
Defines functions lm_singlePredictor lme_interactionBinaryCont descriptiveStat

Documented in descriptiveStat lme_interactionBinaryCont lm_singlePredictor

#' table of classification performances
#' takes in predited weights and true labels and determines performance characterisitcs
#' @param weights are the predicted scores/probablities of test data
#' @param trubeLabels are the true labels associated with the test data
#' @param direction = "auto", ">", "<"
#' @export
lm_singlePredictor = function(x, y, xlab, ylab, main, lim = NULL) {
    fit <- lm(y ~ x)
    est <- round(coef(summary(fit))["x", "Estimate"], 3)
    pval <- round(coef(summary(fit))["x", "Pr(>|t|)"], 3)
    if (is.null(lim)) {
        plot(y ~ x, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)
    } else {
        plot(y ~ x, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, xlim = lim$xlim,
            ylim = lim$ylim)
        legend(x = lim$xlim[1], y = lim$ylim[2], c(paste("slope",
            est, sep = "="), paste("p-value", pval, sep = "=")),
            bty = "n")
        text(x = x, y = y, labels = names(x))

#' table of classification performances
#' takes in predited weights and true labels and determines performance characterisitcs
#' @param weights are the predicted scores/probablities of test data
#' @param trubeLabels are the true labels associated with the test data
#' @param direction = "auto", ">", "<"
#' @export
lme_interactionBinaryCont = function(x, y, binary, replicates,
    xlab, ylab, main, lim = NULL) {
    fit.lme <- summary(lme(y ~ x * binary, random = ~1 | replicates))$tTable
    est.lme <- round(fit.lme["x:binaryDEP", "Value"], 3)
    pval.lme <- round(fit.lme["x:binaryDEP", "p-value"], 3)

    if (is.null(lim)) {
        plot(y[binary == levels(binary)[1]] ~ x[binary == levels(binary)[1]],
            xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main)
        abline(lm(y[binary == levels(binary)[1]] ~ x[binary == levels(binary)[1]]))
        points(y[binary == levels(binary)[2]] ~ x[binary == levels(binary)[2]])
        abline(lm(y[binary == levels(binary)[2]] ~ x[binary == levels(binary)[2]]))
    } else {
        plot(y[binary == levels(binary)[1]] ~ x[binary == levels(binary)[1]],
            xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, col = 1, pch = 19,
            xlim = lim$xlim, ylim = lim$ylim)
        abline(lm(y[binary == levels(binary)[1]] ~ x[binary == levels(binary)[1]]),
            col = 1)
        points(y[binary == levels(binary)[2]] ~ x[binary == levels(binary)[2]],
            col = 2, pch = 19)
        abline(lm(y[binary == levels(binary)[2]] ~ x[binary == levels(binary)[2]]),
            col = 2)
        legend(x = lim$xlim[1], y = lim$ylim[2], c(paste("slope",
            est.lme, sep = "="), paste("p-value", pval.lme, sep = "=")),
            bty = "n")
        legend("topright", levels(binary), col = 1:2, pch = 19)

#' Calculate desriptive statistics for each group and compare with lm() or lme()
#' takes in data and determines the summary statistics (Mean & SD) and also compares the levels of the groups (binary) variable
#' @param demo is an (nxp) dataset
#' @param groups specifies the column name of a binary variable in demo
#' @param variables is a vector of column names to be compared between the 2 groups
#' @param paired boolean (T/F) - default = FALSE (repeated measures or not)
#' @param pairing is a column name that containing the pairing information
#' @export
descriptiveStat = function(demo, groups, variables, paired = FALSE, pairing = NULL){

    X <- demo[, c(variables, groups, pairing), drop = FALSE]
    colnames(X) <- c(variables, "Group", "Pairing")
    lvls <- levels(X$Group)
    meanSD <- X %>% gather(Variable, Value, -c(Group, Pairing)) %>% dplyr::group_by(Variable,
      Group) %>% dplyr::summarise(MEAN = mean(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
        SD = sd(Value, na.rm = TRUE))

    pval0 <- X %>% gather(Variable, Value, -c(Group, Pairing)) %>% dplyr::group_by(Variable) %>%
      nest() %>% dplyr::mutate(model = purrr::map(data,
        ~tryCatch(lme(Value ~ Group, random = ~ 1 | Pairing, data = .), error = function(e) NA)
    pval <- do.call(rbind, lapply(pval0$model, function(i){
      tryCatch(summary(i)$tTable[2,], error = function(e) NA)
        })) %>%
      data.frame %>% mutate(Variable = variables, term = paste("Group", lvls[2]),
        BH.FDR = p.adjust(p.value, "BH"))
  } else {
    X <- demo[, c(variables, groups), drop = FALSE]
    colnames(X) <- c(variables, "Group")
    lvls <- levels(X$Group)
    meanSD <- X %>% gather(Variable, Value, -Group) %>% dplyr::group_by(Variable,
      Group) %>% dplyr::summarise(MEAN = mean(Value, na.rm = TRUE),
        SD = sd(Value, na.rm = TRUE))

    pval <- X %>% gather(Variable, Value, -Group) %>% dplyr::group_by(Variable) %>%
      nest() %>% dplyr::mutate(model = purrr::map(data, ~lm(Value ~
          Group, data = .))) %>% unnest(model %>% purrr::map(broom::tidy)) %>%
      group_by(Variable) %>% slice(2)
    pval$BH.FDR <- p.adjust(pval$p.value, "BH")

  return(list(meanSD = meanSD, pval = pval))
singha53/amritr documentation built on July 21, 2019, 3:46 p.m.