
Defines functions gather_soil_stability_terradat

Documented in gather_soil_stability_terradat

#' Convert soil stability data into tall, tidy data frame
#' @description Given soil stability create a tall format data frame usable by
#' other terradactyl functions.
#' @param dsn Character string. The full filepath and filename (including file
#' extension) of the geodatabase containing the table of interest. This field
#' is unnecessary if you supply either both of tblSoilStabDetail and
#' tblSoilStabHeader (AIM/DIMA/TerrADat) or SOILHORIZON (LMF/NRI).
#' @param source Character string. The data source format, can be \code{"AIM"},
#' \code{"TerrADat"}, \code{"DIMA"}, \code{"LMF"}, or \code{"NRI"} (case independent).
#' @param tblSoilStabDetail Dataframe of the data structure tblSoilStabDetail
#' from the DIMA database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields.
#' Use when data source is AIM, DIMA, or TerrADat; alternately provide dsn.
#' @param tblSoilStabHeader Dataframe of the data structure tblSoilStabHeader
#' from the DIMA database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields.
#' Use when data source is AIM, DIMA, or TerrADat; alternately provide dsn.
#' @param SOILHORIZON Dataframe of the data structure SOILHORIZON from LMF/NRI
#' database with the addition of PrimaryKey and DBKey fields. Use when data
#' source is LMF or NRI; alternately provide dsn.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @name gather_soil_stability
#' @family <gather>
#' @return A tall data frame containing soil horizon data.
#' @examples
#' gather_soil_stability(dsn = "Path/To/AIM_Geodatabase.gdb",
#'                       source = "AIM")
#' gather_soil_stability(dsn = "Path/To/LMF_Geodatabase.gdb",
#'                       source = "LMF")
#' aim_soilstabdetail <- read.csv("Path/To/tblSoilStabDetail.csv")
#' aim_soilstabheader <- read.csv("Path/To/tblSoilStabHeader.csv")
#' gather_soil_stability(source = "AIM",
#'                       tblSoilStabDetail = aim_soilstabdetail,
#'                       tblSoilStabHeader = aim_soilstabheader)
#' lmf_horizons <- read.csv("Path/To/SOILHORIZON.csv")
#' gather_soil_stability(source = "LMF",
#'                       SOILHORIZON = lmf_horizons)

#' @export gather_soil_stability_terradat
#' @rdname gather_soil_stability
gather_soil_stability_terradat <- function(dsn = NULL,
                                           tblSoilStabDetail = NULL,
                                           tblSoilStabHeader = NULL) {

  if(!is.null(tblSoilStabDetail) & !is.null(tblSoilStabHeader)){
    soil_stability_detail <- tblSoilStabDetail
    soil_stability_header <- tblSoilStabHeader
  } else if (!is.null(dsn)){
    if (!file.exists(dsn)) {
      stop("dsn must be a valid filepath to a geodatabase containing tblSoilStabDetail and tblSoilStabHeader")
    soil_stability_detail <-
                                   layer = "tblSoilStabDetail",
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T

    soil_stability_header <-
                                   layer = "tblSoilStabHeader",
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T
  } else {
    stop("Supply either tblSoilStabDetail and tblSoilStabHeader, or a path to a GDB containing those tables")

  soil_stability_detail <- soil_stability_detail %>%
    dplyr::select_if(!names(.) %in% c(

  # In some cases (due to bad DIMA defaults) empty rows may exist in DIMA data. Remove them.
  soil_stability_detail <- soil_stability_detail %>%
      !(is.na(Rating1) & is.na(Rating2) & is.na(Rating3) & is.na(Rating4) & is.na(Rating5) &
          is.na(Rating6) & is.na(Rating7) & is.na(Rating8) & is.na(Rating9) & is.na(Rating10) &
          is.na(Rating11) & is.na(Rating12) & is.na(Rating13) & is.na(Rating14) & is.na(Rating15) &
          is.na(Rating16) & is.na(Rating17) & is.na(Rating18)))

  soil_stability_header <- soil_stability_header %>%
    dplyr::select_if(!names(.) %in% c(

  # remove orphaned records
  soil_stability_detail <-
    soil_stability_detail[!is.na(soil_stability_detail$PrimaryKey), ]

  # If DBKey Key exists, remove it
  if ("DBKey" %in% colnames(soil_stability_detail)) {
    soil_stability_detail <- dplyr::select(soil_stability_detail, -DBKey)

  gathered <- soil_stability_detail %>%
    # Remove standard columns (In and Dip Times and Date Downloaded in DB)
                  match = -dplyr::starts_with("In"),
    ) %>%

    # Convert to tall format
                  key = variable, value = value,
                  -PrimaryKey, -BoxNum, -RecKey, na.rm = TRUE

  # Remove blank values
  gathered <- subset(gathered, value != "")

  # Separate numerical suffixes from field type
  gathered$key <- stringr::str_extract(
    string = gathered$variable,
    pattern = "^[A-z]+"
  gathered$Position <- stringr::str_extract(
    string = gathered$variable,
    pattern = "[0-9]+"

  gathered <- subset(gathered, select = -c(variable, BoxNum))

  # Remove Hydro = 0
  gathered <- gathered %>% subset(!(key == "Hydro" & value != 0))

  # Spread the gathered data so that Line, Rating, Vegetation,
  # and Hydro are all different variables

  soil_stability_detail_list <- lapply(
    X = as.list(unique(gathered$key)),
    FUN = function(k = as.list(unique(gathered$key)), df = gathered) {
      test <- df[df$key == k, ] %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>%
        tidyr::spread(key = key, value = value) %>%
  # create a single tidy dataframe
  soil_stability_detail_tidy <- purrr::reduce(
    dplyr::full_join, by = c("RecKey", "PrimaryKey", "Position")
  ) %>% unique()

  soil_stability_detail_tidy$Rating <- soil_stability_detail_tidy$Rating %>%

  # Merge soil stability detail and header tables
  soil_stability_tall <- dplyr::left_join(
    soil_stability_detail_tidy, by = c("RecKey", "PrimaryKey")
  ) %>% dplyr::select_if(!names(.) %in% c(
    'PlotKey', 'DateModified', 'FormType', 'DataEntry', 'DataErrorChecking', 'DateLoadedInDb'

  # In some cases, the Hydro variable is lost. Add it back in
  if (!"Hydro" %in% colnames(soil_stability_tall)){
    soil_stability_tall$Hydro <- NA

  # Return final merged file

#' @export gather_soil_stability_lmf
#' @rdname gather_soil_stability
gather_soil_stability_lmf <- function(dsn = NULL,
                                      file_type = "gdb",
                                      SOILDISAG = NULL
) {

  if(!is.null(SOILDISAG)) {
    soildisag <- SOILDISAG
  } else if(!is.null(dsn)){
    if (!file.exists(dsn)) {
      stop("dsn must be a valid filepath to a geodatabase containing SOILDISAG")

    soildisag <- switch(file_type,
                        "gdb" = {
                            dsn = dsn, layer = "SOILDISAG",
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T
                        "txt" = {
                          read.table(paste(dsn, "soildisag.txt", sep = ""),
                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                     strip.white = TRUE, header = FALSE, sep = "|"
                        "csv" = {

    # Add column names
    if (file_type == "txt") {
      soildisag <- name_variables_nri(
        data = soildisag,
        table_name = "SOILDISAG"

  } else {
    stop("Supply either SOILDISAG or a path to a gdb containing that table")

  # Remove any database management fields
  soildisag <- soildisag[!names(soildisag) %in% c(

  # convert white space to NA
  soildisag[soildisag == ""] <- NA

  # Convert to tall format
  soil_tall <- dplyr::select(soildisag, VEG1:STABILITY18, PrimaryKey, DBKey) %>%
    tidyr::gather(., key = variable, value = value, -PrimaryKey, -DBKey)

  # Remove NAs
  gathered <- soil_tall[!is.na(soil_tall$value), ]

  gathered <- tidyr::separate(gathered,
                              col = variable,
                              into = c("type", "Position"),
                              sep = "[[:alpha:]]+",
                              remove = FALSE
  ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(variable = stringr::str_extract(
      string = gathered$variable,
      pattern = "^[A-z]+"
    )) %>%

  # Spread the gathered data so that Line, Rating, Vegetation,
  # and Hydro are all different variables
  soil_stability_tidy <- lapply(
    X = as.list(unique(gathered$variable)),
    FUN = function(k = as.list(unique(gathered$variable)), df = gathered) {
      df[df$variable == k, ] %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>%
        tidyr::spread(key = variable, value = value) %>%
    #) %>% Reduce(dplyr::left_join, ., by = c("RecKey", "PrimaryKey", "Position"))
  ) %>% purrr::reduce(dplyr::left_join, by = c("PrimaryKey", "DBKey", "Position")

  # Rename fields
  soil_stability_tidy <- dplyr::rename(soil_stability_tidy,
                                       Veg = VEG,
                                       Rating = STABILITY

  # Make sure the rating field is numeric
  soil_stability_tidy$Rating <- as.numeric(soil_stability_tidy$Rating)

  # Remove 0 values
  soil_stability_tidy <- soil_stability_tidy %>% subset(Rating > 0)

  # Return final merged file

#' export gather_soil_stability_survey123
#' rdname gather_soil_stability
# gather_soil_stability_survey123 <- function(dsn = NULL,
#                                             SoilStability_0 = NULL) {
#   if(!is.null(SoilStability_0)){
#     soil_stability_detail = SoilStability_0
#   } else if (!is.null(dsn)){
#     if (!file.exists(dsn)) {
#       stop("dsn must be a valid filepath to a geodatabase containing tblSoilStabDetail and tblSoilStabHeader")
#     }
#     soil_stability_detail <-
#       suppressWarnings(sf::st_read(dsn,
#                                    layer = "tblSoilStabDetail",
#                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T
#       ))
#     soil_stability_header <-
#       suppressWarnings(sf::st_read(dsn,
#                                    layer = "tblSoilStabHeader",
#                                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = T
#       ))
#   } else {
#     stop("Supply either tblSoilStabDetail and tblSoilStabHeader, or a path to a GDB containing those tables")
#   }
#   # Turn PlotKey into PrimaryKey
#   soil_stability_detail$PrimaryKey <- soil_stability_detail$PlotKey
#   # Pare down columns to only necessary ones
#   soil_stability_detail <- soil_stability_detail %>%
#     dplyr::select(
#       PrimaryKey, Veg1:Hydro6
#     )
#   # In some cases (due to bad DIMA defaults) empty rows may exist in DIMA data. Remove them.
#   soil_stability_detail <- soil_stability_detail %>%
#     dplyr::filter(
#       !(is.na(Rating1) & is.na(Rating2) & is.na(Rating3) & is.na(Rating4) & is.na(Rating5) & is.na(Rating6)))
#   # remove orphaned records
#   soil_stability_detail <-
#     soil_stability_detail[!is.na(soil_stability_detail$PrimaryKey), ]
#   # If DBKey Key exists, remove it
#   if ("DBKey" %in% colnames(soil_stability_detail)) {
#     soil_stability_detail <- dplyr::select(soil_stability_detail, -DBKey)
#   }
#   gathered <- soil_stability_detail %>%
#     # Remove standard columns (In and Dip Times and Date Downloaded in DB)
#     dplyr::select(.,
#                   match = -dplyr::starts_with("In"),
#                   -dplyr::starts_with("Dip"),
#                   -dplyr::starts_with("DateLoaded")
#     ) %>%
#     # Convert to tall format
#     tidyr::gather(.,
#                   key = variable, value = value,
#                   -PrimaryKey, na.rm = TRUE
#     )
#   # Remove blank values
#   gathered <- subset(gathered, value != "")
#   # Separate numerical suffixes from field type
#   gathered$key <- stringr::str_extract(
#     string = gathered$variable,
#     pattern = "^[A-z]+"
#   )
#   gathered$Position <- stringr::str_extract(
#     string = gathered$variable,
#     pattern = "[0-9]+"
#   )
#   gathered <- subset(gathered, select = -c(variable, BoxNum))
#   # Remove Hydro = 0
#   gathered <- gathered %>% subset(!(key == "Hydro" & value != 0))
#   # Spread the gathered data so that Line, Rating, Vegetation,
#   # and Hydro are all different variables
#   soil_stability_detail_list <- lapply(
#     X = as.list(unique(gathered$key)),
#     FUN = function(k = as.list(unique(gathered$key)), df = gathered) {
#       test <- df[df$key == k, ] %>%
#         dplyr::mutate(id = 1:dplyr::n()) %>%
#         tidyr::spread(key = key, value = value) %>%
#         dplyr::select(-id)
#     }
#   )
#   # create a single tidy dataframe
#   soil_stability_detail_tidy <- purrr::reduce(
#     soil_stability_detail_list,
#     dplyr::full_join, by = c("RecKey", "PrimaryKey", "Position")
#   ) %>% unique()
#   soil_stability_detail_tidy$Rating <- soil_stability_detail_tidy$Rating %>%
#     as.numeric()
#   # Merge soil stability detail and header tables
#   soil_stability_tall <- dplyr::left_join(
#     soil_stability_header,
#     soil_stability_detail_tidy, by = c("RecKey", "PrimaryKey")
#   ) %>% dplyr::select_if(!names(.) %in% c(
#     'PlotKey', 'DateModified', 'FormType', 'DataEntry', 'DataErrorChecking', 'DateLoadedInDb'
#   )
#   )
#   # In some cases, the Hydro variable is lost. Add it back in
#   if (!"Hydro" %in% colnames(soil_stability_tall)){
#     soil_stability_tall$Hydro <- NA
#   }
#   # Return final merged file
#   return(soil_stability_tall)
# }

# Wrapper function for all soil stability gather functions
#' @export gather_soil_stability
#' @rdname gather_soil_stability
gather_soil_stability <- function(dsn = NULL,
                                  file_type = "gdb",
                                  tblSoilStabDetail = NULL,
                                  tblSoilStabHeader = NULL,
                                  SOILDISAG = NULL
) {

  if(toupper(source) %in% c("AIM", "TERRADAT", "DIMA")){
    soil_stability <- gather_soil_stability_terradat(
      dsn = dsn,
      tblSoilStabDetail = tblSoilStabDetail,
      tblSoilStabHeader = tblSoilStabHeader)
  } else if(toupper(source) %in% c("LMF", "NRI")){
    soil_stability <- gather_soil_stability_lmf(
      dsn = dsn,
      file_type = file_type,

  } else {
    stop("source must be AIM, TerrADat, DIMA, LMF, or NRI (all case independent)")

  soil_stability$source <- source

  if("sf" %in% class(soil_stability)) soil_stability <- sf::st_drop_geometry(soil_stability)

  if (any(class(soil_stability) %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"))) {
    change_vars <- names(soil_stability)[do.call(rbind, vapply(soil_stability,
                                                    class))[, 1] %in% c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")]
    soil_stability <- dplyr::mutate_at(soil_stability, dplyr::vars(change_vars),

  # reorder so that primary key is leftmost column
  soil_stability <- soil_stability %>%
    dplyr::select(PrimaryKey, DBKey, tidyselect::everything())

smccord/terradactyl documentation built on Dec. 1, 2023, 7:37 p.m.