
Defines functions link_viol_sim sim_data np_calibrate select_bandwidth runif_corr adaptive_lasso

Documented in adaptive_lasso link_viol_sim np_calibrate runif_corr select_bandwidth sim_data

#' Simulate violations of link function
#' Simulate violations of link function. The true model is
#' \eqn{E(Y_i | X_i) = \alpha_0 + \Phi(\beta_0^T X_i),}
#' where \eqn{\Phi} is the Normal CDF, but we fit the model
#' \eqn{E(Y_i | X_i) = \alpha + \beta^T X}
#' using adaptive LASSO.
#' We calculate the errors using a large validation dataset. The errors
#' considered are
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \eqn{E((Y_i - \hat{\alpha} - \hat{\beta}^T X_i)^2)}, where
#' \eqn{\hat{\alpha}} and \eqn{\hat{\beta}} are from adaptive LASSO.
#' \item \eqn{E((Y_i - \tilde{m}(X_i))^2)}, where \eqn{\tilde{m}(X_i)}
#' corresponds to the conditional mean from fitting the true mode.
#' \item \eqn{E((Y_i - \hat{m}(X_i))^2)}, where \eqn{\hat{m}} is a
#' nonparametrically calibrated version of the conditional mean. It uses
#' the fitted values from adaptive LASSO for the old data and new data,
#' and uses a kernel to smooth over them.
#' }
#' \code{link_viol_sim} runs the simulation.
#' @param nsims Number of simulations to run.
#' @param betas True effects, with first element equal to the intercept.
#'   Should be a length-(p+1) vector.
#' @param x_simulator Function whose first argument is n. Generates n
#'   replicates of X. The return value of this function should be an n x
#'   p matrix, or an n x 1 vector.
#' @param n Number of samples in each simulation.
#' @param true_link True link function. Should be an R function that
#'   takes one argument.
#' @param error_simulator Function whose first argument is n. Generates
#'   n replicates of epsilon. The return value of this function should
#'   be an n x 1 vector.
#' @param testsize Sample size for the simulated validation dataset.
#' @param cv Whether to use cross-validation to select the optimal
#' bandwidth for nonparametric smoothing step.
#' @return \code{link_viol_sim} returns a list with two named elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{betas}{nsims x p matrix of estimated coefficients for each
#' iteration of the simulation.}
#' \item{errors}{nsims x 3 matrix of three estimated errors.}
#' }
#' \code{sim_data} returns a list with two named elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{xs}{n x p matrix of predictors}
#' \item{ys}{length-n vector of outcomes}
#' }
#' @export
link_viol_sim <- function(nsims, betas, x_simulator, n,
                          error_simulator = rnorm, testsize = 5000,
                          cv = FALSE) {

    stopifnot(length(betas) > 1)
    betas_est <- matrix(NA, nrow = nsims, ncol = length(betas))
    colnames(betas_est) <- c("alpha",
                             paste0("beta", 1:(length(betas) - 1)))

    errors <- matrix(NA, nrow = nsims, ncol = 3)
    colnames(errors) <- c("error_true", "error_linear", "error_kernel")

    # only simulate the independent test dataset once
    test_dat <- sim_data(betas, x_simulator, error_simulator, testsize)
    for (i in 1:nsims) {
        # simulate data
        train_dat <- sim_data(betas, x_simulator, error_simulator, n)
        # fit adaptive lasso model
        alasso_cv <- adaptive_lasso(train_dat$xs, train_dat$ys)
        alasso_betas <- coef(alasso_cv, s = "lambda.min")

        # fit true model
        true_mod_betas <- fit_true_model(train_dat$xs, train_dat$ys)

        # get errors on independent test dataset
        true_preds <- true_mod_betas[1] +
            pnorm(test_dat$xs%*% true_mod_betas[-1])
        naive_preds <- predict(alasso_cv, newx = test_dat$xs,
                               s = "lambda.min")
        # calibration step
        yhat <- predict(alasso_cv, newx = train_dat$xs, s = "lambda.min")
        best_h <- select_bandwidth(yhat, train_dat$ys, cv = cv)
        calibrate_preds <- np_calibrate(test_dat$xs,
                                        train_dat$xs, train_dat$ys,
                                        alasso_cv, bandwidth = best_h)
        # calculate errors
        errors_cur <-
            vapply(list(true_preds, naive_preds, calibrate_preds),
                   function(x) { mean((test_dat$ys - x)^2,
                                      na.rm = TRUE) }, FUN.VALUE = 2.1)
        # check the result and save
        betas_cur <- as.vector(alasso_betas)

        betas_est[i, ] <- betas_cur
        errors[i, ] <- errors_cur

    return(list(betas = betas_est, errors = errors))

#' @describeIn link_viol_sim Simulate the data
sim_data <- function(betas, x_simulator, error_simulator, n) {
    #xs <- scale(x_simulator(n), center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
    xs <- x_simulator(n)
    stopifnot(dim(xs) == c(n, length(betas) - 1))
    errors <- error_simulator(n)
    ys <- betas[1] + pnorm(xs %*% betas[-1]) + errors
    return(list(xs = xs, ys = ys))

#' Nonparametric calibration step for predicting
#' Nonparametric calibration step for predicting the mean
#' The formula in the assignment does not include intercepts, but we do
#' include the intercepts here by using the \code{predict} function.
#' However, because the intercepts will be the same, after subtraction
#' they cancel out.
#' @param new_xs Matrix of new predictors
#' @param xs Matrix of old predictors
#' @param ys Vector of old observed values
#' @param glmnet_obj A glmnet object for which there is a predict method
#' @return Nonparametrically calibrated predicted means.
np_calibrate <- function(new_xs, xs, ys, glmnet_obj, bandwidth)  {
    stopifnot(ncol(xs) == ncol(new_xs))
    yhat <- as.vector(predict(glmnet_obj, xs, s = "lambda.min"))
    yhat_new <- as.vector(predict(glmnet_obj, new_xs, s = "lambda.min"))
    # Note: sometimes bandwidth is too small so you'll have points in
    # yhat_new that don't match to yhat, and for those you'll get an NA
    # for your fitted y. We ignore these NAs when computing the error.

    # kern_fit <- np::npreg(tydat = as.vector(ys), txdat = yhat,
    #                       newdata = yhat_new)
    # mhat <- predict(kern_fit, yhat_new, se.fit = FALSE)
    # print(kern_fit)

    # much faster way of computing the kernel
    kern_fit <- ksmooth(yhat, ys, kernel = "normal",
                        bandwidth = bandwidth, x.points = yhat_new)
    # raise error if too many NAs
    stopifnot(mean(is.na(kern_fit$y)) < 0.1)
    # need to reorder the kernel points according to yhat_new's
    # original order
    reorder_inds <- match(yhat_new, kern_fit$x)
    stopifnot(all.equal(kern_fit$x[reorder_inds], yhat_new))
    mhat <- kern_fit$y[reorder_inds]

#' Cross-validation for bandwidth
select_bandwidth <- function(yhat, ys, cv = FALSE, nfolds = 5) {
    stopifnot(length(yhat) == length(ys))
    if (sd(yhat) < 1e-6) {
        warning("All yhat are the same, returning bandwidth 1")
    start_h <- KernSmooth::dpill(yhat, ys)
    if (is.nan(start_h)){
        warning("dpill gave NaN, setting start_h to 0.1")
        start_h <- 0.1
    if (!cv) {
    # do cross-validation
    #multipliers <- c(0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3)
    multipliers <- c(0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 10)
    h_ranges <- start_h * multipliers
    fold_ids <- sample(rep(1:nfolds, length.out = length(yhat)))

    mses <- matrix(NA, nrow = nfolds, ncol = length(h_ranges))
    for (i in 1:nfolds) {
        test_inds <- which(fold_ids == i)
        test_yhat <- yhat[test_inds]
        test_ys <- ys[test_inds][order(test_yhat)]

        train_yhat <- yhat[-test_inds]
        train_ys <- ys[-test_inds]
        kern_fits <- lapply(h_ranges, function(h) {
            ksmooth(train_yhat, train_ys, kernel = "normal",
                    bandwidth = h, x.points = test_yhat)
        mse_cur <- vapply(X = kern_fits, FUN = function(kfit) {
            mean((kfit$y - test_ys)^2, na.rm = TRUE) }, FUN.VALUE = 0.1)
        mses[i, ] <- mse_cur
    meds <- apply(mses, 2, median)
    best_h <- h_ranges[which.min(meds)]

#' Simulate correlated uniform random variates
#' Simulate multiple iid correlated uniform random variates.
#' First, with a given correlation matrix corr, we simulate
#' (X_{i1}, ..., X_{ip}) ~ MVN(0, corr)
#' for i = 1, 2, ... n. Then, we obtain
#' (U_{i1}, ..., U_{ip}) = (F(X_{i1}), ..., F_(X_{ip})),
#' where F is the standard normal PDF (note marginally, X_{i1} ~ N(0, 1)
#' since corr is assumed to have 1 on the diagonals). Then, the U will
#' marginally be uniformly distributed on (0, 1), with some correlation.
#' Finally, we transform U_{ij} using (max - min) * U_{ij} + min to get
#' a random variable uniformly distributed on (min, max).
#' @param n Number of random variates to generate.
#' @param corr Correlation between the random variates. Must be a p x p
#' diagonal matrix, with 1 on the diagonal.
#' @param min lower limit of the distribution
#' @param max upper limit of the distribution
#' @return n x p matrix of correlated uniform random variates, where
#' each row is iid.
#' @export
runif_corr <- function(n, corr, min = -1, max = 1) {
    stopifnot(nrow(corr) == ncol(corr))
    stopifnot(diag(corr) == rep(1, nrow(corr)))
    stopifnot(min < max)
    normals <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, sigma = corr)
    # scale to be between min and max
    unifs <- (max - min) * pnorm(normals) + min

#' Fit adaptive lasso model
#' Fit adaptive lasso model with intercept. The penalty for each beta_j
#' coefficient in the model is weighted by 1 / |beta_ini_j|^gam, where
#' beta_ini_j is an initial estimate of beta, here obtained through OLS.
#' Then, a LASSO is run. The optimal lambda is selected through
#' cross-validation.
#' @param xs Matrix of predictors. Should be standardized and centered
#'   to have mean 0, variance 1
#' @param ys Matrix or vector of observations. Does not need to be
#'   centered.
#' @param gam Power for penalty weights.
#' @param nfolds Number of cross-validation folds.
#' @return A cv.glmnet object
adaptive_lasso <- function(xs, ys, gam = 1, nfolds = 5) {
    ols_reg <- lm(ys ~ xs)
    beta_ini <- coef(ols_reg)[-1]
    penalty_weights = 1 / (abs(beta_ini)^gam)
    cv <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(xs, ys, standardize = TRUE,
                            intercept = TRUE, nfolds = nfolds,
                            penalty.factor = penalty_weights)
shiandy/bst235project documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:01 a.m.