#' Peak detection for NMR
#' @name Peak_detection
#' @examples
#' dir_to_demo_dataset <- system.file("dataset-demo", package = "AlpsNMR")
#' nmr_dataset <- nmr_read_samples_dir(dir_to_demo_dataset)
#' # Low resolution:
#' dataset_1D <- nmr_interpolate_1D(nmr_dataset, axis = c(min = -0.5, max = 10, by = 0.001))
#' dataset_1D <- nmr_exclude_region(dataset_1D, exclude = list(water = c(4.7, 5)))
#' # 1. Optimize peak detection parameters:
#' range_without_peaks <- c(9.5, 10)
#' # Choose a region without peaks:
#' plot(dataset_1D, chemshift_range = range_without_peaks)
#' baselineThresh <- nmr_baseline_threshold(dataset_1D, range_without_peaks = range_without_peaks)
#' # Plot to check the baseline estimations
#' nmr_baseline_threshold_plot(
#' dataset_1D,
#' baselineThresh,
#' NMRExperiment = "all",
#' chemshift_range = range_without_peaks
#' )
#' # 1.Peak detection in the dataset.
#' peak_data <- nmr_detect_peaks(
#' dataset_1D,
#' nDivRange_ppm = 0.1, # Size of detection segments
#' scales = seq(1, 16, 2),
#' baselineThresh = NULL, # Minimum peak intensity
#' SNR.Th = 4, # Signal to noise ratio
#' range_without_peaks = range_without_peaks, # To estimate
#' )
#' sample_10 <- filter(dataset_1D, NMRExperiment == "10")
#' # nmr_detect_peaks_plot(sample_10, peak_data, "NMRExp_ref")
#' peaks_detected <- nmr_detect_peaks_tune_snr(
#' sample_10,
#' SNR_thresholds = seq(from = 2, to = 3, by = 0.5),
#' nDivRange_ppm = 0.03,
#' scales = seq(1, 16, 2),
#' baselineThresh = 0
#' )
#' # 2.Find the reference spectrum to align with.
#' NMRExp_ref <- nmr_align_find_ref(dataset_1D, peak_data)
#' # 3.Spectra alignment using the ref spectrum and a maximum alignment shift
#' nmr_dataset <- nmr_align(dataset_1D, # the dataset
#' peak_data, # detected peaks
#' NMRExp_ref = NMRExp_ref, # ref spectrum
#' maxShift_ppm = 0.0015, # max alignment shift
#' acceptLostPeak = FALSE
#' ) # lost peaks
#' # 4.PEAK INTEGRATION (please, consider previous normalization step).
#' # First we take the peak table from the reference spectrum
#' peak_data_ref <- filter(peak_data, NMRExperiment == NMRExp_ref)
#' # Then we integrate spectra considering the peaks from the ref spectrum
#' nmr_peak_table <- nmr_integrate_peak_positions(
#' samples = nmr_dataset,
#' peak_pos_ppm = peak_data_ref$ppm,
#' peak_width_ppm = NULL
#' )
#' validate_nmr_dataset_peak_table(nmr_peak_table)
#' # If you wanted the final peak table before machine learning you can run
#' nmr_peak_table_completed <- get_integration_with_metadata(nmr_peak_table)
#' Peak detection for NMR
#' The function detects peaks on an [nmr_dataset_1D] object, using
#' [speaq::detectSpecPeaks]. `detectSpecPeaks` divides the whole spectra into
#' smaller segments and uses [MassSpecWavelet::peakDetectionCWT] for peak
#' detection.
#' Optionally afterwards, the peak apex and the peak inflection points are used to efficiently
#' adjust a lorentzian to each peak, and compute the peak area and width, as well as
#' the error of the fit. These peak features can be used afterwards to reject false
#' detections.
#' @family peak detection functions
#' @seealso [nmr_align] for peak alignment with the detected peak table
#' @param nmr_dataset An [nmr_dataset_1D].
#' @param nDivRange_ppm Segment size, in ppms, to divide the spectra and search
#' for peaks.
#' @param baselineThresh All peaks with intensities below the thresholds are excluded. Either:
#' - A numeric vector of length the number of samples. Each number is a threshold for that sample
#' - A single number. All samples use this number as baseline threshold.
#' - `NULL`. If that's the case, a default function is used ([nmr_baseline_threshold()]), which assumes
#' that there is no signal in the region 9.5-10 ppm.
#' @inheritParams speaq::detectSpecPeaks
#' @param range_without_peaks A numeric vector of length two with a region without peaks, only used when `baselineThresh = NULL`
#' @param fit_lorentzians If `TRUE`, fit a lorentzian to each detected peak, to infer its inflection points. For now disabled for backwards compatibility.
#' @param verbose Logical (`TRUE` or `FALSE`). Show informational messages, such as the estimated baseline
#' @return A data frame with the NMRExperiment, the sample index, the position
#' in ppm and index and the peak intensity
#' @seealso Peak_detection
#' @export
nmr_detect_peaks <- function(nmr_dataset,
nDivRange_ppm = 0.1,
scales = seq(1, 16, 2),
baselineThresh = NULL,
SNR.Th = 3,
range_without_peaks = c(9.5, 10),
fit_lorentzians = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
nmr_dataset <- validate_nmr_dataset_1D(nmr_dataset)
# Convert ppm to number of data points
ppm_resolution <- stats::median(diff(nmr_dataset$axis))
nDivRange <- round(nDivRange_ppm / ppm_resolution)
# Computes the Baseline Threshold
if (is.null(baselineThresh)) {
baselineThresh <- nmr_baseline_threshold(nmr_dataset, range_without_peaks = range_without_peaks, method = "mean3sd")
if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
if (length(baselineThresh) > 1L) {
bth_minmax <- range(baselineThresh)
message = c(
"i" = glue::glue("Using baseline thresholds in the range [{bthmin} - {bthmax}]",
bthmin = bth_minmax[1], bthmax = bth_minmax[2]
} else {
message = c(
"i" = glue::glue("Using baselineThresh={baselineThresh}", baselineThresh = baselineThresh)
message = c(
"i" = glue::glue(
"You may plot(<your-dataset>, chemshift_range=c({rmin}, {rmax})) ",
"to assess that the baselineThresh was estimated correctly",
rmin = range_without_peaks[1], rmax = range_without_peaks[2]
.frequency = "regularly",
.frequency_id = "suggest-plot-for-baseline-threshold-estimation"
if (!is.numeric(baselineThresh)) {
rlang::abort(glue::glue("The baseline threshold is not numeric: {baselineThresh}"))
if (length(baselineThresh) == 1) {
baselineThresh <- rep(baselineThresh, times = nmr_dataset$num_samples)
if ("data_1r_baseline" %in% names(unclass(nmr_dataset))) {
data_matrix_to_list <-
function(i) {
matrix(nmr_dataset$data_1r[i, ] - nmr_dataset$data_1r_baseline[i, ], nrow = 1)
} else {
data_matrix_to_list <-
function(i) {
matrix(nmr_dataset$data_1r[i, ], nrow = 1)
peakList <- BiocParallel::bpmapply(
FUN = callDetectSpecPeaks,
X = data_matrix_to_list,
baselineThresh = baselineThresh,
MoreArgs = list(
nDivRange = nDivRange,
scales = scales,
SNR.Th = SNR.Th,
verbose = FALSE
peak_data <- peakList_to_dataframe(nmr_dataset, peakList)
if (isTRUE(fit_lorentzians)) {
peak_data <- peaklist_fit_lorentzians(
amplitude_method = "intensity_without_baseline", # This so far seems the best approach
refine_peak_model = "peak"
# Remove peaks that cross excluded regions:
# We may argue about areas, peak positions, fits... but these ones are clear:
peaks_at_excl_regions <- are_ppm_regions_excluded(
peak_data <- peak_data[!peaks_at_excl_regions, , drop = FALSE]
callDetectSpecPeaks <- function(...) {
#' Overview of the peak detection results
#' This plot allows to explore the performance of the peak detection across all the samples, by summarizing
#' how many peaks are detected on each sample at each chemical shift range.
#' You can use this plot to find differences in the number of detected peaks across your dataset, and then use
#' [nmr_detect_peaks_plot()] to have a finer look at specific samples and chemical shifts, and assess graphically that the
#' peak detection results that you have are correct.
#' @param peak_data The output of [nmr_detect_peaks()]
#' @param ppm_breaks A numeric vector with the breaks that will be used to count the number of the detected peaks.
#' @param accepted_only If `peak_data` contains a logical column named `accepted`, only those with `accepted=TRUE` will be counted.
#' @return A scatter plot, with samples on one axis and chemical shift bins in the other axis. The size of each dot
#' represents the number of peaks found on a sample within a chemical shift range.
#' @export
#' @seealso Peak_detection
#' @family peak detection functions
nmr_detect_peaks_plot_overview <- function(peak_data, ppm_breaks = pretty(range(peak_data$ppm), n = 20), accepted_only = TRUE) {
to_plot <- peak_data
if (accepted_only && "accepted" %in% colnames(to_plot)) {
to_plot <- to_plot[to_plot$accepted, , drop = FALSE]
to_plot <- dplyr::mutate(to_plot, ppm_grp = cut(.data$ppm, breaks = !!ppm_breaks))
to_plot <- to_plot[!is.na(to_plot$ppm_grp), , drop = FALSE]
to_plot <- dplyr::group_by(to_plot, .data$NMRExperiment, .data$ppm_grp)
to_plot <- dplyr::summarize(to_plot, num_peaks = dplyr::n(), .groups = "drop")
to_plot$ppm_grp <- factor(to_plot$ppm_grp, levels = rev(levels(to_plot$ppm_grp)))
to_plot$NMRExperiment <- factor(
levels = stringr::str_sort(unique(to_plot$NMRExperiment), numeric = TRUE)
gplt <- ggplot2::ggplot(to_plot) +
x = .data$ppm_grp,
y = .data$NMRExperiment,
size = .data$num_peaks
) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "chemical shift bin", y = "NMRExperiment", size = "Number of peaks detected") +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom", axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
#' Plot peak detection results
#' @family peak detection functions
#' @inheritParams nmr_detect_peaks
#' @param peak_data The peak table returned by [nmr_detect_peaks]
#' @param NMRExperiment a single NMR experiment to plot
#' @param peak_id A character vector. If given, plot only that peak id.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to [plot.nmr_dataset_1D] (`chemshift_range`, `...`)
#' @param accepted_only If `peak_data` contains a logical column named `accepted`, only those with `accepted=TRUE` will be counted. By default, `accepted_only = TRUE`, unless a `peak_id` is given
#' @export
#' @return Plot peak detection results
#' @seealso Peak_detection nmr_detect_peaks
#' @family peak detection functions
nmr_detect_peaks_plot <- function(nmr_dataset,
NMRExperiment = NULL,
peak_id = NULL,
accepted_only = NULL,
...) {
if (!rlang::is_scalar_character(NMRExperiment) && is.null(peak_id)) {
stop("NMRExperiment should be a string or peak_id should be a peak from one experiment")
peak_data_to_show <- peak_data
if (is.null(NMRExperiment)) {
peak_data_to_show <- peak_data_to_show[peak_data_to_show$peak_id %in% peak_id, , drop = FALSE]
NMRExperiment <- unique(peak_data_to_show$NMRExperiment)
if (!rlang::is_scalar_character(NMRExperiment)) {
"Peak ids `{peakids}` should belong to only one NMRExperiment ({exper})",
peakids = paste0(peak_id, collapse = ", "),
exper = paste0(NMRExperiment, collapse = ", ")
if (is.null(accepted_only)) {
if (!is.null(peak_id)) {
accepted_only <- FALSE
} else {
accepted_only <- TRUE
# If we plot only a subset of the data, we also plot only the required
# vertical lines:
dots <- list(...)
if ("chemshift_range" %in% names(dots)) {
chemshift_range <- dots[["chemshift_range"]]
chemshift_range[seq_len(2)] <- range(chemshift_range[seq_len(2)])
} else {
chemshift_range <- range(c(peak_data_to_show$ppm, peak_data_to_show$ppm_infl_min - 0.01, peak_data_to_show$ppm_infl_max + 0.01))
dots[["chemshift_range"]] <- chemshift_range
peak_data_to_show <- dplyr::filter(
.data$NMRExperiment == !!NMRExperiment,
.data$ppm > chemshift_range[1] &
.data$ppm < chemshift_range[2]
if (accepted_only && "accepted" %in% colnames(peak_data_to_show)) {
peak_data_to_show <- peak_data_to_show[peak_data_to_show$accepted, , drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(peak_id)) {
peak_data_to_show <- peak_data_to_show[peak_data_to_show$peak_id %in% peak_id, , drop = FALSE]
# We can't make it interactive here
interactive <- "interactive" %in% names(dots) && dots[["interactive"]]
dots[["interactive"]] <- FALSE
plt <- rlang::exec(
NMRExperiment = NMRExperiment,
plt <- plt +
data = peak_data_to_show,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(xintercept = .data$ppm),
color = "black",
linetype = "dashed"
if (interactive) {
} else {
signif_transformer <- function(digits = 3) {
function(text, envir) {
x <- glue::identity_transformer(text, envir)
if (is.numeric(x)) {
signif(x, digits = digits)
} else {
#' Plot multiple peaks from a peak list
#' @usage nmr_detect_peaks_plot_peaks(
#' nmr_dataset,
#' peak_data,
#' peak_ids,
#' caption = paste("{peak_id}", "(NMRExp.\u00A0{NMRExperiment},",
#' "\u03B3(ppb)\u00a0=\u00a0{gamma_ppb},", "\narea\u00a0=\u00a0{area},",
#' "nrmse\u00a0=\u00a0{norm_rmse})")
#' )
#' @param nmr_dataset The `nmr_dataset_1D` object with the spectra
#' @param peak_data A data frame, the peak list
#' @param peak_ids The peak ids to plot
#' @param caption The caption for each subplot
#' @return A plot object
#' @export
nmr_detect_peaks_plot_peaks <- function(nmr_dataset,
caption = paste(
"{peak_id}", "(NMRExp.\u00A0{NMRExperiment},", "\u03B3(ppb)\u00a0=\u00a0{gamma_ppb},",
"\narea\u00a0=\u00a0{area},", "nrmse\u00a0=\u00a0{norm_rmse})"
)) {
require_pkgs(pkg = c("cowplot", "gridExtra"))
# Workaround https://github.com/r-lib/roxygen2/issues/1342
plots <- purrr::map(peak_ids, function(peak_id) {
peak_metadata <- peak_data[peak_data$peak_id == peak_id, , drop = FALSE]
nmr_detect_peaks_plot(nmr_dataset, peak_data, peak_id = peak_id) +
ggplot2::labs(caption = glue::glue_data(.x = peak_metadata, caption, .transformer = signif_transformer(3))) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none", axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank())
all_plots <- cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plots)
axis_title_x <- grid::textGrob("Chemical shift (ppm)", gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 14))
axis_title_y <- grid::textGrob("Intensity (a.u.)", gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 14), rot = 90)
gridExtra::grid.arrange(gridExtra::arrangeGrob(all_plots, left = axis_title_y, bottom = axis_title_x))
#' Convert a speaq::detectSpecPeaks peak list to an interpretable data frame
#' @noRd
#' @param nmr_dataset The [nmr_dataset_1D] used to detect the peaks
#' @param peakList The peakList as returned by speaq::detectSpecPeaks
#' @return A data frame with NMRExperiment, ppm and intensity, among other columns
#' @keywords internal
peakList_to_dataframe <- function(nmr_dataset, peakList) {
NMRExperiments <- names(nmr_dataset)
out <- purrr::imap_dfr(
function(peak_idx, sample_idx, nmr_dataset, NMRExperiments) {
num_of_peaks_in_sample <- length(peak_idx)
spec <- as.numeric(nmr_dataset$data_1r[sample_idx, ])
if ("data_1r_baseline" %in% names(unclass(nmr_dataset))) {
basel <- as.numeric(nmr_dataset$data_1r_baseline[sample_idx, ])
} else {
basel <- 0 * spec
peak_id = rep("", num_of_peaks_in_sample),
NMRExperiment = rep(NMRExperiments[sample_idx], num_of_peaks_in_sample),
ppm = nmr_dataset$axis[peak_idx],
pos = peak_idx,
intensity_raw = spec[peak_idx],
intensity = (spec - basel)[peak_idx]
nmr_dataset = nmr_dataset,
NMRExperiments = NMRExperiments
num_digits <- nchar(format(nrow(out)))
fmt_str <- sprintf("Peak%%0%dd", num_digits)
out$peak_id <- sprintf(fmt_str, seq_len(nrow(out)))
#' Convert the data frame created by [peakList_to_dataframe] back to a peakList
#' This is required because speaq::dohCluster in nmr_align needs the peakList
#' @noRd
#' @param peak_data The peak list returned by [peakList_to_dataframe]
#' @return a peakList
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @keywords internal
peak_data_to_peakList <- function(nmr_dataset, peak_data) {
nmr_exp_to_sample_idx <- purrr::set_names(
peak_data$sample_idx <- nmr_exp_to_sample_idx[peak_data$NMRExperiment]
peakList <- rep(list(numeric(0)), nmr_dataset$num_samples)
sample_idx_peaks <- peak_data %>%
dplyr::arrange(.data$sample_idx, .data$pos) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$sample_idx) %>%
dplyr::summarise(peak_pos = list(.data$pos)) %>%
peakList[sample_idx_peaks$sample_idx] <- sample_idx_peaks$peak_pos
#' Diagnose SNR threshold in peak detection
#' @param ds An [nmr_dataset_1D] dataset
#' @param NMRExperiment A string with the single NMRExperiment used explore the SNR thresholds. If not given, use the first one.
#' @param SNR_thresholds A numeric vector with the SNR thresholds to explore
#' @inheritDotParams nmr_detect_peaks
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#' - `peaks_detected`: A data frame with the columns from the [nmr_detect_peaks] output and an additional column
#' `SNR_threshold` with the threshold used on each row.
#' - `num_peaks_per_region`: A summary of the `peaks_detected` table, with the number of peaks detected on
#' each chemical shift region
#' - `plot_num_peaks_per_region`: A visual representation of `num_peaks_per_region`
#' - `plot_spectrum_and_detections`: A visual representation of the spectrum and the peaks detected with each
#' SNR threshold. Use [plotly::ggplotly] or [plot_interactive] on this to zoom and explore the results.
#' @family peak detection functions
#' @export
#' @seealso nmr_detect_peaks
nmr_detect_peaks_tune_snr <- function(ds,
NMRExperiment = NULL,
SNR_thresholds = seq(from = 2, to = 6, by = 0.1),
...) {
if (is.null(NMRExperiment)) {
NMRExperiment <- utils::head(names(ds), n = 1)
ds1 <- filter(ds, NMRExperiment == !!NMRExperiment)
names(SNR_thresholds) <- SNR_thresholds
peaks_detected_list <- lapply(
X = SNR_thresholds,
FUN = function(SNR.Th, nmr_dataset, ...) {
nmr_dataset = ds1,
SNR.Th = SNR.Th,
peaks_detected <- dplyr::bind_rows(peaks_detected_list, .id = "SNR_threshold")
peaks_detected$SNR_threshold <-
peaks_per_region <- peaks_detected %>%
dplyr::mutate(ppm_region = round(.data$ppm / 0.5) * 0.5) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$SNR_threshold, .data$ppm_region) %>%
dplyr::summarize(num_peaks = dplyr::n()) %>%
gplt <- ggplot2::ggplot(peaks_per_region) +
x = .data$ppm_region,
y = .data$SNR_threshold,
fill = .data$num_peaks
) +
ggplot2::scale_x_reverse(name = "ppm region", limits = rev(range(ds1$axis))) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = "Signal to Noise Ratio Threshold") +
ggplot2::scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "Number of peaks detected") +
"Number of peaks detected on each ppm region for several SNR thresholds",
"Too low SNR thresholds may have false peaks, too high may miss actual peaks"
df1 <- data.frame(
ppm = ds1$axis,
intensity = as.numeric(ds1$data_1r[1, ])
ord_thresh <- sort(unique(peaks_detected$SNR_threshold))
num_thresholds <- length(ord_thresh)
peak_tuning_plt <- peaks_detected %>%
dplyr::mutate(intensity_scaled = .data$intensity * (match(.data$SNR_threshold, ord_thresh) - 1) /
gplt2 <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
data = df1,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data$ppm, y = .data$intensity),
color = "red"
) +
data = peak_tuning_plt,
mapping = ggplot2::aes(
x = .data$ppm,
xend = .data$ppm,
y = .data$intensity_scaled,
yend = .data$intensity_scaled + .data$intensity / num_thresholds,
color = .data$SNR_threshold
) +
ggplot2::scale_x_reverse(name = "Chemical shift (ppm)") +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous("Intensity (a.u.)") +
ggplot2::scale_color_continuous(name = "SNR thresholds") +
"Peak detection for several SNR thresholds",
"Zoom onto a peak to see the SNR thresholds were it is detected"
peaks_detected = peaks_detected,
num_peaks_per_region = peaks_per_region,
plot_num_peaks_per_region = gplt,
plot_spectrum_and_detections = gplt2
#' Align NMR spectra
#' This function is based on [speaq::dohCluster].
#' @family alignment functions
#' @param nmr_dataset An [nmr_dataset_1D]
#' @param peak_data The detected peak data given by [nmr_detect_peaks].
#' @param maxShift_ppm The maximum shift allowed, in ppm
#' @param NMRExp_ref NMRExperiment of the reference to use for alignment
#' @inheritParams speaq::dohCluster
#' @return An [nmr_dataset_1D], with the spectra aligned
#' @export
#' @family peak alignment functions
nmr_align <- function(nmr_dataset,
NMRExp_ref = NULL,
maxShift_ppm = 0.0015,
acceptLostPeak = FALSE) {
nmr_dataset <- validate_nmr_dataset_1D(nmr_dataset)
# FIXME: set acceptLostPeak to TRUE in a future version?
maxShift_pts <- ceiling(maxShift_ppm / nmr_ppm_resolution(nmr_dataset))
if (is.null(NMRExp_ref)) {
NMRExp_ref <- nmr_align_find_ref(nmr_dataset, peak_data)
NMRExp <- names(nmr_dataset)
refInd <- which(NMRExp == NMRExp_ref)
if (length(refInd) != 1) {
stop("Wrong NMRExperiment as align_ref? Please check.")
peakList <- peak_data_to_peakList(nmr_dataset, peak_data)
nmr_dataset$data_1r <- speaq::dohCluster(
peakList = peakList,
refInd = refInd,
maxShift = maxShift_pts,
acceptLostPeak = acceptLostPeak,
verbose = FALSE
#' Find alignment reference
#' @inheritParams nmr_align
#' @family alignment functions
#' @return The NMRExperiment of the reference sample
#' @export
#' @family peak alignment functions
nmr_align_find_ref <- function(nmr_dataset, peak_data) {
peakList <- peak_data_to_peakList(nmr_dataset, peak_data)
resFindRef <- speaq::findRef(peakList)
NMRExperiment <- names(nmr_dataset)
c(NMRExperiment = NMRExperiment[resFindRef$refInd])
#' Build list of regions for peak integration
#' @param peak_pos_ppm The peak positions, in ppm
#' @param peak_width_ppm The peak widths (or a single peak width for all peaks)
#' @return A list of regions suitable for [nmr_integrate_regions]
#' @family peak detection functions
#' @noRd
regions_from_peak_table <- function(peak_pos_ppm, peak_width_ppm) {
if (length(peak_width_ppm) == 1) {
peak_width_ppm <- rep(peak_width_ppm, length(peak_pos_ppm))
peak_pos_ppm, peak_width_ppm,
function(ppm, peak_width) {
c(ppm - peak_width / 2, ppm + peak_width / 2)
#' PPM resolution of the spectra
#' The function gets the ppm resolution of the dataset using the median of the
#' difference of data points.
#' @param nmr_dataset An object containing NMR samples
#' @return Numeric (the ppm resolution, measured in ppms)
#' @examples
#' nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(system.file("extdata", "nmr_dataset.rds", package = "AlpsNMR"))
#' nmr_ppm_resolution(nmr_dataset)
#' message("the ppm resolution of this dataset is ", nmr_ppm_resolution(nmr_dataset), " ppm")
#' @export
nmr_ppm_resolution <- function(nmr_dataset) {
#' @rdname nmr_ppm_resolution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(system.file("extdata", "nmr_dataset.rds", package = "AlpsNMR"))
#' nmr_ppm_resolution(nmr_dataset)
#' message("the ppm resolution of this dataset is ", nmr_ppm_resolution(nmr_dataset), " ppm")
nmr_ppm_resolution.nmr_dataset <- function(nmr_dataset) {
# For each sample:
purrr::map(nmr_dataset$axis, function(axis_sample) {
# For each dimension of each sample:
purrr::map_dbl(axis_sample, function(axis_dimension) {
#' @rdname nmr_ppm_resolution
#' @family nmr_dataset_1D functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(system.file("extdata", "nmr_dataset.rds", package = "AlpsNMR"))
#' nmr_ppm_resolution(nmr_dataset)
#' message("the ppm resolution of this dataset is ", nmr_ppm_resolution(nmr_dataset), " ppm")
nmr_ppm_resolution.nmr_dataset_1D <- function(nmr_dataset) {
#' Unlisted PPM resolution
#' A wrapper to unlist the output from the function
#' `nmr_ppm_resolution(nmr_dataset)` when no interpolation has been applied.
#' @param nmr_dataset An object containing NMR samples
#' @return A number (the ppm resolution, measured in ppms)
#' @examples
#' nmr_dataset <- nmr_dataset_load(system.file("extdata", "nmr_dataset.rds", package = "AlpsNMR"))
#' nmr_ppm_resolution(nmr_dataset)
#' @return Numeric (the ppm resolution, measured in ppms)
#' @export
ppm_resolution <- function(nmr_dataset) {
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