### Code for computing Density Recovery Profile (DRP).
### Wed 13 Feb 2002.
autodrp <- function(xs, ys, nbins, r, a=NULL) {
## Compute the autoDRP. This is a simple wrapper around the cross DRP.
crossdrp(xs, ys, xs, ys, nbins, r, a, auto=TRUE)
crossdrp <- function(xs1, ys1, xs2, ys2, nbins, r, a=NULL, auto=FALSE) {
## Compute the crossDRP.
if (is.null(a)) {
## If a was not specified, we calculate bounds of dataset from the
## array.
lims <- range(c(xs1, xs2));
left <- lims[1]; right <-lims[2];
lims <- range(c(ys1, ys2));
bottom <- lims[1]; top <-lims[2];
##cat(paste(left, right, bottom, top, "\n"))
else {
if (is.numeric(a)) {
## From the a vector, extract bounds of the area to study.
left <- a[1]; right <- a[2]; bottom <- a[3]; top <- a[4];
else {
stop("a is invalid - should be a vector of 4 numbers\n")
l <- top-bottom; w <- right-left;
## now filter out points that are outside the bounding area A.
subset1.x <- ((xs1 >= left) & (xs1 <= right))
subset1.y <- ((ys1 >= bottom) & (ys1 <= top))
subset1 <- which( subset1.x & subset1.y)
xs1 <- xs1[subset1]; ys1 <- ys1[subset1]
subset2.x <- ((xs2 >= left) & (xs2 <= right))
subset2.y <- ((ys2 >= bottom) & (ys2 <= top))
subset2 <- which( subset2.x & subset2.y)
xs2 <- xs2[subset2]; ys2 <- ys2[subset2]
if (auto) {
## For an autodrp, check subset1 and 2 are equal; this
## was not the case Mon 24 Feb 2003, see VC logs.
stopifnot(identical(all.equal(subset1, subset2), TRUE))
ns <- binit2(xs1, ys1, xs2, ys2, nbins, r, auto)
rs <- r * (0:(nbins-1)) #starting radius of each annulus.
area <- l * w
npts1 <- length(xs1); npts2 <- length(xs2);
## For cross-correlation, need to use geometrical mean, rather than
## arithmetical mean.
npts <- sqrt(npts1 * npts2)
fs <- drpcorrections(r, nbins, l, w)
density <- npts / area
## After checking Rodieck code, I now apply the correction factors to
## ns, immediately after counting, rather than applying them to areas.
## this seems to be the clinch!
ns <- ns/ fs;
areas <- pi * r^2 * ( (2*(1:nbins))-1);# Areas of each annulus (eq 1).
lambdas <- npts * density * areas # Expected random count (eq 2).
ds <- (ns / areas) / npts # Density measures (eq 3)
res <- drpeffrad(lambdas, ns, npts, density)
effrad <- res$r
if (effrad < 0) {
## have a back-up in case we can't compute effective radius.
effrad <- 1; p <- 0; maxr <- 0; k <- 0; Dc <- 0;
} else {
res <- drppackingfactor(effrad, density);
p <- res$p; maxr <- res$maxr
res <- drpreliability(density, area, r);
k <- res$k; Dc <- res$Dc;
sd.poisson <- Dc / (sqrt( (2*(1:nbins)) - 1))
mid.bin <- seq(from=r/2, by=r, length=nbins)
res <- list(effrad = effrad, p = p, maxr = maxr, k = k, Dc = Dc,
ds =ds, density=density, n1=npts1, n2=npts2,
ns=ns, fs=fs,
class(res) <- "sjedrp"
plot.sjedrp <- function (x, scale=1, title=NULL, mirror=FALSE,
show.title=TRUE, ylab='density',
xlab='distance', ...) {
## Plot the results of the density recovery profile.
## The SCALE parameter allows us to change the scale of the y axis.
## e.g. when going from um^2 to mm^2 use a scale of 1e6.
## MIRROR allows the plot to be mirrored across the y-axis.
## SHOW.TITLE: If false, do not add any title.
hts <- (x$ds*scale)
last.bin <- x$nbins * x$r
plot.label <- paste(title,
"eff rad", signif(x$effrad,3),
"pack", signif(x$p,3),
"maxr", signif(x$maxr,3),
"rel", signif(x$k,3))
if (!show.title)
plot.label <- NULL
##names(hts) <- x$rs
if (mirror) {
## Make the symmetrical plot.
hts <- c(rev(hts), hts)
barplot(hts, col="gray",space=0, width=x$r, xlim=c(0,2*last.bin),
main=plot.label, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
## mean density line:
lines( c(0,2*last.bin), c(x$density, x$density)*scale)
## draw x-axis
axis(1, at=c(0, last.bin, 2*last.bin),
labels=c(-last.bin, 0, last.bin))
## Draw the effective radius.
lines( c(x$effrad, x$effrad) + last.bin, scale * c(0, x$density))
points( c(x$maxr + last.bin), c(0),pch='|') #maximum radius.
} else {
## standard, one-sided plot.
barplot(hts, col="gray",space=0, width=x$r, xlim=c(0,last.bin),
ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab,
lines( c(0,last.bin), c(x$density, x$density)*scale)
axis(1, at=c(0, last.bin))
lines( c(x$effrad, x$effrad), scale * c(0, x$density))
points( c(x$maxr), c(0),pch='|') #maximum radius
drppackingfactor <- function (effrad, d) {
## Return the packing factor P and the maximum radius MAX_R.
maxr <- sqrt(sqrt(4/3)/d) # (eq 19)
p <- (effrad/maxr) ^2 # (eq 21)
if ( (p<0.0) ||(p>1.0))
warning(paste("packing factor", p,"not in range [0,1]"))
list (p = p, maxr = maxr)
drpeffrad <- function (lambdas, ns, n, d) {
## Return the effective radius.
## If the effective radius cannot be computed, it returns a negative value.
diffs <- lambdas - ns;
fracs <- ns / lambdas;
##negs <- which(diffs < 0);
## Rather than finding first value when lambda - n < 0, we instead see
## when the value n/lambda > 1. This should be equivalent, but
## sometims rounding errors mean that it never finds such a point. In
## that case, we take the largest value of n/lambda and assume that
## bin is the one where the histogram first crosses the density line.
## In the 2001+ version of Rodieck's program, his PDF notes that
## this problem can occasionly occur in his program too.
negs <- which(fracs > 1.0);
if (length(negs) == 0) {
v <- max(fracs); firstnegative <- which(fracs == v)
warning(paste("no negative elements in drpeffrad. Closest"
,v, "at position", firstnegative))
volume <- sum( diffs[1:(firstnegative-1)])/n; # (eq 7)
r <- sqrt(volume/(pi*d)); # (eq 9)
else {
## We have negative values, so we can just sum the difference
## values until just before the first negative entry.
firstnegative <- negs[1];
if (firstnegative == 1) {
## If the firstnegative element is in bin 1, this means that bin1
## is above average -- this can happen (and perhaps is indicative of
## clustering), in which case I think volume, and hence effective radius
## should be zero.
##warning("firstnegative should be greater than 1")
volume <- 0
} else {
volume <- sum( diffs[1:(firstnegative-1)])/n; # (eq 7)
r <- sqrt(volume/(pi*d)); # (eq 9)
list( r=r, first = firstnegative)
drpreliability <- function (density, area, r) {
## Return reliability factor K and critical density Dc.
Dc <- 1.0 / (sqrt( area* pi) * r); # (eq 11)
k <- density/ Dc; # (eq 13)
list (k = k, Dc = Dc)
binit2 <- function (xs1, ys1, xs2, ys2, nbins, r, auto) {
## Bin the cross-correlation distances. This is a wrapper around
## a C routine that does all the hard work.
## The bins are made thus:
## [0, r), [r 2r), [2r 3r), ... [(n-1)r r)
## which matches Rodieck.
npts1 <- length(xs1)
npts2 <- length(xs2)
z <- .C(C_drp_bin_it_r,
as.double(xs1), as.double(ys1), as.integer(npts1),
as.double(xs2), as.double(ys2), as.integer(npts2),
as.integer(nbins), as.double(r), as.integer(auto),
## create memory to store return values.
ns = integer(nbins) )
binit2.check <- function() {
## Check whether binit2 is working by using outer-product to calculate
## all pairs of distances. This could be wasteful to use in general.
n <- 50
nbins <- 20
r <- 10
xs <- 500 * runif(n); ys <- 500 *runif(n)
b <- binit2(xs, ys, xs, ys, nbins, r, auto=1)
dist <- function(a, b) {
## compute distance between cells A and B.
dx <- xs[a] - xs[b];
dy <- ys[a] - ys[b];
dist <- sqrt((dx**2)+(dy**2))
dists2 <- outer(1:n, 1:n, dist)
## Only difference should be that first bin has n pts in it, since
## the outer product method includes self-counts.
h2 <- hist(dists2, breaks=seq(from=0, by=r, to=max(dists2)+r),right=F,plot=F)
h2$counts[1:nbins] - b
drpcorrections <- function(r, nbins, l, w) {
## Return the correction factors. Note correction factors are applied
## to middle of bin, for consistency with Rodieck. Rodieck had 1/pi=0.312
## whereas that should be 0.318, but don't think that was enough alone
## to make a difference.
## (eq 32)
rs <- ( (0:(nbins-1)) + 0.5)* r
fs <- 1 - (2*rs *(l+w)/( pi * l * w)) + ( (rs * rs)/ (pi * l * w))
drp.makestf <- function (x, y, file) {
## Make an STF file suitable for reading in with Bob Rodieck's program.
npts <- length(x)
stopifnot(npts == length(y))
type <- numeric(length=npts)+1
z <- numeric(length=npts)
d <- data.frame(type=type, x=x, y=y, z=z, tag=z, br=z)
write.table(d, file=file,
eol="\r", #\r for the macintosh...
sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
drp.makemac <- function(file, bogus=T) {
## Tue 25 Feb 2003
## Convert FILE into format suitable for reading into Mac.
## See ../data/safe for my output from mac.
## Assumes top line has x,y on it.
data <- read.table(file, header=T)
x <- data$x
y <- data$y
x.range <- range(x)
y.range <- range(y)
delta <- (x.range[2] - x.range[1])*0.1
## add two data points to extend the lower and upper range.
lo <- c(x.range[1], y.range[1]) - delta
hi <- c(x.range[2], y.range[2]) + delta
data2 <- rbind(lo, hi, cbind(x,y))
newfile <- gsub(".txt", ".macdrp.txt", file)
write.table(data2, newfile, quote=F,
eol="\r", #get MAC line endings.
row.names=F, col.names=F)
## myauto <- function(xs, ys, nbins=20, dr=10) {
## ## This was a simple implementation, following closely the
## ## Rodieck implemenation. Think I can comment this out for now.
## bins <- binit2(xs, ys, xs, ys, nbins, dr, TRUE)
## counts <- bins
## bw <- dr
## mPoints <- length(xs)
## scale <- 1.0 / (pi * mPoints * bw * bw)
## k <- scale / (2*(1:nbins) - 1)
## bins <- bins * k
## ## now correct for bounds.
## width <- 700; height <- 700
## c1 <- 2/pi * ((1/width) + (1/height))
## c2 <- 0.312 / (width*height) #should be 0.318
## corr <- real(nbins)
## for (i in 1:nbins) {
## r1 <- ( (i-0.5)*dr) #add correction to middle of bin width
## a <- 1 - (c1*r1) + (c2*r1*r1)
## corr[i] <- 1/a
## bins[i] <- (bins[i] * corr[i])
## }
## barplot(bins, col="gray")
## density <- mPoints/(width*height) ##/ (micromilli*micromilli)
## abline(h=density)
## ## try to get the effect radius.
## i <- 1
## deadVolume <- 0.0
## while( bins[i] < density) {
## deadVolume <- deadVolume + ( (density - bins[i])* ((2*i)-1))
## i <- 1 + i
## }
## effrad <- bw * sqrt( deadVolume/density)
## print(effrad)
## list( bins=bins, corr=corr, counts=counts)
## }
autocorr <- function(xs, ys, nbins, r, a=NULL) {
## Compute the autoDRP. This is a simple wrapper around the cross DRP.
crosscorr(xs, ys, xs, ys, nbins, r, a, auto=TRUE)
crosscorr <- function(xs1, ys1, xs2, ys2, nbins, r, a=NULL, auto=FALSE) {
## Compute the crossDRP.
if (is.null(a)) {
## If a was not specified, we calculate bounds of dataset from the
## array.
lims <- range(c(xs1, xs2));
left <- lims[1]; right <-lims[2];
lims <- range(c(ys1, ys2));
bottom <- lims[1]; top <-lims[2];
##cat(paste(left, right, bottom, top, "\n"))
else {
if (is.numeric(a)) {
## From the a vector, extract bounds of the area to study.
left <- a[1]; right <- a[2]; bottom <- a[3]; top <- a[4];
else {
stop("a is invalid - should be a vector of 4 numbers\n")
l <- top-bottom; w <- right-left;
## now filter out points that are outside the bounding area A.
subset1.x <- ((xs1 >= left) & (xs1 <= right))
subset1.y <- ((ys1 >= bottom) & (ys1 <= top))
subset1 <- which( subset1.x & subset1.y)
xs1 <- xs1[subset1]; ys1 <- ys1[subset1]
subset2.x <- ((xs2 >= left) & (xs2 <= right))
subset2.y <- ((ys2 >= bottom) & (ys2 <= top))
subset2 <- which( subset2.x & subset2.y)
xs2 <- xs2[subset2]; ys2 <- ys2[subset2]
if (auto) {
## For an autodrp, check subset1 and 2 are equal; this
## was not the case Mon 24 Feb 2003, see VC logs.
stopifnot(identical(all.equal(subset1, subset2), TRUE))
npts1 <- length(xs1)
npts2 <- length(xs2)
maxn <- npts1*npts2 #CONSERVATIVE OVERESTIMATE!!!
z <- .C(C_cross_corr_r,
as.double(xs1), as.double(ys1), as.integer(npts1),
as.double(xs2), as.double(ys2), as.integer(npts2),
as.integer(nbins), as.double(r), as.integer(auto),
## create memory to store return values.
dx = double(maxn), dy=double(maxn),k=integer(1)
dx <- z$dx[1:z$k]
dy <- z$dy[1:z$k]
res <- list(x = dx, y = dy, n1=npts1, n2=npts2,
class(res) <- "sjecorr"
plot.sjecorr <- function(x, pts.cex=0.5, ...) {
nbins <- x$nbins
r <- x$r
maxr <- nbins * r
plot(NA, xlim=c(-maxr, maxr), ylim=c(-maxr, maxr), yaxt='n',
xlab='', ylab='', asp=1, bty='n')
points(x$x, x$y, pch=19, cex=pts.cex)
symbols(x=rep(0,nbins), y=rep(0,nbins),
circles=(1:nbins)*r, inches=F, add=T)
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