#' Two-dimensional PCA plot with the PC annotation
#' @import ggpubr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param dataset A gene expression profile to be validated. Different classes
#' of objects can be used including ExpressionSet, SummarizedExperiment,
#' RangedSummarizedExperiment, or matrix. Rownames (genes) should be in symbol
#' format. If it is a matrix, genes should be in rows and samples in columns.
#' @param RAVmodel PCAGenomicSignatures-class object
#' @param PCnum A numeric vector length of 2. The values should be
#' between 1 and 8.
#' @param val_all The output from \code{\link{validate}}
#' @param scoreCutoff A numeric value for the minimum correlation.
#' Default 0.5.
#' @param nesCutoff A numeric value for the minimum NES. Default is \code{NULL}
#' and the suggested value is 3.
#' @param color_by A named vector with the feature you want to color by. Name
#' should be match with the sample names of the dataset.
#' @param color_lab A name for color legend. If this argument is not provided,
#' the color legend will be labeled as "Color By" by default.
#' @param trimed_pathway_len Positive inter values, which is the display width
#' of pathway names. Default is 45.
#' @return Scatter plot and the table with annotation. If enriched pathway
#' didn't pass the \code{scoreCutoff} the table will be labeled as "No
#' significant pathways". If any enriched pathway didn't pass the
#' \code{nesCutoff}, it will labeled as NA.
#' @examples
#' data(miniRAVmodel)
#' library(bcellViper)
#' data(bcellViper)
#' \dontrun{
#' plotAnnotatedPCA(exprs(dset), miniRAVmodel, PCnum = c(1,2))
#' }
#' @export
plotAnnotatedPCA <- function(dataset, RAVmodel, PCnum, val_all = NULL,
scoreCutoff = 0.5, nesCutoff = NULL,
color_by = NULL, color_lab = NULL,
trimed_pathway_len = 45) {
# Extract expression matrix from different classes
dat <- .extractExprsMatrix(dataset)
if (is.null(val_all)) {val_all <- validate(dat, RAVmodel)}
PCAres <- stats::prcomp(dat)$rotation %>% as.data.frame
# two PCs to plot
ind1 <- which(colnames(PCAres) == paste0("PC", PCnum[1]))
ind2 <- which(colnames(PCAres) == paste0("PC", PCnum[2]))
if (is.null(color_lab)) {color_lab <- "Color By"}
if (!is.null(color_by)) {
colorFeature <- utils::stack(color_by) %>%
tibble::column_to_rownames(var = "ind")
PCAres <- cbind(PCAres, colorFeature)
myPlot <- ggplot(PCAres, mapping = aes_string(x = names(PCAres)[ind1],
y = names(PCAres)[ind2],
color = "values")) +
labs(color = color_lab) +
} else {
myPlot <- ggplot(PCAres, mapping = aes_string(x = names(PCAres)[ind1],
y = names(PCAres)[ind2])) +
# Trim the long pathway names
annotatedPC <- annotatePC(c(ind1, ind2), val_all, RAVmodel,
scoreCutoff = scoreCutoff, nesCutoff = nesCutoff,
trimed_pathway_len = trimed_pathway_len)
# PC annotation table - flextable version
flextable::set_flextable_defaults(na_str = "NA")
myTable <- flextable::flextable(annotatedPC) %>% flextable::width(width = 2.5)
myTable <- grid::rasterGrob(flextable::as_raster(myTable))
# # PC annotation table - ggpubr version
# myTable <- ggpubr::ggtexttable(annotatedPC,
# rows = NULL,
# theme = ggpubr::ttheme("mOrange"))
# myTable <- ggpubr::table_cell_font(myTable,
# row = 2:ggpubr::tab_nrow(myTable),
# column = 1:2, size = 9)
res <- ggpubr::ggarrange(myPlot, myTable,
ncol = 1, nrow = 2, heights = c(1, 0.5))
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