#' Extends the [covr::file_coverage()] function to also accept test files based on RUnit
#' @description Extends the [covr::file_coverage()] function to also accept test files based on RUnit
#' @param source_files Character vector of pathes to source files with function definitions to measure coverage
#' @param test_files Character vector of pathes to test files with code to test the functions
#' @param load_package Boolean. If \code{TRUE} all \code{source_files} need to be located within the directory of the same package. Set \code{TRUE} if your \code{source_files} depend on other functions from your package.
#' @param testFileRegexp Regular expression for matching test files. See [covr::runTestSuite()].
#' @param testFuncRegexp Regular expression for matching test functions. See [covr::runTestSuite()].
#' @param unlink_tmp_dir Boolean. When running [filecovrunit::package_coverage()] a package is created in R's temp directory. If \code{TRUE} the directory where the temporary pacakge is stored is unlinked after each function call. If \code{FALSE} the directory is only deleted when you quit your R-session. Note: When the temp package directory is deleted [filecovrunit::zero_coverage()] does not work anymore!
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to [covr::package_coverage()]
#' @return an covr object (identital to [covr::package_coverage()])
#' @examples
#' # load test data
#' src <- c(system.file(file.path("extdata", "functions.R"), package = "filecovrunit"),
#' system.file(file.path("extdata", "functions2.R"), package = "filecovrunit"))
#' test <- c(system.file(file.path("extdata", "test_1.R"), package = "filecovrunit"),
#' system.file(file.path("extdata", "test_2.R"), package = "filecovrunit"))
#' # check file coverage of the files
#' cov <- filecovrunit::file_coverage_runit(source_files = src,
#' test_files = test,
#' load_package = FALSE)
#' cov
#' covr::report(cov)
#' filecovrunit::zero_coverage(cov)
#' @export
file_coverage_runit <- function(source_files,
load_package = FALSE,
testFileRegexp = "^test.+\\\\.R$",
testFuncRegexp = "^test.+",
unlink_tmp_dir = FALSE,
...) {
if(load_package) {
root <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(source_files))
for(i in 1:length(source_files)){
# find root directory of source files
root[i] <- tryCatch(rprojroot::find_root(rprojroot::is_r_package,
path = source_files[i]),
error = function(e) return(FALSE))
if(root[i] == FALSE) {
# throw error if the file is not from a package
stop("source file ", source_files[i], " is not from a package")
if(length(unique(root)) > 1) {
# throw error if the files are not frome the same package
stop("source files are not from the same package")
root <- root[1]
package_name <- basename(root)
} else { # load_package == FALSe
root <- NULL
package_name <- "temppkg"
# create temporary package in temporary directory
temp_dir <- tempfile()
suppressMessages(devtools::create(file.path(temp_dir, package_name), quiet = T))
dir.create(file.path(temp_dir, package_name, "tests"))
dir.create(file.path(temp_dir, package_name, "inst", "unitTests"), recursive = T)
for(i in 1:length(source_files)){
# copy the files to new package
file.copy(from = test_files[i], to = file.path(temp_dir, package_name,"inst", "unitTests"))
file.copy(from = source_files[i], to = file.path(temp_dir, package_name,"R"))
# find all .R files from package
all_files <- list.files(file.path(root, "R"), recursive = T, pattern = "\\.[rR]$", full.names = T)
# remove the source_files
all_files <- all_files[!(all_files %in% source_files)]
for(i in 1:length(all_files)){
# copy files to temp package
file.copy(all_files[i], file.path(temp_dir, package_name, "R"), recursive = T)
all_files <- gsub(pattern = paste0(root, "/"),
replacement = "",
x = normalizePath(all_files, winslash = "/"))
# write to .covrignore
writeLines(text = all_files, con = file.path(temp_dir, package_name, ".covrignore"))
# create a runit testsuite from template
.create_testsuite_template(package_name = package_name,
package_path = file.path(temp_dir, package_name),
testFileRegexp = testFileRegexp,
testFuncRegexp = testFuncRegexp)
# check coverage of the new package
wd_orig <- getwd()
setwd(file.path(temp_dir, package_name)) # wd needs to be set to root dir of temp package, otherwise .covrignore is ignored (for some reason)
cov <- covr::package_coverage(file.path(temp_dir, package_name), ...)
if(file.exists(file.path(temp_dir, package_name, "output.txt"))){
# interrupt if at least one test function failed and print text protocol
txt <- readLines(file.path(temp_dir, package_name, "output.txt"))
txt_new <- as.character(sapply(txt, function(x) paste(x, "\n")))
# removing unecessary attributes from output
attr(cov, "package")$package <- ""
#attr(cov, "package")$path <- root
attributes(cov)$package <- attributes(cov)$package[names(attributes(cov)$package) %in% c("package", "path")]
# delete temporary package directory if required
unlink(file.path(temp_dir, package_name), recursive = T)
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