
Defines functions ensures_that

Documented in ensures_that

#' Ensure certain conditions for a value at runtime.
#' Use \code{ensure_that} (imperitive form) to ensure conditions for
#' a value "on the fly". The present tense form, \code{ensures_that}
#' is used to make reusable "contracts" (functions) which can subsequently be
#' applied to values, see examples.
#' @details
#' It is possible to specify custom error message to specific conditions
#' to make them more readable and user-friendly. To do this use a formula
#' \code{condition ~ message}, where \code{message} is a single character value.
#' Existing contracts can be added as a condition argument, which
#' will add the conditions from the existing contract to the new contract
#' (along with any assigned values). To do this use (unary) \code{+} to indicate
#' that an argument is a contract. See example below.
#' It is important to note that a condition is only satisfied if it
#' evaluates to \code{TRUE} (tested with \code{isTRUE}), i.e. a
#' vector with several \code{TRUE}s will fail, so be sure to use
#' \code{all} or \code{any} in such a case.
#' The functions \code{ensure} and \code{ensures} are short-hand aliases for
#' their \code{*_that} counterparts.
#' @param value. The value which is to be ensured.
#' @param ... conditions which must pass for the ensuring contract to be
#'        fulfilled. Any named argument will treated as values available
#'        when evaluating the conditions. To reference the value itself
#'        use the dot-placeholder, \code{`.`}. See 'Details' for some special
#'        named arguments.
#' @param fail_with A unary function (accepting a \code{simpleError}) or a value.
#' @param err_desc A character string with an additional error description.
#' @return \code{ensures_that} returns an ensuring function; \code{ensure_that}
#' returns the value itself on success.
#' @rdname ensures_that
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(magrittr)
#' # Create a contract which can ensure that a matrix is square.
#' ensure_square <- ensures_that(NCOL(.) == NROW(.))
#' # apply it.
#' A <-
#'   diag(4) %>%
#'   ensure_square
#' # Without the pipe operator:
#' A <- ensure_square(diag(4))
#' # Ensure on the fly (this will pass the test)
#' A <-
#'   matrix(runif(16), 4, 4) %>%
#'   ensure_that(ncol(.) == nrow(.), all(. <= 1))
#' # This will raise an error
#' A <-
#'   matrix(NA, 4, 4) %>%
#'   ensure_that(. %>% anyNA %>% not)
#' # Tweak failure:
#' A <-
#'   1:10 %>%
#'   ensure_that(all(. < 5), err_desc = "Number tests!")
#' # A default value for failure situations:
#' A <-
#'   1:10 %>%
#'   ensure_that(all(. < 5), fail_with = NA)
#' # Suppose you had an email function:
#' email_err <- function(e) {email(e$message); stop(e)}
#' A <-
#'   1:10 %>%
#'   ensure_that(all(. < 5), fail_with = email_err)
#' # Two similar contracts, one extending the other.
#' # Note also that custom message is used for A
#' A <- ensures_that(all(. > 0) ~ "Not all values are positive")
#' B <- ensures_that(!any(is.na(.)) ~ "There are missing values", +A)
#' B(c(-5:5, NA))
#' }
#' @export
ensures_that <- function(..., fail_with = function(e) stop(e), err_desc = "")
  dots   <- eval(substitute(alist(...)))
  names  <- names(dots)
  named  <- if (is.null(names)) rep(FALSE, length(dots)) else names != ""

  if (sum(!named) == 0)
    stop("At least one condition is needed to ensure value.", call. = FALSE)

  has_custom_msg <-
                 function(cl) is.call(cl) && identical(cl[[1L]], quote(`~`)),

  env <- ensurer_env(parent = parent.frame(), fail_with, err_desc)

  dots[has_custom_msg] <-
           function(i) `attr<-`(dots[[i]][[2L]], "custom_msg",
                                eval(dots[[i]][[3L]], env, env)))

  contracts <-
           function(cl) is.call(cl) && identical(cl[[1L]], quote(`+`)),

  if (sum(contracts) > 0)
    dots[contracts] <- lapply(dots[contracts],
                              function(cl) eval(cl[[2L]], env, env))

  contracts_conditions <-
    unlist(lapply(dots[contracts], function(contract) {

  reserved <-
    c("__conditions", "__falsify", "__format_call", "__self",
      "__verify", "err_desc", "fail_with")

  for (contract in which(contracts)) {
    values <- ls(environment(dots[[contract]]))
    for (value in values[!values %in% c(reserved)])
      assign(value, environment(dots[[contract]])[[value]], env)

  env[["__conditions"]] <- c(dots[!named & !contracts], contracts_conditions)

  if (sum(named) > 0)
    for (i in which(named))
      assign(names[i], eval(dots[[i]], env, env), env)

  with(env, {

      function(.) {

        `__self`[["."]] <- .

        passed <- vapply(`__conditions`, `__verify`, logical(1))

        if (!all(passed)) {

          failed <- unlist(vapply(`__conditions`[which(!passed)],

          msg <- sprintf("conditions failed for call '%s':\n%s\n%s",
                         paste(paste("\t *", failed), collapse = "\n"),
                         if (is.character(err_desc) && err_desc[1L] != "")
                           paste(" Description:", err_desc[1L])
                         else "")

          . <-
            if (is.function(fail_with)) {
            } else {

      }, value = c("ensurer", "function")

#' @rdname ensures_that
#' @export
ensures <- ensures_that

#' Print method for ensurer contracts
#' @param x a function made with \code{ensures_that}
#' @param ... not used.
#' @return x
#' @export
print.ensurer <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Ensures that\n")
         function(e) cat("\t*", deparse(e, nlines = 1L), "\n"))
smbache/ensurer documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:01 a.m.