# Try to reduce a tg game
# Moving backwards over levels
# Evaluate moves of nature
# Check for dominant actions
examples.reduce.tg = function() {
gameId = "BunchedUltimatum"
gameId = "Cournot"
gameId = "Centipede"
tg = get.tg(gameId = gameId)
rtg = reduce.tg(tg)
eq.li = gambit.solve.eq(tg, just.spe=TRUE)
eqo.df = eq.outcomes(eq.li, tg=tg)
oco.df = tg$oco.df
roco.df = rtg$oco.df
stage.df = rtg$stage.df
efg = tg.to.efg(rtg)
eq.li = gambit.solve.eq(rtg, just.spe=TRUE)
eqo.df = eq.outcomes(eq.li, tg=rtg)
efg = tg.to.efg(tg, path=getwd())
eq.li = gambit.solve.eq(tg, just.spe=TRUE)
eqo.df = eq.outcomes(eq.li, tg=tg)
reduce.tg = function(tg) {
# TO DO:
# Compute expected payoffs for
# each action profile (unique of paste.cols of et.mat)
# and use those for dominance.
# Allows better elimination even if there
# are random moves of nature
rtg = as.environment(as.list(tg))
iteration = 0
rtg$was.reduced = TRUE
rtg$variant = paste0(rtg$variant,"-reduced")
rtg$tg.id = get.tg.id(rtg)
# store original level rows
# to later adapt know.li
for (lev.num in seq_along(tg$lev.li)) {
rtg$lev.li[[lev.num]]$lev.df$.org.row = seq_len(NROW(rtg$lev.li[[lev.num]]$lev.df))
# iteratievly eliminate strictly
# dominated moves at action levels
# stops when no elimination took place
# in any action level
while(rtg$was.reduced & iteration <2000) {
iteration = iteration +1
rtg$was.reduced = FALSE
lev.num = length(tg$lev.li)+1
while (lev.num >1) {
lev.num = lev.num-1
if (lev.num==1 & !rtg$was.reduced & iteration>1) {
lev = rtg$lev.li[[lev.num]]
if (lev$type == "action") {
reduce.action.level(lev,rtg, tg, iteration=iteration)
# renumber .info.set.moves in all action lev.df
# and adapt know.li
info.set.offset = 0
move.offset = 0
for (lev.num in seq_along(rtg$lev.li)) {
lev = rtg$lev.li[[lev.num]]
lev.df = lev$lev.df
if (lev$type == "action") {
# adapt info sets and move indices for actions
lev.df$.info.set.move.ind = id.to.index(lev.df$.info.set.move.ind) + move.offset
lev.df$.info.set.ind = id.to.index(lev.df$.info.set.ind) + info.set.offset
move.offset = max(lev.df$.info.set.move.ind)
info.set.offset = max(lev.df$.info.set.ind)
lev.df = lev.df %>%
arrange(.info.set.move.ind) %>%
group_by(.info.set.ind) %>%
mutate(.move.ind = id.to.index(.info.set.move.ind)) %>%
} else if (lev$type == "nature") {
# remove rows from nature
join.cols = unique(sapply(tg$lev.li[1:lev$lev.num], function(ilev) ilev$var))
lev.df = semi_join(lev.df,rtg$oco.df, by=join.cols)
# adapt know.li
for (i in seq_along(lev$know.li)) {
lev$know.li[[i]] = lev$know.li[[i]][lev.df$.org.row,,drop=FALSE]
lev$lev.df = lev.df
rtg$lev.li[[lev.num]] = lev
# create reduced stage.df
stage.df = tg$stage.df
lev.num = 0
lev.num = lev.num+1
for (lev.num in seq_along(rtg$lev.li)) {
lev.df = rtg$lev.li[[lev.num]]$lev.df
key.col = paste0(".row.", lev.num)
mrows = match(stage.df[[key.col]],lev.df[[key.col]])
stage.rows = which(!is.na(mrows))
lev.rows = mrows[stage.rows]
if (length(stage.rows)>0) {
cols = intersect(colnames(stage.df), colnames(lev.df))
stage.df[stage.rows,cols] = lev.df[lev.rows,cols,drop=FALSE]
all.stage.rows = sort(unique(c(
stage.df = stage.df[all.stage.rows,,drop=FALSE]
rtg$stage.df = stage.df
#l1 = rtg$lev.li[[1]]$lev.df
#l2 = rtg$lev.li[[2]]$lev.df
#l3 = rtg$lev.li[[3]]$lev.df
# adapt .row.1 .row.2. etc in all lev.df
row.inds = lapply(seq_along(rtg$lev.li), function(lev.num) {
for (i in seq_along(rtg$lev.li)) {
lev.df = rtg$lev.li[[i]]$lev.df
for (j in 1:i) {
lev.df[[paste0(".row.",j)]] = match(lev.df[[paste0(".row.",j)]], row.inds[[j]])
rtg$lev.li[[i]]$lev.df = lev.df
# adapat stage.df .row.
for (j in seq_along(rtg$lev.li)) {
rtg$stage.df[[paste0(".row.",j)]] = match(rtg$stage.df[[paste0(".row.",j)]], row.inds[[j]])
# know.var groups help to compute iso.df
# later on
# set payoff utility as standard
set.tg.util(tg=rtg,util.funs = rtg$util.funs)
reduce.action.level = function(lev,rtg,tg, iteration=1) {
lev.df = remove.cols(lev$lev.df,".dominated")
if (NROW(lev.df)==1) return()
# 1. join with oco.df (or with last lev.df)
join.vars = unique(sapply(tg$lev.li[1:lev$lev.num], function(lev) lev$var))
# oco.df may have been reduced in other levels
# so we first reduce lev.df
if (iteration > 1) {
lev.df = semi_join(lev.df,rtg$oco.df, by=join.vars)
if (NROW(lev.df)==0) return()
cols = c(join.vars, ".info.set.ind", ".info.set.move.ind",".player")
oco.df = remove.cols(rtg$oco.df, c(".info.set.ind", ".info.set.move.ind",".player"))
# compute oco.df
odf = left_join(oco.df,lev.df[,cols,drop=FALSE], by=join.vars)
# compute utility of relevant player
player = odf$.player[[1]]
odf[[".util"]] = odf[[paste0("util_",player)]]
for (i in setdiff(na.omit(unique(odf$.player)),player)) {
rows = isTRUE(odf.$player == i)
odf[[".util"]][rows] = odf[[paste0("util_",odf$.player)]][rows]
# compute SOME dominated moves in odf
# TO DO: Find all dominated moves.
# Needs Rcpp implementation of pairwise comparison
odf = odf %>%
group_by(.info.set.move.ind) %>%
mutate(.move.u.max = max(.util),.move.u.min = min(.util)) %>%
group_by(.info.set.ind) %>%
mutate(.move.u.max.min = max(.move.u.min), .dominated = .move.u.max < .move.u.max.min)
# compute corresponding dominated moves in lev.df
ldf = odf %>% group_by(.info.set.move.ind) %>% summarize(.dominated = first(.dominated))
ldf = left_join(lev.df,ldf, by = ".info.set.move.ind" )
# flag if any reduction took place for outer while loop
if (!rtg$was.reduced) {
rtg$was.reduced = any(ldf$.dominated)
rtg$oco.df = filter(odf, !.dominated)
rtg$lev.li[[lev$lev.num]]$lev.df = filter(ldf, !.dominated)
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