


EXPed <- sim_RVped(hazard_rates = hazard(AgeSpecific_Hazards),
                   GRR = 35, carrier_prob = 0.002,
                   RVfounder = TRUE,
                   FamID = 1,
                   num_affected = 2,
                   recall_probs = c(1),
                   founder_byears = c(1900, 1910),
                   ascertain_span = c(1970, 2015))

test_that("ascertain_ped always returns TRUE for sim_RVped pedigrees", {
  #one subtype
  EXPed <- sim_RVped(hazard_rates = hazard(AgeSpecific_Hazards),
                     GRR = 35, carrier_prob = 0.002,
                     RVfounder = TRUE,
                     FamID = 1,
                     num_affected = 2,
                     recall_probs = c(1),
                     founder_byears = c(1900, 1910),
                     ascertain_span = c(1970, 2015))

  expect_true(ascertain_ped(EXPed[[1]], num_affected = 2,
                            ascertain_span = c(1970, 2015),
                            recall_probs = c(1))[[1]])

  #two subtypes
  EXPed <- sim_RVped(hazard_rates = hazard(SubtypeHazards, subtype_ID = c("HL", "NHL")),
                     GRR = c(1, 50), carrier_prob = 0.002,
                     RVfounder = TRUE,
                     FamID = 1,
                     num_affected = 2,
                     recall_probs = c(1),
                     founder_byears = c(1900, 1910),
                     ascertain_span = c(1970, 2015))

  expect_true(ascertain_ped(EXPed[[1]], num_affected = 2,
                            ascertain_span = c(1970, 2015),
                            recall_probs = c(1))[[1]])


test_that("ascertain_ped always a pedigree of size less than or equal to the original pedigree", {
  EXPed <- sim_RVped(hazard_rates = hazard(AgeSpecific_Hazards),
                     GRR = 35, carrier_prob = 0.002,
                     RVfounder = TRUE,
                     FamID = 1,
                     num_affected = 2,
                     recall_probs = c(1),
                     founder_byears = c(1900, 1910),
                     ascertain_span = c(1970, 2015))

                                num_affected = 2,
                                ascertain_span = c(1970, 2015))[[2]]),

  EXPed <- sim_RVped(hazard_rates = hazard(SubtypeHazards, subtype_ID = c("HL", "NHL")),
                     GRR = c(50, 50), carrier_prob = 0.002,
                     RVfounder = TRUE,
                     FamID = 1,
                     num_affected = 2,
                     recall_probs = c(1),
                     founder_byears = c(1900, 1910),
                     ascertain_span = c(1970, 2015))

                                num_affected = 2,
                                ascertain_span = c(1970, 2015))[[2]]),


test_that("ascertained pedigrees meet number affected criteria", {

  re_sim <- TRUE
  while (re_sim){
    exPed <- sim_ped(hazard_rates = hazard(AgeSpecific_Hazards),
                     GRR = 50, carrier_prob = 0.002,
                     RVfounder = TRUE, FamID = 1,
                     founder_byears = c(1900, 1910))
    my_n <- sample(x = c(2, 3), size = 1)
    as <- sort(round(runif(2, 1970, 2010)))
    as[1] <- as[1] - 5

    aped <- ascertain_ped(exPed,
                          num_affected = my_n,
                          ascertain_span = as,
                          recall_probs = c(1, 1, 0.5))

    #collect data on available affecteds
    aff_dat <- aped[[2]][aped[[2]]$affected & aped[[2]]$available, ]

    #if pedigree is not ascertained, keep trying
    re_sim <- !aped[[1]]


  #pedigree contains at least n affected relatives
  expect_true(sum(aped[[2]]$affected[aped[[2]]$available == 1]) >= my_n)

  # at least one affected experienced onset during the ascertainment span
  expect_true(sum(aff_dat$onsetYr >= as[1] & aff_dat$onsetYr <= as[2]) > 0)

  # the proband experienced onset during the ascertainment span
  expect_true(aff_dat$onsetYr[aff_dat$proband == 1] >= as[1] & aff_dat$onsetYr[aff_dat$proband == 1] <= as[2])


test_that("pedigrees have the correct number of indivdiuals with a particular subtype", {

  re_sim <- FALSE
  while (!re_sim){
    exPed <- sim_ped(hazard_rates = hazard(SubtypeHazards, subtype_ID = c("HL", "NHL")),
                     GRR = c(100, 100), carrier_prob = 0.002,
                     RVfounder = TRUE, FamID = 1,
                     founder_byears = c(1900, 1910),
                     stop_year = 2019)

    my_n <- sample(x = c(2, 3), size = 1)
    my_n2 <- my_n - 1
    as <- c(1900, 2019)

    aped <- ascertain_ped(exPed, num_affected = my_n,
                          ascertain_span = as, recall_probs = c(1),
                          sub_criteria = list("HL", my_n2))

    my_ped <- aped[[2]][aped[[2]]$available == 1, ]

    re_sim <- aped[[1]]


  expect_true(sum(my_ped$affected) >= my_n & sum(my_ped$affected[which(my_ped$subtype == "HL")]) >= my_n2)
simrvprojects/SimRVPedigree documentation built on Feb. 12, 2020, 6:12 p.m.