
Defines functions kinship.pedigreeList kinship.pedigree kinship.default kinship

Documented in kinship kinship.default kinship.pedigree kinship.pedigreeList

#' Compute a kinship matrix
#' @description
#' Compute the kinship matrix for a set of related autosomal subjects.  The
#' function is generic, and can accept a pedigree, pedigreeList, or vector as
#' the first argument.
#' @details
#' The function will usually be called with a pedigree or pedigreeList; the
#' third form is provided for backwards compatability with an earlier release
#' of the library that was less capable.  The first argument is named \code{id}
#' for the same reason.  Note that when using the third form any information on
#' twins is not available to the function.
#' When called with a pedigreeList, i.e., with multiple families, the routine
#' will create a block-diagonal-symmetric sparse matrix object of class
#' \code{dsCMatrix}.  Since the [i,j] value of the result is 0 for any two
#' unrelated individuals i and j and a \code{Matrix} utilizes sparse
#' representation, the resulting object is often orders of magnitude smaller
#' than an ordinary matrix.  When \code{kinship} is called with a single
#' pedigree an ordinary matrix is returned.
#' Two genes G1 and G2 are identical by descent (IBD) if they are both physical
#' copies of the same ancestral gene; two genes are identical by state if they
#' represent the same allele.  So the brown eye gene that I inherited from my
#' mother is IBD with hers; the same gene in an unrelated individual is not.
#' The kinship coefficient between two subjects is the probability that a
#' randomly selected allele from a locus will be IBD between them. It is
#' obviously 0 between unrelated individuals. For an autosomal site and no
#' inbreeding it will be 0.5 for an individual with themselves, .25 between
#' mother and child, .125 between an uncle and neice, etc.
#' The computation is based on a recursive algorithm described in Lange, which
#' assumes that the founder alleles are all independent.
#' @aliases kinship kinship.default kinship.pedigree kinship.pedigreeList
#' @param id either a pedigree object, pedigreeList object, or a vector of
#' subject identifiers.  Subject identifiers may be numeric or character.
#' @param dadid for each subject, the identifier of the biological father.
#' This is only used if \code{id} is a vector.
#' @param momid for each subject, the identifier of the biological mother.
#' This is only used if \code{id} is a vector.
#' @param sex vector of sex values coded as 1=male, 2=female
#' @param chrtype chromosome type.  The currently supported types are
#' "autosome" and "X" or "x".
#' @param \dots Any number of optional arguments
#' @return a matrix of kinship coefficients.
#' @examples
#' test1 <- data.frame(
#'   id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14),
#'   mom = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 2, 0, 0, 12, 13),
#'   dad = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 7, 0, 0, 11, 10),
#'   sex = c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
#' )
#' tped <- with(test1, pedigree(id, dad, mom, sex))
#' round(8 * kinship(tped))
#' @section References: K Lange, Mathematical and Statistical Methods for
#' Genetic Analysis, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1997.
#' @seealso \code{\link{pedigree}},
#' \code{\link{makekinship}},\code{\link{makefamid}}
#' @keywords genetics
#' @export kinship
kinship <- function(id, ...) {

kinship.default <- function(id, dadid, momid, sex, chrtype = "autosome", ...) {
  chrtype <- match.arg(casefold(chrtype), c("autosome", "x"))
  if (any(duplicated(id))) stop("All id values must be unique")
  n <- length(id)
  pdepth <- kindepth(id, dadid, momid)
  if (chrtype == "autosome") {
    if (n == 1) {
      return(matrix(.5, 1, 1, dimnames = list(id, id)))

    kmat <- diag(c(rep(.5, n), 0)) # founders

    mrow <- match(momid, id, nomatch = n + 1) # row number of the mother
    drow <- match(dadid, id, nomatch = n + 1) # row number of the dad
    ## When all unrelateds, pdepth all=0.
    ## Put c(1,) to make guard from iter 1:0
    for (depth in 1:max(c(1, pdepth))) {
      for (j in (1:n)[pdepth == depth]) {
        kmat[, j] <- kmat[j, ] <- (kmat[mrow[j], ] + kmat[drow[j], ]) / 2
        kmat[j, j] <- (1 + kmat[mrow[j], drow[j]]) / 2
  } else if (chrtype == "x") {
    if (missing(sex) || length(sex) != n) {
      stop("invalid sex vector")
    # 1 = female, 2=male
    if (n == 1) {
      return(matrix(ifelse(sex > 2, sex / 2, NA), 1, 1, dimnames = list(id, id)))

    # kmat <- diag(c((3-sex)/2, 0)) #founders
    kmat <- diag(ifelse(sex > 2, NA, c((3 - sex) / 2, 0)))
    mrow <- match(momid, id, nomatch = n + 1) # row number of the mother
    drow <- match(dadid, id, nomatch = n + 1) # row number of the dad

    for (depth in 1:max(c(1, pdepth))) {
      for (j in (1:n)[pdepth == depth]) {
        if (sex[j] == 1) {
          kmat[, j] <- kmat[j, ] <- kmat[mrow[j], ]
          kmat[j, j] <- 1
        } else if (sex[j] == 2) {
          kmat[, j] <- kmat[j, ] <- (kmat[mrow[j], ] + kmat[drow[j], ]) / 2
          kmat[j, j] <- (1 + kmat[mrow[j], drow[j]]) / 2
        } else {
          kmat[, j] <- kmat[j, ] <- NA
          kmat[j, j] <- NA
  kmat <- kmat[1:n, 1:n]
  dimnames(kmat) <- list(id, id)

kinship.pedigree <- function(id, chrtype = "autosome", ...) {
  chrtype <- match.arg(casefold(chrtype), c("autosome", "x"))
  if (any(duplicated(id$id))) stop("All id values must be unique")
  n <- length(id$id)
  pdepth <- kindepth(id)

  # Are there any MZ twins to worry about?
  havemz <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(id$relation) && any(id$relation$code == "MZ twin")) {
    havemz <- TRUE
    ## Doc: MakeMZIndex
    temp <- which(id$relation$code == "MZ twin")
    ## drop=FALSE added in case only one MZ twin set
    mzmat <- as.matrix(id$relation[, c("indx1", "indx2")])[temp, , drop = FALSE]
    mzgrp <- 1:max(mzmat) # everyone starts in their own group
    ## The loop below will take k-1 iterations for a set labeled as
    ##   (k-1):k, ..., 4:3, 3:2, 2:1;  this is the worst case.
    while (1) {
      if (all(mzgrp[mzmat[, 1]] == mzgrp[mzmat[, 2]])) break
      for (i in 1:nrow(mzmat)) {
        mzgrp[mzmat[i, 1]] <- mzgrp[mzmat[i, 2]] <- min(mzgrp[mzmat[i, ]])
    mzindex <- cbind(
      unlist(tapply(mzmat, mzgrp[mzmat], function(x) {
        z <- unique(x)
        rep(z, length(z))
      unlist(tapply(mzmat, mzgrp[mzmat], function(x) {
        z <- unique(x)
        rep(z, each = length(z))
    mzindex <- mzindex[mzindex[, 1] != mzindex[, 2], ]

  if (chrtype == "autosome") {
    if (n == 1) {
      return(matrix(.5, 1, 1, dimnames = list(id$id, id$id)))

    kmat <- diag(c(rep(.5, n), 0)) # founders
    mrow <- ifelse(id$mindex == 0, n + 1, id$mindex)
    drow <- ifelse(id$findex == 0, n + 1, id$findex)

    for (depth in 1:max(pdepth)) {
      indx <- which(pdepth == depth)
      kmat[indx, ] <- (kmat[mrow[indx], ] + kmat[drow[indx], ]) / 2
      kmat[, indx] <- (kmat[, mrow[indx]] + kmat[, drow[indx]]) / 2
      for (j in indx) kmat[j, j] <- (1 + kmat[mrow[j], drow[j]]) / 2
      if (havemz) kmat[mzindex] <- (diag(kmat))[mzindex[, 1]]
  } else if (chrtype == "x") {
    sex <- as.numeric(id$sex) # 1 = female, 2=male
    if (n == 1) {
      return(matrix(sex / 2, 1, 1, dimnames = list(id$id, id$id)))

    kmat <- diag(c((3 - sex) / 2, 0)) # 1 for males, 1/2 for females
    mrow <- ifelse(id$mindex == 0, n + 1, id$mindex)
    drow <- ifelse(id$findex == 0, n + 1, id$findex)

    for (depth in 1:max(pdepth)) {
      for (j in (1:n)[pdepth == depth]) {
        if (sex[j] == 1) {
          kmat[, j] <- kmat[j, ] <- kmat[mrow[j], ]
          kmat[j, j] <- 1
        } else if (sex[j] == 2) {
          kmat[, j] <- kmat[j, ] <- (kmat[mrow[j], ] + kmat[drow[j], ]) / 2
          kmat[j, j] <- (1 + kmat[drow[j], mrow[j]]) / 2
        } else {
          kmat[, j] <- kmat[j, ] <- NA
          kmat[j, j] <- NA
        if (havemz) kmat[mzindex] <- (diag(kmat))[mzindex[, 1]]
  kmat <- kmat[1:n, 1:n]
  dimnames(kmat) <- list(id$id, id$id)

## kinship for pedigreeList
kinship.pedigreeList <- function(id, chrtype = "autosome", ...) {
  famlist <- unique(id$famid)
  nfam <- length(famlist)
  matlist <- vector("list", nfam)
  idlist <- vector("list", nfam) # the possibly reorderd list of id values

  for (i in 1:length(famlist)) {
    tped <- id[i] # pedigree for this family
    temp <- try(kinship(tped, chrtype = chrtype, ...), silent = TRUE)
    if ("try-error" %in% class(temp)) {
      stop(paste("In family", famlist[i], ":", temp))
    } else {
      matlist[[i]] <- as(as(forceSymmetric(temp), "symmetricMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")
    ## deprecated in Matrix: as(forceSymmetric(temp), "dsCMatrix")
    idlist[[i]] <- tped$id

  result <- bdiag(matlist)
  if (any(duplicated(id$id))) {
    temp <- paste(rep(famlist, sapply(idlist, length)),
      sep = "/"
  } else {
    temp <- unlist(idlist)

  dimnames(result) <- list(temp, temp)
sinnweja/kinship2 documentation built on July 8, 2023, 11:26 p.m.