
#' Divisive k-means clustering.
#' This function recursively splits a sequence set into smaller and smaller subsets,
#' returning a "dendrogram" object.
#' @param x a list or matrix of sequences, possibly an object of class
#'   \code{"DNAbin"} or \code{"AAbin"}.
#' @param k integer. The k-mer size required.
#' @param residues either NULL (default; emitted residues are automatically
#'   detected from the sequences), a case sensitive character vector
#'   specifying the residue alphabet, or one of the character strings
#'   "RNA", "DNA", "AA", "AMINO". Note that the default option can be slow for
#'   large lists of character vectors. Specifying the residue alphabet is therefore
#'   recommended unless the sequence list is a "DNAbin" or "AAbin" object.
#' @param gap the character used to represent gaps in the alignment matrix
#'   (if applicable). Ignored for \code{"DNAbin"} or \code{"AAbin"} objects.
#'   Defaults to "-" otherwise.
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to \code{kmeans} (not including
#'   \code{centers}).
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{"dendrogram"}.
#' @details This function creates a tree by successively splitting
#'   the dataset into smaller and smaller subsets (recursive
#'   partitioning). This is a divisive, or "top-down" approach to tree-building,
#'   as opposed to agglomerative "bottom-up" methods such as neighbor joining
#'   and UPGMA. It is particularly useful for large large datasets with many sequences
#'   (\emph{n} > 10,000) since the need to compute a large \emph{n} * \emph{n}
#'   distance matrix is circumvented.
#'   Instead, a matrix of k-mer counts is computed, and split recursively row-wise
#'   using a k-means clustering algorithm (\emph{k} = 2). This effectively reduces
#'   the time and memory complexity from quadratic to linear, while generally
#'   maintaining comparable accuracy.
#'   If a more accurate tree is required, users can increase the value
#'   of \code{nstart} passed to \code{kmeans} \emph{via} the \code{...} argument.
#'   While this can increase computation time, it can improve tree accuracy
#'   considerably.
#'   DNA and amino acid sequences can be passed to the function either as
#'   a list of non-aligned sequences or a matrix of aligned sequences,
#'   preferably in the "DNAbin" or "AAbin" raw-byte format
#'   (Paradis et al 2004, 2012; see the \code{\link[ape]{ape}} package
#'   documentation for more information on these S3 classes).
#'   Character sequences are supported; however ambiguity codes may
#'   not be recognized or treated appropriately, since raw ambiguity
#'   codes are counted according to their underlying residue frequencies
#'   (e.g. the 5-mer "ACRGT" would contribute 0.5 to the tally for "ACAGT"
#'   and 0.5 to that of "ACGGT").
#'   To minimize computation time when counting longer k-mers (k > 3),
#'   amino acid sequences in the raw "AAbin" format are automatically
#'   compressed using the Dayhoff-6 alphabet as detailed in Edgar (2004).
#'   Note that amino acid sequences will not be compressed if they
#'   are supplied as a list of character vectors rather than an "AAbin"
#'   object, in which case the k-mer length should be reduced
#'   (k < 4) to avoid excessive memory use and computation time.
#' @author Shaun Wilkinson
#' @references
#'   Edgar RC (2004) Local homology recognition and distance measures in
#'   linear time using compressed amino acid alphabets.
#'   \emph{Nucleic Acids Research}, \strong{32}, 380-385.
#'   Paradis E, Claude J, Strimmer K, (2004) APE: analyses of phylogenetics
#'   and evolution in R language. \emph{Bioinformatics} \strong{20}, 289-290.
#'   Paradis E (2012) Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R
#'   (Second Edition). Springer, New York.
#' @seealso \code{\link{kcount}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Cluster the woodmouse dataset (ape package)
#' library(ape)
#' data(woodmouse)
#' ## trim gappy ends to subset global alignment
#' woodmouse <- woodmouse[, apply(woodmouse, 2, function(v) !any(v == 0xf0))]
#' ## build tree divisively
#' suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0"))
#' set.seed(999)
#' woodmouse.tree <- cluster(woodmouse, nstart = 5)
#' ## plot tree
#' op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mar = c(5, 2, 4, 8) + 0.1)
#' plot(woodmouse.tree, main = "Woodmouse phylogeny", horiz = TRUE)
#' par(op)
#' }
cluster <- function(x, k = 5, residues = NULL, gap = "-", ...){
  DNA <- .isDNA(x)
  AA <- .isAA(x)
  if(DNA) class(x) <- "DNAbin" else if(AA) class(x) <- "AAbin"
  residues <- .alphadetect(x, residues = residues, gap = gap)
  gap <- if(AA) as.raw(45) else if(DNA) as.raw(4) else gap
  if(is.matrix(x)) x <- .unalign(x, gap = gap)
  nseq <- length(x)
  if(nseq == 1){# singleton tree (leaf)
    tree <- 1
    attr(tree, "leaf") <- TRUE
    attr(tree, "height") <- 0
    attr(tree, "midpoint") <- 0
    attr(tree, "label") <- names(x)[1]
    attr(tree, "members") <- 1
    class(tree) <- "dendrogram"
  if(is.null(names(x))) names(x) <- paste0("S", 1:nseq)
  catchnames <- names(x)
  hashes <- .digest(x)
  duplicates <- duplicated(hashes)
  nuseq <- sum(!duplicates)
  pointers <- .point(hashes)
  x <- x[!duplicates]
  xlengths <- sapply(x, length)
  if(sum(!duplicates) == 1){
    tree <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(x))
    attr(tree, "height") <- 0
    attr(tree, "midpoint") <- 0.5
    attr(tree, "members") <- length(x)
    for(i in seq_along(x)){
      tree[[i]] <- i
      attr(tree[[i]], "height") <- 0
      attr(tree[[i]], "midpoint") <- 0
      attr(tree[[i]], "members") <- 1
      attr(tree[[i]], "leaf") <- TRUE
      attr(tree[[i]], "label") <- catchnames[i]
    class(tree) <- "dendrogram"
  kcounts <- kcount(x, k = k, residues = residues, gap = gap, named = FALSE)
  tree <- 1
  attr(tree, "leaf") <- TRUE
  attr(tree, "sequences") <- 1:nuseq
  attr(tree, "height") <- 0
  attr(tree, "kvector") <- apply(kcounts, 2, mean)
  attr(tree, "meanlength") <- mean(xlengths)
  ## define recursive splitting functions
  clustern <- function(node, kcs, seqlengths, k, ...){
    if(!is.list(node) & length(attr(node, "sequences")) > 1){
      ## fork leaves only
      seqs <- kcs[attr(node, "sequences"), , drop = FALSE]
      lens <- seqlengths[attr(node, "sequences")]
      errfun <- function(er){## used when >3 uniq hashes but kmeans throws error
        out <- list()
        nrs <- nrow(seqs)
        cls <- rep(1, nrs)
        cls[sample(1:nrs, 1)] <- 2 ## peel randomly selected one off
        out$cluster <- cls
        out$centers <- rbind(apply(seqs[cls == 1, , drop = FALSE], 2, mean),
                             apply(seqs[cls == 2, , drop = FALSE], 2, mean))
      km <- if(nrow(seqs) > 2){
        tryCatch(kmeans(seqs, centers = 2, ... = ...),
                 error = errfun, warning = errfun)
        list(cluster = 1:2, centers = seqs)
      tmpattr <- attributes(node)
      node <- vector(mode = "list", length = 2)
      attributes(node) <- tmpattr
      attr(node, "leaf") <- NULL
      for(i in 1:2){
        node[[i]] <- 1
        attr(node[[i]], "kvector") <- km$centers[i, ]
        attr(node[[i]], "meanlength") <- mean(lens[km$cluster == i])
        kmatrix <- rbind(attr(node, "kvector"), attr(node[[i]], "kvector"))
        rownames(kmatrix) <- paste(1:2) # needed for c++ function
        meanlengths <- c(attr(node, "meanlength") , attr(node[[i]], "meanlength"))
        diffheight <- .kdist(kmatrix, from = 0, to = 1, seqlengths = meanlengths, k = k)[1]
        attr(node[[i]], "height") <- attr(node, "height") - diffheight ## cleaned up later
        attr(node[[i]], "leaf") <- TRUE
        attr(node[[i]], "sequences") <- attr(node, "sequences")[km$cluster == i]
  clusterr <- function(tree, kcs, seqlengths, k, ...){ # kcs is the kfreq matrix
    tree <- clustern(tree, kcs, seqlengths, k, ...)
    if(is.list(tree)) tree[] <- lapply(tree, clusterr, kcs, seqlengths, k, ...)
  ##  build tree recursively
  tree <- clusterr(tree, kcs = kcounts, seqlengths = xlengths, k = k, ... = ...)
  tree <- phylogram::remidpoint(tree)
  class(tree) <- "dendrogram"
  tree <- phylogram::reposition(tree)
  class(tree) <- "dendrogram"
  tree <- phylogram::reposition(tree)
    reduplicate <- function(node, pointers){
      attr(node, "sequences") <- which(pointers %in% attr(node, "sequences"))
        lams <- length(attr(node, "sequences"))
        if(lams > 1){
          labs <- attr(node, "label")
          hght <- attr(node, "height")
          seqs <- attr(node, "sequences")
          node <- vector(mode = "list", length = lams)
          attr(node, "height") <- hght
          attr(node, "sequences") <- seqs
          for(i in 1:lams){
            node[[i]] <- 1
            attr(node[[i]], "height") <- hght
            attr(node[[i]], "label") <- labs[i]
            attr(node[[i]], "sequences") <- seqs[i]
            attr(node[[i]], "leaf") <- TRUE
    tree <- dendrapply(tree, reduplicate, pointers)
    tree <- remidpoint(tree)
  label <- function(node, labs){
    if(is.leaf(node)) attr(node, "label") <- labs[attr(node, "sequences")]
  tree <- dendrapply(tree, label, labs = catchnames)
  rmseqs <- function(node){
      tmpattr <- attributes(node)
      node[] <- tmpattr$sequences
      tmpattr$sequences <- NULL
      tmpattr$kvector <- NULL
      tmpattr$meanlength <- NULL
      attributes(node) <- tmpattr
      attr(node, "sequences") <- NULL
      attr(node, "kvector") <- NULL
      attr(node, "meanlength") <- NULL
  tree <- dendrapply(tree, rmseqs)
shaunpwilkinson/kmer documentation built on June 3, 2019, 4:17 a.m.