l <- length(tunable_hypers)
  labels <- c(tunable_hypers, .get_sdmtune_colnames(metric))

  res <- matrix(nrow = length(models), ncol = length(labels))
  colnames(res) <- labels
  fcs <- vector("character", length = length(models))
  distrs <- vector("character", length = length(models))

  for (i in seq_along(models)) {

    if (inherits(models[[i]], "SDMmodel")) {
      m <- models[[i]]
    } else {
      m <- models[[i]]@models[[1]]

    for (j in 1:l) {
      if (tunable_hypers[j] == "distribution") {
        distrs[i] <- slot(m@model, tunable_hypers[j])
      } else if (tunable_hypers[j] == "fc") {
        fcs[i] <- m@model@fc
      } else {
        res[i, tunable_hypers[j]] <- slot(m@model, tunable_hypers[j])

    res[i, l + 1] <- train_metric[i, 2]

    if (metric != "aicc")
      res[i, l + 2] <- val_metric[i, 2]

  if (metric != "aicc") {
    res[, l + 3] <- res[, l + 1] - res[, l + 2]
  } else {
    res[, l + 2] <- res[, l + 1] - min(res[, l + 1])

  res <- as.data.frame(res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  if ("distribution" %in% tunable_hypers) {
    res$distribution <- distrs

  if ("fc" %in% tunable_hypers) {
    res$fc <- fcs

  SDMtune(results = res,
          models = models)

.get_train_args <- function(model) {

  args <- list(data = model@data)

  if (inherits(model, "SDMmodelCV")) {
    args$folds <- model@folds
    args$progress <- FALSE
    model <- model@models[[1]]@model
  } else {
    args$folds <- NULL
    model <- model@model

  args$method <- class(model)

  if (args$method == "Maxent") {
    args$fc <- model@fc
    args$reg <- model@reg
    args$iter <- model@iter
  } else if (args$method == "Maxnet") {
    args$fc <- model@fc
    args$reg <- model@reg
  } else if (args$method == "ANN") {
    args$size <- model@size
    args$decay <- model@decay
    args$rang <- model@rang
    args$maxit <- model@maxit
  } else if (args$method == "RF") {
    args$mtry <- model@mtry
    args$ntree <- model@ntree
    args$nodesize <- model@nodesize
  } else {
    args$distribution <- model@distribution
    args$n.trees <- model@n.trees
    args$interaction.depth <- model@interaction.depth
    args$shrinkage <- model@shrinkage
    args$bag.fraction <- model@bag.fraction


.create_model_from_settings <- function(model,
                                        settings) {

  args <- .get_train_args(model)
  args[names(settings)] <- settings

  do.call("train", args)

.check_args <- function(model,
                        test = NULL,
                        env = NULL,
                        hypers = NULL,
                        is_do_jk = FALSE) {

  # Throws exception if metric is aicc and env is not provided
  if (metric == "aicc" & is.null(env) & inherits(model, "SDMmodel"))
      "You must provide the {.var env} argument if you want to use the AICc"

  # Throws exception if model is SDMmodel, metric is not aicc and
  # test is not provided
  if (inherits(model, "SDMmodel") & is.null(test) & metric != "aicc") {

    # Only if the call is not from doJk()
    if (!is_do_jk)
      cli::cli_abort("You need to provide a test dataset")

  # Throws exception if metric is aicc and model is SDMmodelCV
  if (inherits(model, "SDMmodelCV") & metric == "aicc")
    cli::cli_abort("{.strong AICc} not allowed with {.cls SDMmodelCV} objects")

  # Check hypers
  if (!is.null(hypers)) {
    # Throws exception if provided hypers are not tunable

    diff <- setdiff(names(hypers), getTunableArgs(model))

    if (length(diff) > 0)
        ("Argumnt{?s} {diff} non included in tunable hyperparameters")

.get_hypers_grid <- function(model,
                             hypers) {

  # Create data frame with all possible combinations of hyperparameters
  tunable_args <- .get_train_args(model)[getTunableArgs(model)]
  tunable_args[names(hypers)] <- hypers

              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

.args_name <- function(x) {

    "trainANN" = c("data", "size", "decay", "rang", "maxit"),
    "trainBRT" = c("data", "distribution", "n.trees", "interaction.depth",
                   "shrinkage", "bag.fraction"),
    "trainMaxent" = c("data", "reg", "fc", "iter"),
    "trainMaxnet" = c("data", "reg", "fc"),
    "trainRF" = c("data", "mtry", "ntree", "nodesize")

# Get method from a model object
.get_method <- function(x) {

  if (inherits(x, "SDMmodel")) {
    model <- x@model
  } else {
    model <- x@models[[1]]@model

  y <- class(model) |>

         ANN = "Artificial Neural Networks",
         BRT = "Boosted Regression Trees",
         Maxent = "Maxent",
         Maxnet = "Maxnet",
         RF = "Random Forest")

# TODO: Remove with version 2.0.0
.raster_error <- function(x) {
    c("!" = "Objects from the {.pkg raster} package are no longer supported!",
      "i" = paste("{.pkg SDMtune} now uses {.pkg terra} to handle spatial",
                  "data. See function {.fun terra::{x}} to migrate."))
sgvignali/SDMtune documentation built on July 20, 2023, 1:45 a.m.