
Defines functions gather_plot_characterization_terradat

Documented in gather_plot_characterization_terradat

#' Convert plot data into a tall, tidy data frame
#' @description Given wide format plot data, create a tall format data frame
#' usable by other terradactyl functions.
#' @param dsn Character string. The full filepath and filename (including file
#' extension) of the geodatabase or text file containing the table of interest.
#' This field is unnecessary if you provide either tblPlots (AIM/DIMA/TerrADat)
#' or POINT (LMF/NRI).
#' @param source Character string. The data source format,
#' \code{"AIM", "TerrADat", "DIMA", "LMF", "NRI"} (case independent).
#' @param tblPlots Dataframe of the data structure tblPlots from the
#' DIMA database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields. Use when data
#' source is AIM, DIMA, or TerrADat; alternately provide dsn.
#' @param POINT Dataframe of the data structure PINTERCEPT from the LMF/NRI
#' database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields. Use when source
#' is LMF or NRI; alternately provide dsn.
#' @param POINTCOORDINATES Dataframe of the data structure POINTCOORDINATES from the LMF/NRI
#' database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields. Use when source
#' is LMF or NRI; alternately provide dsn.
#' @param GPS Dataframe of the data structure GPS from the LMF/NRI
#' database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields. Use when source
#' is LMF or NRI; alternately provide dsn.
#' #' @param file_type Character string that denotes the source file type of the
#' LMF/NRI data, \code{"gdb"} or \code{"txt"}. Not necessary for
#' AIM/DIMA/TerrADat, or if POINT, POINTCOORDINATES, and GPS are provided.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @name gather_plot_characterization
#' @family <gather>
#' @return A tall data frame containing plot characterization data
#' @examples
#' gather_plot_characterization(dsn = "Path/To/AIM_Geodatabase.gdb",
#'                              source = "AIM")
#' gather_plot_characterization(dsn = "Path/To/LMF_Geodatabase.gdb",
#'                              source = "LMF")
#' aim_plots <- read.csv("Path/To/tblPlots.csv")
#' gather_plot_characterization(source = "AIM",
#'                              tblPlots = aim_plots)
#' lmf_pintercept <- read.csv("Path/To/PINTERCEPT.csv")
#' lmf_pointcoords <- read.csv("Path/To/POINTCOORDINATES.csv")
#' lmf_gps <- read.csv("Path/To/GPS.csv")
#' gather_plot_characterization(source = "LMF",
#'                              PINTERCEPT = lmf_pintercept,
#'                              POINTCOORDINATES = lmf_pointcoords,
#'                              GPS = lmf_gps)

#' @export gather_plot_characterization_terradat
#' @rdname gather_plot_characterization
gather_plot_characterization_terradat <- function(dsn = NULL,
                                                  tblPlots = NULL){
    plot_raw <- tblPlots
  } else if(!is.null(dsn)){
    plot_raw <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_read(dsn = dsn, layer = "tblPlots", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T))
  } else {
    stop("Supply either tblPlots or the path to a GDB containing that table")
  plot_tall <- plot_raw %>%
    dplyr::select_if(names(.) %in% c(
      'PrimaryKey', 'DBKey', 'ProjectKey',
      'Latitude', 'Longitude',
      'State', 'County',
      'EcolSite', 'ParentMaterial', 'Slope', 'Elevation', 'Aspect', 'ESD_SlopeShape',
      'LandscapeType', 'LandscapeTypeSecondary', 'HillslopeType',
      # 'Observer', 'Recorder',
      # 'ESD_Investigators'
    )) %>%
      Latitude_NAD83 = Latitude,
      Longitude_NAD83 = Longitude,
      SlopeShape = ESD_SlopeShape,
      SoilSeries = ESD_Series,
    ) %>%
      SlopeShapeVertical = dplyr::case_when(
        SlopeShape %in% c("CC", "CV", "CL", "concave concave", "concave convex", "concave linear") ~ "concave",
        SlopeShape %in% c("LC", "LV", "LL", "linear concave", "linear convex", "linear linear") ~ "linear",
        SlopeShape %in% c("VC", "VV", "VL", "convex concave", "convex convex", "convex linear") ~ "convex"
      SlopeShapeHorizontal = dplyr::case_when(
        SlopeShape %in% c("CC", "LC", "VC", "concave concave", "linear concave", "convex concave") ~ "concave",
        SlopeShape %in% c("CL", "LL", "VL", "concave linear", "linear linear", "convex linear") ~ "linear",
        SlopeShape %in% c("CV", "LV", "VV", "concave convex", "linear convex", "convex convex") ~ "convex"
      Aspect = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(Aspect)),
      Slope = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(Slope)),
      Latitude_NAD83 = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(Latitude_NAD83)),
      Longitude_NAD83 = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(Longitude_NAD83)),
      PrimaryKey = as.character(PrimaryKey),
      MLRA = substr(EcolSite, 2, 5) %>% gsub("NKNO", NA, .)) %>%


#' @export gather_plot_characterization_lmf
#' @rdname gather_plot_characterization
gather_plot_characterization_lmf <-   function(dsn = NULL,
                                               POINT = NULL,
                                               POINTCOORDINATES = NULL,
                                               GPS = NULL,
                                               ESFSG = NULL,
                                               file_type = NULL
) {
  ### input ####
  if (!is.null(POINT) & !is.null(POINTCOORDINATES) & !is.null(GPS) & !is.null(ESFSG)){
    point_lmf_raw <- POINT
    coord_lmf_raw <- POINTCOORDINATES
    gps_lmf_raw   <- GPS
    esfsg_lmf_raw <- ESFSG
  } else if(!is.null(dsn)){
    point_lmf_raw <-
      sf::st_read(dsn = dsn, layer = "POINT", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T)

    coord_lmf_raw <-
      sf::st_read(dsn = dsn, layer = "POINTCOORDINATES", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T)

    gps_lmf_raw <-
      sf::st_read(dsn = dsn, layer = "GPS", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T)

    esfsg_lmf_raw <-
      sf::st_read(dsn = dsn, layer = "ESFSG", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T)

  } else{
    stop("Supply either POINT, POINTCOORDINATES, ESFSG, and GPS, or the path to a GDB containing those tables")

  # get slope shape from POINT
  point_lmf <- point_lmf_raw %>% dplyr::select(
    DBKey, PrimaryKey,
    SlopeShapeVertical = VERTICAL_SLOPE_SHAPE,
    SlopeShapeHorizontal = HORIZONTAL_SLOPE_SHAPE,
  ) %>% dplyr::mutate(
    # reclass aspect into degrees
    Aspect = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(dplyr::recode(Aspect,
                                                       "N" = "0",
                                                       "NE" = "45",
                                                       "E" = "90",
                                                       "SE" = "135",
                                                       "S" = "180",
                                                       "SW" = "225",
                                                       "W" = "270",
                                                       "NW" = "315")))
    # get MLRA from ecological site id

  # get gis data from POINTCOORDINATES
  coord_lmf <- coord_lmf_raw %>% dplyr::select(
    PrimaryKey, DBKey,
    Latitude_NAD83 = REPORT_LATITUDE,
    Longitude_NAD83 = REPORT_LONGITUDE,

  # get gis from GPS
  gps_lmf <- gps_lmf_raw %>% dplyr::select(
    PrimaryKey, DBKey,
    Elevation = ELEVATION

  # get ecological site and mlra from ESFSG
  esfsg_lmf <- esfsg_lmf_raw %>% dplyr::mutate(
    MLRA = ESFSG_MLRA %>% gsub("^$", NA, .)
  ) %>% dplyr::select(
    PrimaryKey, DBKey,
    EcolSite, MLRA

  # join GIS
  gis_lmf  <- dplyr::full_join(coord_lmf, gps_lmf, by = c("PrimaryKey", "DBKey"))

  # join gis and plot data
  plot_lmf <- dplyr::left_join(point_lmf, gis_lmf, by = c("PrimaryKey", "DBKey")) %>%
    # and ecolsite data
    dplyr::left_join(esfsg_lmf, by = c("PrimaryKey", "DBKey"))

  # last drop
  plot_lmf <- plot_lmf %>% dplyr::select_if(!names(.) %in% c(
    "Shape", "StateNo", "CountyNo")


#' export gather_plot_characterization_survey123
#' rdname gather_plot_characterization
# gather_plot_characterization_survey123 <- function(dsn = NULL,
#                                                    PlotChar_0 = NULL){
#   if(!is.null(PlotChar_0)){
#     plot_raw <- PlotChar_0
#   } else if(!is.null(dsn)){
#     plot_raw <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_read(dsn = dsn, layer = "tblPlots", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T))
#   } else {
#     stop("Supply either tblPlots or the path to a GDB containing that table")
#   }
#   # Rename plotkey to primarykey
#   plot_raw$PrimaryKey <- plot_raw$PlotKey
#   # Add null DBKey
#   plot_raw$DBKey <- NA
#   # Check for duplicate PrimaryKeys
#   dupkeys <- plot_raw$PrimaryKey[duplicated(plot_raw$PrimaryKey)]
#   if(length(dupkeys) > 0){
#     dupnames <- paste(unique(dupkeys), collapse = ", ")
#     warning(paste("Duplicate PrimaryKeys found. Change PlotKey in the original data:", dupnames))
#   }
#   plot_tall <- plot_raw %>%
#     dplyr::select(
#       PrimaryKey, DBKey, # ProjectKey,
#       # SpeciesState,
#       Latitude_NAD83 = y, Longitude_NAD83 = x,
#       # State, County,
#       EcolSite = Ecolsite, ParentMaterial, Slope, Elevation, Aspect, #ESD_SlopeShape,
#       SLopeShapeVertical = vertshape, SlopeShapeHorizontal = horizshape,
#       LandscapeType, LandscapeTypeSecondary, #HillslopeType,
#       SoilSeries = ESD_Series,
#       # Observer, Recorder,
#       EstablishDate = EstabDate
#       # ESD_Investigators
#     ) %>%
#     dplyr::mutate(
#       Aspect = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(Aspect)),
#       Slope = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(Slope)),
#       Latitude_NAD83 = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(Latitude_NAD83)),
#       Longitude_NAD83 = suppressWarnings(as.numeric(Longitude_NAD83)),
#       PrimaryKey = as.character(PrimaryKey),
#       MLRA = substr(EcolSite, 2, 5) %>% gsub("NKNO", NA, .))
#   return(plot_tall)
# }

#' @export gather_plot_characterization
#' @rdname gather_plot_characterization
gather_plot_characterization <- function(dsn = NULL,
                                         tblPlots = NULL,
                                         POINT = NULL,
                                         POINTCOORDINATES = NULL,
                                         GPS = NULL,
                                         ESFSG = NULL,
                                         # PlotChar_0 = NULL,
                                         file_type = "gdb"){

  if(toupper(source) %in% c("AIM", "TERRADAT", "DIMA")){
    plotchar <- gather_plot_characterization_terradat(dsn = dsn,
                                                      tblPlots = tblPlots)
  } else if(toupper(source) %in% c("LMF", "NRI")){
    plotchar <- gather_plot_characterization_lmf(dsn = dsn,
                                                 file_type = file_type,
                                                 POINT = POINT,
                                                 POINTCOORDINATES = POINTCOORDINATES,
                                                 GPS = GPS,
                                                 ESFSG = ESFSG)
  # } else if(toupper(source) == "SURVEY123"){
    # plotchar <- gather_plot_characterization_survey123(dsn = dsn,
                                                       # PlotChar_0 = PlotChar_0)
  } else {
    stop("source must be AIM, TerrADat, DIMA, LMF, or NRI (all case independent)")

  # plotchar$source <- toupper(source)
  plotchar$source <- source

  if("sf" %in% class(plotchar)) plotchar <- sf::st_drop_geometry(plotchar)

  if (any(class(plotchar) %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"))) {
    change_vars <- names(plotchar)[do.call(rbind, vapply(plotchar,
                                                         class))[, 1] %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")]
    plotchar <- dplyr::mutate_at(plotchar, dplyr::vars(change_vars),

  # reorder so that primary key is leftmost column
  plotchar <- plotchar %>%
    dplyr::select(PrimaryKey, DBKey, tidyselect::everything())

smccord/terradactyl documentation built on Dec. 1, 2023, 7:37 p.m.