
Defines functions getTweetsInteractionNetwork getNetworkLinksDF getNetworkNodesDF getUserLinksFromTweets getUserLocation getTweetsDataFrame getUserTweetsDataFrame getUserData getUserFollowerCount setupAuthentication getLastTweet whenLastActive getUserTweets getUserFollowers getUserInfo

Documented in getLastTweet getNetworkLinksDF getNetworkNodesDF getTweetsDataFrame getTweetsInteractionNetwork getUserData getUserFollowerCount getUserFollowers getUserInfo getUserLinksFromTweets getUserLocation getUserTweets getUserTweetsDataFrame setupAuthentication whenLastActive

# Basic api for twitter data exploration

#' Function to get user Info for a given user twitter handle
#' @param username the twitter handle of user whose followers need to be extracted.
#' @return userInfo object with information about user
#' @export
getUserInfo <- function(username){

  username <- stringr::str_trim(username)
  status <- FALSE
  while (status==FALSE) {
    rate <- getCurRateLimitInfo(c("users"))
    status <- as.numeric(rate[rate$resource == "/users/show/:id","remaining"]) > 50
    if (status) {
      userInfo <- getUser(username)
    } else {


#' Function to get followers for a given user twitter handle
#' @param userInfo user object of the user for whom followers need to be extracted
#' @return vector of first degree followers for the user
#' @export
getUserFollowers <- function(userInfo, n=100){

  if(class(userInfo)=="character") {
    userInfo <- getUserInfo(userInfo)

  status <- FALSE
  while (status==FALSE) {
    rate <- getCurRateLimitInfo(c("users"))
    status <- as.numeric(rate[rate$resource == "/users/lookup","remaining"]) > 50
    if (status) {
      firstdegree <- userInfo$getFollowers(n)
    } else {

  #get screen names of all followers
  followers <- as.character(length(firstdegree))
  for (i in 1:length(firstdegree)) followers[i] <- firstdegree[[i]]$screenName



#' Function to get tweets for a given user twitter handle or userInfo object
#' @param username twitter handle or user object of user whose followers need to be extracted.
#' @return list of last n tweets by user
#' @export
getUserTweets <- function(username, n = 5){

  tweets <- userTimeline(username,n)

  tweets <- lapply(tweets,function(x) x$text)

  tweets <- gsub("\\n"," ",tweets)



#' Function to get when was user last active
#' @param userInfo user object of the user
#' @return time when user was last active
#' @export
whenLastActive <- function(userInfo){

  if(class(userInfo)=="character") {
    userInfo <- getUserInfo(userInfo)



#' Function to get last tweet of user
#' @param userInfo user object of the user for whose last tweet needs to be fetched
#' @return time when user was last active
#' @export
getLastTweet <- function(userInfo){

  if(class(userInfo)=="character") {
    userInfo <- getUserInfo(userInfo)



#' Function to setup authentication
#' @param path of file with authentication details
#' @export
setupAuthentication <- function(filepath){

  if (!require("httr")) install.packages("httr") ; require("httr")
  if (!require("twitteR")) install.packages("twitteR") ; require("twitteR")

  auth.df <- read.csv(filepath, header = TRUE)

  consumer_key <- auth.df$consumer_key
  consumer_secret <- auth.df$consumer_secret
  access_token <- auth.df$access_token
  access_secret <- auth.df$access_secret

  setup_twitter_oauth(consumer_key= stringr::str_trim(consumer_key),
                      consumer_secret= stringr::str_trim(consumer_secret),
                      access_token= stringr::str_trim(access_token),
                      access_secret= stringr::str_trim(access_secret))


#' Function to get total number of followers for a user
#' @param userInfo user object of the user for whom  count need to be extracted
#' @return count of followers of this user
#' @export
getUserFollowerCount <- function(userInfo){

  if(class(userInfo)=="character") {
    userInfo <- getUserInfo(userInfo)


#' Function to gather data for user handles and save extracted data into a csv file
#' @param userFile file path of the text file containing user handles
#' @export
getUserData <- function(userFile){

  usernames <- readLines(userFile)

  num.followers <-c(); follower.handles <- c(); last.time <- c(); last.tweet <- c(); last.ten.tweets <- c()

  for(username in usernames){
    # if userhandle is the entire url rather than just user handle then we split
    # and take the last item as the username
    usernamesplit <- unlist(strsplit(username,"/"))

    username <- usernamesplit[length(usernamesplit)]

    user <- twitterEx:::getUserInfo(username)

    num.followers <- c(num.followers,

    this.follower.handles <- paste(twitterEx::getUserFollowers(user),collapse = "/")
    follower.handles <- c(follower.handles, this.follower.handles)

    last.time <- c(last.time,

    last.tweet <- c(last.tweet,

    this.last.ten.tweets <- paste(twitterEx::getUserTweets(user,10),collapse="[DELIMITER]")
    last.ten.tweets <- c(last.ten.tweets,this.last.ten.tweets)


  file.name <- paste("Userdata_",gsub(":","_",Sys.time()),".csv",sep='')

            file.name, row.names = FALSE)

  print(paste("User Data save in file : ",file.name))


#' Function to get tweets as clean data.frame for a list of users
#' @param usernames vector of one or more usernames
#' @return tweets.df a data.frame with tweets details
#' @export
getUserTweetsDataFrame <- function(usernames){

  tweetid <- c()
  tweettext <- c()
  user <- c()
  tweetcreated <- c()
  tweetdate <- c()
  favCount <- c()
  retweetCount <- c()
  reach <- c()

  for(username in usernames){

    # Fetch user tweets information
    tweets <- twitteR::userTimeline(username, 100)

                sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getText()))
    # Encode text to UTF-8 encoding
    tweettext <- stri_encode(tweettext, "", "UTF-8")

    user <- c(user, rep(username,length(tweettext)))

    tweetid <- c(tweetid,
                 unlist(sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getId())))

    tweetcreated <- c(tweetcreated,
                      unlist(lapply(tweets, function(x) as.character(x$getCreated()))))

    tweetdate <- c(tweetdate,

    favCount <- c(favCount,
                  as.numeric(unlist(sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getFavoriteCount()))))

    retweetCount <- c(retweetCount,
                      as.numeric(unlist(sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getRetweetCount()))))

    # assigning higher weight to retweet as it will proliferate trend
    reach <- c(reach, (favCount + retweetCount))


  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  tweets.df <- as.data.frame(cbind(tweetid=tweetid,
                                   user = user,
                                   tweetdate = tweetdate,
                                   favCount = favCount,
                                   retweetCount = retweetCount,
                                   reach = reach))

  tweets.df$tweetdate <- as.Date(as.numeric(tweets.df$tweetdate), origin="1970-01-01")
  tweets.df$favCount <- as.numeric(tweets.df$favCount)
  tweets.df$retweetCount <- as.numeric(tweets.df$retweetCount)
  tweets.df$reach <- as.numeric(tweets.df$reach)



#' Function to get tweets as clean data.frame from a tweets object
#' @param tweets collection object returned by twitteR::search
#' @return tweets.df a data.frame with tweets details
#' @export
getTweetsDataFrame <- function(tweets) {

  tweettext=sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getText())

  tweettext <- stri_encode(tweettext, "", "UTF-8")

  # replace & ampersand with & symbols
  tweettext = gsub("&amp;", "", tweettext)

  tweetid=sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getId())

  #   tweetlat=unlist(sapply(tweets, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x$getLatitude()))))
  #   tweetlon=unlist(sapply(tweets, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x$getLongitude()))))

  tweetcreated =unlist(lapply(tweets, function(x) as.character(x$getCreated())))

  tweetuser=unlist(sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getScreenName()))

  favCount <- unlist(sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getFavoriteCount()))

  retweetCount <- unlist(sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getRetweetCount()))

  source <- unlist(sapply(tweets, function(x) x$getStatusSource()))
  # remove surrounding html tags
  source <- gsub(pattern = "<.+\">|</a>",replacement = "",source)

  # assigning higher weight to retweet as it will proliferate trend
  reach <- favCount + retweetCount

  tweets.df = data.frame(cbind(tweetid= tweetid, tweet=tweettext,tweetcreated=tweetcreated, source = source,
                               favCount = favCount, retweetCount = retweetCount, reach=reach,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # type cast columns as numeric
  tweets.df$favCount <- as.numeric(tweets.df$favCount)
  tweets.df$retweetCount <- as.numeric(tweets.df$retweetCount)
  tweets.df$reach <- as.numeric(tweets.df$reach)



#' Function to get tweets as clean data.frame from a tweets object
#' @param user username of the twitter user
#' @return geocode location
#' @export
getUserLocation <- function(users){

  userobjs <- unlist(sapply(users, function(x) getUser(x)))

  user <- unlist(sapply(userobjs, function(x) x$screenName))
  name <- unlist(sapply(userobjs, function(x) x$name))
  # Encode text to UTF-8 encoding
  name <- stri_encode(name, "", "UTF-8")

  followersCount <- unlist(sapply(userobjs, function(x) x$followersCount))
  tweetsCount <- unlist(sapply(userobjs, function(x) x$statusesCount))
  location <- unlist(sapply(userobjs, function(x) x$location))
  # Encode text to UTF-8 encoding
  location <- stri_encode(location, "", "UTF-8")

  #locations <- unlist(sapply(userobjs, function(x) x$location))

  # remove non-alphabetic characters
  location <- gsub(pattern = "[^[:alpha:]|^[:space:]]", replacement = "", x = location, ignore.case = TRUE)

  user.df <- data.frame(cbind(user= user, name=name,followersCount=followersCount, tweetsCount = tweetsCount,
                              location = location),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  #user.df <- user.df %>% ggmap::mutate_geocode(location)

  geocodes <- tryCatch({

  }, error = function(e) {

  user.df$lon <- geocodes$lon
  user.df$lat <- geocodes$lat



#' Function to get user interaction links from tweets
#' @param tweets.df data.frame of tweet messages and users
#' @return link.df data.frame of links between users
#' @export
getUserLinksFromTweets <- function(tweets.df){

  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  source.col <- NULL
  target.col <- NULL
  for(i in 1:nrow(tweets.df)){

    source <- tweets.df$user[i]

    targets <- unlist(str_extract_all(tweets.df$tweet[i], "@[:alnum:]+"))

    for(target in targets){
      source.col <- c(source.col,source)
      target.col <- c(target.col,target)


  source.col <- paste0("@",source.col)

  links.df <- data.frame(source=source.col,


#' Function to get user interaction links from tweets
#' @param tweets.df data.frame of tweet messages and users
#' @param exlclude_hashtags default FALSE, whether to include hashtags as nodes in network
#' @return link.df data.frame of links between users
#' @export
getHastagUserLinks <- function (tweets.df, exlclude_hashtags=FALSE) {
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  source.col <- NULL
  target.col <- NULL


    for (i in 1:nrow(tweets.df)) {

      tweet_user <- paste0('@',tweets.df$user[i])

      tagged_users <- unlist(str_extract_all(tweets.df$tweet[i],

      if(length(tagged_users) > 0){
        # for each tagged user link tweet user directly with mentioned user
        for(tagged_user in tagged_users){
          source.col <- c(source.col, tweet_user)
          target.col <- c(target.col, tagged_user)


  else {

    for (i in 1:nrow(tweets.df)) {

      tweet_user <- paste0('@',tweets.df$user[i])

      tagged_users <- unlist(str_extract_all(tweets.df$tweet[i],

      hashtags <- unlist(str_extract_all(tweets.df$tweet[i],
      if (length(hashtags) > 0 ){
        # for each hashtag link tweet user to hashtag
        for(hashtag in hashtags) {
          source.col <- c(source.col, tweet_user)
          target.col <- c(target.col, hashtag)
          # for each tagged user link hash tag with mentioned user
          for(tagged_user in tagged_users){
            source.col <- c(source.col, hashtag)
            target.col <- c(target.col, tagged_user)
      }else if(length(tagged_users) > 0){
        # for each tagged user link tweet user directly with mentioned user
        for(tagged_user in tagged_users){
          source.col <- c(source.col, tweet_user)
          target.col <- c(target.col, tagged_user)



  links.df <- data.frame(source = source.col, target = target.col)

#' Function to get nodes data.frame for network from tweets and links dataframes
#' @param tweets.df data.frame of tweet messages and users
#' @param links.df data.frame of links between users
#' @return network.nodes.df dataframe of node in the network
#' @export
getNetworkNodesDF <- function(tweets.df, links.df){
  # get nodes df from links.df
  nodes <- as.data.frame(table(c(c(paste0("@",tweets.df$user), links.df$target))))
  num.nodes <- nrow(nodes)

  # nodes$color.background <- c("slategrey", "tomato", "gold")[nodes$media.type]
  # nodes$color.border <- "black"
  # nodes$color.highlight.background <- "orange"
  # nodes$color.highlight.border <- "darkred"
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  network.nodes.df <- data.frame(name=nodes$Var1,
                                 shape=ifelse(sapply(nodes$Var1, function(i) grepl('^@', i)), 'dot', 'text'),
                                 shadow = TRUE,
                                 #title=nodes$Var1, #' causes page to refresh
                                 label = nodes$Var1,
                                 borderWidth = 1,
                                 group=ifelse(sapply(nodes$Var1, function(i) grepl('^@', i)), 'user', 'hashtag'),
  network.nodes.df <- network.nodes.df %>% dplyr::arrange(desc(size))

#' Function to get network links with node ids from nodes dataframe and links dataframe
#' @param links.df data.frame of links between users
#' @param network.nodes.df data.frame of nodes with ids
#' @return network.links.df dataframe of links to plot network
#' @export
getNetworkLinksDF <- function(links.df, network.nodes.df){

  # get links by node id from
  links <- merge(links.df, network.nodes.df, by.x = "source", by.y = "name")

  links <- merge(links, network.nodes.df, by.x="target", by.y="name")

  # change column names
  colnames(links) <- c("target","source","target.size","target.group","target.id","source.size","source.group","source.id")

  # links.df for creating D3Network chart
  # network.links.df <- data.frame(source=links$source.id,
  #                                target=links$target.id,
  #                                value=1)

  # links.df for creating visNetwork chart
  network.links.df <- data.frame(from=links$source.id,


#' Function to get interaction network from tweets datafrae
#' @param tweets.df data.frame of tweet messages and users
#' @param exlclude_hashtags default FALSE, whether to include hashtags as nodes in network
#' @return list containing visualisation netwrork and the network.nodes dataframe of interaction network
#' @export
getTweetsInteractionNetwork <- function(tweets.df, exlclude_hashtags=FALSE){
  # get links from tweets
  links.df <- getHastagUserLinks(tweets.df, exlclude_hashtags)
  # get nodes df from links
  network.nodes.df <- getNetworkNodesDF(tweets.df,links.df)
  # create network where nodes are ids (this is required for VisNetwork)
  network.links.df <- getNetworkLinksDF(links.df,network.nodes.df[,c("name","size","group","id")])
  network.links.df$value <- NULL

  network.df <- visNetwork(network.nodes.df, network.links.df) %>%
                visGroups(groupname = "user", shape = "icon",
                          icon = list(code = "f0c0", size = 75)) %>%
                addFontAwesome() %>%
                visIgraphLayout() %>%
                visInteraction(navigationButtons = TRUE, hover = TRUE) %>%
                visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled =TRUE, degree = 2)) %>%
                visEvents(select = "function(nodes) {
                            Shiny.onInputChange('current_node_id', nodes.nodes);

  return(list(network=network.df, network.nodes=network.nodes.df))

siddheshdhuri/twitterEx documentation built on Feb. 11, 2022, 2:08 p.m.