
Defines functions makekinship

Documented in makekinship

# Automatically generated from all.nw using noweb

#' Create a sparse kinship matrix
#' @description
#' Compute the overall kinship matrix for a collection of families, and store
#' it efficiently.
#' @details
#' This command is deprecated.  The kinship command now can be applied directly
#' to pedigreeList objects.
#' @param famid a vector of family identifiers
#' @param id a vector of unique subject identifiers
#' @param father.id for each subject, the identifier of their biolgical father
#' @param mother.id for each subject, the identifier of thier biological mother
#' @param unrelated subjects with this family id are considered to be unrelated
#' singletons, i.e., not related to each other or to anyone else.
#' @return a sparse kinship matrix of class \code{bdsmatrix}
#' @examples
#' # Data set from a large family study of breast cancer
#' #  there are 26050 subjects in the file, from 426 families
#' data(minnbreast)
#' table(minnbreast$sex)
#' # F     M
#' # 12818 13502
#' length(unique(minnbreast$famid))
#' # 426
#' kin1 <- with(minnbreast, makekinship(famid, id, fatherid, motherid))
#' dim(kin1)
#' # 28081 28081
#' class(kin1)
#' # "dsCMatrix"
#' # kinship matrix for the females only
#' femid <- minnbreast$id[minnbreast$sex == "F"]
#' femindex <- !is.na(match(dimnames(kin1)[[1]], femid))
#' kin2 <- kin1[femindex, femindex]
#' # Note that "femindex <- match(femid, dimnames(kin1)[[1]])" is wrong, since
#' #  then kin1[femindex, femindex] might improperly reorder the rows/cols
#' #  (if families were not contiguous in minnbreast).
#' # However sort(match(femid, dimnames(kin1)[[1]])) would be okay.
#' @seealso \code{\link{kinship}}, \code{\link{makefamid}}
#' @keywords genetics
#' @export makekinship
makekinship <- function(famid, id, father.id, mother.id, unrelated = 0) {
  n <- length(famid)
  if (length(id) != n) stop("Mismatched lengths: famid and id")
  if (length(mother.id) != n) stop("Mismatched lengths: famid and mother.id")
  if (length(father.id) != n) stop("Mismatched lengths: famid and father.id")
  if (any(is.na(famid))) stop("One or more subjects with missing family id")
  if (any(is.na(id))) stop("One or more subjects with a missing id")
  if (is.numeric(famid)) {
    if (any(famid < 0)) stop("Invalid family id, must be >0")

  if (any(duplicated(id))) stop("Subject ids must be unique")

  famlist <- sort(unique(famid)) # same order as the counts table
  idlist <- id # will be overwritten, but this makes it the
  #  correct data type and length
  counts <- table(famid)
  cumcount <- cumsum(counts)
  if (any(famid == unrelated)) {
    # Assume that those with famid of 0 are unrelated uniques
    #   (usually the marry-ins)
    temp <- match(unrelated, names(counts))
    nzero <- counts[temp]
    counts <- counts[-temp]
    famlist <- famlist[famlist != unrelated]
    idlist[1:nzero] <- id[famid == unrelated]
    cumcount <- cumsum(counts) + nzero
  } else {
    nzero <- 0

  mlist <- vector("list", length(counts))
  for (i in 1:length(counts)) {
    who <- (famid == famlist[i])
    if (sum(who) == 1) {
      mlist[[i]] <- Matrix(0.5)
    } # family of size 1
    else {
      mlist[[i]] <- kinship(id[who], mother.id[who], father.id[who])
    idlist[seq(to = cumcount[i], length = counts[i])] <- id[who]

  if (nzero > 0) mlist <- c(list(Diagonal(nzero)), mlist)
  kmat <- forceSymmetric(bdiag(mlist))
  dimnames(kmat) <- list(idlist, idlist)
sinnweja/kinship2 documentation built on July 8, 2023, 11:26 p.m.